   1/* Copyright (c) 2010 Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
   2 *
   3 * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
   4 * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
   5 * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
   6 *
   7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
  11 *
  12 */
  14#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_MSM_IRQS_8X60_H
  15#define __ASM_ARCH_MSM_IRQS_8X60_H
  17/* MSM ACPU Interrupt Numbers */
  19/* 0-15:  STI/SGI (software triggered/generated interrupts)
  20 * 16-31: PPI (private peripheral interrupts)
  21 * 32+:   SPI (shared peripheral interrupts)
  22 */
  24#define GIC_PPI_START 16
  25#define GIC_SPI_START 32
  27#define INT_DEBUG_TIMER_EXP                     (GIC_PPI_START + 0)
  28#define INT_GP_TIMER_EXP                        (GIC_PPI_START + 1)
  29#define INT_GP_TIMER2_EXP                       (GIC_PPI_START + 2)
  30#define WDT0_ACCSCSSNBARK_INT                   (GIC_PPI_START + 3)
  31#define WDT1_ACCSCSSNBARK_INT                   (GIC_PPI_START + 4)
  32#define AVS_SVICINT                             (GIC_PPI_START + 5)
  33#define AVS_SVICINTSWDONE                       (GIC_PPI_START + 6)
  34#define CPU_DBGCPUXCOMMRXFULL                   (GIC_PPI_START + 7)
  35#define CPU_DBGCPUXCOMMTXEMPTY                  (GIC_PPI_START + 8)
  36#define CPU_SICCPUXPERFMONIRPTREQ               (GIC_PPI_START + 9)
  37#define SC_AVSCPUXDOWN                          (GIC_PPI_START + 10)
  38#define SC_AVSCPUXUP                            (GIC_PPI_START + 11)
  39#define SC_SICCPUXACGIRPTREQ                    (GIC_PPI_START + 12)
  40/* PPI 13 to 15 are unused */
  43#define SC_SICMPUIRPTREQ                        (GIC_SPI_START + 0)
  44#define SC_SICL2IRPTREQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 1)
  45#define SC_SICL2ACGIRPTREQ                      (GIC_SPI_START + 2)
  46#define NC                                      (GIC_SPI_START + 3)
  47#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_0                (GIC_SPI_START + 4)
  48#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_1                (GIC_SPI_START + 5)
  49#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_2                (GIC_SPI_START + 6)
  50#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_3                (GIC_SPI_START + 7)
  51#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_4                (GIC_SPI_START + 8)
  52#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_5                (GIC_SPI_START + 9)
  53#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_6                (GIC_SPI_START + 10)
  54#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_7                (GIC_SPI_START + 11)
  55#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_8                (GIC_SPI_START + 12)
  56#define TLMM_SCSS_DIR_CONN_IRQ_9                (GIC_SPI_START + 13)
  57#define PM8058_SEC_IRQ_N                        (GIC_SPI_START + 14)
  58#define PM8901_SEC_IRQ_N                        (GIC_SPI_START + 15)
  59#define TLMM_SCSS_SUMMARY_IRQ                   (GIC_SPI_START + 16)
  60#define SPDM_RT_1_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 17)
  61#define SPDM_DIAG_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 18)
  62#define RPM_SCSS_CPU0_GP_HIGH_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 19)
  63#define RPM_SCSS_CPU0_GP_MEDIUM_IRQ             (GIC_SPI_START + 20)
  64#define RPM_SCSS_CPU0_GP_LOW_IRQ                (GIC_SPI_START + 21)
  65#define RPM_SCSS_CPU0_WAKE_UP_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 22)
  66#define RPM_SCSS_CPU1_GP_HIGH_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 23)
  67#define RPM_SCSS_CPU1_GP_MEDIUM_IRQ             (GIC_SPI_START + 24)
  68#define RPM_SCSS_CPU1_GP_LOW_IRQ                (GIC_SPI_START + 25)
  69#define RPM_SCSS_CPU1_WAKE_UP_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 26)
  70#define SSBI2_2_SC_CPU0_SECURE_INT              (GIC_SPI_START + 27)
  71#define SSBI2_2_SC_CPU0_NON_SECURE_INT          (GIC_SPI_START + 28)
  72#define SSBI2_1_SC_CPU0_SECURE_INT              (GIC_SPI_START + 29)
  73#define SSBI2_1_SC_CPU0_NON_SECURE_INT          (GIC_SPI_START + 30)
  74#define MSMC_SC_SEC_CE_IRQ                      (GIC_SPI_START + 31)
  75#define MSMC_SC_PRI_CE_IRQ                      (GIC_SPI_START + 32)
  76#define MARM_FIQ                                (GIC_SPI_START + 33)
  77#define MARM_IRQ                                (GIC_SPI_START + 34)
