   1/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
   3 * mkfs_ext2: utility to create EXT2 filesystem
   4 * inspired by genext2fs
   5 *
   6 * Busybox'ed (2009) by Vladimir Dronnikov <dronnikov@gmail.com>
   7 *
   8 * Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree.
   9 */
  10//config:config MKE2FS
  11//config:       bool "mke2fs (10 kb)"
  12//config:       default y
  13//config:       help
  14//config:       Utility to create EXT2 filesystems.
  16//config:config MKFS_EXT2
  17//config:       bool "mkfs.ext2 (10 kb)"
  18//config:       default y
  19//config:       help
  20//config:       Alias to "mke2fs".
  22//                    APPLET_ODDNAME:name       main       location     suid_type     help
  23//applet:IF_MKE2FS(   APPLET_ODDNAME(mke2fs,    mkfs_ext2, BB_DIR_SBIN, BB_SUID_DROP, mkfs_ext2))
  24//applet:IF_MKFS_EXT2(APPLET_ODDNAME(mkfs.ext2, mkfs_ext2, BB_DIR_SBIN, BB_SUID_DROP, mkfs_ext2))
  25////////:IF_MKFS_EXT3(APPLET_ODDNAME(mkfs.ext3, mkfs_ext2, BB_DIR_SBIN, BB_SUID_DROP, mkfs_ext2))
  27//kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_MKE2FS) += mkfs_ext2.o
  28//kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_MKFS_EXT2) += mkfs_ext2.o
  30//usage:#define mkfs_ext2_trivial_usage
  31//usage:       "[-Fn] "
  32/* //usage:    "[-c|-l filename] " */
  33//usage:       "[-b BLK_SIZE] "
  34/* //usage:    "[-f fragment-size] [-g blocks-per-group] " */
  35//usage:       "[-i INODE_RATIO] [-I INODE_SIZE] "
  36/* //usage:    "[-j] [-J journal-options] [-N number-of-inodes] " */
  37//usage:       "[-m RESERVED_PERCENT] "
  38/* //usage:    "[-o creator-os] [-O feature[,...]] [-q] " */
  39/* //usage:    "[r fs-revision-level] [-E extended-options] [-v] [-F] " */
  40//usage:       "[-L LABEL] "
  41/* //usage:    "[-M last-mounted-directory] [-S] [-T filesystem-type] " */
  42//usage:       "BLOCKDEV [KBYTES]"
  43//usage:#define mkfs_ext2_full_usage "\n\n"
  44//usage:       "        -b BLK_SIZE     Block size, bytes"
  45/* //usage:  "\n        -c              Check device for bad blocks" */
  46/* //usage:  "\n        -E opts         Set extended options" */
  47/* //usage:  "\n        -f size         Fragment size in bytes" */
  48//usage:     "\n        -F              Force"
  49/* //usage:  "\n        -g N            Number of blocks in a block group" */
  50//usage:     "\n        -i RATIO        Max number of files is filesystem_size / RATIO"
  51//usage:     "\n        -I BYTES        Inode size (min 128)"
  52/* //usage:  "\n        -j              Create a journal (ext3)" */
  53/* //usage:  "\n        -J opts         Set journal options (size/device)" */
  54/* //usage:  "\n        -l file         Read bad blocks list from file" */
  55//usage:     "\n        -L LBL          Volume label"
  56//usage:     "\n        -m PERCENT      Percent of blocks to reserve for admin"
  57/* //usage:  "\n        -M dir          Set last mounted directory" */
  58//usage:     "\n        -n              Dry run"
  59/* //usage:  "\n        -N N            Number of inodes to create" */
  60/* //usage:  "\n        -o os           Set the 'creator os' field" */
  61/* //usage:  "\n        -O features     Dir_index/filetype/has_journal/journal_dev/sparse_super" */
  62/* //usage:  "\n        -q              Quiet" */
  63/* //usage:  "\n        -r rev          Set filesystem revision" */
  64/* //usage:  "\n        -S              Write superblock and group descriptors only" */
  65/* //usage:  "\n        -T fs-type      Set usage type (news/largefile/largefile4)" */
  66/* //usage:  "\n        -v              Verbose" */
  68#include "libbb.h"
  69#include <linux/fs.h>
  70#include "bb_e2fs_defs.h"
  75#define EXT2_HASH_HALF_MD4       1
  76#define EXT2_FLAGS_SIGNED_HASH   0x0001
  77#define EXT2_FLAGS_UNSIGNED_HASH 0x0002
  79// All fields are little-endian
  80struct ext2_dir {
  81        uint32_t inode1;
  82        uint16_t rec_len1;
  83        uint8_t  name_len1;
  84        uint8_t  file_type1;
  85        char     name1[4];
  86        uint32_t inode2;
  87        uint16_t rec_len2;
  88        uint8_t  name_len2;
  89        uint8_t  file_type2;
  90        char     name2[4];
  91        uint32_t inode3;
  92        uint16_t rec_len3;
  93        uint8_t  name_len3;
  94        uint8_t  file_type3;
  95        char     name3[12];
  98static unsigned int_log2(unsigned arg)
 100        unsigned r = 0;
 101        while ((arg >>= 1) != 0)
 102                r++;
 103        return r;
 106// taken from mkfs_minix.c. libbb candidate?
