   1# Please keep these options sorted alphabetically.
   3option('check_includes', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
   4       'build "chkincs" to verify each header file can compile alone')
   5option('developer_mode', type: 'feature', description:
   6       'turn on additional build checks relevant for DPDK developers')
   7option('disable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
   8       'Comma-separated list of drivers to explicitly disable.')
   9option('disable_libs', type: 'string', value: '', description:
  10       'Comma-separated list of libraries to explicitly disable. [NOTE: not all libs can be disabled]')
  11option('drivers_install_subdir', type: 'string', value: 'dpdk/pmds-<VERSION>', description:
  12       'Subdirectory of libdir where to install PMDs. Defaults to using a versioned subdirectory.')
  13option('enable_docs', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
  14       'build documentation')
  15option('enable_drivers', type: 'string', value: '', description:
  16       'Comma-separated list of drivers to build. If unspecified, build all drivers.')
  17option('enable_driver_sdk', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
  18       'Install headers to build drivers.')
  19option('enable_kmods', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
  20       'build kernel modules')
  21option('examples', type: 'string', value: '', description:
  22       'Comma-separated list of examples to build by default')
  23option('flexran_sdk', type: 'string', value: '', description:
  24       'Path to FlexRAN SDK optional Libraries for BBDEV device')
  25option('ibverbs_link', type: 'combo', choices : ['static', 'shared', 'dlopen'], value: 'shared', description:
  26       'Linkage method (static/shared/dlopen) for Mellanox PMDs with ibverbs dependencies.')
  27option('include_subdir_arch', type: 'string', value: '', description:
  28       'subdirectory where to install arch-dependent headers')
  29option('kernel_dir', type: 'string', value: '', description:
  30       'Path to the kernel for building kernel modules. Headers must be in $kernel_dir or $kernel_dir/build. Modules will be installed in /lib/modules.')
  31option('machine', type: 'string', value: 'native', description:
  32       'set the target machine type or "generic", a build usable on all machines of the build machine architecture or "native", which lets the compiler pick the architecture of the build machine.')
  33option('max_ethports', type: 'integer', value: 32, description:
  34       'maximum number of Ethernet devices')
  35option('max_lcores', type: 'integer', value: 128, description:
  36       'maximum number of cores/threads supported by EAL')
  37option('max_numa_nodes', type: 'integer', value: 32, description:
  38       'maximum number of NUMA nodes supported by EAL')
  39option('platform', type: 'string', value: '', description:
  40       'use configuration for a particular platform (such as a SoC).')
  41option('enable_trace_fp', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
  42       'enable fast path trace points.')
  43option('tests', type: 'boolean', value: true, description:
  44       'build unit tests')
  45option('use_hpet', type: 'boolean', value: false, description:
  46       'use HPET timer in EAL')