   1/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
   3 * Mini mv implementation for busybox
   4 *
   5 * Copyright (C) 2000 by Matt Kraai <kraai@alumni.carnegiemellon.edu>
   6 * SELinux support by Yuichi Nakamura <ynakam@hitachisoft.jp>
   7 *
   8 * Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this source tree.
   9 */
  10/* Mar 16, 2003      Manuel Novoa III   (mjn3@codepoet.org)
  11 *
  12 * Size reduction and improved error checking.
  13 */
  14//config:config MV
  15//config:       bool "mv (10 kb)"
  16//config:       default y
  17//config:       help
  18//config:       mv is used to move or rename files or directories.
  20//applet:IF_MV(APPLET_NOEXEC(mv, mv, BB_DIR_BIN, BB_SUID_DROP, mv))
  21/* NOEXEC despite cases when it can be a "runner" (mv LARGE_DIR OTHER_FS) */
  23//kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_MV) += mv.o
  25//usage:#define mv_trivial_usage
  26//usage:       "[-fin] SOURCE DEST\n"
  27//usage:       "or: mv [-fin] SOURCE... DIRECTORY"
  28//usage:#define mv_full_usage "\n\n"
  29//usage:       "Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY\n"
  30//usage:     "\n        -f      Don't prompt before overwriting"
  31//usage:     "\n        -i      Interactive, prompt before overwrite"
  32//usage:     "\n        -n      Don't overwrite an existing file"
  34//usage:#define mv_example_usage
  35//usage:       "$ mv /tmp/foo /bin/bar\n"
  37#include "libbb.h"
  38#include "libcoreutils/coreutils.h"
  40int mv_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE;
  41int mv_main(int argc, char **argv)
  43        struct stat dest_stat;
  44        const char *last;
  45        const char *dest;
  46        unsigned flags;
  47        int dest_exists;
  48        int status = 0;
  49        int copy_flag = 0;
  51#define OPT_FORCE       (1 << 0)
  52#define OPT_INTERACTIVE (1 << 1)
  53#define OPT_NOCLOBBER   (1 << 2)
  54#define OPT_VERBOSE     ((1 << 3) * ENABLE_FEATURE_VERBOSE)
  55        /* Need at least two arguments.
  56         * If more than one of -f, -i, -n is specified , only the final one
  57         * takes effect (it unsets previous options).
  58         */
  59        flags = getopt32long(argv, "^"
  60                        "finv"
  61                        "\0"
  62                        "-2:f-in:i-fn:n-fi",
  63                        "interactive\0" No_argument "i"
  64                        "force\0"       No_argument "f"
  65                        "no-clobber\0"  No_argument "n"
  66                        IF_FEATURE_VERBOSE(
  67                        "verbose\0"     No_argument "v"
  68                        )
  69        );
  70        argc -= optind;
  71        argv += optind;
  72        last = argv[argc - 1];
  74        if (argc == 2) {
  75                dest_exists = cp_mv_stat(last, &dest_stat);
  76                if (dest_exists < 0) {
  77                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
  78                }
  80                if (!(dest_exists & 2)) { /* last is not a directory */
  81                        dest = last;
  82                        goto DO_MOVE;
  83                }
  84        }
  86        do {
  87                dest = concat_path_file(last, bb_get_last_path_component_strip(*argv));
  88                dest_exists = cp_mv_stat(dest, &dest_stat);
  89                if (dest_exists < 0) {
  90                        goto RET_1;
  91                }
  93 DO_MOVE:
  94                if (dest_exists) {
  95                        if (flags & OPT_NOCLOBBER)
  96                                goto RET_0;
  97                        if (!(flags & OPT_FORCE)
  98                         && ((access(dest, W_OK) < 0 && isatty(0))
  99                            || (flags & OPT_INTERACTIVE))
 100                        ) {
 101                                if (fprintf(stderr, "mv: overwrite '%s'? ", dest) < 0) {
 102                                        goto RET_1;  /* Ouch! fprintf failed! */
 103                                }
 104                                if (!bb_ask_y_confirmation()) {
 105                                        goto RET_0;
 106                                }
 107                        }
 108                }
 110                if (rename(*argv, dest) < 0) {
 111                        struct stat source_stat;
 112                        int source_exists;
 114                        if (errno != EXDEV
 115                         || (source_exists = cp_mv_stat2(*argv, &source_stat, lstat)) < 1
 116                        ) {
 117                                bb_perror_msg("can't rename '%s'", *argv);
 118                        } else {
 119                                static const char fmt[] ALIGN1 =
 120                                        "can't overwrite %sdirectory with %sdirectory";
 122                                if (dest_exists) {
 123                                        if (dest_exists == 3) {
 124                                                if (source_exists != 3) {
 125                                                        bb_error_msg(fmt, "", "non-");
 126                                                        goto RET_1;
 127                                                }
 128                                        } else {
 129                                                if (source_exists == 3) {
 130                                                        bb_error_msg(fmt, "non-", "");
 131                                                        goto RET_1;
 132                                                }
 133                                        }
 134                                        if (unlink(dest) < 0) {
 135                                                bb_perror_msg("can't remove '%s'", dest);
 136                                                goto RET_1;
 137                                        }
 138                                }
 139                                /* FILEUTILS_RECUR also prevents nasties like
 140                                 * "read from device and write contents to dst"
 141                                 * instead of "create same device node" */
 142                                copy_flag = FILEUTILS_RECUR | FILEUTILS_PRESERVE_STATUS;
 144                                copy_flag |= FILEUTILS_PRESERVE_SECURITY_CONTEXT;
 146                                if ((copy_file(*argv, dest, copy_flag) >= 0)
 147                                 && (remove_file(*argv, FILEUTILS_RECUR | FILEUTILS_FORCE) >= 0)
 148                                ) {
 149                                        goto RET_0;
 150                                }
 151                        }
 152 RET_1:
 153                        status = 1;
 154                }
 155 RET_0:
 156                if (flags & OPT_VERBOSE) {
 157                        printf("'%s' -> '%s'\n", *argv, dest);
 158                }
 159                if (dest != last) {
 160                        free((void *) dest);
 161                }
 162        } while (*++argv != last);
 164        return status;