 107// "uint32_t size", since we never use it for anything >32 bits
 108static uint32_t div_roundup(uint32_t size, uint32_t n)
 110        // Overflow-resistant
 111        uint32_t res = size / n;
 112        if (res * n != size)
 113                res++;
 114        return res;
 117static void allocate(uint8_t *bitmap, uint32_t blocksize, uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
 119        uint32_t i;
 121//bb_error_msg("ALLOC: [%u][%u][%u]: [%u-%u]:=[%x],[%x]", blocksize, start, end, start/8, blocksize - end/8 - 1, (1 << (start & 7)) - 1, (uint8_t)(0xFF00 >> (end & 7)));
 122        memset(bitmap, 0, blocksize);
 123        i = start / 8;
 124        memset(bitmap, 0xFF, i);
 125        bitmap[i] = (1 << (start & 7)) - 1; //0..7 => 00000000..01111111
 126        i = end / 8;
 127        bitmap[blocksize - i - 1] |= 0x7F00 >> (end & 7); //0..7 => 00000000..11111110
 128        memset(bitmap + blocksize - i, 0xFF, i); // N.B. no overflow here!
 131static uint32_t has_super(uint32_t x)
 133        // 0, 1 and powers of 3, 5, 7 up to 2^32 limit
 134        static const uint32_t supers[] ALIGN4 = {
 135                0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 25, 27, 49, 81, 125, 243, 343, 625, 729,
 136                2187, 2401, 3125, 6561, 15625, 16807, 19683, 59049, 78125,
 137                117649, 177147, 390625, 531441, 823543, 1594323, 1953125,
 138                4782969, 5764801, 9765625, 14348907, 40353607, 43046721,
 139                48828125, 129140163, 244140625, 282475249, 387420489,
 140                1162261467, 1220703125, 1977326743, 3486784401/* >2^31 */,
 141        };
 142        const uint32_t *sp = supers + ARRAY_SIZE(supers);
 143        while (1) {
 144                sp--;
 145                if (x == *sp)
 146                        return 1;
 147                if (x > *sp)
 148                        return 0;
 149        }
 152#define fd 3    /* predefined output descriptor */
 154static void PUT(uint64_t off, void *buf, uint32_t size)
 156        //bb_error_msg("PUT[%llu]:[%u]", off, size);
 157        xlseek(fd, off, SEEK_SET);
 158        xwrite(fd, buf, size);
 161// 128 and 256-byte inodes:
 162// 128-byte inode is described by struct ext2_inode.
 163// 256-byte one just has these fields appended:
 164//      __u16   i_extra_isize;
 165//      __u16   i_pad1;
 166//      __u32   i_ctime_extra;  /* extra Change time (nsec << 2 | epoch) */
 167//      __u32   i_mtime_extra;  /* extra Modification time (nsec << 2 | epoch) */
 168//      __u32   i_atime_extra;  /* extra Access time (nsec << 2 | epoch) */
 169//      __u32   i_crtime;       /* File creation time */
 170//      __u32   i_crtime_extra; /* extra File creation time (nsec << 2 | epoch)*/
 171//      __u32   i_version_hi;   /* high 32 bits for 64-bit version */
 172// the rest is padding.
 174// linux/ext2_fs.h has "#define i_size_high i_dir_acl" which suggests that even
 175// 128-byte inode is capable of describing large files (i_dir_acl is meaningful
 176// only for directories, which never need i_size_high).
 178// Standard mke2fs creates a filesystem with 256-byte inodes if it is
 179// bigger than 0.5GB.
