   3  Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver
   4  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2008 Intel Corporation.
   6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
   8  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  10  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
  13  more details.
  15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
  16  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  17  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
  20  the file called "COPYING".
  22  Contact Information:
  23  Linux NICS <>
  24  e1000-devel Mailing List <>
  25  Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
  29#ifndef _E1000_HW_H_
  30#define _E1000_HW_H_
  32#include <linux/types.h>
  34struct e1000_hw;
  35struct e1000_adapter;
  37#include "defines.h"
  39#define er32(reg)       __er32(hw, E1000_##reg)
  40#define ew32(reg,val)   __ew32(hw, E1000_##reg, (val))
  41#define e1e_flush()     er32(STATUS)
  43#define E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(a, reg, offset, value) \
  44        (writel((value), ((a)->hw_addr + reg + ((offset) << 2))))
  46#define E1000_READ_REG_ARRAY(a, reg, offset) \
  47        (readl((a)->hw_addr + reg + ((offset) << 2)))
  49enum e1e_registers {
  50        E1000_CTRL     = 0x00000, /* Device Control - RW */
  51        E1000_STATUS   = 0x00008, /* Device Status - RO */
  52        E1000_EECD     = 0x00010, /* EEPROM/Flash Control - RW */
  53        E1000_EERD     = 0x00014, /* EEPROM Read - RW */
  54        E1000_CTRL_EXT = 0x00018, /* Extended Device Control - RW */
  55        E1000_FLA      = 0x0001C, /* Flash Access - RW */
  56        E1000_MDIC     = 0x00020, /* MDI Control - RW */
  57        E1000_SCTL     = 0x00024, /* SerDes Control - RW */
  58        E1000_FCAL     = 0x00028, /* Flow Control Address Low - RW */
  59        E1000_FCAH     = 0x0002C, /* Flow Control Address High -RW */
  60        E1000_FEXTNVM  = 0x00028, /* Future Extended NVM - RW */
  61        E1000_FCT      = 0x00030, /* Flow Control Type - RW */
  62        E1000_VET      = 0x00038, /* VLAN Ether Type - RW */
  63        E1000_ICR      = 0x000C0, /* Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
  64        E1000_ITR      = 0x000C4, /* Interrupt Throttling Rate - RW */
  65        E1000_ICS      = 0x000C8, /* Interrupt Cause Set - WO */
  66        E1000_IMS      = 0x000D0, /* Interrupt Mask Set - RW */
  67        E1000_IMC      = 0x000D8, /* Interrupt Mask Clear - WO */
  68        E1000_EIAC_82574 = 0x000DC, /* Ext. Interrupt Auto Clear - RW */
  69        E1000_IAM      = 0x000E0, /* Interrupt Acknowledge Auto Mask */
  70        E1000_IVAR     = 0x000E4, /* Interrupt Vector Allocation - RW */
  71        E1000_EITR_82574_BASE = 0x000E8, /* Interrupt Throttling - RW */
  72#define E1000_EITR_82574(_n) (E1000_EITR_82574_BASE + (_n << 2))
  73        E1000_RCTL     = 0x00100, /* Rx Control - RW */
  74        E1000_FCTTV    = 0x00170, /* Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - RW */
  75        E1000_TXCW     = 0x00178, /* Tx Configuration Word - RW */
  76        E1000_RXCW     = 0x00180, /* Rx Configuration Word - RO */
  77        E1000_TCTL     = 0x00400, /* Tx Control - RW */
  78        E1000_TCTL_EXT = 0x00404, /* Extended Tx Control - RW */
  79        E1000_TIPG     = 0x00410, /* Tx Inter-packet gap -RW */
  80        E1000_AIT      = 0x00458, /* Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle -RW */
  81        E1000_LEDCTL   = 0x00E00, /* LED Control - RW */
  82        E1000_EXTCNF_CTRL  = 0x00F00, /* Extended Configuration Control */
  83        E1000_EXTCNF_SIZE  = 0x00F08, /* Extended Configuration Size */
  84        E1000_PHY_CTRL     = 0x00F10, /* PHY Control Register in CSR */
  85        E1000_PBA      = 0x01000, /* Packet Buffer Allocation - RW */
  86        E1000_PBS      = 0x01008, /* Packet Buffer Size */
  87        E1000_EEMNGCTL = 0x01010, /* MNG EEprom Control */
  88        E1000_EEWR     = 0x0102C, /* EEPROM Write Register - RW */
  89        E1000_FLOP     = 0x0103C, /* FLASH Opcode Register */
  90        E1000_PBA_ECC  = 0x01100, /* PBA ECC Register */
  91        E1000_ERT      = 0x02008, /* Early Rx Threshold - RW */
  92        E1000_FCRTL    = 0x02160, /* Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - RW */
  93        E1000_FCRTH    = 0x02168, /* Flow Control Receive Threshold High - RW */
  94        E1000_PSRCTL   = 0x02170, /* Packet Split Receive Control - RW */
  95        E1000_RDBAL    = 0x02800, /* Rx Descriptor Base Address Low - RW */
  96        E1000_RDBAH    = 0x02804, /* Rx Descriptor Base Address High - RW */
  97        E1000_RDLEN    = 0x02808, /* Rx Descriptor Length - RW */
  98        E1000_RDH      = 0x02810, /* Rx Descriptor Head - RW */
  99        E1000_RDT      = 0x02818, /* Rx Descriptor Tail - RW */
 100        E1000_RDTR     = 0x02820, /* Rx Delay Timer - RW */
 101        E1000_RXDCTL_BASE = 0x02828, /* Rx Descriptor Control - RW */
 102#define E1000_RXDCTL(_n)   (E1000_RXDCTL_BASE + (_n << 8))
 103        E1000_RADV     = 0x0282C, /* RX Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer - RW */
 105/* Convenience macros
 106 *
 107 * Note: "_n" is the queue number of the register to be written to.
