   2 * User address space access functions.
   3 * The non-inlined parts of asm-cris/uaccess.h are here.
   4 *
   5 * Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Axis Communications AB.
   6 *
   7 * Written by Hans-Peter Nilsson.
   8 * Pieces used from memcpy, originally by Kenny Ranerup long time ago.
   9 */
  11#include <asm/uaccess.h>
  13/* Asm:s have been tweaked (within the domain of correctness) to give
  14   satisfactory results for "gcc version 3.2.1 Axis release R53/1.53-v32".
  16   Check regularly...
  18   Note that for CRISv32, the PC saved at a bus-fault is the address
  19   *at* the faulting instruction, with a special case for instructions
  20   in delay slots: then it's the address of the branch.  Note also that
  21   in contrast to v10, a postincrement in the instruction is *not*
  22   performed at a bus-fault; the register is seen having the original
  23   value in fault handlers.  */
  26/* Copy to userspace.  This is based on the memcpy used for
  27   kernel-to-kernel copying; see "string.c".  */
  29unsigned long
  30__copy_user (void __user *pdst, const void *psrc, unsigned long pn)
  32  /* We want the parameters put in special registers.
  33     Make sure the compiler is able to make something useful of this.
  34     As it is now: r10 -> r13; r11 -> r11 (nop); r12 -> r12 (nop).
  36     FIXME: Comment for old gcc version.  Check.
  37     If gcc was alright, it really would need no temporaries, and no
  38     stack space to save stuff on. */
  40  register char *dst __asm__ ("r13") = pdst;
  41  register const char *src __asm__ ("r11") = psrc;
  42  register int n __asm__ ("r12") = pn;
  43  register int retn __asm__ ("r10") = 0;
  46  /* When src is aligned but not dst, this makes a few extra needless
  47     cycles.  I believe it would take as many to check that the
  48     re-alignment was unnecessary.  */
  49  if (((unsigned long) dst & 3) != 0
  50      /* Don't align if we wouldn't copy more than a few bytes; so we
  51         don't have to check further for overflows.  */
  52      && n >= 3)
  53  {
  54    if ((unsigned long) dst & 1)
  55    {
  56      __asm_copy_to_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
  57      n--;
  58    }
  60    if ((unsigned long) dst & 2)
  61    {
  62      __asm_copy_to_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
  63      n -= 2;
  64    }
  65  }
  67  /* Movem is dirt cheap.  The overheap is low enough to always use the
  68     minimum possible block size as the threshold.  */
  69  if (n >= 44)
  70  {
  71    /* For large copies we use 'movem'.  */
  73    /* It is not optimal to tell the compiler about clobbering any
  74       registers; that will move the saving/restoring of those registers
  75       to the function prologue/epilogue, and make non-movem sizes
  76       suboptimal.  */
  77    __asm__ volatile ("\
  78        ;; Check that the register asm declaration got right.           \n\
  79        ;; The GCC manual explicitly says TRT will happen.              \n\
  80        .ifnc %0%1%2%3,$r13$r11$r12$r10                                 \n\
  81        .err                                                            \n\
  82        .endif                                                          \n\
  83                                                                        \n\
  84        ;; Save the registers we'll use in the movem process            \n\
  85        ;; on the stack.                                                \n\
  86        subq    11*4,$sp                                                \n\
  87        movem   $r10,[$sp]                                              \n\
  88                                                                        \n\
  89        ;; Now we've got this:                                          \n\
  90        ;; r11 - src                                                    \n\
  91        ;; r13 - dst                                                    \n\
  92        ;; r12 - n                                                      \n\
  93                                                                        \n\
  94        ;; Update n for the first loop                                  \n\
  95        subq    44,$r12                                                 \n\
  960:                                                                      \n\
  97        movem   [$r11+],$r10                                            \n\
  98        subq   44,$r12                                                  \n\
  991:      bge     0b                                                      \n\
 100        movem   $r10,[$r13+]                                            \n\
 1013:                                                                      \n\
 102        addq   44,$r12  ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n      \n\
 103                                                                        \n\
 104        ;; Restore registers from stack                                 \n\
 105        movem [$sp+],$r10                                               \n\
 1062:                                                                      \n\
 107        .section .fixup,\"ax\"                                          \n\
 1084:                                                                      \n\
 109; When failing on any of the 1..44 bytes in a chunk, we adjust back the \n\
 110; source pointer and just drop through  to the by-16 and by-4 loops to  \n\
 111; get the correct number of failing bytes.  This necessarily means a    \n\
 112; few extra exceptions, but invalid user pointers shouldn't happen in   \n\
 113; time-critical code anyway.                                            \n\
 114        jump 3b                                                         \n\
 115        subq 44,$r11                                                    \n\
 116                                                                        \n\
 117        .previous                                                       \n\
 118        .section __ex_table,\"a\"                                       \n\
 119        .dword 1b,4b                                                    \n\
 120        .previous"
 122     /* Outputs */ : "=r" (dst), "=r" (src), "=r" (n), "=r" (retn)
 123     /* Inputs */ : "0" (dst), "1" (src), "2" (n), "3" (retn));
 125  }
 127  while (n >= 16)
 128  {
 129    __asm_copy_to_user_16 (dst, src, retn);
 130    n -= 16;
 131  }
 133  /* Having a separate by-four loops cuts down on cache footprint.