 181// Standard mke2fs 1.41.9:
 182// Usage: mke2fs [-c|-l filename] [-b block-size] [-f fragment-size]
 183//      [-i bytes-per-inode] [-I inode-size] [-J journal-options]
 184//      [-G meta group size] [-N number-of-inodes]
 185//      [-m reserved-blocks-percentage] [-o creator-os]
 186//      [-g blocks-per-group] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-directory]
 187//      [-O feature[,...]] [-r fs-revision] [-E extended-option[,...]]
 188//      [-T fs-type] [-U UUID] [-jnqvFSV] device [blocks-count]
 190// Options not commented below are taken but silently ignored:
 191enum {
 192        OPT_c = 1 << 0,
 193        OPT_l = 1 << 1,
 194        OPT_b = 1 << 2,         // block size, in bytes
 195        OPT_f = 1 << 3,
 196        OPT_i = 1 << 4,         // bytes per inode
 197        OPT_I = 1 << 5,         // custom inode size, in bytes
 198        OPT_J = 1 << 6,
 199        OPT_G = 1 << 7,
 200        OPT_N = 1 << 8,
 201        OPT_m = 1 << 9,         // percentage of blocks reserved for superuser
 202        OPT_o = 1 << 10,
 203        OPT_g = 1 << 11,
 204        OPT_L = 1 << 12,        // label
 205        OPT_M = 1 << 13,
 206        OPT_O = 1 << 14,
 207        OPT_r = 1 << 15,
 208        OPT_E = 1 << 16,
 209        OPT_T = 1 << 17,
 210        OPT_U = 1 << 18,
 211        OPT_j = 1 << 19,
 212        OPT_n = 1 << 20,        // dry run: do not write anything
 213        OPT_q = 1 << 21,
 214        OPT_v = 1 << 22,
 215        OPT_F = 1 << 23,
 216        OPT_S = 1 << 24,
 217        //OPT_V = 1 << 25,      // -V version. bbox applets don't support that
 220int mkfs_ext2_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE;
 221int mkfs_ext2_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
 223        unsigned i, pos, n;
 224        unsigned bs, bpi;
 225        unsigned blocksize, blocksize_log2;
 226        unsigned inodesize, user_inodesize;
 227        unsigned reserved_percent = 5;
 228        unsigned long long kilobytes;
 229        uint32_t nblocks, nblocks_full;
 230        uint32_t nreserved;
 231        uint32_t ngroups;
 232        uint32_t bytes_per_inode;
 233        uint32_t first_block;
 234        uint32_t inodes_per_group;
 235        uint32_t group_desc_blocks;
 236        uint32_t inode_table_blocks;
 237        uint32_t lost_and_found_blocks;
 238        time_t timestamp;
 239        const char *label = "";
 240        struct stat st;
 241        struct ext2_super_block *sb; // superblock
 242        struct ext2_group_desc *gd; // group descriptors
 243        struct ext2_inode *inode;
 244        struct ext2_dir *dir;
 245        uint8_t *buf;
 247        // using global "option_mask32" instead of local "opts":
 248        // we are register starved here
 249        /*opts =*/ getopt32(argv, "cl:b:+f:i:+I:+J:G:N:m:+o:g:L:M:O:r:E:T:U:jnqvFS",
 250                /*lbfi:*/ NULL, &bs, NULL, &bpi,
 251                /*IJGN:*/ &user_inodesize, NULL, NULL, NULL,
 252                /*mogL:*/ &reserved_percent, NULL, NULL, &label,
 253                /*MOrE:*/ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
 254                /*TU:*/ NULL, NULL);
 255        argv += optind; // argv[0] -- device
 257        // open the device, check the device is a block device
 258        xmove_fd(xopen(argv[0], O_WRONLY), fd);
 259        xfstat(fd, &st, argv[0]);
 260        if (!S_ISBLK(st.st_mode) && !(option_mask32 & OPT_F))
 261                bb_error_msg_and_die("%s: not a block device", argv[0]);
 263        // check if it is mounted
 264        // N.B. what if we format a file? find_mount_point will return false negative since
 265        // it is loop block device which is mounted!