 108 *
 109 * Example usage:
 110 * E1000_RDBAL_REG(current_rx_queue)
 111 *
 112 */
 113#define E1000_RDBAL_REG(_n)   (E1000_RDBAL + (_n << 8))
 114        E1000_KABGTXD  = 0x03004, /* AFE Band Gap Transmit Ref Data */
 115        E1000_TDBAL    = 0x03800, /* Tx Descriptor Base Address Low - RW */
 116        E1000_TDBAH    = 0x03804, /* Tx Descriptor Base Address High - RW */
 117        E1000_TDLEN    = 0x03808, /* Tx Descriptor Length - RW */
 118        E1000_TDH      = 0x03810, /* Tx Descriptor Head - RW */
 119        E1000_TDT      = 0x03818, /* Tx Descriptor Tail - RW */
 120        E1000_TIDV     = 0x03820, /* Tx Interrupt Delay Value - RW */
 121        E1000_TXDCTL_BASE = 0x03828, /* Tx Descriptor Control - RW */
 122#define E1000_TXDCTL(_n)   (E1000_TXDCTL_BASE + (_n << 8))
 123        E1000_TADV     = 0x0382C, /* Tx Interrupt Absolute Delay Val - RW */
 124        E1000_TARC_BASE = 0x03840, /* Tx Arbitration Count (0) */
 125#define E1000_TARC(_n)   (E1000_TARC_BASE + (_n << 8))
 126        E1000_CRCERRS  = 0x04000, /* CRC Error Count - R/clr */
 127        E1000_ALGNERRC = 0x04004, /* Alignment Error Count - R/clr */
 128        E1000_SYMERRS  = 0x04008, /* Symbol Error Count - R/clr */
 129        E1000_RXERRC   = 0x0400C, /* Receive Error Count - R/clr */
 130        E1000_MPC      = 0x04010, /* Missed Packet Count - R/clr */
 131        E1000_SCC      = 0x04014, /* Single Collision Count - R/clr */
 132        E1000_ECOL     = 0x04018, /* Excessive Collision Count - R/clr */
 133        E1000_MCC      = 0x0401C, /* Multiple Collision Count - R/clr */
 134        E1000_LATECOL  = 0x04020, /* Late Collision Count - R/clr */
 135        E1000_COLC     = 0x04028, /* Collision Count - R/clr */
 136        E1000_DC       = 0x04030, /* Defer Count - R/clr */
 137        E1000_TNCRS    = 0x04034, /* Tx-No CRS - R/clr */
 138        E1000_SEC      = 0x04038, /* Sequence Error Count - R/clr */
 139        E1000_CEXTERR  = 0x0403C, /* Carrier Extension Error Count - R/clr */
 140        E1000_RLEC     = 0x04040, /* Receive Length Error Count - R/clr */
 141        E1000_XONRXC   = 0x04048, /* XON Rx Count - R/clr */
 142        E1000_XONTXC   = 0x0404C, /* XON Tx Count - R/clr */
 143        E1000_XOFFRXC  = 0x04050, /* XOFF Rx Count - R/clr */
 144        E1000_XOFFTXC  = 0x04054, /* XOFF Tx Count - R/clr */
 145        E1000_FCRUC    = 0x04058, /* Flow Control Rx Unsupported Count- R/clr */
 146        E1000_PRC64    = 0x0405C, /* Packets Rx (64 bytes) - R/clr */
 147        E1000_PRC127   = 0x04060, /* Packets Rx (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
 148        E1000_PRC255   = 0x04064, /* Packets Rx (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
 149        E1000_PRC511   = 0x04068, /* Packets Rx (255-511 bytes) - R/clr */
 150        E1000_PRC1023  = 0x0406C, /* Packets Rx (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
 151        E1000_PRC1522  = 0x04070, /* Packets Rx (1024-1522 bytes) - R/clr */
 152        E1000_GPRC     = 0x04074, /* Good Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
 153        E1000_BPRC     = 0x04078, /* Broadcast Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
 154        E1000_MPRC     = 0x0407C, /* Multicast Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
 155        E1000_GPTC     = 0x04080, /* Good Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
 156        E1000_GORCL    = 0x04088, /* Good Octets Rx Count Low - R/clr */
 157        E1000_GORCH    = 0x0408C, /* Good Octets Rx Count High - R/clr */
 158        E1000_GOTCL    = 0x04090, /* Good Octets Tx Count Low - R/clr */
 159        E1000_GOTCH    = 0x04094, /* Good Octets Tx Count High - R/clr */
 160        E1000_RNBC     = 0x040A0, /* Rx No Buffers Count - R/clr */
 161        E1000_RUC      = 0x040A4, /* Rx Undersize Count - R/clr */
 162        E1000_RFC      = 0x040A8, /* Rx Fragment Count - R/clr */
 163        E1000_ROC      = 0x040AC, /* Rx Oversize Count - R/clr */
 164        E1000_RJC      = 0x040B0, /* Rx Jabber Count - R/clr */
 165        E1000_MGTPRC   = 0x040B4, /* Management Packets Rx Count - R/clr */
 166        E1000_MGTPDC   = 0x040B8, /* Management Packets Dropped Count - R/clr */
 167        E1000_MGTPTC   = 0x040BC, /* Management Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
 168        E1000_TORL     = 0x040C0, /* Total Octets Rx Low - R/clr */
 169        E1000_TORH     = 0x040C4, /* Total Octets Rx High - R/clr */
 170        E1000_TOTL     = 0x040C8, /* Total Octets Tx Low - R/clr */
 171        E1000_TOTH     = 0x040CC, /* Total Octets Tx High - R/clr */
 172        E1000_TPR      = 0x040D0, /* Total Packets Rx - R/clr */
 173        E1000_TPT      = 0x040D4, /* Total Packets Tx - R/clr */
 174        E1000_PTC64    = 0x040D8, /* Packets Tx (64 bytes) - R/clr */
 175        E1000_PTC127   = 0x040DC, /* Packets Tx (65-127 bytes) - R/clr */
 176        E1000_PTC255   = 0x040E0, /* Packets Tx (128-255 bytes) - R/clr */
