   2 * Copyright (C) 2012 Avionic Design GmbH
   3 * Copyright (C) 2012 NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
   4 *
   5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
   7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8 */
  10#ifndef TEGRA_DC_H
  11#define TEGRA_DC_H 1
  13#define DC_CMD_GENERAL_INCR_SYNCPT              0x000
  14#define DC_CMD_GENERAL_INCR_SYNCPT_CNTRL        0x001
  15#define DC_CMD_GENERAL_INCR_SYNCPT_ERROR        0x002
  16#define DC_CMD_WIN_A_INCR_SYNCPT                0x008
  17#define DC_CMD_WIN_A_INCR_SYNCPT_CNTRL          0x009
  18#define DC_CMD_WIN_A_INCR_SYNCPT_ERROR          0x00a
  19#define DC_CMD_WIN_B_INCR_SYNCPT                0x010
  20#define DC_CMD_WIN_B_INCR_SYNCPT_CNTRL          0x011
  21#define DC_CMD_WIN_B_INCR_SYNCPT_ERROR          0x012
  22#define DC_CMD_WIN_C_INCR_SYNCPT                0x018
  23#define DC_CMD_WIN_C_INCR_SYNCPT_CNTRL          0x019
  24#define DC_CMD_WIN_C_INCR_SYNCPT_ERROR          0x01a
  25#define DC_CMD_CONT_SYNCPT_VSYNC                0x028
  26#define DC_CMD_DISPLAY_COMMAND_OPTION0          0x031
  27#define DC_CMD_DISPLAY_COMMAND                  0x032
  28#define DISP_CTRL_MODE_STOP (0 << 5)
  29#define DISP_CTRL_MODE_C_DISPLAY (1 << 5)
  30#define DISP_CTRL_MODE_NC_DISPLAY (2 << 5)
  31#define DISP_CTRL_MODE_MASK (3 << 5)
  32#define DC_CMD_SIGNAL_RAISE                     0x033
  33#define DC_CMD_DISPLAY_POWER_CONTROL            0x036
  34#define PW0_ENABLE (1 <<  0)
  35#define PW1_ENABLE (1 <<  2)
  36#define PW2_ENABLE (1 <<  4)
  37#define PW3_ENABLE (1 <<  6)
  38#define PW4_ENABLE (1 <<  8)
  39#define PM0_ENABLE (1 << 16)
  40#define PM1_ENABLE (1 << 18)
  42#define DC_CMD_INT_STATUS                       0x037
  43#define DC_CMD_INT_MASK                         0x038
  44#define DC_CMD_INT_ENABLE                       0x039
  45#define DC_CMD_INT_TYPE                         0x03a
  46#define DC_CMD_INT_POLARITY                     0x03b
  47#define CTXSW_INT     (1 << 0)
  48#define FRAME_END_INT (1 << 1)
  49#define VBLANK_INT    (1 << 2)
  50#define WIN_A_UF_INT  (1 << 8)
  51#define WIN_B_UF_INT  (1 << 9)
  52#define WIN_C_UF_INT  (1 << 10)
  53#define WIN_A_OF_INT  (1 << 14)
  54#define WIN_B_OF_INT  (1 << 15)
  55#define WIN_C_OF_INT  (1 << 16)
  57#define DC_CMD_SIGNAL_RAISE1                    0x03c
  58#define DC_CMD_SIGNAL_RAISE2                    0x03d
  59#define DC_CMD_SIGNAL_RAISE3                    0x03e
  61#define DC_CMD_STATE_ACCESS                     0x040
  62#define READ_MUX  (1 << 0)
  63#define WRITE_MUX (1 << 2)
  65#define DC_CMD_STATE_CONTROL                    0x041
  66#define GENERAL_ACT_REQ (1 <<  0)
  67#define WIN_A_ACT_REQ   (1 <<  1)
  68#define WIN_B_ACT_REQ   (1 <<  2)
  69#define WIN_C_ACT_REQ   (1 <<  3)
  70#define CURSOR_ACT_REQ  (1 <<  7)
  71#define GENERAL_UPDATE  (1 <<  8)
  72#define WIN_A_UPDATE    (1 <<  9)
  73#define WIN_B_UPDATE    (1 << 10)
  74#define WIN_C_UPDATE    (1 << 11)
  75#define CURSOR_UPDATE   (1 << 15)
  76#define NC_HOST_TRIG    (1 << 24)
  78#define DC_CMD_DISPLAY_WINDOW_HEADER            0x042
  79#define WINDOW_A_SELECT (1 << 4)
  80#define WINDOW_B_SELECT (1 << 5)
  81#define WINDOW_C_SELECT (1 << 6)
  83#define DC_CMD_REG_ACT_CONTROL                  0x043
  85#define DC_COM_CRC_CONTROL                      0x300
  86#define DC_COM_CRC_CHECKSUM                     0x301
  87#define DC_COM_PIN_OUTPUT_ENABLE(x) (0x302 + (x))
  88#define DC_COM_PIN_OUTPUT_POLARITY(x) (0x306 + (x))
  89#define LVS_OUTPUT_POLARITY_LOW (1 << 28)
  90#define LHS_OUTPUT_POLARITY_LOW (1 << 30)
  91#define DC_COM_PIN_OUTPUT_DATA(x) (0x30a + (x))
