   1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
   2#ifndef _ASM_X86_USER32_H
   3#define _ASM_X86_USER32_H
   5/* IA32 compatible user structures for ptrace.
   6 * These should be used for 32bit coredumps too. */
   8struct user_i387_ia32_struct {
   9        u32     cwd;
  10        u32     swd;
  11        u32     twd;
  12        u32     fip;
  13        u32     fcs;
  14        u32     foo;
  15        u32     fos;
  16        u32     st_space[20];   /* 8*10 bytes for each FP-reg = 80 bytes */
  19/* FSAVE frame with extensions */
  20struct user32_fxsr_struct {
  21        unsigned short  cwd;
  22        unsigned short  swd;
  23        unsigned short  twd;    /* not compatible to 64bit twd */
  24        unsigned short  fop;
  25        int     fip;
  26        int     fcs;
  27        int     foo;
  28        int     fos;
  29        int     mxcsr;
  30        int     reserved;
  31        int     st_space[32];   /* 8*16 bytes for each FP-reg = 128 bytes */
  32        int     xmm_space[32];  /* 8*16 bytes for each XMM-reg = 128 bytes */
  33        int     padding[56];
  36struct user_regs_struct32 {
  37        __u32 ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp, eax;
  38        unsigned short ds, __ds, es, __es;
  39        unsigned short fs, __fs, gs, __gs;
  40        __u32 orig_eax, eip;
  41        unsigned short cs, __cs;
  42        __u32 eflags, esp;
  43        unsigned short ss, __ss;
  46struct user32 {
  47  struct user_regs_struct32 regs; /* Where the registers are actually stored */
  48  int u_fpvalid;                /* True if math co-processor being used. */
  49                                /* for this mess. Not yet used. */
  50  struct user_i387_ia32_struct i387;    /* Math Co-processor registers. */
  51/* The rest of this junk is to help gdb figure out what goes where */
  52  __u32 u_tsize;        /* Text segment size (pages). */
  53  __u32 u_dsize;        /* Data segment size (pages). */
  54  __u32 u_ssize;        /* Stack segment size (pages). */
  55  __u32 start_code;     /* Starting virtual address of text. */
  56  __u32 start_stack;    /* Starting virtual address of stack area.
  57                                   This is actually the bottom of the stack,
  58                                   the top of the stack is always found in the
  59                                   esp register.  */
  60  __u32 signal;                 /* Signal that caused the core dump. */
  61  int reserved;                 /* No __u32er used */
  62  __u32 u_ar0;  /* Used by gdb to help find the values for */
  63                                /* the registers. */
  64  __u32 u_fpstate;      /* Math Co-processor pointer. */
  65  __u32 magic;          /* To uniquely identify a core file */
  66  char u_comm[32];              /* User command that was responsible */
  67  int u_debugreg[8];
  71#endif /* _ASM_X86_USER32_H */