   1/* $Date: 2006/04/28 19:20:17 $ $RCSfile: vsc7326_reg.h,v $ $Revision: 1.5 $ */
   2#ifndef _VSC7321_REG_H_
   3#define _VSC7321_REG_H_
   5/* Register definitions for Vitesse VSC7321 (Meigs II) MAC
   6 *
   7 * Straight off the data sheet, VMDS-10038 Rev 2.0 and
   8 * PD0011-01-14-Meigs-II 2002-12-12
   9 */
  11/* Just 'cause it's in here doesn't mean it's used. */
  13#define CRA(blk,sub,adr) ((((blk) & 0x7) << 13) | (((sub) & 0xf) << 9) | (((adr) & 0xff) << 1))
  15/* System and CPU comm's registers */
  16#define REG_CHIP_ID             CRA(0x7,0xf,0x00)       /* Chip ID */
  17#define REG_BLADE_ID            CRA(0x7,0xf,0x01)       /* Blade ID */
  18#define REG_SW_RESET            CRA(0x7,0xf,0x02)       /* Global Soft Reset */
  19#define REG_MEM_BIST            CRA(0x7,0xf,0x04)       /* mem */
  20#define REG_IFACE_MODE          CRA(0x7,0xf,0x07)       /* Interface mode */
  21#define REG_MSCH                CRA(0x7,0x2,0x06)       /* CRC error count */
  22#define REG_CRC_CNT             CRA(0x7,0x2,0x0a)       /* CRC error count */
  23#define REG_CRC_CFG             CRA(0x7,0x2,0x0b)       /* CRC config */
  24#define REG_SI_TRANSFER_SEL     CRA(0x7,0xf,0x18)       /* SI Transfer Select */
  25#define REG_PLL_CLK_SPEED       CRA(0x7,0xf,0x19)       /* Clock Speed Selection */
  26#define REG_SYS_CLK_SELECT      CRA(0x7,0xf,0x1c)       /* System Clock Select */
  27#define REG_GPIO_CTRL           CRA(0x7,0xf,0x1d)       /* GPIO Control */
  28#define REG_GPIO_OUT            CRA(0x7,0xf,0x1e)       /* GPIO Out */
  29#define REG_GPIO_IN             CRA(0x7,0xf,0x1f)       /* GPIO In */
  30#define REG_CPU_TRANSFER_SEL    CRA(0x7,0xf,0x20)       /* CPU Transfer Select */
  31#define REG_LOCAL_DATA          CRA(0x7,0xf,0xfe)       /* Local CPU Data Register */
  32#define REG_LOCAL_STATUS        CRA(0x7,0xf,0xff)       /* Local CPU Status Register */
  34/* Aggregator registers */
  35#define REG_AGGR_SETUP          CRA(0x7,0x1,0x00)       /* Aggregator Setup */
  36#define REG_PMAP_TABLE          CRA(0x7,0x1,0x01)       /* Port map table */
  37#define REG_MPLS_BIT0           CRA(0x7,0x1,0x08)       /* MPLS bit0 position */
  38#define REG_MPLS_BIT1           CRA(0x7,0x1,0x09)       /* MPLS bit1 position */
  39#define REG_MPLS_BIT2           CRA(0x7,0x1,0x0a)       /* MPLS bit2 position */
  40#define REG_MPLS_BIT3           CRA(0x7,0x1,0x0b)       /* MPLS bit3 position */
  41#define REG_MPLS_BITMASK        CRA(0x7,0x1,0x0c)       /* MPLS bit mask */
  42#define REG_PRE_BIT0POS         CRA(0x7,0x1,0x10)       /* Preamble bit0 position */
  43#define REG_PRE_BIT1POS         CRA(0x7,0x1,0x11)       /* Preamble bit1 position */
  44#define REG_PRE_BIT2POS         CRA(0x7,0x1,0x12)       /* Preamble bit2 position */
  45#define REG_PRE_BIT3POS         CRA(0x7,0x1,0x13)       /* Preamble bit3 position */
  46#define REG_PRE_ERR_CNT         CRA(0x7,0x1,0x14)       /* Preamble parity error count */
  48/* BIST registers */
  49/*#define REG_RAM_BIST_CMD      CRA(0x7,0x2,0x00)*/     /* RAM BIST Command Register */
  50/*#define REG_RAM_BIST_RESULT   CRA(0x7,0x2,0x01)*/     /* RAM BIST Read Status/Result */
  51#define REG_RAM_BIST_CMD        CRA(0x7,0x1,0x00)       /* RAM BIST Command Register */
  52#define REG_RAM_BIST_RESULT     CRA(0x7,0x1,0x01)       /* RAM BIST Read Status/Result */
  53#define   BIST_PORT_SELECT      0x00                    /* BIST port select */