  92#define DC_COM_PIN_INPUT_ENABLE(x) (0x30e + (x))
  93#define DC_COM_PIN_INPUT_DATA(x) (0x312 + (x))
  94#define DC_COM_PIN_OUTPUT_SELECT(x) (0x314 + (x))
  96#define DC_COM_PIN_MISC_CONTROL                 0x31b
  97#define DC_COM_PIN_PM0_CONTROL                  0x31c
  98#define DC_COM_PIN_PM0_DUTY_CYCLE               0x31d
  99#define DC_COM_PIN_PM1_CONTROL                  0x31e
 100#define DC_COM_PIN_PM1_DUTY_CYCLE               0x31f
 102#define DC_COM_SPI_CONTROL                      0x320
 103#define DC_COM_SPI_START_BYTE                   0x321
 104#define DC_COM_HSPI_WRITE_DATA_AB               0x322
 105#define DC_COM_HSPI_WRITE_DATA_CD               0x323
 106#define DC_COM_HSPI_CS_DC                       0x324
 107#define DC_COM_SCRATCH_REGISTER_A               0x325
 108#define DC_COM_SCRATCH_REGISTER_B               0x326
 109#define DC_COM_GPIO_CTRL                        0x327
 110#define DC_COM_GPIO_DEBOUNCE_COUNTER            0x328
 111#define DC_COM_CRC_CHECKSUM_LATCHED             0x329
 113#define DC_DISP_DISP_SIGNAL_OPTIONS0            0x400
 114#define H_PULSE_0_ENABLE (1 <<  8)
 115#define H_PULSE_1_ENABLE (1 << 10)
 116#define H_PULSE_2_ENABLE (1 << 12)
 118#define DC_DISP_DISP_SIGNAL_OPTIONS1            0x401
 120#define DC_DISP_DISP_WIN_OPTIONS                0x402
 121#define HDMI_ENABLE     (1 << 30)
 122#define DSI_ENABLE      (1 << 29)
 123#define SOR_ENABLE      (1 << 25)
 124#define CURSOR_ENABLE   (1 << 16)
 126#define DC_DISP_DISP_MEM_HIGH_PRIORITY          0x403
 127#define CURSOR_THRESHOLD(x)   (((x) & 0x03) << 24)
 128#define WINDOW_A_THRESHOLD(x) (((x) & 0x7f) << 16)
 129#define WINDOW_B_THRESHOLD(x) (((x) & 0x7f) <<  8)
 130#define WINDOW_C_THRESHOLD(x) (((x) & 0xff) <<  0)
 133#define CURSOR_DELAY(x)   (((x) & 0x3f) << 24)
 134#define WINDOW_A_DELAY(x) (((x) & 0x3f) << 16)
 135#define WINDOW_B_DELAY(x) (((x) & 0x3f) <<  8)
 136#define WINDOW_C_DELAY(x) (((x) & 0x3f) <<  0)
 138#define DC_DISP_DISP_TIMING_OPTIONS             0x405
 139#define VSYNC_H_POSITION(x) ((x) & 0xfff)
 141#define DC_DISP_REF_TO_SYNC                     0x406
 142#define DC_DISP_SYNC_WIDTH                      0x407
 143#define DC_DISP_BACK_PORCH                      0x408
 144#define DC_DISP_ACTIVE                          0x409
 145#define DC_DISP_FRONT_PORCH                     0x40a
 146#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE0_CONTROL                0x40b
 147#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE0_POSITION_A             0x40c
 148#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE0_POSITION_B             0x40d
 149#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE0_POSITION_C             0x40e
 150#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE0_POSITION_D             0x40f
 151#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE1_CONTROL                0x410
 152#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE1_POSITION_A             0x411
 153#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE1_POSITION_B             0x412
 154#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE1_POSITION_C             0x413
 155#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE1_POSITION_D             0x414
 156#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE2_CONTROL                0x415
 157#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE2_POSITION_A             0x416
 158#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE2_POSITION_B             0x417
 159#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE2_POSITION_C             0x418
 160#define DC_DISP_H_PULSE2_POSITION_D             0x419
