   2 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
   3 * License.  See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
   4 * for more details.
   5 *
   6 * Derived from IRIX <sys/SN/klconfig.h>.
   7 *
   8 * Copyright (C) 1992-1997,1999,2001-2004 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   9 * Copyright (C) 1999 by Ralf Baechle
  10 */
  11#ifndef _ASM_IA64_SN_KLCONFIG_H
  12#define _ASM_IA64_SN_KLCONFIG_H
  15 * The KLCONFIG structures store info about the various BOARDs found
  16 * during Hardware Discovery. In addition, it stores info about the
  17 * components found on the BOARDs.
  18 */
  20typedef s32 klconf_off_t;
  23/* Functions/macros needed to use this structure */
  25typedef struct kl_config_hdr {
  26        char            pad[20];
  27        klconf_off_t    ch_board_info;  /* the link list of boards */
  28        char            pad0[88];
  29} kl_config_hdr_t;
  32#define NODE_OFFSET_TO_LBOARD(nasid,off)        (lboard_t*)(GLOBAL_CAC_ADDR((nasid), (off)))
  35 * The KLCONFIG area is organized as a LINKED LIST of BOARDs. A BOARD
  36 * can be either 'LOCAL' or 'REMOTE'. LOCAL means it is attached to 
  37 * the LOCAL/current NODE. REMOTE means it is attached to a different
  38 * node.(TBD - Need a way to treat ROUTER boards.)
  39 *
  40 * There are 2 different structures to represent these boards -
  41 * lboard - Local board, rboard - remote board. These 2 structures
  42 * can be arbitrarily mixed in the LINKED LIST of BOARDs. (Refer
  43 * Figure below). The first byte of the rboard or lboard structure
  44 * is used to find out its type - no unions are used.
  45 * If it is a lboard, then the config info of this board will be found
  46 * on the local node. (LOCAL NODE BASE + offset value gives pointer to 
  47 * the structure.
  48 * If it is a rboard, the local structure contains the node number
  49 * and the offset of the beginning of the LINKED LIST on the remote node.
  50 * The details of the hardware on a remote node can be built locally,
  51 * if required, by reading the LINKED LIST on the remote node and 
  52 * ignoring all the rboards on that node.
  53 *
  54 * The local node uses the REMOTE NODE NUMBER + OFFSET to point to the 
  55 * First board info on the remote node. The remote node list is 
  56 * traversed as the local list, using the REMOTE BASE ADDRESS and not
  57 * the local base address and ignoring all rboard values.
  58 *
  59 * 
  62 +------------+      +------------+      +------------+      +------------+
  63 |  lboard    |  +-->|   lboard   |  +-->|   rboard   |  +-->|   lboard   |
  64 +------------+  |   +------------+  |   +------------+  |   +------------+
  65 | board info |  |   | board info |  |   |errinfo,bptr|  |   | board info |
  66 +------------+  |   +------------+  |   +------------+  |   +------------+
  67 | offset     |--+   |  offset    |--+   |  offset    |--+   |offset=NULL |
  68 +------------+      +------------+      +------------+      +------------+
  71 +------------+
  72 | board info |
  73 +------------+       +--------------------------------+
  74 | compt 1    |------>| type, rev, diaginfo, size ...  |  (CPU)
  75 +------------+       +--------------------------------+
  76 | compt 2    |--+
  77 +------------+  |    +--------------------------------+
  78 |  ...       |  +--->| type, rev, diaginfo, size ...  |  (MEM_BANK)
  79 +------------+       +--------------------------------+
  80 | errinfo    |--+
  81 +------------+  |    +--------------------------------+
  82                 +--->|r/l brd errinfo,compt err flags |
  83                      +--------------------------------+
  85 *
  86 * Each BOARD consists of COMPONENTs and the BOARD structure has 
  87 * pointers (offsets) to its COMPONENT structure.
