   2 * Atmel MACB Ethernet Controller driver
   3 *
   4 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Atmel Corporation
   5 *
   6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
   8 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   9 */
  10#ifndef _MACB_H
  11#define _MACB_H
  13#define MACB_GREGS_NBR 16
  14#define MACB_GREGS_VERSION 2
  15#define MACB_MAX_QUEUES 8
  17/* MACB register offsets */
  18#define MACB_NCR                0x0000 /* Network Control */
  19#define MACB_NCFGR              0x0004 /* Network Config */
  20#define MACB_NSR                0x0008 /* Network Status */
  21#define MACB_TAR                0x000c /* AT91RM9200 only */
  22#define MACB_TCR                0x0010 /* AT91RM9200 only */
  23#define MACB_TSR                0x0014 /* Transmit Status */
  24#define MACB_RBQP               0x0018 /* RX Q Base Address */
  25#define MACB_TBQP               0x001c /* TX Q Base Address */
  26#define MACB_RSR                0x0020 /* Receive Status */
  27#define MACB_ISR                0x0024 /* Interrupt Status */
  28#define MACB_IER                0x0028 /* Interrupt Enable */
  29#define MACB_IDR                0x002c /* Interrupt Disable */
  30#define MACB_IMR                0x0030 /* Interrupt Mask */
  31#define MACB_MAN                0x0034 /* PHY Maintenance */
  32#define MACB_PTR                0x0038
  33#define MACB_PFR                0x003c
  34#define MACB_FTO                0x0040
  35#define MACB_SCF                0x0044
  36#define MACB_MCF                0x0048
  37#define MACB_FRO                0x004c
  38#define MACB_FCSE               0x0050
  39#define MACB_ALE                0x0054
  40#define MACB_DTF                0x0058
  41#define MACB_LCOL               0x005c
  42#define MACB_EXCOL              0x0060
  43#define MACB_TUND               0x0064
  44#define MACB_CSE                0x0068
  45#define MACB_RRE                0x006c
  46#define MACB_ROVR               0x0070
  47#define MACB_RSE                0x0074
  48#define MACB_ELE                0x0078
  49#define MACB_RJA                0x007c
  50#define MACB_USF                0x0080
  51#define MACB_STE                0x0084
  52#define MACB_RLE                0x0088
  53#define MACB_TPF                0x008c
  54#define MACB_HRB                0x0090
  55#define MACB_HRT                0x0094
  56#define MACB_SA1B               0x0098
  57#define MACB_SA1T               0x009c
  58#define MACB_SA2B               0x00a0
  59#define MACB_SA2T               0x00a4
  60#define MACB_SA3B               0x00a8
  61#define MACB_SA3T               0x00ac
  62#define MACB_SA4B               0x00b0
  63#define MACB_SA4T               0x00b4
  64#define MACB_TID                0x00b8
  65#define MACB_TPQ                0x00bc
  66#define MACB_USRIO              0x00c0
  67#define MACB_WOL                0x00c4
  68#define MACB_MID                0x00fc
  70/* GEM register offsets. */
  71#define GEM_NCFGR               0x0004 /* Network Config */
  72#define GEM_USRIO               0x000c /* User IO */
  73#define GEM_DMACFG              0x0010 /* DMA Configuration */
  74#define GEM_JML                 0x0048 /* Jumbo Max Length */
  75#define GEM_HRB                 0x0080 /* Hash Bottom */
  76#define GEM_HRT                 0x0084 /* Hash Top */
  77#define GEM_SA1B                0x0088 /* Specific1 Bottom */
  78#define GEM_SA1T                0x008C /* Specific1 Top */