 266        if (find_mount_point(argv[0], 0))
 267                bb_simple_error_msg_and_die("can't format mounted filesystem");
 269        // get size in kbytes
 270        kilobytes = get_volume_size_in_bytes(fd, argv[1], 1024, /*extend:*/ !(option_mask32 & OPT_n)) / 1024;
 272        bytes_per_inode = 16384;
 273        if (kilobytes < 512*1024)
 274                bytes_per_inode = 4096;
 275        if (kilobytes < 3*1024)
 276                bytes_per_inode = 8192;
 277        if (option_mask32 & OPT_i)
 278                bytes_per_inode = bpi;
 280        // Determine block size and inode size
 281        // block size is a multiple of 1024
 282        // inode size is a multiple of 128
 283        blocksize = 1024;
 284        inodesize = sizeof(struct ext2_inode); // 128
 285        if (kilobytes >= 512*1024) { // mke2fs 1.41.9 compat
 286                blocksize = 4096;
 287                inodesize = 256;
 288        }
 289        if (EXT2_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE > 4096) {
 290                // kilobytes >> 22 == size in 4gigabyte chunks.
 291                // if size >= 16k gigs, blocksize must be increased.
 292                // Try "mke2fs -F image $((16 * 1024*1024*1024))"
 293                while ((kilobytes >> 22) >= blocksize)
 294                        blocksize *= 2;
 295        }
 296        if (option_mask32 & OPT_b)
 297                blocksize = bs;
 298        if (blocksize < EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE
 299         || blocksize > EXT2_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
 300         || (blocksize & (blocksize - 1)) // not power of 2
 301        ) {
 302                bb_error_msg_and_die("blocksize %u is bad", blocksize);
 303        }
 304        // Do we have custom inode size?
 305        if (option_mask32 & OPT_I) {
 306                if (user_inodesize < sizeof(*inode)
 307                 || user_inodesize > blocksize
 308                 || (user_inodesize & (user_inodesize - 1)) // not power of 2
 309                ) {
 310                        bb_error_msg("-%c is bad", 'I');
 311                } else {
 312                        inodesize = user_inodesize;
 313                }
 314        }
 316        if ((int32_t)bytes_per_inode < blocksize)
 317                bb_error_msg_and_die("-%c is bad", 'i');
 318        // number of bits in one block, i.e. 8*blocksize
 319#define blocks_per_group (8 * blocksize)
 320        first_block = (EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE == blocksize);
 321        blocksize_log2 = int_log2(blocksize);
 323        // Determine number of blocks
 324        kilobytes >>= (blocksize_log2 - EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE);
 325        nblocks = kilobytes;
 326        if (nblocks != kilobytes)
 327                bb_simple_error_msg_and_die("block count doesn't fit in 32 bits");
 328#define kilobytes kilobytes_unused_after_this
 329        // Experimentally, standard mke2fs won't work on images smaller than 60k
 330        if (nblocks < 60)
 331                bb_simple_error_msg_and_die("need >= 60 blocks");
 333        // How many reserved blocks?
 334        if (reserved_percent > 50)
 335                bb_error_msg_and_die("-%c is bad", 'm');
 336        nreserved = (uint64_t)nblocks * reserved_percent / 100;
 338        // N.B. killing e2fsprogs feature! Unused blocks don't account in calculations
 339        nblocks_full = nblocks;
 341        // If last block group is too small, nblocks may be decreased in order
 342        // to discard it, and control returns here to recalculate some
 343        // parameters.
 344        // Note: blocksize and bytes_per_inode are never recalculated.
 345 retry:
 346        // N.B. a block group can have no more than blocks_per_group blocks
 347        ngroups = div_roundup(nblocks - first_block, blocks_per_group);
 349        group_desc_blocks = div_roundup(ngroups, blocksize / sizeof(*gd));
 350        // TODO: reserved blocks must be marked as such in the bitmaps,
 351        // or resulting filesystem is corrupt
 353                /*
 354                 * From e2fsprogs: Calculate the number of GDT blocks to reserve for online
 355                 * filesystem growth.
 356                 * The absolute maximum number of GDT blocks we can reserve is determined by
 357                 * the number of block pointers that can fit into a single block.
 358                 * We set it at 1024x the current filesystem size, or
 359                 * the upper block count limit (2^32), whichever is lower.
 360                 */
 361                uint32_t reserved_group_desc_blocks = 0xFFFFFFFF; // maximum block number
 362                if (nblocks < reserved_group_desc_blocks / 1024)
 363                        reserved_group_desc_blocks = nblocks * 1024;
 364                reserved_group_desc_blocks = div_roundup(reserved_group_desc_blocks - first_block, blocks_per_group);
 365                reserved_group_desc_blocks = div_roundup(reserved_group_desc_blocks, blocksize / sizeof(*gd)) - group_desc_blocks;
 366                if (reserved_group_desc_blocks > blocksize / sizeof(uint32_t))
 367                        reserved_group_desc_blocks = blocksize / sizeof(uint32_t);
 368                //TODO: STORE_LE(sb->s_reserved_gdt_blocks, reserved_group_desc_blocks);
 369                group_desc_blocks += reserved_group_desc_blocks;
 370        }
 372        {
 373                // N.B. e2fsprogs does as follows!