 161#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE0_CONTROL                0x41a
 162#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE0_POSITION_A             0x41b
 163#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE0_POSITION_B             0x41c
 164#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE0_POSITION_C             0x41d
 165#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE1_CONTROL                0x41e
 166#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE1_POSITION_A             0x41f
 167#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE1_POSITION_B             0x420
 168#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE1_POSITION_C             0x421
 169#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE2_CONTROL                0x422
 170#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE2_POSITION_A             0x423
 171#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE3_CONTROL                0x424
 172#define DC_DISP_V_PULSE3_POSITION_A             0x425
 173#define DC_DISP_M0_CONTROL                      0x426
 174#define DC_DISP_M1_CONTROL                      0x427
 175#define DC_DISP_DI_CONTROL                      0x428
 176#define DC_DISP_PP_CONTROL                      0x429
 177#define DC_DISP_PP_SELECT_A                     0x42a
 178#define DC_DISP_PP_SELECT_B                     0x42b
 179#define DC_DISP_PP_SELECT_C                     0x42c
 180#define DC_DISP_PP_SELECT_D                     0x42d
 182#define PULSE_MODE_NORMAL    (0 << 3)
 183#define PULSE_MODE_ONE_CLOCK (1 << 3)
 184#define PULSE_POLARITY_HIGH  (0 << 4)
 185#define PULSE_POLARITY_LOW   (1 << 4)
 186#define PULSE_QUAL_ALWAYS    (0 << 6)
 187#define PULSE_QUAL_VACTIVE   (2 << 6)
 188#define PULSE_QUAL_VACTIVE1  (3 << 6)
 189#define PULSE_LAST_START_A   (0 << 8)
 190#define PULSE_LAST_END_A     (1 << 8)
 191#define PULSE_LAST_START_B   (2 << 8)
 192#define PULSE_LAST_END_B     (3 << 8)
 193#define PULSE_LAST_START_C   (4 << 8)
 194#define PULSE_LAST_END_C     (5 << 8)
 195#define PULSE_LAST_START_D   (6 << 8)
 196#define PULSE_LAST_END_D     (7 << 8)
 198#define PULSE_START(x) (((x) & 0xfff) <<  0)
 199#define PULSE_END(x)   (((x) & 0xfff) << 16)
 201#define DC_DISP_DISP_CLOCK_CONTROL              0x42e
 202#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD1  (0 << 8)
 203#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD1H (1 << 8)
 204#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD2  (2 << 8)
 205#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD3  (3 << 8)
 206#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD4  (4 << 8)
 207#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD6  (5 << 8)
 208#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD8  (6 << 8)
 209#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD9  (7 << 8)
 210#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD12 (8 << 8)
 211#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD16 (9 << 8)
 212#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD18 (10 << 8)
 213#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD24 (11 << 8)
 214#define PIXEL_CLK_DIVIDER_PCD13 (12 << 8)
 215#define SHIFT_CLK_DIVIDER(x)    ((x) & 0xff)
 217#define DC_DISP_DISP_INTERFACE_CONTROL          0x42f
 218#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF1P1C    (0 << 0)
 219#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF1P2C24B (1 << 0)
 220#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF1P2C18B (2 << 0)
 221#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF1P2C16B (3 << 0)
 222#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF2S      (4 << 0)