  79#define GEM_SA2B                0x0090 /* Specific2 Bottom */
  80#define GEM_SA2T                0x0094 /* Specific2 Top */
  81#define GEM_SA3B                0x0098 /* Specific3 Bottom */
  82#define GEM_SA3T                0x009C /* Specific3 Top */
  83#define GEM_SA4B                0x00A0 /* Specific4 Bottom */
  84#define GEM_SA4T                0x00A4 /* Specific4 Top */
  85#define GEM_OTX                 0x0100 /* Octets transmitted */
  86#define GEM_OCTTXL              0x0100 /* Octets transmitted [31:0] */
  87#define GEM_OCTTXH              0x0104 /* Octets transmitted [47:32] */
  88#define GEM_TXCNT               0x0108 /* Frames Transmitted counter */
  89#define GEM_TXBCCNT             0x010c /* Broadcast Frames counter */
  90#define GEM_TXMCCNT             0x0110 /* Multicast Frames counter */
  91#define GEM_TXPAUSECNT          0x0114 /* Pause Frames Transmitted Counter */
  92#define GEM_TX64CNT             0x0118 /* 64 byte Frames TX counter */
  93#define GEM_TX65CNT             0x011c /* 65-127 byte Frames TX counter */
  94#define GEM_TX128CNT            0x0120 /* 128-255 byte Frames TX counter */
  95#define GEM_TX256CNT            0x0124 /* 256-511 byte Frames TX counter */
  96#define GEM_TX512CNT            0x0128 /* 512-1023 byte Frames TX counter */
  97#define GEM_TX1024CNT           0x012c /* 1024-1518 byte Frames TX counter */
  98#define GEM_TX1519CNT           0x0130 /* 1519+ byte Frames TX counter */
  99#define GEM_TXURUNCNT           0x0134 /* TX under run error counter */
 100#define GEM_SNGLCOLLCNT         0x0138 /* Single Collision Frame Counter */
 101#define GEM_MULTICOLLCNT        0x013c /* Multiple Collision Frame Counter */
 102#define GEM_EXCESSCOLLCNT       0x0140 /* Excessive Collision Frame Counter */
 103#define GEM_LATECOLLCNT         0x0144 /* Late Collision Frame Counter */
 104#define GEM_TXDEFERCNT          0x0148 /* Deferred Transmission Frame Counter */
 105#define GEM_TXCSENSECNT         0x014c /* Carrier Sense Error Counter */
 106#define GEM_ORX                 0x0150 /* Octets received */
 107#define GEM_OCTRXL              0x0150 /* Octets received [31:0] */
 108#define GEM_OCTRXH              0x0154 /* Octets received [47:32] */
 109#define GEM_RXCNT               0x0158 /* Frames Received Counter */
 110#define GEM_RXBROADCNT          0x015c /* Broadcast Frames Received Counter */
 111#define GEM_RXMULTICNT          0x0160 /* Multicast Frames Received Counter */
 112#define GEM_RXPAUSECNT          0x0164 /* Pause Frames Received Counter */
 113#define GEM_RX64CNT             0x0168 /* 64 byte Frames RX Counter */
 114#define GEM_RX65CNT             0x016c /* 65-127 byte Frames RX Counter */
 115#define GEM_RX128CNT            0x0170 /* 128-255 byte Frames RX Counter */
 116#define GEM_RX256CNT            0x0174 /* 256-511 byte Frames RX Counter */
 117#define GEM_RX512CNT            0x0178 /* 512-1023 byte Frames RX Counter */
 118#define GEM_RX1024CNT           0x017c /* 1024-1518 byte Frames RX Counter */
 119#define GEM_RX1519CNT           0x0180 /* 1519+ byte Frames RX Counter */
 120#define GEM_RXUNDRCNT           0x0184 /* Undersize Frames Received Counter */
 121#define GEM_RXOVRCNT            0x0188 /* Oversize Frames Received Counter */
 122#define GEM_RXJABCNT            0x018c /* Jabbers Received Counter */
 123#define GEM_RXFCSCNT            0x0190 /* Frame Check Sequence Error Counter */
 124#define GEM_RXLENGTHCNT         0x0194 /* Length Field Error Counter */