 374                uint32_t overhead, remainder;
 375                // ninodes is the max number of inodes in this filesystem
 376                uint32_t ninodes = ((uint64_t) nblocks_full * blocksize) / bytes_per_inode;
 377                if (ninodes < EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO+1)
 378                        ninodes = EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO+1;
 379                inodes_per_group = div_roundup(ninodes, ngroups);
 380                // minimum number because the first EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO-1 are reserved
 381                if (inodes_per_group < 16)
 382                        inodes_per_group = 16;
 383                // a block group can't have more inodes than blocks
 384                if (inodes_per_group > blocks_per_group)
 385                        inodes_per_group = blocks_per_group;
 386                // adjust inodes per group so they completely fill the inode table blocks in the descriptor
 387                inodes_per_group = (div_roundup(inodes_per_group * inodesize, blocksize) * blocksize) / inodesize;
 388                // make sure the number of inodes per group is a multiple of 8
 389                inodes_per_group &= ~7;
 390                inode_table_blocks = div_roundup(inodes_per_group * inodesize, blocksize);
 392                // to be useful, lost+found should occupy at least 2 blocks (but not exceeding 16*1024 bytes),
 393                // and at most EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS. So reserve these blocks right now
 394                /* Or e2fsprogs comment verbatim (what does it mean?):
 395                 * Ensure that lost+found is at least 2 blocks, so we always
 396                 * test large empty blocks for big-block filesystems. */
 397                lost_and_found_blocks = MIN(EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS, 16 >> (blocksize_log2 - EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE));
 399                // the last group needs more attention: isn't it too small for possible overhead?
 400                overhead = (has_super(ngroups - 1) ? (1/*sb*/ + group_desc_blocks) : 0) + 1/*bbmp*/ + 1/*ibmp*/ + inode_table_blocks;
 401                remainder = (nblocks - first_block) % blocks_per_group;
 402                ////can't happen, nblocks >= 60 guarantees this
 403                ////if ((1 == ngroups)
 404                //// && remainder
 405                //// && (remainder < overhead + 1/* "/" */ + lost_and_found_blocks)
 406                ////) {
 407                ////    bb_error_msg_and_die("way small device");
 408                ////}
 410                // Standard mke2fs uses 50. Looks like a bug in our calculation
 411                // of "remainder" or "overhead" - we don't match standard mke2fs
 412                // when we transition from one group to two groups
 413                // (a bit after 8M image size), but it works for two->three groups
 414                // transition (at 16M).
 415                if (remainder && (remainder < overhead + 50)) {
 416//bb_error_msg("CHOP[%u]", remainder);
 417                        nblocks -= remainder;
 418                        goto retry;
 419                }
 420        }
 422        if (nblocks_full - nblocks)
 423                printf("warning: %u blocks unused\n\n", nblocks_full - nblocks);
 424        printf(
 425                "Filesystem label=%s\n"
 426                "OS type: Linux\n"
 427                "Block size=%u (log=%u)\n"
 428                "Fragment size=%u (log=%u)\n"
 429                "%u inodes, %u blocks\n"
 430                "%u blocks (%u%%) reserved for the super user\n"
 431                "First data block=%u\n"
 432                "Maximum filesystem blocks=%u\n"
 433                "%u block groups\n"
 434                "%u blocks per group, %u fragments per group\n"
 435                "%u inodes per group"
 436                , label
 437                , blocksize, blocksize_log2 - EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE
 438                , blocksize, blocksize_log2 - EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE
 439                , inodes_per_group * ngroups, nblocks
 440                , nreserved, reserved_percent
 441                , first_block
 442                , group_desc_blocks * (blocksize / (unsigned)sizeof(*gd)) * blocks_per_group
 443                , ngroups
 444                , blocks_per_group, blocks_per_group
 445                , inodes_per_group
 446        );
 447        {
 448                const char *fmt = "\nSuperblock backups stored on blocks:\n"
 449                        "\t%u";
 450                pos = first_block;
 451                for (i = 1; i < ngroups; i++) {
 452                        pos += blocks_per_group;
 453                        if (has_super(i)) {
 454                                printf(fmt, (unsigned)pos);
 455                                fmt = ", %u";
 456                        }
 457                }
 458        }
 459        bb_putchar('\n');
 461        if (option_mask32 & OPT_n) {
 462                if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP)
 463                        close(fd);
 464                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 465        }
 467        // TODO: 3/5 refuse if mounted
 468        // TODO: 4/5 compat options
 469        // TODO: 1/5 sanity checks
 470        // TODO: 0/5 more verbose error messages
 471        // TODO: 4/5 bigendianness: recheck, wait for ARM reporters
 472        // TODO: 2/5 reserved GDT: how to mark but not allocate?
