   2// FT1000 driver for Flarion Flash OFDM NIC Device
   4// Copyright (C) 2002 Flarion Technologies, All rights reserved.
   6// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
   8// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
   9// later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
  11// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
  12// more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  13// License along with this program; if not, write to the
  14// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
  15// Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  18// File:         ft1000.h
  20// Description:    Common structures and defines
  22// History:
  23// 8/29/02    Whc                Ported to Linux.
  24// 7/19/04    Whc                Drop packet and cmd msg with pseudo header
  25//                               checksum
  26// 10/27/04   Whc                Added dynamic downloading of test image.
  27// 01/11/04   Whc                Added support for Magnemite ASIC
  30#ifndef _FT1000H_
  31#define _FT1000H_
  34#define FT1000_DRV_VER       0x01010300
  36#define DSPVERSZ                4
  37#define HWSERNUMSZ              16
  38#define SKUSZ                   20
  39#define EUISZ                   8
  40#define MODESZ                  2
  41#define CALVERSZ                2
  42#define CALDATESZ               6
  44// Pseudo Header structure
  45typedef struct _PSEUDO_HDR
  47   unsigned short    length;        // length of msg body
  48   unsigned char     source;        // hardware source id
  49                                    //     Host = 0x10
  50                                    //     Dsp  = 0x20
  51   unsigned char     destination;   // hardware destination id (refer to source)
  52   unsigned char     portdest;      // software destination port id
  53                                    //    Host = 0x00
  54                                    //    Applicaton Broadcast = 0x10
  55                                    //    Network Stack = 0x20
  56                                    //    Dsp OAM = 0x80
  57                                    //    Dsp Airlink = 0x90
  58                                    //    Dsp Loader = 0xa0
  59                                    //    Dsp MIP = 0xb0
  60   unsigned char     portsrc;       // software source port id (refer to portdest)
  61   unsigned short    sh_str_id;     // not used
  62   unsigned char     control;       // not used
  63   unsigned char     rsvd1;
  64   unsigned char     seq_num;       // message sequence number
  65   unsigned char     rsvd2;
  66   unsigned short    qos_class;     // not used
  67   unsigned short    checksum;      // pseudo header checksum
  68} __attribute__ ((packed)) PSEUDO_HDR, *PPSEUDO_HDR;
  70// Definitions to maintain compatibility between other platforms
  71#define UCHAR                u8
  72#define USHORT               u16
  73#define ULONG                u32
  74#define BOOLEAN              u8
  75#define PULONG               u32 *
  76#define PUSHORT              u16 *
  77#define PUCHAR               u8 *
  78#define PCHAR                u8 *
  79#define UINT                 u32
  81#define ELECTRABUZZ_ID       0          // ASIC ID for Electrabuzz
  82#define MAGNEMITE_ID         0x1a01     // ASIC ID for Magnemite
  84// MEMORY MAP common to both ELECTRABUZZ and MAGNEMITE
  85#define FT1000_REG_DPRAM_ADDR   0x000E  // DPADR - Dual Port Ram Indirect Address Register
  86#define FT1000_REG_SUP_CTRL             0x0020  // HCTR - Host Control Register
  87#define FT1000_REG_SUP_STAT             0x0022  // HSTAT - Host Status Register