 223#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF3S      (5 << 0)
 224#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DFSPI     (6 << 0)
 225#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF1P3C24B (7 << 0)
 226#define DISP_DATA_FORMAT_DF1P3C18B (8 << 0)
 227#define DISP_ALIGNMENT_MSB         (0 << 8)
 228#define DISP_ALIGNMENT_LSB         (1 << 8)
 229#define DISP_ORDER_RED_BLUE        (0 << 9)
 230#define DISP_ORDER_BLUE_RED        (1 << 9)
 232#define DC_DISP_DISP_COLOR_CONTROL              0x430
 233#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE666     (0 << 0)
 234#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE111     (1 << 0)
 235#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE222     (2 << 0)
 236#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE333     (3 << 0)
 237#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE444     (4 << 0)
 238#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE555     (5 << 0)
 239#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE565     (6 << 0)
 240#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE332     (7 << 0)
 241#define BASE_COLOR_SIZE888     (8 << 0)
 242#define DITHER_CONTROL_DISABLE (0 << 8)
 243#define DITHER_CONTROL_ORDERED (2 << 8)
 244#define DITHER_CONTROL_ERRDIFF (3 << 8)
 246#define DC_DISP_SHIFT_CLOCK_OPTIONS             0x431
 247#define  SC1_H_QUALIFIER_NONE   (1 << 16)
 248#define  SC0_H_QUALIFIER_NONE   (1 <<  0)
 250#define DC_DISP_DATA_ENABLE_OPTIONS             0x432
 251#define DE_SELECT_ACTIVE_BLANK  (0 << 0)
 252#define DE_SELECT_ACTIVE        (1 << 0)
 253#define DE_SELECT_ACTIVE_IS     (2 << 0)
 254#define DE_CONTROL_ONECLK       (0 << 2)
 255#define DE_CONTROL_NORMAL       (1 << 2)
 256#define DE_CONTROL_EARLY_EXT    (2 << 2)
 257#define DE_CONTROL_EARLY        (3 << 2)
 258#define DE_CONTROL_ACTIVE_BLANK (4 << 2)
 260#define DC_DISP_SERIAL_INTERFACE_OPTIONS        0x433
 261#define DC_DISP_LCD_SPI_OPTIONS                 0x434
 262#define DC_DISP_BORDER_COLOR                    0x435
 263#define DC_DISP_COLOR_KEY0_LOWER                0x436
 264#define DC_DISP_COLOR_KEY0_UPPER                0x437
 265#define DC_DISP_COLOR_KEY1_LOWER                0x438
 266#define DC_DISP_COLOR_KEY1_UPPER                0x439
 268#define DC_DISP_CURSOR_FOREGROUND               0x43c
 269#define DC_DISP_CURSOR_BACKGROUND               0x43d
 271#define DC_DISP_CURSOR_START_ADDR               0x43e
 272#define CURSOR_CLIP_DISPLAY     (0 << 28)
 273#define CURSOR_CLIP_WIN_A       (1 << 28)
 274#define CURSOR_CLIP_WIN_B       (2 << 28)
 275#define CURSOR_CLIP_WIN_C       (3 << 28)
 276#define CURSOR_SIZE_32x32       (0 << 24)
 277#define CURSOR_SIZE_64x64       (1 << 24)
 278#define CURSOR_SIZE_128x128     (2 << 24)
 279#define CURSOR_SIZE_256x256     (3 << 24)
 280#define DC_DISP_CURSOR_START_ADDR_NS            0x43f
 282#define DC_DISP_CURSOR_POSITION                 0x440
 283#define DC_DISP_CURSOR_POSITION_NS              0x441
 285#define DC_DISP_INIT_SEQ_CONTROL                0x442
 286#define DC_DISP_SPI_INIT_SEQ_DATA_A             0x443
 287#define DC_DISP_SPI_INIT_SEQ_DATA_B             0x444
 288#define DC_DISP_SPI_INIT_SEQ_DATA_C             0x445
 289#define DC_DISP_SPI_INIT_SEQ_DATA_D             0x446
 291#define DC_DISP_DC_MCCIF_FIFOCTRL               0x480
 292#define DC_DISP_MCCIF_DISPLAY0A_HYST            0x481
 293#define DC_DISP_MCCIF_DISPLAY0B_HYST            0x482
 294#define DC_DISP_MCCIF_DISPLAY1A_HYST            0x483
 295#define DC_DISP_MCCIF_DISPLAY1B_HYST            0x484
 297#define DC_DISP_DAC_CRT_CTRL                    0x4c0