  54#define   BIST_COMMAND          0x01                    /* BIST enable/disable */
  55#define   BIST_STATUS           0x02                    /* BIST operation status */
  56#define   BIST_ERR_CNT_LSB      0x03                    /* BIST error count lo 8b */
  57#define   BIST_ERR_CNT_MSB      0x04                    /* BIST error count hi 8b */
  58#define   BIST_ERR_SEL_LSB      0x05                    /* BIST error select lo 8b */
  59#define   BIST_ERR_SEL_MSB      0x06                    /* BIST error select hi 8b */
  60#define   BIST_ERROR_STATE      0x07                    /* BIST engine internal state */
  61#define   BIST_ERR_ADR0         0x08                    /* BIST error address lo 8b */
  62#define   BIST_ERR_ADR1         0x09                    /* BIST error address lomid 8b */
  63#define   BIST_ERR_ADR2         0x0a                    /* BIST error address himid 8b */
  64#define   BIST_ERR_ADR3         0x0b                    /* BIST error address hi 8b */
  66/* FIFO registers
  67 *   ie = 0 for ingress, 1 for egress
  68 *   fn = FIFO number, 0-9
  69 */
  70#define REG_TEST(ie,fn)         CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x00+fn)   /* Mode & Test Register */
  71#define REG_TOP_BOTTOM(ie,fn)   CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x10+fn)   /* FIFO Buffer Top & Bottom */
  72#define REG_TAIL(ie,fn)         CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x20+fn)   /* FIFO Write Pointer */
  73#define REG_HEAD(ie,fn)         CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x30+fn)   /* FIFO Read Pointer */
  74#define REG_HIGH_LOW_WM(ie,fn)  CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x40+fn)   /* Flow Control Water Marks */
  75#define REG_CT_THRHLD(ie,fn)    CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x50+fn)   /* Cut Through Threshold */
  76#define REG_FIFO_DROP_CNT(ie,fn) CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x60+fn)  /* Drop & CRC Error Counter */
  77#define REG_DEBUG_BUF_CNT(ie,fn) CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x70+fn)  /* Input Side Debug Counter */
  78#define REG_BUCKI(fn) CRA(0x2,2,0x20+fn)        /* Input Side Debug Counter */
  79#define REG_BUCKE(fn) CRA(0x2,3,0x20+fn)        /* Input Side Debug Counter */
  81/* Traffic shaper buckets
  82 *   ie = 0 for ingress, 1 for egress
  83 *   bn = bucket number 0-10 (yes, 11 buckets)
  84 */
  85/* OK, this one's kinda ugly.  Some hardware designers are perverse. */
  86#define REG_TRAFFIC_SHAPER_BUCKET(ie,bn) CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x0a + (bn>7) | ((bn&7)<<4))
  87#define REG_TRAFFIC_SHAPER_CONTROL(ie)  CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x3b)
  89#define REG_SRAM_ADR(ie)        CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x0e)      /* FIFO SRAM address */
  90#define REG_SRAM_WR_STRB(ie)    CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x1e)      /* FIFO SRAM write strobe */
  91#define REG_SRAM_RD_STRB(ie)    CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x2e)      /* FIFO SRAM read strobe */
  92#define REG_SRAM_DATA_0(ie)     CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x3e)      /* FIFO SRAM data lo 8b */
  93#define REG_SRAM_DATA_1(ie)     CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x4e)      /* FIFO SRAM data lomid 8b */
  94#define REG_SRAM_DATA_2(ie)     CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x5e)      /* FIFO SRAM data himid 8b */
