   1# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
   2# Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation
   4pkg = import('pkgconfig')
   5pkg_extra_cflags = ['-include', 'rte_config.h'] + machine_args
   6if is_freebsd
   7    pkg_extra_cflags += ['-D__BSD_VISIBLE']
  10# When calling pkg-config --static --libs, pkg-config will always output the
  11# regular libs first, and then the extra libs from Libs.private field,
  12# since the assumption is that those are additional dependencies for building
  13# statically that the .a files depend upon. The output order of .pc fields is:
  14#   Libs   Libs.private   Requires   Requires.private
  15# The fields Requires* are for package names.
  16# The flags of the DPDK libraries must be defined in Libs* fields.
  17# However, the DPDK drivers are linked only in static builds (Libs.private),
  18# and those need to come *before* the regular libraries (Libs field).
  19# This requirement is satisfied by moving the regular libs in a separate file
  20# included in the field Requires (after Libs.private).
  21# Another requirement is to allow linking dependencies as shared libraries,
  22# while linking static DPDK libraries and drivers. It is satisfied by
  23# listing the static files in Libs.private with the explicit syntax -l:libfoo.a.
  24# As a consequence, the regular DPDK libraries are already listed as static
  25# in the field Libs.private. The second occurences of DPDK libraries,
  26# included from Requires and used for shared library linkage case,
  27# are skipped in the case of static linkage thanks to the flag --as-needed.
  30pkg.generate(name: 'dpdk-libs',
  31        filebase: 'libdpdk-libs',
  32        description: '''Internal-only DPDK pkgconfig file. Not for direct use.
  33Use libdpdk.pc instead of this file to query DPDK compile/link arguments''',
  34        version: meson.project_version(),
  35        subdirs: [get_option('include_subdir_arch'), '.'],
  36        extra_cflags: pkg_extra_cflags,
  37        libraries: ['-Wl,--as-needed'] + dpdk_libraries,
  38        libraries_private: dpdk_extra_ldflags)
  40platform_flags = []
  41if not is_windows
  42    platform_flags += ['-Wl,--export-dynamic'] # ELF only
  44pkg.generate(name: 'DPDK', # main DPDK pkgconfig file
  45        filebase: 'libdpdk',
  46        version: meson.project_version(),
  47        description: '''The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK).
  48Note that CFLAGS might contain an -march flag higher than typical baseline.
  49This is required for a number of static inline functions in the public headers.''',
  50        requires: ['libdpdk-libs', libbsd], # may need libbsd for string funcs
  51                      # if libbsd is not enabled, then this is blank
  52        libraries_private: ['-Wl,--whole-archive'] +
  53            dpdk_drivers + dpdk_static_libraries +
  54            ['-Wl,--no-whole-archive'] + platform_flags
  57# For static linking with dependencies as shared libraries,
  58# the internal static libraries must be flagged explicitly.
  59run_command(py3, 'set-static-linker-flags.py', check: true)