 177        E1000_PTC511   = 0x040E4, /* Packets Tx (256-511 bytes) - R/clr */
 178        E1000_PTC1023  = 0x040E8, /* Packets Tx (512-1023 bytes) - R/clr */
 179        E1000_PTC1522  = 0x040EC, /* Packets Tx (1024-1522 Bytes) - R/clr */
 180        E1000_MPTC     = 0x040F0, /* Multicast Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
 181        E1000_BPTC     = 0x040F4, /* Broadcast Packets Tx Count - R/clr */
 182        E1000_TSCTC    = 0x040F8, /* TCP Segmentation Context Tx - R/clr */
 183        E1000_TSCTFC   = 0x040FC, /* TCP Segmentation Context Tx Fail - R/clr */
 184        E1000_IAC      = 0x04100, /* Interrupt Assertion Count */
 185        E1000_ICRXPTC  = 0x04104, /* Irq Cause Rx Packet Timer Expire Count */
 186        E1000_ICRXATC  = 0x04108, /* Irq Cause Rx Abs Timer Expire Count */
 187        E1000_ICTXPTC  = 0x0410C, /* Irq Cause Tx Packet Timer Expire Count */
 188        E1000_ICTXATC  = 0x04110, /* Irq Cause Tx Abs Timer Expire Count */
 189        E1000_ICTXQEC  = 0x04118, /* Irq Cause Tx Queue Empty Count */
 190        E1000_ICTXQMTC = 0x0411C, /* Irq Cause Tx Queue MinThreshold Count */
 191        E1000_ICRXDMTC = 0x04120, /* Irq Cause Rx Desc MinThreshold Count */
 192        E1000_ICRXOC   = 0x04124, /* Irq Cause Receiver Overrun Count */
 193        E1000_RXCSUM   = 0x05000, /* Rx Checksum Control - RW */
 194        E1000_RFCTL    = 0x05008, /* Receive Filter Control */
 195        E1000_MTA      = 0x05200, /* Multicast Table Array - RW Array */
 196        E1000_RAL_BASE = 0x05400, /* Receive Address Low - RW */
 197#define E1000_RAL(_n)   (E1000_RAL_BASE + ((_n) * 8))
 198#define E1000_RA        (E1000_RAL(0))
 199        E1000_RAH_BASE = 0x05404, /* Receive Address High - RW */
 200#define E1000_RAH(_n)   (E1000_RAH_BASE + ((_n) * 8))
 201        E1000_VFTA     = 0x05600, /* VLAN Filter Table Array - RW Array */
 202        E1000_WUC      = 0x05800, /* Wakeup Control - RW */
 203        E1000_WUFC     = 0x05808, /* Wakeup Filter Control - RW */
 204        E1000_WUS      = 0x05810, /* Wakeup Status - RO */
 205        E1000_MANC     = 0x05820, /* Management Control - RW */
 206        E1000_FFLT     = 0x05F00, /* Flexible Filter Length Table - RW Array */
 207        E1000_HOST_IF  = 0x08800, /* Host Interface */
 209        E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA = 0x00034, /* MAC-PHY interface - RW */
 210        E1000_MANC2H    = 0x05860, /* Management Control To Host - RW */
 211        E1000_SW_FW_SYNC = 0x05B5C, /* Software-Firmware Synchronization - RW */
 212        E1000_GCR       = 0x05B00, /* PCI-Ex Control */
 213        E1000_GCR2      = 0x05B64, /* PCI-Ex Control #2 */
 214        E1000_FACTPS    = 0x05B30, /* Function Active and Power State to MNG */
 215        E1000_SWSM      = 0x05B50, /* SW Semaphore */
 216        E1000_FWSM      = 0x05B54, /* FW Semaphore */
 217        E1000_SWSM2     = 0x05B58, /* Driver-only SW semaphore */
 218        E1000_CRC_OFFSET = 0x05F50, /* CRC Offset register */
 219        E1000_HICR      = 0x08F00, /* Host Interface Control */
 222/* RSS registers */
 224/* IGP01E1000 Specific Registers */
 225#define IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG      0x10 /* Port Config */
 226#define IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_STATUS      0x11 /* Status */
 227#define IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CTRL        0x12 /* Control */
 228#define IGP01E1000_PHY_LINK_HEALTH      0x13 /* PHY Link Health */
 229#define IGP02E1000_PHY_POWER_MGMT       0x19 /* Power Management */
 230#define IGP01E1000_PHY_PAGE_SELECT      0x1F /* Page Select */
 231#define BM_PHY_PAGE_SELECT              22   /* Page Select for BM */
 232#define IGP_PAGE_SHIFT                  5
 233#define PHY_REG_MASK                    0x1F
 235#define BM_WUC_PAGE                     800
 236#define BM_WUC_ADDRESS_OPCODE           0x11
 237#define BM_WUC_DATA_OPCODE              0x12
 238#define BM_WUC_ENABLE_PAGE              769
 239#define BM_WUC_ENABLE_REG               17
 240#define BM_WUC_ENABLE_BIT               (1 << 2)
 241#define BM_WUC_HOST_WU_BIT              (1 << 4)
 243#define BM_WUC  PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 1)
 244#define BM_WUFC PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 2)
 245#define BM_WUS  PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 3)
 247#define IGP01E1000_PHY_PCS_INIT_REG     0x00B4
 248#define IGP01E1000_PHY_POLARITY_MASK    0x0078
 250#define IGP01E1000_PSCR_AUTO_MDIX       0x1000
 251#define IGP01E1000_PSCR_FORCE_MDI_MDIX  0x2000 /* 0=MDI, 1=MDIX */
 253#define IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED    0x0080
 255#define IGP02E1000_PM_SPD               0x0001 /* Smart Power Down */
 256#define IGP02E1000_PM_D0_LPLU           0x0002 /* For D0a states */
 257#define IGP02E1000_PM_D3_LPLU           0x0004 /* For all other states */
 259#define IGP01E1000_PLHR_SS_DOWNGRADE    0x8000
 261#define IGP01E1000_PSSR_POLARITY_REVERSED       0x0002