 473        // TODO: 3/5 dir_index?
 475        // fill the superblock
 476        sb = xzalloc(1024);
 477        STORE_LE(sb->s_rev_level, EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV); // revision 1 filesystem
 478        STORE_LE(sb->s_magic, EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC);
 479        STORE_LE(sb->s_inode_size, inodesize);
 480        // set "Required extra isize" and "Desired extra isize" fields to 28
 481        if (inodesize != sizeof(*inode)) {
 482                STORE_LE(sb->s_min_extra_isize, 0x001c);
 483                STORE_LE(sb->s_want_extra_isize, 0x001c);
 484        }
 485        STORE_LE(sb->s_first_ino, EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO);
 486        STORE_LE(sb->s_log_block_size, blocksize_log2 - EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE);
 487        STORE_LE(sb->s_log_frag_size, blocksize_log2 - EXT2_MIN_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE);
 488        // first 1024 bytes of the device are for boot record. If block size is 1024 bytes, then
 489        // the first block is 1, otherwise 0
 490        STORE_LE(sb->s_first_data_block, first_block);
 491        // block and inode bitmaps occupy no more than one block, so maximum number of blocks is
 492        STORE_LE(sb->s_blocks_per_group, blocks_per_group);
 493        STORE_LE(sb->s_frags_per_group, blocks_per_group);
 494        // blocks
 495        STORE_LE(sb->s_blocks_count, nblocks);
 496        // reserve blocks for superuser
 497        STORE_LE(sb->s_r_blocks_count, nreserved);
 498        // ninodes
 499        STORE_LE(sb->s_inodes_per_group, inodes_per_group);
 500        STORE_LE(sb->s_inodes_count, inodes_per_group * ngroups);
 501        STORE_LE(sb->s_free_inodes_count, inodes_per_group * ngroups - EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO);
 502        // timestamps
 503        timestamp = time(NULL);
 504        STORE_LE(sb->s_mkfs_time, timestamp);
 505        STORE_LE(sb->s_wtime, timestamp);
 506        STORE_LE(sb->s_lastcheck, timestamp);
 507        // misc. Values are chosen to match mke2fs 1.41.9
 508        STORE_LE(sb->s_state, 1); // TODO: what's 1?
 509        STORE_LE(sb->s_creator_os, EXT2_OS_LINUX);
 510        STORE_LE(sb->s_checkinterval, 24*60*60 * 180); // 180 days
 511        STORE_LE(sb->s_errors, EXT2_ERRORS_DEFAULT);
 512        // mke2fs 1.41.9 also sets EXT3_FEATURE_COMPAT_RESIZE_INODE
 513        // and if >= 0.5GB, EXT3_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE.
 514        // we use values which match "mke2fs -O ^resize_inode":
 515        // in this case 1.41.9 never sets EXT3_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE.
 516        STORE_LE(sb->s_feature_compat, EXT2_FEATURE_COMPAT_SUPP
 519        );
 520        STORE_LE(sb->s_feature_incompat, EXT2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_FILETYPE);
 521        STORE_LE(sb->s_feature_ro_compat, EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER);
 523        generate_uuid(sb->s_uuid);
 525                STORE_LE(sb->s_def_hash_version, EXT2_HASH_HALF_MD4);
 526                generate_uuid((uint8_t *)sb->s_hash_seed);
 527        }
 528        /*
 529         * From e2fsprogs: add "jitter" to the superblock's check interval so that we
 530         * don't check all the filesystems at the same time.  We use a
 531         * kludgy hack of using the UUID to derive a random jitter value.