  88#define FT1000_REG_RESET                0x0024  // HCTR - Host Control Register
  89#define FT1000_REG_SUP_ISR              0x0026  // HISR - Host Interrupt Status Register
  90#define FT1000_REG_SUP_IMASK    0x0028  // HIMASK - Host Interrupt Mask
  91#define FT1000_REG_DOORBELL             0x002a  // DBELL - Door Bell Register
  92#define FT1000_REG_ASIC_ID      0x002e  // ASICID - ASIC Identification Number
  93                                        // (Electrabuzz=0 Magnemite=0x1A01)
  97#define FT1000_REG_UFIFO_STAT   0x0000  // UFSR - Uplink FIFO status register
  98#define FT1000_REG_UFIFO_BEG    0x0002  // UFBR - Uplink FIFO beginning register
  99#define FT1000_REG_UFIFO_MID    0x0004  // UFMR - Uplink FIFO middle register
 100#define FT1000_REG_UFIFO_END    0x0006  // UFER - Uplink FIFO end register
 101#define FT1000_REG_DFIFO_STAT   0x0008  // DFSR - Downlink FIFO status register
 102#define FT1000_REG_DFIFO                0x000A  // DFR - Downlink FIFO Register
 103#define FT1000_REG_DPRAM_DATA   0x000C  // DPRAM - Dual Port Indirect Data Register
 104#define FT1000_REG_WATERMARK    0x0010  // WMARK - Watermark Register
 107#define FT1000_REG_MAG_UFDR     0x0000  // UFDR - Uplink FIFO Data Register (32-bits)
 108#define FT1000_REG_MAG_UFDRL    0x0000  // UFDRL - Uplink FIFO Data Register low-word (16-bits)
 109#define FT1000_REG_MAG_UFDRH    0x0002  // UFDRH - Uplink FIFO Data Register high-word (16-bits)
 110#define FT1000_REG_MAG_UFER     0x0004  // UFER - Uplink FIFO End Register
 111#define FT1000_REG_MAG_UFSR     0x0006  // UFSR - Uplink FIFO Status Register
 112#define FT1000_REG_MAG_DFR      0x0008  // DFR - Downlink FIFO Register (32-bits)
 113#define FT1000_REG_MAG_DFRL     0x0008  // DFRL - Downlink FIFO Register low-word (16-bits)
 114#define FT1000_REG_MAG_DFRH     0x000a  // DFRH - Downlink FIFO Register high-word (16-bits)
 115#define FT1000_REG_MAG_DFSR     0x000c  // DFSR - Downlink FIFO Status Register
 116#define FT1000_REG_MAG_DPDATA   0x0010  // DPDATA - Dual Port RAM Indirect Data Register (32-bits)
 117#define FT1000_REG_MAG_DPDATAL  0x0010  // DPDATAL - Dual Port RAM Indirect Data Register low-word (16-bits)
 118#define FT1000_REG_MAG_DPDATAH  0x0012  // DPDATAH - Dual Port RAM Indirect Data Register high-word (16-bits)
 119#define FT1000_REG_MAG_WATERMARK 0x002c // WMARK - Watermark Register
 121// Reserved Dual Port RAM offsets for Electrabuzz
 122#define FT1000_DPRAM_TX_BASE    0x0002  // Host to PC Card Messaging Area
 123#define FT1000_DPRAM_RX_BASE    0x0800  // PC Card to Host Messaging Area
 124#define FT1000_FIFO_LEN         0x7FC   // total length for DSP FIFO tracking
 125#define FT1000_HI_HO            0x7FE   // heartbeat with HI/HO
 126#define FT1000_DSP_STATUS       0xFFE   // dsp status - non-zero is a request to reset dsp
 127#define FT1000_DSP_LED          0xFFA   // dsp led status for PAD device
 128#define FT1000_DSP_CON_STATE    0xFF8   // DSP Connection Status Info
 129#define FT1000_DPRAM_FEFE       0x002   // location for dsp ready indicator
 130#define FT1000_DSP_TIMER0       0x1FF0  // Timer Field from Basestation
 131#define FT1000_DSP_TIMER1       0x1FF2  // Timer Field from Basestation
 132#define FT1000_DSP_TIMER2       0x1FF4  // Timer Field from Basestation
 133#define FT1000_DSP_TIMER3       0x1FF6  // Timer Field from Basestation
 135// Reserved Dual Port RAM offsets for Magnemite
 136#define FT1000_DPRAM_MAG_TX_BASE                 0x0000  //  Host to PC Card Messaging Area
 137#define FT1000_DPRAM_MAG_RX_BASE                 0x0200  //  PC Card to Host Messaging Area