  95#define REG_SRAM_DATA_3(ie)     CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x6e)      /* FIFO SRAM data hi 8b */
  96#define REG_SRAM_DATA_BLK_TYPE(ie) CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x7e)   /* FIFO SRAM tag */
  97/* REG_ING_CONTROL equals REG_CONTROL with ie = 0, likewise REG_EGR_CONTROL is ie = 1 */
  98#define REG_CONTROL(ie)         CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x0f)      /* FIFO control */
  99#define REG_ING_CONTROL         CRA(0x2,0x0,0x0f)       /* Ingress control (alias) */
 100#define REG_EGR_CONTROL         CRA(0x2,0x1,0x0f)       /* Egress control (alias) */
 101#define REG_AGE_TIMER(ie)       CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x1f)      /* Aging timer */
 102#define REG_AGE_INC(ie)         CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x2f)      /* Aging increment */
 103#define DEBUG_OUT(ie)           CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x3f)      /* Output debug counter control */
 104#define DEBUG_CNT(ie)           CRA(0x2,ie&1,0x4f)      /* Output debug counter */
 106/* SPI4 interface */
 107#define REG_SPI4_MISC           CRA(0x5,0x0,0x00)       /* Misc Register */
 108#define REG_SPI4_STATUS         CRA(0x5,0x0,0x01)       /* CML Status */
 109#define REG_SPI4_ING_SETUP0     CRA(0x5,0x0,0x02)       /* Ingress Status Channel Setup */
 110#define REG_SPI4_ING_SETUP1     CRA(0x5,0x0,0x03)       /* Ingress Data Training Setup */
 111#define REG_SPI4_ING_SETUP2     CRA(0x5,0x0,0x04)       /* Ingress Data Burst Size Setup */
 112#define REG_SPI4_EGR_SETUP0     CRA(0x5,0x0,0x05)       /* Egress Status Channel Setup */
 113#define REG_SPI4_DBG_CNT(n)     CRA(0x5,0x0,0x10+n)     /* Debug counters 0-9 */
 114#define REG_SPI4_DBG_SETUP      CRA(0x5,0x0,0x1A)       /* Debug counters setup */
 115#define REG_SPI4_TEST           CRA(0x5,0x0,0x20)       /* Test Setup Register */
 116#define REG_TPGEN_UP0           CRA(0x5,0x0,0x21)       /* Test Pattern generator user pattern 0 */
 117#define REG_TPGEN_UP1           CRA(0x5,0x0,0x22)       /* Test Pattern generator user pattern 1 */
 118#define REG_TPCHK_UP0           CRA(0x5,0x0,0x23)       /* Test Pattern checker user pattern 0 */
 119#define REG_TPCHK_UP1           CRA(0x5,0x0,0x24)       /* Test Pattern checker user pattern 1 */
 120#define REG_TPSAM_P0            CRA(0x5,0x0,0x25)       /* Sampled pattern 0 */
 121#define REG_TPSAM_P1            CRA(0x5,0x0,0x26)       /* Sampled pattern 1 */
 122#define REG_TPERR_CNT           CRA(0x5,0x0,0x27)       /* Pattern checker error counter */
 123#define REG_SPI4_STICKY         CRA(0x5,0x0,0x30)       /* Sticky bits register */
 124#define REG_SPI4_DBG_INH        CRA(0x5,0x0,0x31)       /* Core egress & ingress inhibit */
 125#define REG_SPI4_DBG_STATUS     CRA(0x5,0x0,0x32)       /* Sampled ingress status */
 126#define REG_SPI4_DBG_GRANT      CRA(0x5,0x0,0x33)       /* Ingress cranted credit value */
 128#define REG_SPI4_DESKEW         CRA(0x5,0x0,0x43)       /* Ingress cranted credit value */
 130/* 10GbE MAC Block Registers */
 131/* Note that those registers that are exactly the same for 10GbE as for
 132 * tri-speed are only defined with the version that needs a port number.
 133 * Pass 0xa in those cases.
 134 *
 135 * Also note that despite the presence of a MAC address register, this part
 136 * does no ingress MAC address filtering.  That register is used only for
 137 * pause frame detection and generation.