 262#define IGP01E1000_PSSR_MDIX                    0x0800
 263#define IGP01E1000_PSSR_SPEED_MASK              0xC000
 264#define IGP01E1000_PSSR_SPEED_1000MBPS          0xC000
 266#define IGP02E1000_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM              4
 267#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_A                    0x11B1
 268#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_B                    0x12B1
 269#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_C                    0x14B1
 270#define IGP02E1000_PHY_AGC_D                    0x18B1
 272#define IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_SHIFT     9 /* Course - 15:13, Fine - 12:9 */
 273#define IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_MASK      0x7F
 274#define IGP02E1000_AGC_RANGE            15
 276/* manage.c */
 277#define E1000_VFTA_ENTRY_SHIFT          5
 278#define E1000_VFTA_ENTRY_MASK           0x7F
 279#define E1000_VFTA_ENTRY_BIT_SHIFT_MASK 0x1F
 281#define E1000_HICR_EN                   0x01  /* Enable bit - RO */
 282/* Driver sets this bit when done to put command in RAM */
 283#define E1000_HICR_C                    0x02
 284#define E1000_HICR_FW_RESET_ENABLE      0x40
 285#define E1000_HICR_FW_RESET             0x80
 287#define E1000_FWSM_MODE_MASK            0xE
 288#define E1000_FWSM_MODE_SHIFT           1
 290#define E1000_MNG_IAMT_MODE             0x3
 291#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_LENGTH    0x10
 292#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_OFFSET    0x6F0
 293#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT  10
 294#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_TX_PAYLOAD_CMD   64
 295#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_PARSING    0x1
 296#define E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_VLAN       0x2
 298/* nvm.c */
 299#define E1000_STM_OPCODE  0xDB00
 301#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_OFFSET        0x001F0000
 302#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_OFFSET_SHIFT  16
 303#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_REN           0x00200000
 304#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_DIAG_OFFSET   0x3    /* Kumeran Diagnostic */
 305#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_DIAG_NELPBK   0x1000 /* Nearend Loopback mode */
 306#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_CONFIG     0x7
 307#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_ENABLE     0x140E
 308#define E1000_KMRNCTRLSTA_K1_DISABLE    0x1400
 311#define IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL         0x11 /* 100BaseTx PHY Special Control */
 312#define IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL_LED     0x1B /* PHY Special and LED Control */
 313#define IFE_PHY_MDIX_CONTROL            0x1C /* MDI/MDI-X Control */
 315/* IFE PHY Extended Status Control */
 316#define IFE_PESC_POLARITY_REVERSED      0x0100
 318/* IFE PHY Special Control */
 319#define IFE_PSC_AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE           0x0010
 320#define IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY                  0x0020
 322/* IFE PHY Special Control and LED Control */
 323#define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_MODE             0x0020
 324#define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_LEDS_OFF         0x0006 /* Force LEDs 0 and 2 off */
 325#define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_LEDS_ON          0x0007 /* Force LEDs 0 and 2 on */
 327/* IFE PHY MDIX Control */
 328#define IFE_PMC_MDIX_STATUS     0x0020 /* 1=MDI-X, 0=MDI */
 329#define IFE_PMC_FORCE_MDIX      0x0040 /* 1=force MDI-X, 0=force MDI */
 330#define IFE_PMC_AUTO_MDIX       0x0080 /* 1=enable auto MDI/MDI-X, 0=disable */
 332#define E1000_CABLE_LENGTH_UNDEFINED    0xFF
 334#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_COPPER             0x105E
 335#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_FIBER              0x105F
 336#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES             0x1060
 337#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_QUAD_COPPER        0x10A4
 338#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571PT_QUAD_COPPER        0x10D5
 339#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_QUAD_FIBER         0x10A5
 340#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_QUAD_COPPER_LP     0x10BC
 341#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_DUAL        0x10D9
 342#define E1000_DEV_ID_82571EB_SERDES_QUAD        0x10DA
 343#define E1000_DEV_ID_82572EI_COPPER             0x107D
 344#define E1000_DEV_ID_82572EI_FIBER              0x107E
 345#define E1000_DEV_ID_82572EI_SERDES             0x107F
 346#define E1000_DEV_ID_82572EI                    0x10B9
 347#define E1000_DEV_ID_82573E                     0x108B
 348#define E1000_DEV_ID_82573E_IAMT                0x108C
 349#define E1000_DEV_ID_82573L                     0x109A