 138#define FT1000_MAG_FIFO_LEN              0x1FF   // total length for DSP FIFO tracking
 139#define FT1000_MAG_FIFO_LEN_INDX         0x1     // low-word index
 140#define FT1000_MAG_HI_HO                 0x1FF   // heartbeat with HI/HO
 141#define FT1000_MAG_HI_HO_INDX            0x0     // high-word index
 142#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_LED               0x3FE   // dsp led status for PAD device
 143#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_LED_INDX          0x0     // dsp led status for PAD device
 145#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_CON_STATE         0x3FE   // DSP Connection Status Info
 146#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_CON_STATE_INDX    0x1     // DSP Connection Status Info
 148#define FT1000_MAG_DPRAM_FEFE            0x000   // location for dsp ready indicator
 149#define FT1000_MAG_DPRAM_FEFE_INDX       0x0     // location for dsp ready indicator
 151#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER0            0x3FC   // Timer Field from Basestation
 152#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER0_INDX       0x1
 154#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER1            0x3FC   // Timer Field from Basestation
 155#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER1_INDX       0x0
 157#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER2            0x3FD   // Timer Field from Basestation
 158#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER2_INDX       0x1
 160#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER3            0x3FD   // Timer Field from Basestation
 161#define FT1000_MAG_DSP_TIMER3_INDX       0x0
 163#define FT1000_MAG_TOTAL_LEN             0x200
 164#define FT1000_MAG_TOTAL_LEN_INDX        0x1
 166#define FT1000_MAG_PH_LEN                0x200
 167#define FT1000_MAG_PH_LEN_INDX           0x0
 169#define FT1000_MAG_PORT_ID               0x201
 170#define FT1000_MAG_PORT_ID_INDX          0x0
 172#define HOST_INTF_LE                     0x0     // Host interface little endian mode
 173#define HOST_INTF_BE                     0x1     // Host interface big endian mode
 175// PC Card to Host Doorbell assignments
 176#define FT1000_DB_DPRAM_RX              0x0001  // this value indicates that DSP has
 177                                        //      data for host in DPRAM
 178#define FT1000_ASIC_RESET_REQ   0x0004  // DSP requesting host to reset the ASIC
 179#define FT1000_DSP_ASIC_RESET   0x0008  // DSP indicating host that it will reset the ASIC
 180#define FT1000_DB_COND_RESET    0x0010  // DSP request for a card reset.
 182// Host to PC Card Doorbell assignments
 183#define FT1000_DB_DPRAM_TX              0x0100  // this value indicates that host has
 184                                        //      data for DSP in DPRAM.
 185#define FT1000_ASIC_RESET_DSP   0x0400  // Responds to FT1000_ASIC_RESET_REQ
 186#define FT1000_DB_HB            0x1000  // Indicates that supervisor
 187                                        //      has a heartbeat message for DSP.
 189#define FT1000_DPRAM_BASE               0x0000  // Dual Port RAM starting offset
 191#define hi                      0x6869  // PC Card heartbeat values
 192#define ho                      0x686f  // PC Card heartbeat values
 194// Magnemite specific defines
 195#define hi_mag                  0x6968  // Byte swap hi to avoid additional system call
 196#define ho_mag                  0x6f68  // Byte swap ho to avoid additional system call
 199// Bit field definitions for Host Interrupt Status Register
 201// Indicate the cause of an interrupt.