 125#define GEM_RXSYMBCNT           0x0198 /* Symbol Error Counter */
 126#define GEM_RXALIGNCNT          0x019c /* Alignment Error Counter */
 127#define GEM_RXRESERRCNT         0x01a0 /* Receive Resource Error Counter */
 128#define GEM_RXORCNT             0x01a4 /* Receive Overrun Counter */
 129#define GEM_RXIPCCNT            0x01a8 /* IP header Checksum Error Counter */
 130#define GEM_RXTCPCCNT           0x01ac /* TCP Checksum Error Counter */
 131#define GEM_RXUDPCCNT           0x01b0 /* UDP Checksum Error Counter */
 132#define GEM_DCFG1               0x0280 /* Design Config 1 */
 133#define GEM_DCFG2               0x0284 /* Design Config 2 */
 134#define GEM_DCFG3               0x0288 /* Design Config 3 */
 135#define GEM_DCFG4               0x028c /* Design Config 4 */
 136#define GEM_DCFG5               0x0290 /* Design Config 5 */
 137#define GEM_DCFG6               0x0294 /* Design Config 6 */
 138#define GEM_DCFG7               0x0298 /* Design Config 7 */
 140#define GEM_ISR(hw_q)           (0x0400 + ((hw_q) << 2))
 141#define GEM_TBQP(hw_q)          (0x0440 + ((hw_q) << 2))
 142#define GEM_RBQP(hw_q)          (0x0480 + ((hw_q) << 2))
 143#define GEM_IER(hw_q)           (0x0600 + ((hw_q) << 2))
 144#define GEM_IDR(hw_q)           (0x0620 + ((hw_q) << 2))
 145#define GEM_IMR(hw_q)           (0x0640 + ((hw_q) << 2))
 147/* Bitfields in NCR */
 148#define MACB_LB_OFFSET          0 /* reserved */
 149#define MACB_LB_SIZE            1
 150#define MACB_LLB_OFFSET         1 /* Loop back local */
 151#define MACB_LLB_SIZE           1
 152#define MACB_RE_OFFSET          2 /* Receive enable */
 153#define MACB_RE_SIZE            1
 154#define MACB_TE_OFFSET          3 /* Transmit enable */
 155#define MACB_TE_SIZE            1
 156#define MACB_MPE_OFFSET         4 /* Management port enable */
 157#define MACB_MPE_SIZE           1
 158#define MACB_CLRSTAT_OFFSET     5 /* Clear stats regs */
 159#define MACB_CLRSTAT_SIZE       1
 160#define MACB_INCSTAT_OFFSET     6 /* Incremental stats regs */
 161#define MACB_INCSTAT_SIZE       1
 162#define MACB_WESTAT_OFFSET      7 /* Write enable stats regs */
 163#define MACB_WESTAT_SIZE        1
 164#define MACB_BP_OFFSET          8 /* Back pressure */
 165#define MACB_BP_SIZE            1
 166#define MACB_TSTART_OFFSET      9 /* Start transmission */
 167#define MACB_TSTART_SIZE        1
 168#define MACB_THALT_OFFSET       10 /* Transmit halt */
 169#define MACB_THALT_SIZE         1
 170#define MACB_NCR_TPF_OFFSET     11 /* Transmit pause frame */
 171#define MACB_NCR_TPF_SIZE       1
 172#define MACB_TZQ_OFFSET         12 /* Transmit zero quantum pause frame */
 173#define MACB_TZQ_SIZE           1
 175/* Bitfields in NCFGR */
 176#define MACB_SPD_OFFSET         0 /* Speed */
 177#define MACB_SPD_SIZE           1
 178#define MACB_FD_OFFSET          1 /* Full duplex */
 179#define MACB_FD_SIZE            1
 180#define MACB_BIT_RATE_OFFSET    2 /* Discard non-VLAN frames */
 181#define MACB_BIT_RATE_SIZE      1
 182#define MACB_JFRAME_OFFSET      3 /* reserved */
 183#define MACB_JFRAME_SIZE        1
 184#define MACB_CAF_OFFSET         4 /* Copy all frames */
 185#define MACB_CAF_SIZE           1
 186#define MACB_NBC_OFFSET         5 /* No broadcast */
 187#define MACB_NBC_SIZE           1
 188#define MACB_NCFGR_MTI_OFFSET   6 /* Multicast hash enable */
 189#define MACB_NCFGR_MTI_SIZE     1
 190#define MACB_UNI_OFFSET         7 /* Unicast hash enable */
 191#define MACB_UNI_SIZE           1