 134     FIXME:  Test with and without; increasing switch to be 0..15.  */
 135  while (n >= 4)
 136  {
 137    __asm_copy_to_user_4 (dst, src, retn);
 138    n -= 4;
 139  }
 141  switch (n)
 142  {
 143    case 0:
 144      break;
 145    case 1:
 146      __asm_copy_to_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
 147      break;
 148    case 2:
 149      __asm_copy_to_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
 150      break;
 151    case 3:
 152      __asm_copy_to_user_3 (dst, src, retn);
 153      break;
 154  }
 156  return retn;
 159/* Copy from user to kernel, zeroing the bytes that were inaccessible in
 160   userland.  The return-value is the number of bytes that were
 161   inaccessible.  */
 163unsigned long
 164__copy_user_zeroing(void *pdst, const void __user *psrc, unsigned long pn)
 166  /* We want the parameters put in special registers.
 167     Make sure the compiler is able to make something useful of this.
 168     As it is now: r10 -> r13; r11 -> r11 (nop); r12 -> r12 (nop).
 170     FIXME: Comment for old gcc version.  Check.
 171     If gcc was alright, it really would need no temporaries, and no
 172     stack space to save stuff on.  */
 174  register char *dst __asm__ ("r13") = pdst;
 175  register const char *src __asm__ ("r11") = psrc;
 176  register int n __asm__ ("r12") = pn;
 177  register int retn __asm__ ("r10") = 0;
 179  /* The best reason to align src is that we then know that a read-fault
 180     was for aligned bytes; there's no 1..3 remaining good bytes to
 181     pickle.  */
 182  if (((unsigned long) src & 3) != 0)
 183  {
 184    if (((unsigned long) src & 1) && n != 0)
 185    {
 186      __asm_copy_from_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
 187      n--;
 188    }
 190    if (((unsigned long) src & 2) && n >= 2)
 191    {
 192      __asm_copy_from_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
 193      n -= 2;
 194    }
 196    /* We only need one check after the unalignment-adjustments, because
 197       if both adjustments were done, either both or neither reference
 198       had an exception.  */
 199    if (retn != 0)
 200      goto copy_exception_bytes;
 201  }
 203  /* Movem is dirt cheap.  The overheap is low enough to always use the
 204     minimum possible block size as the threshold.  */
 205  if (n >= 44)
 206  {
 207    /* It is not optimal to tell the compiler about clobbering any
 208       registers; that will move the saving/restoring of those registers
 209       to the function prologue/epilogue, and make non-movem sizes
 210       suboptimal.  */
 211    __asm__ volatile ("\
 212        .ifnc %0%1%2%3,$r13$r11$r12$r10                                 \n\
 213        .err                                                            \n\
 214        .endif                                                          \n\
 215                                                                        \n\
 216        ;; Save the registers we'll use in the movem process            \n\
 217        ;; on the stack.                                                \n\
 218        subq    11*4,$sp                                                \n\
 219        movem   $r10,[$sp]                                              \n\
 220                                                                        \n\
 221        ;; Now we've got this:                                          \n\
 222        ;; r11 - src                                                    \n\
 223        ;; r13 - dst                                                    \n\
 224        ;; r12 - n                                                      \n\
 225                                                                        \n\
 226        ;; Update n for the first loop                                  \n\
 227        subq    44,$r12                                                 \n\
 2280:                                                                      \n\
 229        movem   [$r11+],$r10                                            \n\
 230                                                                        \n\
 231        subq   44,$r12                                                  \n\
 232        bge     0b                                                      \n\
 233        movem   $r10,[$r13+]                                            \n\
 234                                                                        \n\
 2354:                                                                      \n\
 236        addq   44,$r12  ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n      \n\
 237                                                                        \n\
 238        ;; Restore registers from stack                                 \n\
 239        movem [$sp+],$r10                                               \n\