 138 */
 139/* 10GbE specific, and different from tri-speed */
 140#define REG_MISC_10G            CRA(0x1,0xa,0x00)       /* Misc 10GbE setup */
 141#define REG_PAUSE_10G           CRA(0x1,0xa,0x01)       /* Pause register */
 142#define REG_NORMALIZER_10G      CRA(0x1,0xa,0x05)       /* 10G normalizer */
 143#define REG_STICKY_RX           CRA(0x1,0xa,0x06)       /* RX debug register */
 144#define REG_DENORM_10G          CRA(0x1,0xa,0x07)       /* Denormalizer  */
 145#define REG_STICKY_TX           CRA(0x1,0xa,0x08)       /* TX sticky bits */
 146#define REG_MAX_RXHIGH          CRA(0x1,0xa,0x0a)       /* XGMII lane 0-3 debug */
 147#define REG_MAX_RXLOW           CRA(0x1,0xa,0x0b)       /* XGMII lane 4-7 debug */
 148#define REG_MAC_TX_STICKY       CRA(0x1,0xa,0x0c)       /* MAC Tx state sticky debug */
 149#define REG_MAC_TX_RUNNING      CRA(0x1,0xa,0x0d)       /* MAC Tx state running debug */
 150#define REG_TX_ABORT_AGE        CRA(0x1,0xa,0x14)       /* Aged Tx frames discarded */
 151#define REG_TX_ABORT_SHORT      CRA(0x1,0xa,0x15)       /* Short Tx frames discarded */
 152#define REG_TX_ABORT_TAXI       CRA(0x1,0xa,0x16)       /* Taxi error frames discarded */
 153#define REG_TX_ABORT_UNDERRUN   CRA(0x1,0xa,0x17)       /* Tx Underrun abort counter */
 154#define REG_TX_DENORM_DISCARD   CRA(0x1,0xa,0x18)       /* Tx denormalizer discards */
 155#define REG_XAUI_STAT_A         CRA(0x1,0xa,0x20)       /* XAUI status A */
 156#define REG_XAUI_STAT_B         CRA(0x1,0xa,0x21)       /* XAUI status B */
 157#define REG_XAUI_STAT_C         CRA(0x1,0xa,0x22)       /* XAUI status C */
 158#define REG_XAUI_CONF_A         CRA(0x1,0xa,0x23)       /* XAUI configuration A */
 159#define REG_XAUI_CONF_B         CRA(0x1,0xa,0x24)       /* XAUI configuration B */
 160#define REG_XAUI_CODE_GRP_CNT   CRA(0x1,0xa,0x25)       /* XAUI code group error count */
 161#define REG_XAUI_CONF_TEST_A    CRA(0x1,0xa,0x26)       /* XAUI test register A */
 162#define REG_PDERRCNT            CRA(0x1,0xa,0x27)       /* XAUI test register B */
 164/* pn = port number 0-9 for tri-speed, 10 for 10GbE */
 165/* Both tri-speed and 10GbE */
 166#define REG_MAX_LEN(pn)         CRA(0x1,pn,0x02)        /* Max length */
 167#define REG_MAC_HIGH_ADDR(pn)   CRA(0x1,pn,0x03)        /* Upper 24 bits of MAC addr */
 168#define REG_MAC_LOW_ADDR(pn)    CRA(0x1,pn,0x04)        /* Lower 24 bits of MAC addr */
 170/* tri-speed only
 171 * pn = port number, 0-9
 172 */
 173#define REG_MODE_CFG(pn)        CRA(0x1,pn,0x00)        /* Mode configuration */
 174#define REG_PAUSE_CFG(pn)       CRA(0x1,pn,0x01)        /* Pause configuration */
 175#define REG_NORMALIZER(pn)      CRA(0x1,pn,0x05)        /* Normalizer */
 176#define REG_TBI_STATUS(pn)      CRA(0x1,pn,0x06)        /* TBI status */
 177#define REG_PCS_STATUS_DBG(pn)  CRA(0x1,pn,0x07)        /* PCS status debug */
 178#define REG_PCS_CTRL(pn)        CRA(0x1,pn,0x08)        /* PCS control */
 179#define REG_TBI_CONFIG(pn)      CRA(0x1,pn,0x09)        /* TBI configuration */
 180#define REG_STICK_BIT(pn)       CRA(0x1,pn,0x0a)        /* Sticky bits */
 181#define REG_DEV_SETUP(pn)       CRA(0x1,pn,0x0b)        /* MAC clock/reset setup */
 182#define REG_DROP_CNT(pn)        CRA(0x1,pn,0x0c)        /* Drop counter */
 183#define REG_PORT_POS(pn)        CRA(0x1,pn,0x0d)        /* Preamble port position */
