   3            (c) Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2011
   4            All rights reserved and confidential information of CSR
   6            Refer to LICENSE.txt included with this source for details
   7            on the license terms.
  11#ifndef CSR_WIFI_FSM_H
  12#define CSR_WIFI_FSM_H
  14#include "csr_prim_defs.h"
  15#include "csr_log_text.h"
  16#include "csr_wifi_fsm_event.h"
  18/* including this file for CsrWifiInterfaceMode*/
  19#include "csr_wifi_common.h"
  21#define CSR_WIFI_FSM_ENV       (0xFFFF)
  24 * @brief
  25 *   Toplevel FSM context data
  26 *
  27 * @par Description
  28 *   Holds ALL FSM static and dynamic data for a FSM
  29 */
  30typedef struct CsrWifiFsmContext CsrWifiFsmContext;
  33 * @brief
  34 *   FSM External Wakeup CallbackFunction Pointer
  35 *
  36 * @par Description
  37 *   Defines the external wakeup function for the FSM
  38 *   to call when an external event is injected into the systen
  39 *
  40 * @param[in]    context : External context
  41 *
  42 * @return
  43 *   void
  44 */
  45typedef void (*CsrWifiFsmExternalWakupCallbackPtr)(void *context);
  48 * @brief
  49 *   Initialises a top level FSM context
  50 *
  51 * @par Description
  52 *   Initialises the FSM Context to an initial state and allocates
  53 *   space for "maxProcesses" number of instances
  54 *
  55 * @param[in]    osaContext         : OSA context
  56 * @param[in]    applicationContext : Internal fsm application context
  57 * @param[in]    externalContext    : External context
  58 * @param[in]    maxProcesses       : Max processes to allocate room for
  59 *
  60 * @return
  61 *   CsrWifiFsmContext* fsm context
  62 */
  63extern CsrWifiFsmContext* CsrWifiFsmInit(void *applicationContext, void *externalContext, u16 maxProcesses, CsrLogTextTaskId loggingTaskId);
  66 * @brief
  67 *   Resets the FSM's back to first conditions
  68 *
  69 * @par Description
  70 *   This function is used to free any dynamic resources allocated for the
  71 *   given context by CsrWifiFsmInit().
  72 *   The FSM's reset function is called to cleanup any fsm specific memory
  73 *   The reset function does NOT need to free the fsm data pointer as
  74 *   CsrWifiFsmShutdown() will do it.
  75 *   the FSM's init function is call again to reinitialise the FSM context.
  76 *   CsrWifiFsmReset() should NEVER be called when CsrWifiFsmExecute() is running.
  77 *
  78 * @param[in]    context    : FSM context
  79 *
  80 * @return
  81 *   void
  82 */
  83extern void CsrWifiFsmReset(CsrWifiFsmContext *context);
  86 * @brief
  87 *   Frees resources allocated by CsrWifiFsmInit
  88 *
  89 * @par Description
  90 *   This function is used to free any dynamic resources allocated for the
  91 *   given context by CsrWifiFsmInit(), prior to complete termination of
  92 *   the program.
  93 *   The FSM's reset function is called to cleanup any fsm specific memory.
  94 *   The reset function does NOT need to free the fsm data pointer as
  95 *   CsrWifiFsmShutdown() will do it.
  96 *   CsrWifiFsmShutdown() should NEVER be called when CsrWifiFsmExecute() is running.
  97 *
  98 * @param[in]    context       : FSM context
  99 *
 100 * @return
 101 *   void
 102 */
 103extern void CsrWifiFsmShutdown(CsrWifiFsmContext *context);
 106 * @brief
 107 *   Executes the fsm context
 108 *
 109 * @par Description
 110 *   Executes the FSM context and runs until ALL events in the context are processed.
 111 *   When no more events are left to process then CsrWifiFsmExecute() returns to a time
 112 *   specifying when to next call the CsrWifiFsmExecute()
 113 *   Scheduling, threading, blocking and external event notification are outside
 114 *   the scope of the FSM and CsrWifiFsmExecute().
 115 *
 116 * @param[in]    context  : FSM context
 117 *
 118 * @return
 119 *   u32    Time in ms until next timeout or 0xFFFFFFFF for no timer set
 120 */
 121extern u32 CsrWifiFsmExecute(CsrWifiFsmContext *context);
 124 * @brief
 125 *   Adds an event to the FSM context's external event queue for processing
 126 *
 127 * @par Description
 128 *   Adds an event to the contexts external queue
 129 *   This is thread safe and adds an event to the fsm's external event queue.