 240        .section .fixup,\"ax\"                                          \n\
 241                                                                        \n\
 242;; Do not jump back into the loop if we fail.  For some uses, we get a  \n\
 243;; page fault somewhere on the line.  Without checking for page limits, \n\
 244;; we don't know where, but we need to copy accurately and keep an      \n\
 245;; accurate count; not just clear the whole line.  To do that, we fall  \n\
 246;; down in the code below, proceeding with smaller amounts.  It should  \n\
 247;; be kept in mind that we have to cater to code like what at one time  \n\
 248;; was in fs/super.c:                                                   \n\
 249;;  i = size - copy_from_user((void *)page, data, size);                \n\
 250;; which would cause repeated faults while clearing the remainder of    \n\
 251;; the SIZE bytes at PAGE after the first fault.                        \n\
 252;; A caveat here is that we must not fall through from a failing page   \n\
 253;; to a valid page.                                                     \n\
 254                                                                        \n\
 2553:                                                                      \n\
 256        jump    4b ;; Fall through, pretending the fault didn't happen. \n\
 257        nop                                                             \n\
 258                                                                        \n\
 259        .previous                                                       \n\
 260        .section __ex_table,\"a\"                                       \n\
 261        .dword 0b,3b                                                    \n\
 262        .previous"
 264     /* Outputs */ : "=r" (dst), "=r" (src), "=r" (n), "=r" (retn)
 265     /* Inputs */ : "0" (dst), "1" (src), "2" (n), "3" (retn));
 266  }
 268  /* Either we directly start copying here, using dword copying in a loop,
 269     or we copy as much as possible with 'movem' and then the last block
 270     (<44 bytes) is copied here.  This will work since 'movem' will have
 271     updated src, dst and n.  (Except with failing src.)
 273     Since we want to keep src accurate, we can't use
 274     __asm_copy_from_user_N with N != (1, 2, 4); it updates dst and
 275     retn, but not src (by design; it's value is ignored elsewhere).  */
 277  while (n >= 4)
 278  {
 279    __asm_copy_from_user_4 (dst, src, retn);
 280    n -= 4;
 282    if (retn)
 283      goto copy_exception_bytes;
 284  }
 286  /* If we get here, there were no memory read faults.  */
 287  switch (n)
 288  {
 289    /* These copies are at least "naturally aligned" (so we don't have
 290       to check each byte), due to the src alignment code before the
 291       movem loop.  The *_3 case *will* get the correct count for retn.  */
 292    case 0:
 293      /* This case deliberately left in (if you have doubts check the
 294         generated assembly code).  */
 295      break;
 296    case 1:
 297      __asm_copy_from_user_1 (dst, src, retn);
 298      break;
 299    case 2:
 300      __asm_copy_from_user_2 (dst, src, retn);
 301      break;
 302    case 3:
 303      __asm_copy_from_user_3 (dst, src, retn);
 304      break;
 305  }
 307  /* If we get here, retn correctly reflects the number of failing
 308     bytes.  */
 309  return retn;
 312  /* We already have "retn" bytes cleared, and need to clear the
 313     remaining "n" bytes.  A non-optimized simple byte-for-byte in-line
 314     memset is preferred here, since this isn't speed-critical code and
 315     we'd rather have this a leaf-function than calling memset.  */
 316  {
 317    char *endp;
 318    for (endp = dst + n; dst < endp; dst++)
 319      *dst = 0;
 320  }
 322  return retn + n;
 325/* Zero userspace.  */
 327unsigned long
 328__do_clear_user (void __user *pto, unsigned long pn)
 330  /* We want the parameters put in special registers.
 331     Make sure the compiler is able to make something useful of this.
 332      As it is now: r10 -> r13; r11 -> r11 (nop); r12 -> r12 (nop).
 334     FIXME: Comment for old gcc version.  Check.
 335     If gcc was alright, it really would need no temporaries, and no
 336     stack space to save stuff on. */
 338  register char *dst __asm__ ("r13") = pto;
 339  register int n __asm__ ("r12") = pn;
 340  register int retn __asm__ ("r10") = 0;
 343  if (((unsigned long) dst & 3) != 0
 344     /* Don't align if we wouldn't copy more than a few bytes.  */
 345      && n >= 3)
 346  {
 347    if ((unsigned long) dst & 1)
 348    {
 349      __asm_clear_1 (dst, retn);
 350      n--;
 351    }
 353    if ((unsigned long) dst & 2)
 354    {
 355      __asm_clear_2 (dst, retn);
 356      n -= 2;
 357    }
 358  }
 360  /* Decide which copying method to use.