  88 * The COMPONENT structure has version info, size and speed info, revision,
  89 * error info and the NIC info. This structure can accommodate any
  90 * BOARD with arbitrary COMPONENT composition.
  91 *
  92 * The ERRORINFO part of each BOARD has error information
  93 * that describes errors about the BOARD itself. It also has flags to
  94 * indicate the COMPONENT(s) on the board that have errors. The error 
  95 * information specific to the COMPONENT is present in the respective 
  96 * COMPONENT structure.
  97 *
  98 * The ERRORINFO structure is also treated like a COMPONENT, ie. the 
  99 * BOARD has pointers(offset) to the ERRORINFO structure. The rboard
 100 * structure also has a pointer to the ERRORINFO structure. This is 
 101 * the place to store ERRORINFO about a REMOTE NODE, if the HUB on
 102 * that NODE is not working or if the REMOTE MEMORY is BAD. In cases where 
 103 * only the CPU of the REMOTE NODE is disabled, the ERRORINFO pointer can
 104 * be a NODE NUMBER, REMOTE OFFSET combination, pointing to error info 
 105 * which is present on the REMOTE NODE.(TBD)
 106 * REMOTE ERRINFO can be stored on any of the nearest nodes 
 107 * or on all the nearest nodes.(TBD)
 108 * Like BOARD structures, REMOTE ERRINFO structures can be built locally
 109 * using the rboard errinfo pointer.
 110 *
 111 * In order to get useful information from this Data organization, a set of
 112 * interface routines are provided (TBD). The important thing to remember while
 113 * manipulating the structures, is that, the NODE number information should
 114 * be used. If the NODE is non-zero (remote) then each offset should
 115 * be added to the REMOTE BASE ADDR else it should be added to the LOCAL BASE ADDR. 
 116 * This includes offsets for BOARDS, COMPONENTS and ERRORINFO.
 117 * 
 118 * Note that these structures do not provide much info about connectivity.
 119 * That info will be part of HWGRAPH, which is an extension of the cfg_t
 120 * data structure. (ref IP27prom/cfg.h) It has to be extended to include
 121 * the IO part of the Network(TBD).
 122 *
 123 * The data structures below define the above concepts.
 124 */
 128 * BOARD classes
 129 */
 131#define KLCLASS_MASK    0xf0   
 132#define KLCLASS_NONE    0x00
 133#define KLCLASS_NODE    0x10             /* CPU, Memory and HUB board */
 134#define KLCLASS_CPU     KLCLASS_NODE    
 135#define KLCLASS_IO      0x20             /* BaseIO, 4 ch SCSI, ethernet, FDDI 
 136                                            and the non-graphics widget boards */
 137#define KLCLASS_ROUTER  0x30             /* Router board */
 138#define KLCLASS_MIDPLANE 0x40            /* We need to treat this as a board
 139                                            so that we can record error info */
 140#define KLCLASS_IOBRICK 0x70            /* IP35 iobrick */
 141#define KLCLASS_MAX     8               /* Bump this if a new CLASS is added */
 143#define KLCLASS(_x) ((_x) & KLCLASS_MASK)
 147 * board types
 148 */
 150#define KLTYPE_MASK     0x0f
 151#define KLTYPE(_x)      ((_x) & KLTYPE_MASK)
 153#define KLTYPE_SNIA     (KLCLASS_CPU | 0x1)
 154#define KLTYPE_TIO      (KLCLASS_CPU | 0x2)
 156#define KLTYPE_ROUTER     (KLCLASS_ROUTER | 0x1)
 162#define KLTYPE_IOBRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x0)
 163#define KLTYPE_NBRICK           (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x4)
 164#define KLTYPE_PXBRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x6)
 165#define KLTYPE_IXBRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x7)
 166#define KLTYPE_CGBRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x8)
 167#define KLTYPE_OPUSBRICK        (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0x9)
 168#define KLTYPE_SABRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0xa)
 169#define KLTYPE_IABRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0xb)
 170#define KLTYPE_PABRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0xc)