 130 *
 131 * @param[in]    context      : FSM context
 132 * @param[in]    event        : event to add to the event queue
 133 * @param[in]    source       : source of the event (this can be a synergy task queue or an fsm instance id)
 134 * @param[in]    destination  : destination of the event (This can be a fsm instance id or CSR_WIFI_FSM_ENV)
 135 * @param[in]    id           : event id
 136 *
 137 * @return
 138 *   void
 139 */
 140extern void CsrWifiFsmSendEventExternal(CsrWifiFsmContext *context, CsrWifiFsmEvent *event, u16 source, u16 destination, CsrPrim primtype, u16 id);
 143 * @brief
 144 *   Adds an Alien event to the FSM context's external event queue for processing
 145 *
 146 * @par Description
 147 *   Adds an event to the contexts external queue
 148 *   This is thread safe and adds an event to the fsm's external event queue.
 149 *
 150 * @param[in]    context      : FSM context
 151 * @param[in]    event        : event to add to the event queue
 152 * @param[in]    source       : source of the event (this can be a synergy task queue or an fsm instance id)
 153 * @param[in]    destination  : destination of the event (This can be a fsm instance id or CSR_WIFI_FSM_ENV)
 154 * @param[in]    id           : event id
 155 */
 156#define CsrWifiFsmSendAlienEventExternal(_context, _alienEvent, _source, _destination, _primtype, _id) \
 157    { \
 158        CsrWifiFsmAlienEvent *_evt = kmalloc(sizeof(CsrWifiFsmAlienEvent), GFP_KERNEL); \
 159        _evt->alienEvent = _alienEvent; \
 160        CsrWifiFsmSendEventExternal(_context, (CsrWifiFsmEvent *)_evt, _source, _destination, _primtype, _id); \
 161    }
 165 * @brief
 166 *   Current time of day in ms
 167 *
 168 * @param[in]    context   : FSM context
 169 *
 170 * @return
 171 *   u32 32 bit ms tick
 172 */
 173extern u32 CsrWifiFsmGetTimeOfDayMs(CsrWifiFsmContext *context);
 176 * @brief
 177 *   Gets the time until the next FSM timer expiry
 178 *
 179 * @par Description
 180 *   Returns the next timeout time or 0 if no timers are set.
 181 *
 182 * @param[in]    context    : FSM context
 183 *
 184 * @return
 185 *   u32    Time in ms until next timeout or 0xFFFFFFFF for no timer set
 186 */
 187extern u32 CsrWifiFsmGetNextTimeout(CsrWifiFsmContext *context);
 190 * @brief
 191 *   Fast forwards the fsm timers by ms Milliseconds
 192 *
 193 * @param[in]  context : FSM context
 194 * @param[in]  ms      : Milliseconds to fast forward by
 195 *
 196 * @return
 197 *   void
 198 */
 199extern void CsrWifiFsmFastForward(CsrWifiFsmContext *context, u16 ms);
 202 * @brief
 203 *   shift the current time of day by ms amount
 204 *
 205 * @par Description
 206 *   useful to speed up tests where time needs to pass
 207 *
 208 * @param[in]    context  : FSM context
 209 * @param[in]    ms       : ms to adjust time by
 210 *
 211 * @return
 212 *   void
 213 */
 214extern void CsrWifiFsmTestAdvanceTime(CsrWifiFsmContext *context, u32 ms);
 217 * @brief
 218 *    Check if the fsm has events to process
 219 *
 220 * @param[in]    context    : FSM context
 221 *
 222 * @return
 223 *   u8 returns TRUE if there are events for the FSM to process
 224 */
 225extern u8 CsrWifiFsmHasEvents(CsrWifiFsmContext *context);
 228 * @brief
 229 *   function that installs the contexts wakeup function
 230 *
 231 * @param[in]    context    : FSM context
 232 * @param[in]    callback   : Callback function pointer
 233 *
 234 * @return
 235 *   void
 236 */
 237extern void CsrWifiFsmInstallWakeupCallback(CsrWifiFsmContext *context, CsrWifiFsmExternalWakupCallbackPtr callback);
 239#endif /* CSR_WIFI_FSM_H */