 350#define E1000_DEV_ID_82574L                     0x10D3
 351#define E1000_DEV_ID_82574LA                    0x10F6
 352#define E1000_DEV_ID_82583V                     0x150C
 354#define E1000_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_COPPER_DPT     0x1096
 355#define E1000_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_SERDES_DPT     0x1098
 356#define E1000_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_COPPER_SPT     0x10BA
 357#define E1000_DEV_ID_80003ES2LAN_SERDES_SPT     0x10BB
 359#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M_AMT             0x1049
 360#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_AMT               0x104A
 361#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_C                 0x104B
 362#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IFE                   0x104C
 363#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IFE_GT                0x10C4
 364#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IFE_G                 0x10C5
 365#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M                 0x104D
 366#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_AMT               0x10BD
 367#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_BM                    0x10E5
 368#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_M_AMT             0x10F5
 369#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_M                 0x10BF
 370#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_M_V               0x10CB
 371#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IGP_C                 0x294C
 372#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IFE                   0x10C0
 373#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IFE_GT                0x10C3
 374#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH9_IFE_G                 0x10C2
 375#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_LM              0x10CC
 376#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_LF              0x10CD
 377#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH10_R_BM_V               0x10CE
 378#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_LM              0x10DE
 379#define E1000_DEV_ID_ICH10_D_BM_LF              0x10DF
 380#define E1000_DEV_ID_PCH_M_HV_LM                0x10EA
 381#define E1000_DEV_ID_PCH_M_HV_LC                0x10EB
 382#define E1000_DEV_ID_PCH_D_HV_DM                0x10EF
 383#define E1000_DEV_ID_PCH_D_HV_DC                0x10F0
 385#define E1000_REVISION_4 4
 387#define E1000_FUNC_1 1
 389enum e1000_mac_type {
 390        e1000_82571,
 391        e1000_82572,
 392        e1000_82573,
 393        e1000_82574,
 394        e1000_82583,
 395        e1000_80003es2lan,
 396        e1000_ich8lan,
 397        e1000_ich9lan,
 398        e1000_ich10lan,
 399        e1000_pchlan,
 402enum e1000_media_type {
 403        e1000_media_type_unknown = 0,
 404        e1000_media_type_copper = 1,
 405        e1000_media_type_fiber = 2,
 406        e1000_media_type_internal_serdes = 3,
 407        e1000_num_media_types
 410enum e1000_nvm_type {
 411        e1000_nvm_unknown = 0,
 412        e1000_nvm_none,
 413        e1000_nvm_eeprom_spi,
 414        e1000_nvm_flash_hw,
 415        e1000_nvm_flash_sw
 418enum e1000_nvm_override {
 419        e1000_nvm_override_none = 0,
 420        e1000_nvm_override_spi_small,
 421        e1000_nvm_override_spi_large
 424enum e1000_phy_type {
 425        e1000_phy_unknown = 0,
 426        e1000_phy_none,
 427        e1000_phy_m88,
 428        e1000_phy_igp,
 429        e1000_phy_igp_2,
 430        e1000_phy_gg82563,
 431        e1000_phy_igp_3,
 432        e1000_phy_ife,
 433        e1000_phy_bm,
 434        e1000_phy_82578,
 435        e1000_phy_82577,
 438enum e1000_bus_width {
 439        e1000_bus_width_unknown = 0,
 440        e1000_bus_width_pcie_x1,
 441        e1000_bus_width_pcie_x2,
 442        e1000_bus_width_pcie_x4 = 4,
 443        e1000_bus_width_32,
 444        e1000_bus_width_64,
 445        e1000_bus_width_reserved
 448enum e1000_1000t_rx_status {
 449        e1000_1000t_rx_status_not_ok = 0,
 450        e1000_1000t_rx_status_ok,
 451        e1000_1000t_rx_status_undefined = 0xFF
 454enum e1000_rev_polarity{
 455        e1000_rev_polarity_normal = 0,
 456        e1000_rev_polarity_reversed,
 457        e1000_rev_polarity_undefined = 0xFF
 460enum e1000_fc_mode {
 461        e1000_fc_none = 0,
 462        e1000_fc_rx_pause,
 463        e1000_fc_tx_pause,
 464        e1000_fc_full,
 465        e1000_fc_default = 0xFF
 468enum e1000_ms_type {
 469        e1000_ms_hw_default = 0,
 470        e1000_ms_force_master,
 471        e1000_ms_force_slave,
 472        e1000_ms_auto
 475enum e1000_smart_speed {
 476        e1000_smart_speed_default = 0,
 477        e1000_smart_speed_on,
 478        e1000_smart_speed_off
 481enum e1000_serdes_link_state {
 482        e1000_serdes_link_down = 0,
 483        e1000_serdes_link_autoneg_progress,