 184#define REG_PORT_FAIL(pn)       CRA(0x1,pn,0x0e)        /* Preamble port position */
 185#define REG_SERDES_CONF(pn)     CRA(0x1,pn,0x0f)        /* SerDes configuration */
 186#define REG_SERDES_TEST(pn)     CRA(0x1,pn,0x10)        /* SerDes test */
 187#define REG_SERDES_STAT(pn)     CRA(0x1,pn,0x11)        /* SerDes status */
 188#define REG_SERDES_COM_CNT(pn)  CRA(0x1,pn,0x12)        /* SerDes comma counter */
 189#define REG_DENORM(pn)          CRA(0x1,pn,0x15)        /* Frame denormalization */
 190#define REG_DBG(pn)             CRA(0x1,pn,0x16)        /* Device 1G debug */
 191#define REG_TX_IFG(pn)          CRA(0x1,pn,0x18)        /* Tx IFG config */
 192#define REG_HDX(pn)             CRA(0x1,pn,0x19)        /* Half-duplex config */
 194/* Statistics */
 195/* CRA(0x4,pn,reg) */
 196/* reg below */
 197/* pn = port number, 0-a, a = 10GbE */
 199enum {
 200        RxInBytes               = 0x00, // # Rx in octets
 201        RxSymbolCarrier         = 0x01, // Frames w/ symbol errors
 202        RxPause                 = 0x02, // # pause frames received
 203        RxUnsupOpcode           = 0x03, // # control frames with unsupported opcode
 204        RxOkBytes               = 0x04, // # octets in good frames
 205        RxBadBytes              = 0x05, // # octets in bad frames
 206        RxUnicast               = 0x06, // # good unicast frames
 207        RxMulticast             = 0x07, // # good multicast frames
 208        RxBroadcast             = 0x08, // # good broadcast frames
 209        Crc                     = 0x09, // # frames w/ bad CRC only
 210        RxAlignment             = 0x0a, // # frames w/ alignment err
 211        RxUndersize             = 0x0b, // # frames undersize
 212        RxFragments             = 0x0c, // # frames undersize w/ crc err
 213        RxInRangeLengthError    = 0x0d, // # frames with length error
 214        RxOutOfRangeError       = 0x0e, // # frames with illegal length field
 215        RxOversize              = 0x0f, // # frames oversize
 216        RxJabbers               = 0x10, // # frames oversize w/ crc err
 217        RxSize64                = 0x11, // # frames 64 octets long
 218        RxSize65To127           = 0x12, // # frames 65-127 octets
 219        RxSize128To255          = 0x13, // # frames 128-255
 220        RxSize256To511          = 0x14, // # frames 256-511
 221        RxSize512To1023         = 0x15, // # frames 512-1023
 222        RxSize1024To1518        = 0x16, // # frames 1024-1518
 223        RxSize1519ToMax         = 0x17, // # frames 1519-max
 225        TxOutBytes              = 0x18, // # octets tx
 226        TxPause                 = 0x19, // # pause frames sent
 227        TxOkBytes               = 0x1a, // # octets tx OK
 228        TxUnicast               = 0x1b, // # frames unicast
 229        TxMulticast             = 0x1c, // # frames multicast
 230        TxBroadcast             = 0x1d, // # frames broadcast
 231        TxMultipleColl          = 0x1e, // # frames tx after multiple collisions
 232        TxLateColl              = 0x1f, // # late collisions detected
 233        TxXcoll                 = 0x20, // # frames lost, excessive collisions
 234        TxDefer                 = 0x21, // # frames deferred on first tx attempt
 235        TxXdefer                = 0x22, // # frames excessively deferred