  78#define MARM_L2CC_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 35)
  79#define MARM_WDOG_EXPIRED                       (GIC_SPI_START + 36)
  80#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_0                      (GIC_SPI_START + 37)
  81#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_1                      (GIC_SPI_START + 38)
  82#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_2                      (GIC_SPI_START + 39)
  83#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_3                      (GIC_SPI_START + 40)
  84#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_4                      (GIC_SPI_START + 41)
  85#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_5                      (GIC_SPI_START + 42)
  86#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_6                      (GIC_SPI_START + 43)
  87#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_7                      (GIC_SPI_START + 44)
  88#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_8                      (GIC_SPI_START + 45)
  89#define MARM_SCSS_GP_IRQ_9                      (GIC_SPI_START + 46)
  90#define VPE_IRQ                                 (GIC_SPI_START + 47)
  91#define VFE_IRQ                                 (GIC_SPI_START + 48)
  92#define VCODEC_IRQ                              (GIC_SPI_START + 49)
  93#define TV_ENC_IRQ                              (GIC_SPI_START + 50)
  94#define SMMU_VPE_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 51)
  95#define SMMU_VPE_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ           (GIC_SPI_START + 52)
  96#define SMMU_VFE_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 53)
  97#define SMMU_VFE_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ           (GIC_SPI_START + 54)
  98#define SMMU_VCODEC_B_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ          (GIC_SPI_START + 55)
 100#define SMMU_VCODEC_A_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ          (GIC_SPI_START + 57)
 102#define SMMU_ROT_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 59)
 103#define SMMU_ROT_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ           (GIC_SPI_START + 60)
 104#define SMMU_MDP1_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ              (GIC_SPI_START + 61)
 105#define SMMU_MDP1_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ          (GIC_SPI_START + 62)
 106#define SMMU_MDP0_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ              (GIC_SPI_START + 63)
 107#define SMMU_MDP0_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ          (GIC_SPI_START + 64)
 108#define SMMU_JPEGD_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ             (GIC_SPI_START + 65)
 109#define SMMU_JPEGD_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ         (GIC_SPI_START + 66)
 110#define SMMU_IJPEG_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ             (GIC_SPI_START + 67)
 111#define SMMU_IJPEG_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ         (GIC_SPI_START + 68)
 112#define SMMU_GFX3D_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ             (GIC_SPI_START + 69)
 113#define SMMU_GFX3D_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ         (GIC_SPI_START + 70)
 114#define SMMU_GFX2D0_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ            (GIC_SPI_START + 71)
 115#define SMMU_GFX2D0_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ        (GIC_SPI_START + 72)
 116#define ROT_IRQ                                 (GIC_SPI_START + 73)
 117#define MMSS_FABRIC_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 74)
 118#define MDP_IRQ                                 (GIC_SPI_START + 75)
 119#define JPEGD_IRQ                               (GIC_SPI_START + 76)
 120#define JPEG_IRQ                                (GIC_SPI_START + 77)
 121#define MMSS_IMEM_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 78)
 122#define HDMI_IRQ                                (GIC_SPI_START + 79)
 123#define GFX3D_IRQ                               (GIC_SPI_START + 80)
 124#define GFX2D0_IRQ                              (GIC_SPI_START + 81)
 125#define DSI_IRQ                                 (GIC_SPI_START + 82)
 126#define CSI_1_IRQ                               (GIC_SPI_START + 83)
 127#define CSI_0_IRQ                               (GIC_SPI_START + 84)
 128#define LPASS_SCSS_AUDIO_IF_OUT0_IRQ            (GIC_SPI_START + 85)
 129#define LPASS_SCSS_MIDI_IRQ                     (GIC_SPI_START + 86)