 484        e1000_serdes_link_autoneg_complete,
 485        e1000_serdes_link_forced_up
 488/* Receive Descriptor */
 489struct e1000_rx_desc {
 490        __le64 buffer_addr; /* Address of the descriptor's data buffer */
 491        __le16 length;      /* Length of data DMAed into data buffer */
 492        __le16 csum;    /* Packet checksum */
 493        u8  status;      /* Descriptor status */
 494        u8  errors;      /* Descriptor Errors */
 495        __le16 special;
 498/* Receive Descriptor - Extended */
 499union e1000_rx_desc_extended {
 500        struct {
 501                __le64 buffer_addr;
 502                __le64 reserved;
 503        } read;
 504        struct {
 505                struct {
 506                        __le32 mrq;           /* Multiple Rx Queues */
 507                        union {
 508                                __le32 rss;         /* RSS Hash */
 509                                struct {
 510                                        __le16 ip_id;  /* IP id */
 511                                        __le16 csum;   /* Packet Checksum */
 512                                } csum_ip;
 513                        } hi_dword;
 514                } lower;
 515                struct {
 516                        __le32 status_error;     /* ext status/error */
 517                        __le16 length;
 518                        __le16 vlan;         /* VLAN tag */
 519                } upper;
 520        } wb;  /* writeback */
 523#define MAX_PS_BUFFERS 4
 524/* Receive Descriptor - Packet Split */
 525union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split {
 526        struct {
 527                /* one buffer for protocol header(s), three data buffers */
 528                __le64 buffer_addr[MAX_PS_BUFFERS];
 529        } read;
 530        struct {
 531                struct {
 532                        __le32 mrq;           /* Multiple Rx Queues */
 533                        union {
 534                                __le32 rss;           /* RSS Hash */
 535                                struct {
 536                                        __le16 ip_id;    /* IP id */
 537                                        __le16 csum;     /* Packet Checksum */
 538                                } csum_ip;
 539                        } hi_dword;
 540                } lower;
 541                struct {
 542                        __le32 status_error;     /* ext status/error */
 543                        __le16 length0;   /* length of buffer 0 */
 544                        __le16 vlan;         /* VLAN tag */
 545                } middle;
 546                struct {
 547                        __le16 header_status;
 548                        __le16 length[3];       /* length of buffers 1-3 */
 549                } upper;
 550                __le64 reserved;
 551        } wb; /* writeback */
 554/* Transmit Descriptor */
 555struct e1000_tx_desc {
 556        __le64 buffer_addr;      /* Address of the descriptor's data buffer */
 557        union {
 558                __le32 data;
 559                struct {
 560                        __le16 length;    /* Data buffer length */
 561                        u8 cso; /* Checksum offset */
 562                        u8 cmd; /* Descriptor control */
 563                } flags;
 564        } lower;
 565        union {
 566                __le32 data;
 567                struct {
 568                        u8 status;     /* Descriptor status */
 569                        u8 css; /* Checksum start */
 570                        __le16 special;
 571                } fields;
 572        } upper;
 575/* Offload Context Descriptor */
 576struct e1000_context_desc {
 577        union {
 578                __le32 ip_config;
 579                struct {
 580                        u8 ipcss;      /* IP checksum start */
 581                        u8 ipcso;      /* IP checksum offset */
 582                        __le16 ipcse;     /* IP checksum end */
 583                } ip_fields;
 584        } lower_setup;
 585        union {
 586                __le32 tcp_config;
 587                struct {
 588                        u8 tucss;      /* TCP checksum start */
 589                        u8 tucso;      /* TCP checksum offset */
 590                        __le16 tucse;     /* TCP checksum end */
 591                } tcp_fields;
 592        } upper_setup;
 593        __le32 cmd_and_length;
 594        union {
 595                __le32 data;
 596                struct {
 597                        u8 status;     /* Descriptor status */
 598                        u8 hdr_len;    /* Header length */
 599                        __le16 mss;       /* Maximum segment size */
 600                } fields;
 601        } tcp_seg_setup;
 604/* Offload data descriptor */
 605struct e1000_data_desc {
 606        __le64 buffer_addr;   /* Address of the descriptor's buffer address */
 607        union {
 608                __le32 data;