 203#define ISR_EMPTY                               0x00      // no bits set
 204#define ISR_DOORBELL_ACK                0x01      // Doorbell acknowledge from DSP
 205#define ISR_DOORBELL_PEND               0x02      // Doorbell pending from DSP
 206#define ISR_RCV                                 0x04      // Packet available in Downlink FIFO
 207#define ISR_WATERMARK                   0x08      // Watermark requirements satisfied
 209// Bit field definition for Host Interrupt Mask
 210#define ISR_MASK_NONE                   0x0000    // no bits set
 211#define ISR_MASK_DOORBELL_ACK   0x0001    // Doorbell acknowledge mask
 212#define ISR_MASK_DOORBELL_PEND  0x0002    // Doorbell pending mask
 213#define ISR_MASK_RCV                    0x0004    // Downlink Packet available mask
 214#define ISR_MASK_WATERMARK              0x0008    // Watermark interrupt mask
 215#define ISR_MASK_ALL                    0xffff    // Mask all interrupts
 217// Bit field definition for Host Control Register
 218#define DSP_RESET_BIT           0x0001    // Bit field to control dsp reset state
 219                                          // (0 = out of reset 1 = reset)
 220#define ASIC_RESET_BIT          0x0002    // Bit field to control ASIC reset state
 221                                          // (0 = out of reset 1 = reset)
 223// Default interrupt mask (Enable Doorbell pending and Packet available interrupts)
 224#define ISR_DEFAULT_MASK                0x7ff9
 226// Application specific IDs
 227#define DSPID                   0x20
 228#define HOSTID                  0x10
 229#define DSPAIRID                0x90
 230#define DRIVERID                0x00
 231#define NETWORKID               0x20
 233// Size of DPRAM Message
 234#define MAX_CMD_SQSIZE          1780
 236#define ENET_MAX_SIZE           1514
 237#define ENET_HEADER_SIZE        14
 239#define SLOWQ_TYPE              0
 240#define FASTQ_TYPE              1
 242#define MAX_DSP_SESS_REC        1024
 244#define DSP_QID_OFFSET          4
 245#define PSEUDOSZ                16
 246#define PSEUDOSZWRD             8
 248// Maximum number of occurrence of pseudo header errors before resetting PC Card.
 249#define MAX_PH_ERR              300
 251// Driver message types
 252#define MEDIA_STATE             0x0010
 253#define TIME_UPDATE             0x0020
 254#define DSP_PROVISION           0x0030
 255#define DSP_INIT_MSG            0x0050
 256#define DSP_HIBERNATE           0x0060
 258#define DSP_STORE_INFO          0x0070
 259#define DSP_GET_INFO            0x0071
 260#define GET_DRV_ERR_RPT_MSG     0x0073
 261#define RSP_DRV_ERR_RPT_MSG     0x0074
 263// Driver Error Messages for DSP
 264#define DSP_HB_INFO             0x7ef0
 265#define DSP_FIFO_INFO           0x7ef1
 266#define DSP_CONDRESET_INFO      0x7ef2
 267#define DSP_CMDLEN_INFO         0x7ef3
 268#define DSP_CMDPHCKSUM_INFO     0x7ef4
 269#define DSP_PKTPHCKSUM_INFO     0x7ef5
 270#define DSP_PKTLEN_INFO         0x7ef6
 271#define DSP_USER_RESET          0x7ef7
 272#define FIFO_FLUSH_MAXLIMIT     0x7ef8
 273#define FIFO_FLUSH_BADCNT       0x7ef9
 274#define FIFO_ZERO_LEN           0x7efa
 276#define HOST_QID_OFFSET         5
 277#define QTYPE_OFFSET            13
 279#define  SUCCESS                0x00
 280#define  FAILURE                0x01
 281#define  TRUE                   0x1
 282#define  FALSE                  0x0
 284#define  MAX_NUM_APP            6
 286#define MAXIMUM_ASIC_HB_CNT      15
 288typedef struct _DRVMSG {
 289        PSEUDO_HDR pseudo;
 290        u16 type;
 291        u16 length;
 292        u8  data[0];
 293} __attribute__ ((packed)) DRVMSG, *PDRVMSG;