 298#define DC_DISP_DISP_MISC_CONTROL               0x4c1
 299#define DC_DISP_SD_CONTROL                      0x4c2
 300#define DC_DISP_SD_CSC_COEFF                    0x4c3
 301#define DC_DISP_SD_LUT(x)                       (0x4c4 + (x))
 302#define DC_DISP_SD_FLICKER_CONTROL              0x4cd
 303#define DC_DISP_DC_PIXEL_COUNT                  0x4ce
 304#define DC_DISP_SD_HISTOGRAM(x)                 (0x4cf + (x))
 305#define DC_DISP_SD_BL_PARAMETERS                0x4d7
 306#define DC_DISP_SD_BL_TF(x)                     (0x4d8 + (x))
 307#define DC_DISP_SD_BL_CONTROL                   0x4dc
 308#define DC_DISP_SD_HW_K_VALUES                  0x4dd
 309#define DC_DISP_SD_MAN_K_VALUES                 0x4de
 311#define DC_DISP_INTERLACE_CONTROL               0x4e5
 312#define  INTERLACE_STATUS (1 << 2)
 313#define  INTERLACE_START  (1 << 1)
 314#define  INTERLACE_ENABLE (1 << 0)
 316#define DC_DISP_CURSOR_START_ADDR_HI            0x4ec
 317#define DC_DISP_BLEND_CURSOR_CONTROL            0x4f1
 318#define CURSOR_MODE_LEGACY                      (0 << 24)
 319#define CURSOR_MODE_NORMAL                      (1 << 24)
 320#define CURSOR_DST_BLEND_ZERO                   (0 << 16)
 321#define CURSOR_DST_BLEND_K1                     (1 << 16)
 322#define CURSOR_DST_BLEND_NEG_K1_TIMES_SRC       (2 << 16)
 323#define CURSOR_DST_BLEND_MASK                   (3 << 16)
 324#define CURSOR_SRC_BLEND_K1                     (0 << 8)
 325#define CURSOR_SRC_BLEND_K1_TIMES_SRC           (1 << 8)
 326#define CURSOR_SRC_BLEND_MASK                   (3 << 8)
 327#define CURSOR_ALPHA                            0xff
 329#define DC_WIN_CSC_YOF                          0x611
 330#define DC_WIN_CSC_KYRGB                        0x612
 331#define DC_WIN_CSC_KUR                          0x613
 332#define DC_WIN_CSC_KVR                          0x614
 333#define DC_WIN_CSC_KUG                          0x615
 334#define DC_WIN_CSC_KVG                          0x616
 335#define DC_WIN_CSC_KUB                          0x617
 336#define DC_WIN_CSC_KVB                          0x618
 338#define DC_WIN_WIN_OPTIONS                      0x700
 339#define H_DIRECTION  (1 <<  0)
 340#define V_DIRECTION  (1 <<  2)
 341#define COLOR_EXPAND (1 <<  6)
 342#define CSC_ENABLE   (1 << 18)
 343#define WIN_ENABLE   (1 << 30)
 345#define DC_WIN_BYTE_SWAP                        0x701
 346#define BYTE_SWAP_NOSWAP  (0 << 0)
 347#define BYTE_SWAP_SWAP2   (1 << 0)
 348#define BYTE_SWAP_SWAP4   (2 << 0)
 349#define BYTE_SWAP_SWAP4HW (3 << 0)
 351#define DC_WIN_BUFFER_CONTROL                   0x702
 352#define BUFFER_CONTROL_HOST  (0 << 0)
 353#define BUFFER_CONTROL_VI    (1 << 0)
 354#define BUFFER_CONTROL_EPP   (2 << 0)
 355#define BUFFER_CONTROL_MPEGE (3 << 0)
 356#define BUFFER_CONTROL_SB2D  (4 << 0)
 358#define DC_WIN_COLOR_DEPTH                      0x703
 359#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_P1              0
 360#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_P2              1
 361#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_P4              2
 362#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_P8              3
 363#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_B4G4R4A4        4
 364#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_B5G5R5A         5
 365#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_B5G6R5          6
 366#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_AB5G5R5         7
 367#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_B8G8R8A8       12
 368#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_R8G8B8A8       13
 369#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_B6x2G6x2R6x2A8 14