 609                struct {
 610                        __le16 length;    /* Data buffer length */
 611                        u8 typ_len_ext;
 612                        u8 cmd;
 613                } flags;
 614        } lower;
 615        union {
 616                __le32 data;
 617                struct {
 618                        u8 status;     /* Descriptor status */
 619                        u8 popts;      /* Packet Options */
 620                        __le16 special;   /* */
 621                } fields;
 622        } upper;
 625/* Statistics counters collected by the MAC */
 626struct e1000_hw_stats {
 627        u64 crcerrs;
 628        u64 algnerrc;
 629        u64 symerrs;
 630        u64 rxerrc;
 631        u64 mpc;
 632        u64 scc;
 633        u64 ecol;
 634        u64 mcc;
 635        u64 latecol;
 636        u64 colc;
 637        u64 dc;
 638        u64 tncrs;
 639        u64 sec;
 640        u64 cexterr;
 641        u64 rlec;
 642        u64 xonrxc;
 643        u64 xontxc;
 644        u64 xoffrxc;
 645        u64 xofftxc;
 646        u64 fcruc;
 647        u64 prc64;
 648        u64 prc127;
 649        u64 prc255;
 650        u64 prc511;
 651        u64 prc1023;
 652        u64 prc1522;
 653        u64 gprc;
 654        u64 bprc;
 655        u64 mprc;
 656        u64 gptc;
 657        u64 gorc;
 658        u64 gotc;
 659        u64 rnbc;
 660        u64 ruc;
 661        u64 rfc;
 662        u64 roc;
 663        u64 rjc;
 664        u64 mgprc;
 665        u64 mgpdc;
 666        u64 mgptc;
 667        u64 tor;
 668        u64 tot;
 669        u64 tpr;
 670        u64 tpt;
 671        u64 ptc64;
 672        u64 ptc127;
 673        u64 ptc255;
 674        u64 ptc511;
 675        u64 ptc1023;
 676        u64 ptc1522;
 677        u64 mptc;
 678        u64 bptc;
 679        u64 tsctc;
 680        u64 tsctfc;
 681        u64 iac;
 682        u64 icrxptc;
 683        u64 icrxatc;
 684        u64 ictxptc;
 685        u64 ictxatc;
 686        u64 ictxqec;
 687        u64 ictxqmtc;
 688        u64 icrxdmtc;
 689        u64 icrxoc;
 692struct e1000_phy_stats {
 693        u32 idle_errors;
 694        u32 receive_errors;
 697struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie {
 698        u32 signature;
 699        u8  status;
 700        u8  reserved0;
 701        u16 vlan_id;
 702        u32 reserved1;
 703        u16 reserved2;
 704        u8  reserved3;
 705        u8  checksum;
 708/* Host Interface "Rev 1" */
 709struct e1000_host_command_header {
 710        u8 command_id;
 711        u8 command_length;
 712        u8 command_options;
 713        u8 checksum;
 716#define E1000_HI_MAX_DATA_LENGTH     252
 717struct e1000_host_command_info {
 718        struct e1000_host_command_header command_header;
 719        u8 command_data[E1000_HI_MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
 722/* Host Interface "Rev 2" */
 723struct e1000_host_mng_command_header {
 724        u8  command_id;
 725        u8  checksum;
 726        u16 reserved1;
 727        u16 reserved2;
 728        u16 command_length;
 731#define E1000_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH 0x6F8
 732struct e1000_host_mng_command_info {
 733        struct e1000_host_mng_command_header command_header;
 734        u8 command_data[E1000_HI_MAX_MNG_DATA_LENGTH];
 737/* Function pointers and static data for the MAC. */
 738struct e1000_mac_operations {
 739        s32  (*id_led_init)(struct e1000_hw *);
 740        bool (*check_mng_mode)(struct e1000_hw *);
 741        s32  (*check_for_link)(struct e1000_hw *);
 742        s32  (*cleanup_led)(struct e1000_hw *);
 743        void (*clear_hw_cntrs)(struct e1000_hw *);
 744        s32  (*get_bus_info)(struct e1000_hw *);
 745        s32  (*get_link_up_info)(struct e1000_hw *, u16 *, u16 *);
 746        s32  (*led_on)(struct e1000_hw *);
 747        s32  (*led_off)(struct e1000_hw *);
 748        void (*update_mc_addr_list)(struct e1000_hw *, u8 *, u32, u32, u32);
 749        s32  (*reset_hw)(struct e1000_hw *);
 750        s32  (*init_hw)(struct e1000_hw *);
 751        s32  (*setup_link)(struct e1000_hw *);
 752        s32  (*setup_physical_interface)(struct e1000_hw *);
 753        s32  (*setup_led)(struct e1000_hw *);
 756/* Function pointers for the PHY. */
 757struct e1000_phy_operations {
 758        s32  (*acquire_phy)(struct e1000_hw *);
 759        s32  (*check_polarity)(struct e1000_hw *);
 760        s32  (*check_reset_block)(struct e1000_hw *);
 761        s32  (*commit_phy)(struct e1000_hw *);
 762        s32  (*force_speed_duplex)(struct e1000_hw *);
 763        s32  (*get_cfg_done)(struct e1000_hw *hw);
 764        s32  (*get_cable_length)(struct e1000_hw *);
 765        s32  (*get_phy_info)(struct e1000_hw *);
 766        s32  (*read_phy_reg)(struct e1000_hw *, u32, u16 *);
 767        s32  (*read_phy_reg_locked)(struct e1000_hw *, u32, u16 *);
 768        void (*release_phy)(struct e1000_hw *);
 769        s32  (*reset_phy)(struct e1000_hw *);