 295typedef struct _MEDIAMSG {
 296        PSEUDO_HDR pseudo;
 297        u16 type;
 298        u16 length;
 299        u16 state;
 300        u32 ip_addr;
 301    u32 net_mask;
 302        u32 gateway;
 303        u32 dns_1;
 304        u32 dns_2;
 305} __attribute__ ((packed)) MEDIAMSG, *PMEDIAMSG;
 307typedef struct _TIMEMSG {
 308        PSEUDO_HDR pseudo;
 309        u16 type;
 310        u16 length;
 311        u8  timeval[8];
 312} __attribute__ ((packed)) TIMEMSG, *PTIMEMSG;
 314typedef struct _DSPINITMSG {
 315    PSEUDO_HDR pseudo;
 316    u16 type;
 317    u16 length;
 318    u8 DspVer[DSPVERSZ];        // DSP version number
 319    u8 HwSerNum[HWSERNUMSZ];    // Hardware Serial Number
 320    u8 Sku[SKUSZ];              // SKU
 321    u8 eui64[EUISZ];            // EUI64
 322    u8 ProductMode[MODESZ];     // Product Mode (Market/Production)
 323    u8 RfCalVer[CALVERSZ];      // Rf Calibration version
 324    u8 RfCalDate[CALDATESZ];    // Rf Calibration date
 325} __attribute__ ((packed)) DSPINITMSG, *PDSPINITMSG;
 327typedef struct _DSPHIBERNATE {
 328        PSEUDO_HDR pseudo;
 329        u16 type;
 330        u16 length;
 331        u32 timeout;
 332    u16 sess_info[0];
 335typedef struct _APP_INFO_BLOCK
 337    u32 fileobject;                // Application's file object
 338    u16 app_id;                    // Application id
 341typedef struct _PROV_RECORD {
 342    struct list_head list;
 343    u8 *pprov_data;
 346typedef struct _FT1000_INFO {
 347    struct net_device_stats stats;
 348    u16 DrvErrNum;
 349    u16 AsicID;
 350    int ASICResetNum;
 351    int DspAsicReset;
 352    int PktIntfErr;
 353    int DSPResetNum;
 354    int NumIOCTLBufs;
 355    int IOCTLBufLvl;
 356    int DeviceCreated;
 357    int CardReady;
 358    int DspHibernateFlag;
 359    int DSPReady;
 360    u8 DeviceName[15];
 361    int DeviceMajor;
 362    int registered;
 363    int mediastate;
 364    u16 packetseqnum;
 365    u8 squeseqnum;                 // sequence number on slow queue
 366    spinlock_t dpram_lock;
 367    u16 CurrentInterruptEnableMask;
 368    int InterruptsEnabled;
 369    u16 fifo_cnt;
 370    u8 DspVer[DSPVERSZ];        // DSP version number
 371    u8 HwSerNum[HWSERNUMSZ];    // Hardware Serial Number
 372    u8 Sku[SKUSZ];              // SKU
 373    u8 eui64[EUISZ];            // EUI64
 374        time_t ConTm;               // Connection Time
 375    u16 LedStat;
 376    u16 ConStat;
 377    u16 ProgConStat;
 378    u8 ProductMode[MODESZ];
 379    u8 RfCalVer[CALVERSZ];
 380    u8 RfCalDate[CALDATESZ];
 381    u16 DSP_TIME[4];
 382    struct list_head prov_list;
 383    int appcnt;
 384    APP_INFO_BLOCK app_info[MAX_NUM_APP];
 385    u16 DSPInfoBlklen;
 386    u16 DrvMsgPend;
 387        int (*ft1000_reset)(void *);
 388    void *link;
 389    u16 DSPInfoBlk[MAX_DSP_SESS_REC];
 390    union {
 391        u16 Rec[MAX_DSP_SESS_REC];
 392        u32 MagRec[MAX_DSP_SESS_REC/2];
 393    } DSPSess;
 394        struct proc_dir_entry *proc_ft1000;
 395        char netdevname[IFNAMSIZ];
 396} FT1000_INFO, *PFT1000_INFO;
 398typedef struct _DPRAM_BLK {
 399    struct list_head list;
 400    u16 *pbuffer;
 401} __attribute__ ((packed)) DPRAM_BLK, *PDPRAM_BLK;
 403extern u16 ft1000_read_dpram (struct net_device *dev, int offset);
 404extern void card_bootload(struct net_device *dev);
 405extern u16 ft1000_read_dpram_mag_16 (struct net_device *dev, int offset, int Index);
 406extern u32 ft1000_read_dpram_mag_32 (struct net_device *dev, int offset);
 407void ft1000_write_dpram_mag_32 (struct net_device *dev, int offset, u32 value);
 409#endif // _FT1000H_