 192#define MACB_BIG_OFFSET         8 /* Receive 1536 byte frames */
 193#define MACB_BIG_SIZE           1
 194#define MACB_EAE_OFFSET         9 /* External address match enable */
 195#define MACB_EAE_SIZE           1
 196#define MACB_CLK_OFFSET         10
 197#define MACB_CLK_SIZE           2
 198#define MACB_RTY_OFFSET         12 /* Retry test */
 199#define MACB_RTY_SIZE           1
 200#define MACB_PAE_OFFSET         13 /* Pause enable */
 201#define MACB_PAE_SIZE           1
 202#define MACB_RM9200_RMII_OFFSET 13 /* AT91RM9200 only */
 203#define MACB_RM9200_RMII_SIZE   1  /* AT91RM9200 only */
 204#define MACB_RBOF_OFFSET        14 /* Receive buffer offset */
 205#define MACB_RBOF_SIZE          2
 206#define MACB_RLCE_OFFSET        16 /* Length field error frame discard */
 207#define MACB_RLCE_SIZE          1
 208#define MACB_DRFCS_OFFSET       17 /* FCS remove */
 209#define MACB_DRFCS_SIZE         1
 210#define MACB_EFRHD_OFFSET       18
 211#define MACB_EFRHD_SIZE         1
 212#define MACB_IRXFCS_OFFSET      19
 213#define MACB_IRXFCS_SIZE        1
 215/* GEM specific NCFGR bitfields. */
 216#define GEM_GBE_OFFSET          10 /* Gigabit mode enable */
 217#define GEM_GBE_SIZE            1
 218#define GEM_PCSSEL_OFFSET       11
 219#define GEM_PCSSEL_SIZE         1
 220#define GEM_CLK_OFFSET          18 /* MDC clock division */
 221#define GEM_CLK_SIZE            3
 222#define GEM_DBW_OFFSET          21 /* Data bus width */
 223#define GEM_DBW_SIZE            2
 224#define GEM_RXCOEN_OFFSET       24
 225#define GEM_RXCOEN_SIZE         1
 226#define GEM_SGMIIEN_OFFSET      27
 227#define GEM_SGMIIEN_SIZE        1
 230/* Constants for data bus width. */
 231#define GEM_DBW32               0 /* 32 bit AMBA AHB data bus width */
 232#define GEM_DBW64               1 /* 64 bit AMBA AHB data bus width */
 233#define GEM_DBW128              2 /* 128 bit AMBA AHB data bus width */
 235/* Bitfields in DMACFG. */
 236#define GEM_FBLDO_OFFSET        0 /* fixed burst length for DMA */
 237#define GEM_FBLDO_SIZE          5
 238#define GEM_ENDIA_DESC_OFFSET   6 /* endian swap mode for management descriptor access */
 239#define GEM_ENDIA_DESC_SIZE     1
 240#define GEM_ENDIA_PKT_OFFSET    7 /* endian swap mode for packet data access */
 241#define GEM_ENDIA_PKT_SIZE      1
 242#define GEM_RXBMS_OFFSET        8 /* RX packet buffer memory size select */
 243#define GEM_RXBMS_SIZE          2
 244#define GEM_TXPBMS_OFFSET       10 /* TX packet buffer memory size select */
 245#define GEM_TXPBMS_SIZE         1
 246#define GEM_TXCOEN_OFFSET       11 /* TX IP/TCP/UDP checksum gen offload */
 247#define GEM_TXCOEN_SIZE         1
 248#define GEM_RXBS_OFFSET         16 /* DMA receive buffer size */
 249#define GEM_RXBS_SIZE           8
 250#define GEM_DDRP_OFFSET         24 /* disc_when_no_ahb */
 251#define GEM_DDRP_SIZE           1
 254/* Bitfields in NSR */
 255#define MACB_NSR_LINK_OFFSET    0 /* pcs_link_state */
 256#define MACB_NSR_LINK_SIZE      1
 257#define MACB_MDIO_OFFSET        1 /* status of the mdio_in pin */
 258#define MACB_MDIO_SIZE          1
 259#define MACB_IDLE_OFFSET        2 /* The PHY management logic is idle */
 260#define MACB_IDLE_SIZE          1
 262/* Bitfields in TSR */
 263#define MACB_UBR_OFFSET         0 /* Used bit read */
 264#define MACB_UBR_SIZE           1
 265#define MACB_COL_OFFSET         1 /* Collision occurred */
 266#define MACB_COL_SIZE           1
 267#define MACB_TSR_RLE_OFFSET     2 /* Retry limit exceeded */
