   1#ifndef _GDTH_IOCTL_H
   2#define _GDTH_IOCTL_H
   4/* gdth_ioctl.h
   5 * $Id: gdth_ioctl.h,v 1.14 2004/02/19 15:43:15 achim Exp $
   6 */
   8/* IOCTLs */
   9#define GDTIOCTL_MASK       ('J'<<8)
  10#define GDTIOCTL_GENERAL    (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 0) /* general IOCTL */
  11#define GDTIOCTL_DRVERS     (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 1) /* get driver version */
  12#define GDTIOCTL_CTRTYPE    (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 2) /* get controller type */
  13#define GDTIOCTL_OSVERS     (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 3) /* get OS version */
  14#define GDTIOCTL_HDRLIST    (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 4) /* get host drive list */
  15#define GDTIOCTL_CTRCNT     (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 5) /* get controller count */
  16#define GDTIOCTL_LOCKDRV    (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 6) /* lock host drive */
  17#define GDTIOCTL_LOCKCHN    (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 7) /* lock channel */
  18#define GDTIOCTL_EVENT      (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 8) /* read controller events */
  19#define GDTIOCTL_SCSI       (GDTIOCTL_MASK | 9) /* SCSI command */
  20#define GDTIOCTL_RESET_BUS  (GDTIOCTL_MASK |10) /* reset SCSI bus */
  21#define GDTIOCTL_RESCAN     (GDTIOCTL_MASK |11) /* rescan host drives */
  22#define GDTIOCTL_RESET_DRV  (GDTIOCTL_MASK |12) /* reset (remote) drv. res. */
  24#define GDTIOCTL_MAGIC  0xaffe0004
  25#define EVENT_SIZE      294 
  26#define GDTH_MAXSG      32                      /* max. s/g elements */
  28#define MAX_LDRIVES     255                     /* max. log. drive count */
  29#ifdef GDTH_IOCTL_PROC
  30#define MAX_HDRIVES     100                     /* max. host drive count */
  32#define MAX_HDRIVES     MAX_LDRIVES             /* max. host drive count */
  35/* typedefs */
  36#ifdef __KERNEL__
  37typedef u32     ulong32;
  38typedef u64     ulong64;
  41#define PACKED  __attribute__((packed))
  43/* scatter/gather element */
  44typedef struct {
  45    ulong32     sg_ptr;                         /* address */
  46    ulong32     sg_len;                         /* length */
  47} PACKED gdth_sg_str;
  49/* scatter/gather element - 64bit addresses */
  50typedef struct {
  51    ulong64     sg_ptr;                         /* address */
  52    ulong32     sg_len;                         /* length */
  53} PACKED gdth_sg64_str;
  55/* command structure */
  56typedef struct {
  57    ulong32     BoardNode;                      /* board node (always 0) */
  58    ulong32     CommandIndex;                   /* command number */
  59    ushort      OpCode;                         /* the command (READ,..) */
  60    union {
  61        struct {
  62            ushort      DeviceNo;               /* number of cache drive */
  63            ulong32     BlockNo;                /* block number */
  64            ulong32     BlockCnt;               /* block count */
  65            ulong32     DestAddr;               /* dest. addr. (if s/g: -1) */
  66            ulong32     sg_canz;                /* s/g element count */
  67            gdth_sg_str sg_lst[GDTH_MAXSG];     /* s/g list */
  68        } PACKED cache;                         /* cache service cmd. str. */
  69        struct {
  70            ushort      DeviceNo;               /* number of cache drive */
  71            ulong64     BlockNo;                /* block number */
  72            ulong32     BlockCnt;               /* block count */
  73            ulong64     DestAddr;               /* dest. addr. (if s/g: -1) */
  74            ulong32     sg_canz;                /* s/g element count */
  75            gdth_sg64_str sg_lst[GDTH_MAXSG];   /* s/g list */
  76        } PACKED cache64;                       /* cache service cmd. str. */
  77        struct {
  78            ushort      param_size;             /* size of p_param buffer */
  79            ulong32     subfunc;                /* IOCTL function */
  80            ulong32     channel;                /* device */
  81            ulong64     p_param;                /* buffer */
  82        } PACKED ioctl;                         /* IOCTL command structure */
  83        struct {
  84            ushort      reserved;
  85            union {
  86                struct {
  87                    ulong32  msg_handle;        /* message handle */
  88                    ulong64  msg_addr;          /* message buffer address */
  89                } PACKED msg;
  90                unchar       data[12];          /* buffer for rtc data, ... */
  91            } su;
  92        } PACKED screen;                        /* screen service cmd. str. */
  93        struct {
  94            ushort      reserved;
  95            ulong32     direction;              /* data direction */
  96            ulong32     mdisc_time;             /* disc. time (0: no timeout)*/
  97            ulong32     mcon_time;              /* connect time(0: no to.) */
  98            ulong32     sdata;                  /* dest. addr. (if s/g: -1) */
  99            ulong32     sdlen;                  /* data length (bytes) */
 100            ulong32     clen;                   /* SCSI cmd. length(6,10,12) */
 101            unchar      cmd[12];                /* SCSI command */
 102            unchar      target;                 /* target ID */
 103            unchar      lun;                    /* LUN */
