   1/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
   3 * Mini kbd_mode implementation for busybox
   4 *
   5 * Copyright (C) 2007 Loic Grenie <loic.grenie@gmail.com>
   6 *   written using Andries Brouwer <aeb@cwi.nl>'s kbd_mode from
   7 *   console-utils v0.2.3, licensed under GNU GPLv2
   8 *
   9 * Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this source tree.
  10 */
  11//config:config KBD_MODE
  12//config:       bool "kbd_mode (4.1 kb)"
  13//config:       default y
  14//config:       help
  15//config:       This program reports and sets keyboard mode.
  17//applet:IF_KBD_MODE(APPLET_NOEXEC(kbd_mode, kbd_mode, BB_DIR_BIN, BB_SUID_DROP, kbd_mode))
  19//kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_KBD_MODE) += kbd_mode.o
  21//usage:#define kbd_mode_trivial_usage
  22//usage:       "[-a|k|s|u] [-C TTY]"
  23//usage:#define kbd_mode_full_usage "\n\n"
  24//usage:       "Report or set VT console keyboard mode\n"
  25//usage:     "\n        -a      Default (ASCII)"
  26//usage:     "\n        -k      Medium-raw (keycode)"
  27//usage:     "\n        -s      Raw (scancode)"
  28//usage:     "\n        -u      Unicode (utf-8)"
  29//usage:     "\n        -C TTY  Affect TTY"
  31#include "libbb.h"
  32#include <linux/kd.h>
  34int kbd_mode_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE;
  35int kbd_mode_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
  37        enum {
  38                SCANCODE  = (1 << 0),
  39                ASCII     = (1 << 1),
  40                MEDIUMRAW = (1 << 2),
  41                UNICODE   = (1 << 3),
  42        };
  43        int fd;
  44        unsigned opt;
  45        const char *tty_name;
  47        opt = getopt32(argv, "sakuC:", &tty_name);
  48        if (opt & 0x10) {
  49                opt &= 0xf; /* clear -C bit, see (*) */
  50                fd = xopen_nonblocking(tty_name);
  51        } else {
  52                /* kbd-2.0.3 tries in sequence:
  53                 * fd#0, /dev/tty, /dev/tty0.
  54                 * get_console_fd_or_die: /dev/console, /dev/tty0, /dev/tty.
  55                 * kbd-2.0.3 checks KDGKBTYPE, get_console_fd_or_die checks too.
  56                 */
  57                fd = get_console_fd_or_die();
  58        }
  60        if (!opt) { /* print current setting */
  61                const char *mode = "unknown";
  62                int m;
  64                xioctl(fd, KDGKBMODE, &m);
  65                if (m == K_RAW)
  66                        mode = "raw (scancode)";
  67                else if (m == K_XLATE)
  68                        mode = "default (ASCII)";
  69                else if (m == K_MEDIUMRAW)
  70                        mode = "mediumraw (keycode)";
  71                else if (m == K_UNICODE)
  72                        mode = "Unicode (UTF-8)";
  73                else if (m == 4 /*K_OFF*/) /* kbd-2.0.3 does not show this mode, says "unknown" */
  74                        mode = "off";
  75                printf("The keyboard is in %s mode\n", mode);
  76        } else {
  77                /* here we depend on specific bits assigned to options (*)
  78                 * KDSKBMODE constants have these values:
  79                 * #define K_RAW           0x00
  80                 * #define K_XLATE         0x01
  81                 * #define K_MEDIUMRAW     0x02
  82                 * #define K_UNICODE       0x03
  83                 * #define K_OFF           0x04
  84                 * (looks like "-ak" together would cause the same effect as -u)
  85                 */
  86                opt = opt & UNICODE ? 3 : opt >> 1;
  87                /* double cast prevents warnings about widening conversion */
  88                xioctl(fd, KDSKBMODE, (void*)(ptrdiff_t)opt);
  89        }
  91        if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP)
  92                close(fd);
  93        return EXIT_SUCCESS;