 236        TxCsense                = 0x23, // carrier sense errors at frame end
 237        TxSize64                = 0x24, // # frames 64 octets long
 238        TxSize65To127           = 0x25, // # frames 65-127 octets
 239        TxSize128To255          = 0x26, // # frames 128-255
 240        TxSize256To511          = 0x27, // # frames 256-511
 241        TxSize512To1023         = 0x28, // # frames 512-1023
 242        TxSize1024To1518        = 0x29, // # frames 1024-1518
 243        TxSize1519ToMax         = 0x2a, // # frames 1519-max
 244        TxSingleColl            = 0x2b, // # frames tx after single collision
 245        TxBackoff2              = 0x2c, // # frames tx ok after 2 backoffs/collisions
 246        TxBackoff3              = 0x2d, //   after 3 backoffs/collisions
 247        TxBackoff4              = 0x2e, //   after 4
 248        TxBackoff5              = 0x2f, //   after 5
 249        TxBackoff6              = 0x30, //   after 6
 250        TxBackoff7              = 0x31, //   after 7
 251        TxBackoff8              = 0x32, //   after 8
 252        TxBackoff9              = 0x33, //   after 9
 253        TxBackoff10             = 0x34, //   after 10
 254        TxBackoff11             = 0x35, //   after 11
 255        TxBackoff12             = 0x36, //   after 12
 256        TxBackoff13             = 0x37, //   after 13
 257        TxBackoff14             = 0x38, //   after 14
 258        TxBackoff15             = 0x39, //   after 15
 259        TxUnderrun              = 0x3a, // # frames dropped from underrun
 260        // Hole. See REG_RX_XGMII_PROT_ERR below.
 261        RxIpgShrink             = 0x3c, // # of IPG shrinks detected
 262        // Duplicate. See REG_STAT_STICKY10G below.
 263        StatSticky1G            = 0x3e, // tri-speed sticky bits
 264        StatInit                = 0x3f  // Clear all statistics
 267#define REG_RX_XGMII_PROT_ERR   CRA(0x4,0xa,0x3b)               /* # protocol errors detected on XGMII interface */
 268#define REG_STAT_STICKY10G      CRA(0x4,0xa,StatSticky1G)       /* 10GbE sticky bits */
 270#define REG_RX_OK_BYTES(pn)     CRA(0x4,pn,RxOkBytes)
 271#define REG_RX_BAD_BYTES(pn)    CRA(0x4,pn,RxBadBytes)
 272#define REG_TX_OK_BYTES(pn)     CRA(0x4,pn,TxOkBytes)
 274/* MII-Management Block registers */
 275/* These are for MII-M interface 0, which is the bidirectional LVTTL one.  If
 276 * we hooked up to the one with separate directions, the middle 0x0 needs to
 277 * change to 0x1.  And the current errata states that MII-M 1 doesn't work.
 278 */
 280#define REG_MIIM_STATUS         CRA(0x3,0x0,0x00)       /* MII-M Status */
 281#define REG_MIIM_CMD            CRA(0x3,0x0,0x01)       /* MII-M Command */
 282#define REG_MIIM_DATA           CRA(0x3,0x0,0x02)       /* MII-M Data */
 283#define REG_MIIM_PRESCALE       CRA(0x3,0x0,0x03)       /* MII-M MDC Prescale */
 285#define REG_ING_FFILT_UM_EN     CRA(0x2, 0, 0xd)
 286#define REG_ING_FFILT_BE_EN     CRA(0x2, 0, 0x1d)
 287#define REG_ING_FFILT_VAL0      CRA(0x2, 0, 0x2d)
 288#define REG_ING_FFILT_VAL1      CRA(0x2, 0, 0x3d)
 289#define REG_ING_FFILT_MASK0     CRA(0x2, 0, 0x4d)
 290#define REG_ING_FFILT_MASK1     CRA(0x2, 0, 0x5d)
 291#define REG_ING_FFILT_MASK2     CRA(0x2, 0, 0x6d)
 292#define REG_ING_FFILT_ETYPE     CRA(0x2, 0, 0x7d)
 295/* Whew. */