 104            unchar      bus;                    /* SCSI bus number */
 105            unchar      priority;               /* only 0 used */
 106            ulong32     sense_len;              /* sense data length */
 107            ulong32     sense_data;             /* sense data addr. */
 108            ulong32     link_p;                 /* linked cmds (not supp.) */
 109            ulong32     sg_ranz;                /* s/g element count */
 110            gdth_sg_str sg_lst[GDTH_MAXSG];     /* s/g list */
 111        } PACKED raw;                           /* raw service cmd. struct. */
 112        struct {
 113            ushort      reserved;
 114            ulong32     direction;              /* data direction */
 115            ulong32     mdisc_time;             /* disc. time (0: no timeout)*/
 116            ulong32     mcon_time;              /* connect time(0: no to.) */
 117            ulong64     sdata;                  /* dest. addr. (if s/g: -1) */
 118            ulong32     sdlen;                  /* data length (bytes) */
 119            ulong32     clen;                   /* SCSI cmd. length(6,..,16) */
 120            unchar      cmd[16];                /* SCSI command */
 121            unchar      target;                 /* target ID */
 122            unchar      lun;                    /* LUN */
 123            unchar      bus;                    /* SCSI bus number */
 124            unchar      priority;               /* only 0 used */
 125            ulong32     sense_len;              /* sense data length */
 126            ulong64     sense_data;             /* sense data addr. */
 127            ulong32     sg_ranz;                /* s/g element count */
 128            gdth_sg64_str sg_lst[GDTH_MAXSG];   /* s/g list */
 129        } PACKED raw64;                         /* raw service cmd. struct. */
 130    } u;
 131    /* additional variables */
 132    unchar      Service;                        /* controller service */
 133    unchar      reserved;
 134    ushort      Status;                         /* command result */
 135    ulong32     Info;                           /* additional information */
 136    void        *RequestBuffer;                 /* request buffer */
 137} PACKED gdth_cmd_str;
 139/* controller event structure */
 140#define ES_ASYNC    1
 141#define ES_DRIVER   2
 142#define ES_TEST     3
 143#define ES_SYNC     4
 144typedef struct {
 145    ushort                  size;               /* size of structure */
 146    union {
 147        char                stream[16];
 148        struct {
 149            ushort          ionode;
 150            ushort          service;
 151            ulong32         index;
 152        } PACKED driver;
 153        struct {
 154            ushort          ionode;
 155            ushort          service;
 156            ushort          status;
 157            ulong32         info;
 158            unchar          scsi_coord[3];
 159        } PACKED async;
 160        struct {
 161            ushort          ionode;
 162            ushort          service;
 163            ushort          status;
 164            ulong32         info;
 165            ushort          hostdrive;
 166            unchar          scsi_coord[3];
 167            unchar          sense_key;
 168        } PACKED sync;
 169        struct {
 170            ulong32         l1, l2, l3, l4;
 171        } PACKED test;
 172    } eu;
 173    ulong32                 severity;
 174    unchar                  event_string[256];          
 175} PACKED gdth_evt_data;
 177typedef struct {
 178    ulong32         first_stamp;
 179    ulong32         last_stamp;
 180    ushort          same_count;
 181    ushort          event_source;
 182    ushort          event_idx;
 183    unchar          application;
 184    unchar          reserved;
 185    gdth_evt_data   event_data;
 186} PACKED gdth_evt_str;
 189#ifdef GDTH_IOCTL_PROC
 190/* IOCTL structure (write) */
 191typedef struct {
 192    ulong32                 magic;              /* IOCTL magic */
 193    ushort                  ioctl;              /* IOCTL */
 194    ushort                  ionode;             /* controller number */
 195    ushort                  service;            /* controller service */
 196    ushort                  timeout;            /* timeout */
 197    union {
 198        struct {
 199            unchar          command[512];       /* controller command */
 200            unchar          data[1];            /* add. data */
 201        } general;
 202        struct {
 203            unchar          lock;               /* lock/unlock */
 204            unchar          drive_cnt;          /* drive count */
 205            ushort          drives[MAX_HDRIVES];/* drives */
 206        } lockdrv;
 207        struct {
 208            unchar          lock;               /* lock/unlock */
 209            unchar          channel;            /* channel */
 210        } lockchn;
 211        struct {
 212            int             erase;              /* erase event ? */
 213            int             handle;
 214            unchar          evt[EVENT_SIZE];    /* event structure */
 215        } event;
 216        struct {
 217            unchar          bus;                /* SCSI bus */
 218            unchar          target;             /* target ID */
 219            unchar          lun;                /* LUN */
 220            unchar          cmd_len;            /* command length */