 268#define MACB_TSR_RLE_SIZE       1
 269#define MACB_TGO_OFFSET         3 /* Transmit go */
 270#define MACB_TGO_SIZE           1
 271#define MACB_BEX_OFFSET         4 /* TX frame corruption due to AHB error */
 272#define MACB_BEX_SIZE           1
 273#define MACB_RM9200_BNQ_OFFSET  4 /* AT91RM9200 only */
 274#define MACB_RM9200_BNQ_SIZE    1 /* AT91RM9200 only */
 275#define MACB_COMP_OFFSET        5 /* Trnasmit complete */
 276#define MACB_COMP_SIZE          1
 277#define MACB_UND_OFFSET         6 /* Trnasmit under run */
 278#define MACB_UND_SIZE           1
 280/* Bitfields in RSR */
 281#define MACB_BNA_OFFSET         0 /* Buffer not available */
 282#define MACB_BNA_SIZE           1
 283#define MACB_REC_OFFSET         1 /* Frame received */
 284#define MACB_REC_SIZE           1
 285#define MACB_OVR_OFFSET         2 /* Receive overrun */
 286#define MACB_OVR_SIZE           1
 288/* Bitfields in ISR/IER/IDR/IMR */
 289#define MACB_MFD_OFFSET         0 /* Management frame sent */
 290#define MACB_MFD_SIZE           1
 291#define MACB_RCOMP_OFFSET       1 /* Receive complete */
 292#define MACB_RCOMP_SIZE         1
 293#define MACB_RXUBR_OFFSET       2 /* RX used bit read */
 294#define MACB_RXUBR_SIZE         1
 295#define MACB_TXUBR_OFFSET       3 /* TX used bit read */
 296#define MACB_TXUBR_SIZE         1
 297#define MACB_ISR_TUND_OFFSET    4 /* Enable TX buffer under run interrupt */
 298#define MACB_ISR_TUND_SIZE      1
 299#define MACB_ISR_RLE_OFFSET     5 /* EN retry exceeded/late coll interrupt */
 300#define MACB_ISR_RLE_SIZE       1
 301#define MACB_TXERR_OFFSET       6 /* EN TX frame corrupt from error interrupt */
 302#define MACB_TXERR_SIZE         1
 303#define MACB_TCOMP_OFFSET       7 /* Enable transmit complete interrupt */
 304#define MACB_TCOMP_SIZE         1
 305#define MACB_ISR_LINK_OFFSET    9 /* Enable link change interrupt */
 306#define MACB_ISR_LINK_SIZE      1
 307#define MACB_ISR_ROVR_OFFSET    10 /* Enable receive overrun interrupt */
 308#define MACB_ISR_ROVR_SIZE      1
 309#define MACB_HRESP_OFFSET       11 /* Enable hrsep not OK interrupt */
 310#define MACB_HRESP_SIZE         1
 311#define MACB_PFR_OFFSET         12 /* Enable pause frame w/ quantum interrupt */
 312#define MACB_PFR_SIZE           1
 313#define MACB_PTZ_OFFSET         13 /* Enable pause time zero interrupt */
 314#define MACB_PTZ_SIZE           1
 315#define MACB_WOL_OFFSET         14 /* Enable wake-on-lan interrupt */
 316#define MACB_WOL_SIZE           1
 318/* Bitfields in MAN */
 319#define MACB_DATA_OFFSET        0 /* data */
 320#define MACB_DATA_SIZE          16
 321#define MACB_CODE_OFFSET        16 /* Must be written to 10 */
 322#define MACB_CODE_SIZE          2
 323#define MACB_REGA_OFFSET        18 /* Register address */
 324#define MACB_REGA_SIZE          5
 325#define MACB_PHYA_OFFSET        23 /* PHY address */
 326#define MACB_PHYA_SIZE          5
 327#define MACB_RW_OFFSET          28 /* Operation. 10 is read. 01 is write. */
 328#define MACB_RW_SIZE            2
 329#define MACB_SOF_OFFSET         30 /* Must be written to 1 for Clause 22 */
 330#define MACB_SOF_SIZE           2
 332/* Bitfields in USRIO (AVR32) */
 333#define MACB_MII_OFFSET                         0
 334#define MACB_MII_SIZE                           1
 335#define MACB_EAM_OFFSET                         1
 336#define MACB_EAM_SIZE                           1
 337#define MACB_TX_PAUSE_OFFSET                    2
 338#define MACB_TX_PAUSE_SIZE                      1