 532         */
 533        STORE_LE(sb->s_max_mnt_count,
 534                EXT2_DFL_MAX_MNT_COUNT
 535                + (sb->s_uuid[ARRAY_SIZE(sb->s_uuid)-1] % EXT2_DFL_MAX_MNT_COUNT));
 537        // write the label
 538        safe_strncpy((char *)sb->s_volume_name, label, sizeof(sb->s_volume_name));
 540        // calculate filesystem skeleton structures
 541        gd = xzalloc(group_desc_blocks * blocksize);
 542        buf = xmalloc(blocksize);
 543        sb->s_free_blocks_count = 0;
 544        for (i = 0, pos = first_block, n = nblocks - first_block;
 545                i < ngroups;
 546                i++, pos += blocks_per_group, n -= blocks_per_group
 547        ) {
 548                uint32_t overhead = pos + (has_super(i) ? (1/*sb*/ + group_desc_blocks) : 0);
 549                uint32_t free_blocks;
 550                // fill group descriptors
 551                STORE_LE(gd[i].bg_block_bitmap, overhead + 0);
 552                STORE_LE(gd[i].bg_inode_bitmap, overhead + 1);
 553                STORE_LE(gd[i].bg_inode_table, overhead + 2);
 554                overhead = overhead - pos + 1/*bbmp*/ + 1/*ibmp*/ + inode_table_blocks;
 555                gd[i].bg_free_inodes_count = inodes_per_group;
 556                //STORE_LE(gd[i].bg_used_dirs_count, 0);
 557                // N.B. both "/" and "/lost+found" are within the first block group
 558                // "/" occupies 1 block, "/lost+found" occupies lost_and_found_blocks...
 559                if (0 == i) {
 560                        // ... thus increased overhead for the first block group ...
 561                        overhead += 1 + lost_and_found_blocks;
 562                        // ... and 2 used directories
 563                        STORE_LE(gd[i].bg_used_dirs_count, 2);
 564                        // well known reserved inodes belong to the first block too
 565                        gd[i].bg_free_inodes_count -= EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO;
 566                }
 568                // cache free block count of the group
 569                free_blocks = (n < blocks_per_group ? n : blocks_per_group) - overhead;
 571                // mark preallocated blocks as allocated
 572//bb_error_msg("ALLOC: [%u][%u][%u]", blocksize, overhead, blocks_per_group - (free_blocks + overhead));
 573                allocate(buf, blocksize,
 574                        // reserve "overhead" blocks
 575                        overhead,
 576                        // mark unused trailing blocks
 577                        blocks_per_group - (free_blocks + overhead)
 578                );
 579                // dump block bitmap
 580                PUT((uint64_t)(FETCH_LE32(gd[i].bg_block_bitmap)) * blocksize, buf, blocksize);
 581                STORE_LE(gd[i].bg_free_blocks_count, free_blocks);
 583                // mark preallocated inodes as allocated
 584                allocate(buf, blocksize,
 585                        // mark reserved inodes
 586                        inodes_per_group - gd[i].bg_free_inodes_count,
 587                        // mark unused trailing inodes
 588                        blocks_per_group - inodes_per_group
 589                );
 590                // dump inode bitmap
 591                //PUT((uint64_t)(FETCH_LE32(gd[i].bg_block_bitmap)) * blocksize, buf, blocksize);
 592                //but it's right after block bitmap, so we can just:
 593                xwrite(fd, buf, blocksize);
 594                STORE_LE(gd[i].bg_free_inodes_count, gd[i].bg_free_inodes_count);
 596                // count overall free blocks
 597                sb->s_free_blocks_count += free_blocks;
 598        }
 599        STORE_LE(sb->s_free_blocks_count, sb->s_free_blocks_count);
 601        // dump filesystem skeleton structures
 602//      printf("Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: ");
 603        for (i = 0, pos = first_block; i < ngroups; i++, pos += blocks_per_group) {
 604                // dump superblock and group descriptors and their backups
 605                if (has_super(i)) {
 606                        // N.B. 1024 byte blocks are special
 607                        PUT(((uint64_t)pos * blocksize) + ((0 == i && 1024 != blocksize) ? 1024 : 0),
 608                                        sb, 1024);
 609                        PUT(((uint64_t)pos * blocksize) + blocksize,
 610                                        gd, group_desc_blocks * blocksize);
 611                }
 612        }
 614        // zero boot sectors
 615        memset(buf, 0, blocksize);
 616        // Disabled: standard mke2fs doesn't do this, and
 617        // on SPARC this destroys Sun disklabel.
 618        // Users who need/want zeroing can easily do it with dd.