 130#define LPASS_Q6SS_WDOG_EXPIRED                 (GIC_SPI_START + 87)
 131#define LPASS_SCSS_GP_LOW_IRQ                   (GIC_SPI_START + 88)
 132#define LPASS_SCSS_GP_MEDIUM_IRQ                (GIC_SPI_START + 89)
 133#define LPASS_SCSS_GP_HIGH_IRQ                  (GIC_SPI_START + 90)
 134#define TOP_IMEM_IRQ                            (GIC_SPI_START + 91)
 135#define FABRIC_SYS_IRQ                          (GIC_SPI_START + 92)
 136#define FABRIC_APPS_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 93)
 137#define USB1_HS_BAM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 94)
 138#define SDC4_BAM_IRQ                            (GIC_SPI_START + 95)
 139#define SDC3_BAM_IRQ                            (GIC_SPI_START + 96)
 140#define SDC2_BAM_IRQ                            (GIC_SPI_START + 97)
 141#define SDC1_BAM_IRQ                            (GIC_SPI_START + 98)
 142#define FABRIC_SPS_IRQ                          (GIC_SPI_START + 99)
 143#define USB1_HS_IRQ                             (GIC_SPI_START + 100)
 144#define SDC4_IRQ_0                              (GIC_SPI_START + 101)
 145#define SDC3_IRQ_0                              (GIC_SPI_START + 102)
 146#define SDC2_IRQ_0                              (GIC_SPI_START + 103)
 147#define SDC1_IRQ_0                              (GIC_SPI_START + 104)
 148#define SPS_BAM_DMA_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 105)
 149#define SPS_SEC_VIOL_IRQ                        (GIC_SPI_START + 106)
 150#define SPS_MTI_0                               (GIC_SPI_START + 107)
 151#define SPS_MTI_1                               (GIC_SPI_START + 108)
 152#define SPS_MTI_2                               (GIC_SPI_START + 109)
 153#define SPS_MTI_3                               (GIC_SPI_START + 110)
 154#define SPS_MTI_4                               (GIC_SPI_START + 111)
 155#define SPS_MTI_5                               (GIC_SPI_START + 112)
 156#define SPS_MTI_6                               (GIC_SPI_START + 113)
 157#define SPS_MTI_7                               (GIC_SPI_START + 114)
 158#define SPS_MTI_8                               (GIC_SPI_START + 115)
 159#define SPS_MTI_9                               (GIC_SPI_START + 116)
 160#define SPS_MTI_10                              (GIC_SPI_START + 117)
 161#define SPS_MTI_11                              (GIC_SPI_START + 118)
 162#define SPS_MTI_12                              (GIC_SPI_START + 119)
 163#define SPS_MTI_13                              (GIC_SPI_START + 120)
 164#define SPS_MTI_14                              (GIC_SPI_START + 121)
 165#define SPS_MTI_15                              (GIC_SPI_START + 122)
 166#define SPS_MTI_16                              (GIC_SPI_START + 123)
 167#define SPS_MTI_17                              (GIC_SPI_START + 124)
 168#define SPS_MTI_18                              (GIC_SPI_START + 125)
 169#define SPS_MTI_19                              (GIC_SPI_START + 126)
 170#define SPS_MTI_20                              (GIC_SPI_START + 127)
 171#define SPS_MTI_21                              (GIC_SPI_START + 128)
 172#define SPS_MTI_22                              (GIC_SPI_START + 129)
 173#define SPS_MTI_23                              (GIC_SPI_START + 130)
 174#define SPS_MTI_24                              (GIC_SPI_START + 131)
 175#define SPS_MTI_25                              (GIC_SPI_START + 132)
 176#define SPS_MTI_26                              (GIC_SPI_START + 133)
 177#define SPS_MTI_27                              (GIC_SPI_START + 134)
 178#define SPS_MTI_28                              (GIC_SPI_START + 135)
 179#define SPS_MTI_29                              (GIC_SPI_START + 136)
 180#define SPS_MTI_30                              (GIC_SPI_START + 137)
 181#define SPS_MTI_31                              (GIC_SPI_START + 138)
 182#define UXMC_EBI2_WR_ER_DONE_IRQ                (GIC_SPI_START + 139)
 183#define UXMC_EBI2_OP_DONE_IRQ                   (GIC_SPI_START + 140)
 184#define USB2_IRQ                                (GIC_SPI_START + 141)
 185#define USB1_IRQ                                (GIC_SPI_START + 142)
 186#define TSSC_SSBI_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 143)
 187#define TSSC_SAMPLE_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 144)
 188#define TSSC_PENUP_IRQ                          (GIC_SPI_START + 145)
 189#define INT_UART1DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 146)
 190#define GSBI1_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 147)