 339#define MACB_TX_PAUSE_ZERO_OFFSET               3
 340#define MACB_TX_PAUSE_ZERO_SIZE                 1
 342/* Bitfields in USRIO (AT91) */
 343#define MACB_RMII_OFFSET                        0
 344#define MACB_RMII_SIZE                          1
 345#define GEM_RGMII_OFFSET                        0 /* GEM gigabit mode */
 346#define GEM_RGMII_SIZE                          1
 347#define MACB_CLKEN_OFFSET                       1
 348#define MACB_CLKEN_SIZE                         1
 350/* Bitfields in WOL */
 351#define MACB_IP_OFFSET                          0
 352#define MACB_IP_SIZE                            16
 353#define MACB_MAG_OFFSET                         16
 354#define MACB_MAG_SIZE                           1
 355#define MACB_ARP_OFFSET                         17
 356#define MACB_ARP_SIZE                           1
 357#define MACB_SA1_OFFSET                         18
 358#define MACB_SA1_SIZE                           1
 359#define MACB_WOL_MTI_OFFSET                     19
 360#define MACB_WOL_MTI_SIZE                       1
 362/* Bitfields in MID */
 363#define MACB_IDNUM_OFFSET                       16
 364#define MACB_IDNUM_SIZE                         12
 365#define MACB_REV_OFFSET                         0
 366#define MACB_REV_SIZE                           16
 368/* Bitfields in DCFG1. */
 369#define GEM_IRQCOR_OFFSET                       23
 370#define GEM_IRQCOR_SIZE                         1
 371#define GEM_DBWDEF_OFFSET                       25
 372#define GEM_DBWDEF_SIZE                         3
 374/* Bitfields in DCFG2. */
 375#define GEM_RX_PKT_BUFF_OFFSET                  20
 376#define GEM_RX_PKT_BUFF_SIZE                    1
 377#define GEM_TX_PKT_BUFF_OFFSET                  21
 378#define GEM_TX_PKT_BUFF_SIZE                    1
 380/* Constants for CLK */
 381#define MACB_CLK_DIV8                           0
 382#define MACB_CLK_DIV16                          1
 383#define MACB_CLK_DIV32                          2
 384#define MACB_CLK_DIV64                          3
 386/* GEM specific constants for CLK. */
 387#define GEM_CLK_DIV8                            0
 388#define GEM_CLK_DIV16                           1
 389#define GEM_CLK_DIV32                           2
 390#define GEM_CLK_DIV48                           3
 391#define GEM_CLK_DIV64                           4
 392#define GEM_CLK_DIV96                           5
 394/* Constants for MAN register */
 395#define MACB_MAN_SOF                            1
 396#define MACB_MAN_WRITE                          1
 397#define MACB_MAN_READ                           2
 398#define MACB_MAN_CODE                           2
 400/* Capability mask bits */
 401#define MACB_CAPS_ISR_CLEAR_ON_WRITE            0x00000001
 402#define MACB_CAPS_USRIO_HAS_CLKEN               0x00000002
 403#define MACB_CAPS_USRIO_DEFAULT_IS_MII_GMII     0x00000004
 404#define MACB_CAPS_NO_GIGABIT_HALF               0x00000008
 405#define MACB_CAPS_USRIO_DISABLED                0x00000010
 406#define MACB_CAPS_JUMBO                         0x00000020
 407#define MACB_CAPS_FIFO_MODE                     0x10000000
 408#define MACB_CAPS_GIGABIT_MODE_AVAILABLE        0x20000000
 409#define MACB_CAPS_SG_DISABLED                   0x40000000
 410#define MACB_CAPS_MACB_IS_GEM                   0x80000000
 412/* Bit manipulation macros */
 413#define MACB_BIT(name)                                  \
 414        (1 << MACB_##name##_OFFSET)