 221            unchar          cmd[12];            /* SCSI command */
 222        } scsi;
 223        struct {
 224            ushort          hdr_no;             /* host drive number */
 225            unchar          flag;               /* old meth./add/remove */
 226        } rescan;
 227    } iu;
 228} gdth_iowr_str;
 230/* IOCTL structure (read) */
 231typedef struct {
 232    ulong32                 size;               /* buffer size */
 233    ulong32                 status;             /* IOCTL error code */
 234    union {
 235        struct {
 236            unchar          data[1];            /* data */
 237        } general;
 238        struct {
 239            ushort          version;            /* driver version */
 240        } drvers;
 241        struct {
 242            unchar          type;               /* controller type */
 243            ushort          info;               /* slot etc. */
 244            ushort          oem_id;             /* OEM ID */
 245            ushort          bios_ver;           /* not used */
 246            ushort          access;             /* not used */
 247            ushort          ext_type;           /* extended type */
 248            ushort          device_id;          /* device ID */
 249            ushort          sub_device_id;      /* sub device ID */
 250        } ctrtype;
 251        struct {
 252            unchar          version;            /* OS version */
 253            unchar          subversion;         /* OS subversion */
 254            ushort          revision;           /* revision */
 255        } osvers;
 256        struct {
 257            ushort          count;              /* controller count */
 258        } ctrcnt;
 259        struct {
 260            int             handle;
 261            unchar          evt[EVENT_SIZE];    /* event structure */
 262        } event;
 263        struct {
 264            unchar          bus;                /* SCSI bus, 0xff: invalid */
 265            unchar          target;             /* target ID */
 266            unchar          lun;                /* LUN */
 267            unchar          cluster_type;       /* cluster properties */
 268        } hdr_list[MAX_HDRIVES];                /* index is host drive number */
 269    } iu;
 270} gdth_iord_str;
 274typedef struct {
 275    ushort ionode;                              /* controller number */
 276    ushort timeout;                             /* timeout */
 277    ulong32 info;                               /* error info */ 
 278    ushort status;                              /* status */
 279    ulong data_len;                             /* data buffer size */
 280    ulong sense_len;                            /* sense buffer size */
 281    gdth_cmd_str command;                       /* command */                   
 282} gdth_ioctl_general;
 285typedef struct {
 286    ushort ionode;                              /* controller number */
 287    unchar lock;                                /* lock/unlock */
 288    unchar drive_cnt;                           /* drive count */
 289    ushort drives[MAX_HDRIVES];                 /* drives */
 290} gdth_ioctl_lockdrv;
 293typedef struct {
 294    ushort ionode;                              /* controller number */
 295    unchar lock;                                /* lock/unlock */
 296    unchar channel;                             /* channel */
 297} gdth_ioctl_lockchn;
 300typedef struct {
 301    unchar version;                             /* OS version */
 302    unchar subversion;                          /* OS subversion */
 303    ushort revision;                            /* revision */
 304} gdth_ioctl_osvers;
 307typedef struct {
 308    ushort ionode;                              /* controller number */
 309    unchar type;                                /* controller type */
 310    ushort info;                                /* slot etc. */
 311    ushort oem_id;                              /* OEM ID */
 312    ushort bios_ver;                            /* not used */
 313    ushort access;                              /* not used */
 314    ushort ext_type;                            /* extended type */
 315    ushort device_id;                           /* device ID */
 316    ushort sub_device_id;                       /* sub device ID */
 317} gdth_ioctl_ctrtype;
 320typedef struct {
 321    ushort ionode;
 322    int erase;                                  /* erase event? */
 323    int handle;                                 /* event handle */
 324    gdth_evt_str event;
 325} gdth_ioctl_event;
 328typedef struct {
 329    ushort ionode;                              /* controller number */
 330    unchar flag;                                /* add/remove */
 331    ushort hdr_no;                              /* drive no. */
 332    struct {
 333        unchar bus;                             /* SCSI bus */
 334        unchar target;                          /* target ID */
 335        unchar lun;                             /* LUN */
 336        unchar cluster_type;                    /* cluster properties */
 337    } hdr_list[MAX_HDRIVES];                    /* index is host drive number */
 338} gdth_ioctl_rescan;
 341typedef struct {
 342    ushort ionode;                              /* controller number */
 343    ushort number;                              /* bus/host drive number */
 344    ushort status;                              /* status */
 345} gdth_ioctl_reset;