 770        s32  (*set_d0_lplu_state)(struct e1000_hw *, bool);
 771        s32  (*set_d3_lplu_state)(struct e1000_hw *, bool);
 772        s32  (*write_phy_reg)(struct e1000_hw *, u32, u16);
 773        s32  (*write_phy_reg_locked)(struct e1000_hw *, u32, u16);
 774        s32  (*cfg_on_link_up)(struct e1000_hw *);
 777/* Function pointers for the NVM. */
 778struct e1000_nvm_operations {
 779        s32  (*acquire_nvm)(struct e1000_hw *);
 780        s32  (*read_nvm)(struct e1000_hw *, u16, u16, u16 *);
 781        void (*release_nvm)(struct e1000_hw *);
 782        s32  (*update_nvm)(struct e1000_hw *);
 783        s32  (*valid_led_default)(struct e1000_hw *, u16 *);
 784        s32  (*validate_nvm)(struct e1000_hw *);
 785        s32  (*write_nvm)(struct e1000_hw *, u16, u16, u16 *);
 788struct e1000_mac_info {
 789        struct e1000_mac_operations ops;
 791        u8 addr[6];
 792        u8 perm_addr[6];
 794        enum e1000_mac_type type;
 796        u32 collision_delta;
 797        u32 ledctl_default;
 798        u32 ledctl_mode1;
 799        u32 ledctl_mode2;
 800        u32 mc_filter_type;
 801        u32 tx_packet_delta;
 802        u32 txcw;
 804        u16 current_ifs_val;
 805        u16 ifs_max_val;
 806        u16 ifs_min_val;
 807        u16 ifs_ratio;
 808        u16 ifs_step_size;
 809        u16 mta_reg_count;
 810        u16 rar_entry_count;
 812        u8  forced_speed_duplex;
 814        bool arc_subsystem_valid;
 815        bool autoneg;
 816        bool autoneg_failed;
 817        bool get_link_status;
 818        bool in_ifs_mode;
 819        bool serdes_has_link;
 820        bool tx_pkt_filtering;
 821        enum e1000_serdes_link_state serdes_link_state;
 824struct e1000_phy_info {
 825        struct e1000_phy_operations ops;
 827        enum e1000_phy_type type;
 829        enum e1000_1000t_rx_status local_rx;
 830        enum e1000_1000t_rx_status remote_rx;
 831        enum e1000_ms_type ms_type;
 832        enum e1000_ms_type original_ms_type;
 833        enum e1000_rev_polarity cable_polarity;
 834        enum e1000_smart_speed smart_speed;
 836        u32 addr;
 837        u32 id;
 838        u32 reset_delay_us; /* in usec */
 839        u32 revision;
 841        enum e1000_media_type media_type;
 843        u16 autoneg_advertised;
 844        u16 autoneg_mask;
 845        u16 cable_length;
 846        u16 max_cable_length;
 847        u16 min_cable_length;
 849        u8 mdix;
 851        bool disable_polarity_correction;
 852        bool is_mdix;
 853        bool polarity_correction;
 854        bool speed_downgraded;
 855        bool autoneg_wait_to_complete;
 858struct e1000_nvm_info {
 859        struct e1000_nvm_operations ops;
 861        enum e1000_nvm_type type;
 862        enum e1000_nvm_override override;
 864        u32 flash_bank_size;
 865        u32 flash_base_addr;
 867        u16 word_size;
 868        u16 delay_usec;
 869        u16 address_bits;
 870        u16 opcode_bits;
 871        u16 page_size;
 874struct e1000_bus_info {
 875        enum e1000_bus_width width;
 877        u16 func;
 880struct e1000_fc_info {
 881        u32 high_water;          /* Flow control high-water mark */
 882        u32 low_water;           /* Flow control low-water mark */
 883        u16 pause_time;          /* Flow control pause timer */
 884        bool send_xon;           /* Flow control send XON */
 885        bool strict_ieee;        /* Strict IEEE mode */
 886        enum e1000_fc_mode current_mode; /* FC mode in effect */
 887        enum e1000_fc_mode requested_mode; /* FC mode requested by caller */
 890struct e1000_dev_spec_82571 {
 891        bool laa_is_present;
 892        bool alt_mac_addr_is_present;
 893        u32 smb_counter;
 896struct e1000_shadow_ram {
 897        u16  value;
 898        bool modified;
 901#define E1000_ICH8_SHADOW_RAM_WORDS             2048
 903struct e1000_dev_spec_ich8lan {
 904        bool kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_enabled;
 905        struct e1000_shadow_ram shadow_ram[E1000_ICH8_SHADOW_RAM_WORDS];
 906        bool nvm_k1_enabled;
 909struct e1000_hw {
 910        struct e1000_adapter *adapter;
 912        u8 __iomem *hw_addr;
 913        u8 __iomem *flash_address;
 915        struct e1000_mac_info  mac;
 916        struct e1000_fc_info   fc;
 917        struct e1000_phy_info  phy;
 918        struct e1000_nvm_info  nvm;
 919        struct e1000_bus_info  bus;
 920        struct e1000_host_mng_dhcp_cookie mng_cookie;
 922        union {
 923                struct e1000_dev_spec_82571     e82571;
 924                struct e1000_dev_spec_ich8lan   ich8lan;
 925        } dev_spec;
 928#ifdef DEBUG
 929#define hw_dbg(hw, format, arg...) \
 930        printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: " format, e1000e_get_hw_dev_name(hw), ##arg)
 932static inline int __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)))
 933hw_dbg(struct e1000_hw *hw, const char *format, ...)
 935        return 0;