 415#define MACB_BF(name,value)                             \
 416        (((value) & ((1 << MACB_##name##_SIZE) - 1))    \
 417         << MACB_##name##_OFFSET)
 418#define MACB_BFEXT(name,value)\
 419        (((value) >> MACB_##name##_OFFSET)              \
 420         & ((1 << MACB_##name##_SIZE) - 1))
 421#define MACB_BFINS(name,value,old)                      \
 422        (((old) & ~(((1 << MACB_##name##_SIZE) - 1)     \
 423                    << MACB_##name##_OFFSET))           \
 424         | MACB_BF(name,value))
 426#define GEM_BIT(name)                                   \
 427        (1 << GEM_##name##_OFFSET)
 428#define GEM_BF(name, value)                             \
 429        (((value) & ((1 << GEM_##name##_SIZE) - 1))     \
 430         << GEM_##name##_OFFSET)
 431#define GEM_BFEXT(name, value)\
 432        (((value) >> GEM_##name##_OFFSET)               \
 433         & ((1 << GEM_##name##_SIZE) - 1))
 434#define GEM_BFINS(name, value, old)                     \
 435        (((old) & ~(((1 << GEM_##name##_SIZE) - 1)      \
 436                    << GEM_##name##_OFFSET))            \
 437         | GEM_BF(name, value))
 439/* Register access macros */
 440#define macb_readl(port, reg)           (port)->macb_reg_readl((port), MACB_##reg)
 441#define macb_writel(port, reg, value)   (port)->macb_reg_writel((port), MACB_##reg, (value))
 442#define gem_readl(port, reg)            (port)->macb_reg_readl((port), GEM_##reg)
 443#define gem_writel(port, reg, value)    (port)->macb_reg_writel((port), GEM_##reg, (value))
 444#define queue_readl(queue, reg)         (queue)->bp->macb_reg_readl((queue)->bp, (queue)->reg)
 445#define queue_writel(queue, reg, value) (queue)->bp->macb_reg_writel((queue)->bp, (queue)->reg, (value))
 447/* Conditional GEM/MACB macros.  These perform the operation to the correct
 448 * register dependent on whether the device is a GEM or a MACB.  For registers
 449 * and bitfields that are common across both devices, use macb_{read,write}l
 450 * to avoid the cost of the conditional.
 451 */
 452#define macb_or_gem_writel(__bp, __reg, __value) \
 453        ({ \
 454                if (macb_is_gem((__bp))) \
 455                        gem_writel((__bp), __reg, __value); \
 456                else \
 457                        macb_writel((__bp), __reg, __value); \
 458        })
 460#define macb_or_gem_readl(__bp, __reg) \
 461        ({ \
 462                u32 __v; \
 463                if (macb_is_gem((__bp))) \
 464                        __v = gem_readl((__bp), __reg); \
 465                else \
 466                        __v = macb_readl((__bp), __reg); \
 467                __v; \
 468        })
 470/* struct macb_dma_desc - Hardware DMA descriptor
 471 * @addr: DMA address of data buffer
 472 * @ctrl: Control and status bits
 473 */
 474struct macb_dma_desc {
 475        u32     addr;
 476        u32     ctrl;
 479/* DMA descriptor bitfields */
 480#define MACB_RX_USED_OFFSET                     0
 481#define MACB_RX_USED_SIZE                       1
 482#define MACB_RX_WRAP_OFFSET                     1
 483#define MACB_RX_WRAP_SIZE                       1
 484#define MACB_RX_WADDR_OFFSET                    2
 485#define MACB_RX_WADDR_SIZE                      30
 487#define MACB_RX_FRMLEN_OFFSET                   0
 488#define MACB_RX_FRMLEN_SIZE                     12
 489#define MACB_RX_OFFSET_OFFSET                   12
 490#define MACB_RX_OFFSET_SIZE                     2