 619        //PUT(0, buf, 1024); // N.B. 1024 <= blocksize, so buf[0..1023] contains zeros
 621        // zero inode tables
 622        for (i = 0; i < ngroups; ++i)
 623                for (n = 0; n < inode_table_blocks; ++n)
 624                        PUT((uint64_t)(FETCH_LE32(gd[i].bg_inode_table) + n) * blocksize,
 625                                buf, blocksize);
 627        // prepare directory inode
 628        inode = (struct ext2_inode *)buf;
 629        STORE_LE(inode->i_mode, S_IFDIR | S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH);
 630        STORE_LE(inode->i_mtime, timestamp);
 631        STORE_LE(inode->i_atime, timestamp);
 632        STORE_LE(inode->i_ctime, timestamp);
 633        STORE_LE(inode->i_size, blocksize);
 634        // inode->i_blocks stores the number of 512 byte data blocks
 635        // (512, because it goes directly to struct stat without scaling)
 636        STORE_LE(inode->i_blocks, blocksize / 512);
 638        // dump root dir inode
 639        STORE_LE(inode->i_links_count, 3); // "/.", "/..", "/lost+found/.." point to this inode
 640        STORE_LE(inode->i_block[0], FETCH_LE32(gd[0].bg_inode_table) + inode_table_blocks);
 641        PUT(((uint64_t)FETCH_LE32(gd[0].bg_inode_table) * blocksize) + (EXT2_ROOT_INO-1) * inodesize,
 642                                buf, inodesize);
 644        // dump lost+found dir inode
 645        STORE_LE(inode->i_links_count, 2); // both "/lost+found" and "/lost+found/." point to this inode
 646        STORE_LE(inode->i_size, lost_and_found_blocks * blocksize);
 647        STORE_LE(inode->i_blocks, (lost_and_found_blocks * blocksize) / 512);
 648        n = FETCH_LE32(inode->i_block[0]) + 1;
 649        for (i = 0; i < lost_and_found_blocks; ++i)
 650                STORE_LE(inode->i_block[i], i + n); // use next block
 651//bb_error_msg("LAST BLOCK USED[%u]", i + n);
 652        PUT(((uint64_t)FETCH_LE32(gd[0].bg_inode_table) * blocksize) + (EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO-1) * inodesize,
 653                                buf, inodesize);
 655        // dump directories
 656        memset(buf, 0, blocksize);
 657        dir = (struct ext2_dir *)buf;
 659        // dump 2nd+ blocks of "/lost+found"
 660        STORE_LE(dir->rec_len1, blocksize); // e2fsck 1.41.4 compat (1.41.9 does not need this)
 661        for (i = 1; i < lost_and_found_blocks; ++i)
 662                PUT((uint64_t)(FETCH_LE32(gd[0].bg_inode_table) + inode_table_blocks + 1+i) * blocksize,
 663                                buf, blocksize);
 665        // dump 1st block of "/lost+found"
 666        STORE_LE(dir->inode1, EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO);
 667        STORE_LE(dir->rec_len1, 12);
 668        STORE_LE(dir->name_len1, 1);
 669        STORE_LE(dir->file_type1, EXT2_FT_DIR);
 670        dir->name1[0] = '.';
 671        STORE_LE(dir->inode2, EXT2_ROOT_INO);
 672        STORE_LE(dir->rec_len2, blocksize - 12);
 673        STORE_LE(dir->name_len2, 2);
 674        STORE_LE(dir->file_type2, EXT2_FT_DIR);
 675        dir->name2[0] = '.'; dir->name2[1] = '.';
 676        PUT((uint64_t)(FETCH_LE32(gd[0].bg_inode_table) + inode_table_blocks + 1) * blocksize, buf, blocksize);
 678        // dump root dir block
 679        STORE_LE(dir->inode1, EXT2_ROOT_INO);
 680        STORE_LE(dir->rec_len2, 12);
 681        STORE_LE(dir->inode3, EXT2_GOOD_OLD_FIRST_INO);
 682        STORE_LE(dir->rec_len3, blocksize - 12 - 12);
 683        STORE_LE(dir->name_len3, 10);
 684        STORE_LE(dir->file_type3, EXT2_FT_DIR);
 685        strcpy(dir->name3, "lost+found");
 686        PUT((uint64_t)(FETCH_LE32(gd[0].bg_inode_table) + inode_table_blocks + 0) * blocksize, buf, blocksize);
 688        // cleanup
 689        if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) {
 690                free(buf);
 691                free(gd);
 692                free(sb);
 693        }
 695        xclose(fd);
 696        return EXIT_SUCCESS;