 191#define INT_UART2DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 148)
 192#define GSBI2_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 149)
 193#define INT_UART3DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 150)
 194#define GSBI3_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 151)
 195#define INT_UART4DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 152)
 196#define GSBI4_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 153)
 197#define INT_UART5DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 154)
 198#define GSBI5_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 155)
 199#define INT_UART6DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 156)
 200#define GSBI6_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 157)
 201#define INT_UART7DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 158)
 202#define GSBI7_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 159)
 203#define INT_UART8DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 160)
 204#define GSBI8_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 161)
 205#define TSIF_TSPP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 162)
 206#define TSIF_BAM_IRQ                            (GIC_SPI_START + 163)
 207#define TSIF2_IRQ                               (GIC_SPI_START + 164)
 208#define TSIF1_IRQ                               (GIC_SPI_START + 165)
 209#define INT_ADM1_MASTER                         (GIC_SPI_START + 166)
 210#define INT_ADM1_AARM                           (GIC_SPI_START + 167)
 211#define INT_ADM1_SD2                            (GIC_SPI_START + 168)
 212#define INT_ADM1_SD3                            (GIC_SPI_START + 169)
 213#define INT_ADM0_MASTER                         (GIC_SPI_START + 170)
 214#define INT_ADM0_AARM                           (GIC_SPI_START + 171)
 215#define INT_ADM0_SD2                            (GIC_SPI_START + 172)
 216#define INT_ADM0_SD3                            (GIC_SPI_START + 173)
 217#define CC_SCSS_WDT1CPU1BITEEXPIRED             (GIC_SPI_START + 174)
 218#define CC_SCSS_WDT1CPU0BITEEXPIRED             (GIC_SPI_START + 175)
 219#define CC_SCSS_WDT0CPU1BITEEXPIRED             (GIC_SPI_START + 176)
 220#define CC_SCSS_WDT0CPU0BITEEXPIRED             (GIC_SPI_START + 177)
 221#define TSENS_UPPER_LOWER_INT                   (GIC_SPI_START + 178)
 222#define SSBI2_2_SC_CPU1_SECURE_INT              (GIC_SPI_START + 179)
 223#define SSBI2_2_SC_CPU1_NON_SECURE_INT          (GIC_SPI_START + 180)
 224#define SSBI2_1_SC_CPU1_SECURE_INT              (GIC_SPI_START + 181)
 225#define SSBI2_1_SC_CPU1_NON_SECURE_INT          (GIC_SPI_START + 182)
 226#define XPU_SUMMARY_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 183)
 227#define BUS_EXCEPTION_SUMMARY_IRQ               (GIC_SPI_START + 184)
 228#define HSDDRX_SMICH0_IRQ                       (GIC_SPI_START + 185)
 229#define HSDDRX_EBI1_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 186)
 230#define SDC5_BAM_IRQ                            (GIC_SPI_START + 187)
 231#define SDC5_IRQ_0                              (GIC_SPI_START + 188)
 232#define INT_UART9DM_IRQ                         (GIC_SPI_START + 189)
 233#define GSBI9_QUP_IRQ                           (GIC_SPI_START + 190)
 234#define INT_UART10DM_IRQ                        (GIC_SPI_START + 191)
 235#define GSBI10_QUP_IRQ                          (GIC_SPI_START + 192)
 236#define INT_UART11DM_IRQ                        (GIC_SPI_START + 193)
 237#define GSBI11_QUP_IRQ                          (GIC_SPI_START + 194)
 238#define INT_UART12DM_IRQ                        (GIC_SPI_START + 195)
 239#define GSBI12_QUP_IRQ                          (GIC_SPI_START + 196)
 241/*SPI 197 to 209 arent used in 8x60*/
 242#define SMMU_GFX2D1_CB_SC_SECURE_IRQ            (GIC_SPI_START + 210)
 243#define SMMU_GFX2D1_CB_SC_NON_SECURE_IRQ        (GIC_SPI_START + 211)
 245/*SPI 212 to 216 arent used in 8x60*/
 246#define SMPSS_SPARE_1                           (GIC_SPI_START + 217)
 247#define SMPSS_SPARE_2                           (GIC_SPI_START + 218)
 248#define SMPSS_SPARE_3                           (GIC_SPI_START + 219)
 249#define SMPSS_SPARE_4                           (GIC_SPI_START + 220)
 250#define SMPSS_SPARE_5                           (GIC_SPI_START + 221)
 251#define SMPSS_SPARE_6                           (GIC_SPI_START + 222)
 252#define SMPSS_SPARE_7                           (GIC_SPI_START + 223)
 254#define NR_GPIO_IRQS 173
 255#define NR_MSM_IRQS 256
 256#define NR_BOARD_IRQS 0