 361     FIXME: This number is from the "ordinary" kernel memset.  */
 362  if (n >= 48)
 363  {
 364    /* For large clears we use 'movem' */
 366    /* It is not optimal to tell the compiler about clobbering any
 367       call-saved registers; that will move the saving/restoring of
 368       those registers to the function prologue/epilogue, and make
 369       non-movem sizes suboptimal.
 371       This method is not foolproof; it assumes that the "asm reg"
 372       declarations at the beginning of the function really are used
 373       here (beware: they may be moved to temporary registers).
 374       This way, we do not have to save/move the registers around into
 375       temporaries; we can safely use them straight away.
 377      If you want to check that the allocation was right; then
 378      check the equalities in the first comment.  It should say
 379      something like "r13=r13, r11=r11, r12=r12". */
 380    __asm__ volatile ("\
 381        .ifnc %0%1%2,$r13$r12$r10                                       \n\
 382        .err                                                            \n\
 383        .endif                                                          \n\
 384                                                                        \n\
 385        ;; Save the registers we'll clobber in the movem process        \n\
 386        ;; on the stack.  Don't mention them to gcc, it will only be    \n\
 387        ;; upset.                                                       \n\
 388        subq    11*4,$sp                                                \n\
 389        movem   $r10,[$sp]                                              \n\
 390                                                                        \n\
 391        clear.d $r0                                                     \n\
 392        clear.d $r1                                                     \n\
 393        clear.d $r2                                                     \n\
 394        clear.d $r3                                                     \n\
 395        clear.d $r4                                                     \n\
 396        clear.d $r5                                                     \n\
 397        clear.d $r6                                                     \n\
 398        clear.d $r7                                                     \n\
 399        clear.d $r8                                                     \n\
 400        clear.d $r9                                                     \n\
 401        clear.d $r10                                                    \n\
 402        clear.d $r11                                                    \n\
 403                                                                        \n\
 404        ;; Now we've got this:                                          \n\
 405        ;; r13 - dst                                                    \n\
 406        ;; r12 - n                                                      \n\
 407                                                                        \n\
 408        ;; Update n for the first loop                                  \n\
 409        subq    12*4,$r12                                               \n\
 4100:                                                                      \n\
 411        subq   12*4,$r12                                                \n\
 4121:                                                                      \n\
 413        bge     0b                                                      \n\
 414        movem   $r11,[$r13+]                                            \n\
 415                                                                        \n\
 416        addq   12*4,$r12 ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n     \n\
 417                                                                        \n\
 418        ;; Restore registers from stack                                 \n\
 419        movem [$sp+],$r10                                               \n\
 4202:                                                                      \n\
 421        .section .fixup,\"ax\"                                          \n\
 4223:                                                                      \n\
 423        movem [$sp],$r10                                                \n\
 424        addq 12*4,$r10                                                  \n\
 425        addq 12*4,$r13                                                  \n\
 426        movem $r10,[$sp]                                                \n\
 427        jump 0b                                                         \n\
 428        clear.d $r10                                                    \n\
 429                                                                        \n\
 430        .previous                                                       \n\
 431        .section __ex_table,\"a\"                                       \n\
 432        .dword 1b,3b                                                    \n\
 433        .previous"
 435     /* Outputs */ : "=r" (dst), "=r" (n), "=r" (retn)
 436     /* Inputs */ : "0" (dst), "1" (n), "2" (retn)
 437     /* Clobber */ : "r11");
 438  }
 440  while (n >= 16)
 441  {
 442    __asm_clear_16 (dst, retn);
 443    n -= 16;
 444  }
 446  /* Having a separate by-four loops cuts down on cache footprint.
 447     FIXME:  Test with and without; increasing switch to be 0..15.  */
 448  while (n >= 4)
 449  {
 450    __asm_clear_4 (dst, retn);
 451    n -= 4;
 452  }
 454  switch (n)
 455  {
 456    case 0:
 457      break;
 458    case 1:
 459      __asm_clear_1 (dst, retn);
 460      break;
 461    case 2:
 462      __asm_clear_2 (dst, retn);
 463      break;
 464    case 3:
 465      __asm_clear_3 (dst, retn);
 466      break;
 467  }
 469  return retn;