 171#define KLTYPE_GABRICK          (KLCLASS_IOBRICK | 0xd)
 175 * board structures
 176 */
 178#define MAX_COMPTS_PER_BRD 24
 180typedef struct lboard_s {
 181        klconf_off_t    brd_next_any;     /* Next BOARD */
 182        unsigned char   struct_type;      /* type of structure, local or remote */
 183        unsigned char   brd_type;         /* type+class */
 184        unsigned char   brd_sversion;     /* version of this structure */
 185        unsigned char   brd_brevision;    /* board revision */
 186        unsigned char   brd_promver;      /* board prom version, if any */
 187        unsigned char   brd_flags;        /* Enabled, Disabled etc */
 188        unsigned char   brd_slot;         /* slot number */
 189        unsigned short  brd_debugsw;      /* Debug switches */
 190        geoid_t         brd_geoid;        /* geo id */
 191        partid_t        brd_partition;    /* Partition number */
 192        unsigned short  brd_diagval;      /* diagnostic value */
 193        unsigned short  brd_diagparm;     /* diagnostic parameter */
 194        unsigned char   brd_inventory;    /* inventory history */
 195        unsigned char   brd_numcompts;    /* Number of components */
 196        nic_t           brd_nic;          /* Number in CAN */
 197        nasid_t         brd_nasid;        /* passed parameter */
 198        klconf_off_t    brd_compts[MAX_COMPTS_PER_BRD]; /* pointers to COMPONENTS */
 199        klconf_off_t    brd_errinfo;      /* Board's error information */
 200        struct lboard_s *brd_parent;      /* Logical parent for this brd */
 201        char            pad0[4];
 202        unsigned char   brd_confidence;   /* confidence that the board is bad */
 203        nasid_t         brd_owner;        /* who owns this board */
 204        unsigned char   brd_nic_flags;    /* To handle 8 more NICs */
 205        char            pad1[24];         /* future expansion */
 206        char            brd_name[32];
 207        nasid_t         brd_next_same_host; /* host of next brd w/same nasid */
 208        klconf_off_t    brd_next_same;    /* Next BOARD with same nasid */
 209} lboard_t;
 212 * Generic info structure. This stores common info about a 
 213 * component.
 214 */
 216typedef struct klinfo_s {                  /* Generic info */
 217        unsigned char   struct_type;       /* type of this structure */
 218        unsigned char   struct_version;    /* version of this structure */
 219        unsigned char   flags;            /* Enabled, disabled etc */
 220        unsigned char   revision;         /* component revision */
 221        unsigned short  diagval;          /* result of diagnostics */
 222        unsigned short  diagparm;         /* diagnostic parameter */
 223        unsigned char   inventory;        /* previous inventory status */
 224        unsigned short  partid;            /* widget part number */
 225        nic_t           nic;              /* MUst be aligned properly */
 226        unsigned char   physid;           /* physical id of component */
 227        unsigned int    virtid;           /* virtual id as seen by system */
 228        unsigned char   widid;            /* Widget id - if applicable */
 229        nasid_t         nasid;            /* node number - from parent */
 230        char            pad1;             /* pad out structure. */
 231        char            pad2;             /* pad out structure. */
 232        void            *data;
 233        klconf_off_t    errinfo;          /* component specific errors */
 234        unsigned short  pad3;             /* pci fields have moved over to */
 235        unsigned short  pad4;             /* klbri_t */
 236} klinfo_t ;
 239static inline lboard_t *find_lboard_next(lboard_t * brd)
 241        if (brd && brd->brd_next_any)
 242                return NODE_OFFSET_TO_LBOARD(NASID_GET(brd), brd->brd_next_any);
 243        return NULL;
 246#endif /* _ASM_IA64_SN_KLCONFIG_H */