 370#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_R6x2G6x2B6x2A8 15
 371#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YCbCr422       16
 372#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YUV422         17
 373#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YCbCr420P      18
 374#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YUV420P        19
 375#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YCbCr422P      20
 376#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YUV422P        21
 377#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YCbCr422R      22
 378#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YUV422R        23
 379#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YCbCr422RA     24
 380#define WIN_COLOR_DEPTH_YUV422RA       25
 382#define DC_WIN_POSITION                         0x704
 383#define H_POSITION(x) (((x) & 0x1fff) <<  0)
 384#define V_POSITION(x) (((x) & 0x1fff) << 16)
 386#define DC_WIN_SIZE                             0x705
 387#define H_SIZE(x) (((x) & 0x1fff) <<  0)
 388#define V_SIZE(x) (((x) & 0x1fff) << 16)
 390#define DC_WIN_PRESCALED_SIZE                   0x706
 391#define H_PRESCALED_SIZE(x) (((x) & 0x7fff) <<  0)
 392#define V_PRESCALED_SIZE(x) (((x) & 0x1fff) << 16)
 394#define DC_WIN_H_INITIAL_DDA                    0x707
 395#define DC_WIN_V_INITIAL_DDA                    0x708
 396#define DC_WIN_DDA_INC                          0x709
 397#define H_DDA_INC(x) (((x) & 0xffff) <<  0)
 398#define V_DDA_INC(x) (((x) & 0xffff) << 16)
 400#define DC_WIN_LINE_STRIDE                      0x70a
 401#define DC_WIN_BUF_STRIDE                       0x70b
 402#define DC_WIN_UV_BUF_STRIDE                    0x70c
 403#define DC_WIN_BUFFER_ADDR_MODE                 0x70d
 404#define DC_WIN_BUFFER_ADDR_MODE_LINEAR          (0 <<  0)
 405#define DC_WIN_BUFFER_ADDR_MODE_TILE            (1 <<  0)
 406#define DC_WIN_BUFFER_ADDR_MODE_LINEAR_UV       (0 << 16)
 407#define DC_WIN_BUFFER_ADDR_MODE_TILE_UV         (1 << 16)
 408#define DC_WIN_DV_CONTROL                       0x70e
 410#define DC_WIN_BLEND_NOKEY                      0x70f
 411#define DC_WIN_BLEND_1WIN                       0x710
 412#define DC_WIN_BLEND_2WIN_X                     0x711
 413#define DC_WIN_BLEND_2WIN_Y                     0x712
 414#define DC_WIN_BLEND_3WIN_XY                    0x713
 416#define DC_WIN_HP_FETCH_CONTROL                 0x714
 418#define DC_WINBUF_START_ADDR                    0x800
 419#define DC_WINBUF_START_ADDR_NS                 0x801
 420#define DC_WINBUF_START_ADDR_U                  0x802
 421#define DC_WINBUF_START_ADDR_U_NS               0x803
 422#define DC_WINBUF_START_ADDR_V                  0x804
 423#define DC_WINBUF_START_ADDR_V_NS               0x805
 425#define DC_WINBUF_ADDR_H_OFFSET                 0x806
 426#define DC_WINBUF_ADDR_H_OFFSET_NS              0x807
 427#define DC_WINBUF_ADDR_V_OFFSET                 0x808
 428#define DC_WINBUF_ADDR_V_OFFSET_NS              0x809
 430#define DC_WINBUF_UFLOW_STATUS                  0x80a
 431#define DC_WINBUF_SURFACE_KIND                  0x80b
 432#define DC_WINBUF_SURFACE_KIND_PITCH    (0 << 0)
 433#define DC_WINBUF_SURFACE_KIND_TILED    (1 << 0)
 434#define DC_WINBUF_SURFACE_KIND_BLOCK    (2 << 0)
 435#define DC_WINBUF_SURFACE_KIND_BLOCK_HEIGHT(x) (((x) & 0x7) << 4)
 437#define DC_WINBUF_AD_UFLOW_STATUS               0xbca
 438#define DC_WINBUF_BD_UFLOW_STATUS               0xdca
 439#define DC_WINBUF_CD_UFLOW_STATUS               0xfca
 441/* synchronization points */
 442#define SYNCPT_VBLANK0 26
 443#define SYNCPT_VBLANK1 27
 445#endif /* TEGRA_DC_H */