 491#define MACB_RX_SOF_OFFSET                      14
 492#define MACB_RX_SOF_SIZE                        1
 493#define MACB_RX_EOF_OFFSET                      15
 494#define MACB_RX_EOF_SIZE                        1
 495#define MACB_RX_CFI_OFFSET                      16
 496#define MACB_RX_CFI_SIZE                        1
 497#define MACB_RX_VLAN_PRI_OFFSET                 17
 498#define MACB_RX_VLAN_PRI_SIZE                   3
 499#define MACB_RX_PRI_TAG_OFFSET                  20
 500#define MACB_RX_PRI_TAG_SIZE                    1
 501#define MACB_RX_VLAN_TAG_OFFSET                 21
 502#define MACB_RX_VLAN_TAG_SIZE                   1
 503#define MACB_RX_TYPEID_MATCH_OFFSET             22
 504#define MACB_RX_TYPEID_MATCH_SIZE               1
 505#define MACB_RX_SA4_MATCH_OFFSET                23
 506#define MACB_RX_SA4_MATCH_SIZE                  1
 507#define MACB_RX_SA3_MATCH_OFFSET                24
 508#define MACB_RX_SA3_MATCH_SIZE                  1
 509#define MACB_RX_SA2_MATCH_OFFSET                25
 510#define MACB_RX_SA2_MATCH_SIZE                  1
 511#define MACB_RX_SA1_MATCH_OFFSET                26
 512#define MACB_RX_SA1_MATCH_SIZE                  1
 513#define MACB_RX_EXT_MATCH_OFFSET                28
 514#define MACB_RX_EXT_MATCH_SIZE                  1
 515#define MACB_RX_UHASH_MATCH_OFFSET              29
 516#define MACB_RX_UHASH_MATCH_SIZE                1
 517#define MACB_RX_MHASH_MATCH_OFFSET              30
 518#define MACB_RX_MHASH_MATCH_SIZE                1
 519#define MACB_RX_BROADCAST_OFFSET                31
 520#define MACB_RX_BROADCAST_SIZE                  1
 522#define MACB_RX_FRMLEN_MASK                     0xFFF
 523#define MACB_RX_JFRMLEN_MASK                    0x3FFF
 525/* RX checksum offload disabled: bit 24 clear in NCFGR */
 526#define GEM_RX_TYPEID_MATCH_OFFSET              22
 527#define GEM_RX_TYPEID_MATCH_SIZE                2
 529/* RX checksum offload enabled: bit 24 set in NCFGR */
 530#define GEM_RX_CSUM_OFFSET                      22
 531#define GEM_RX_CSUM_SIZE                        2
 533#define MACB_TX_FRMLEN_OFFSET                   0
 534#define MACB_TX_FRMLEN_SIZE                     11
 535#define MACB_TX_LAST_OFFSET                     15
 536#define MACB_TX_LAST_SIZE                       1
 537#define MACB_TX_NOCRC_OFFSET                    16
 538#define MACB_TX_NOCRC_SIZE                      1
 539#define MACB_TX_BUF_EXHAUSTED_OFFSET            27
 540#define MACB_TX_BUF_EXHAUSTED_SIZE              1
 541#define MACB_TX_UNDERRUN_OFFSET                 28
 542#define MACB_TX_UNDERRUN_SIZE                   1
 543#define MACB_TX_ERROR_OFFSET                    29
 544#define MACB_TX_ERROR_SIZE                      1
 545#define MACB_TX_WRAP_OFFSET                     30
 546#define MACB_TX_WRAP_SIZE                       1
 547#define MACB_TX_USED_OFFSET                     31
 548#define MACB_TX_USED_SIZE                       1
 550#define GEM_TX_FRMLEN_OFFSET                    0
 551#define GEM_TX_FRMLEN_SIZE                      14
 553/* Buffer descriptor constants */
 554#define GEM_RX_CSUM_NONE                        0
 555#define GEM_RX_CSUM_IP_ONLY                     1
 556#define GEM_RX_CSUM_IP_TCP                      2
 557#define GEM_RX_CSUM_IP_UDP                      3
 559/* limit RX checksum offload to TCP and UDP packets */
 560#define GEM_RX_CSUM_CHECKED_MASK                2
 562/* struct macb_tx_skb - data about an skb which is being transmitted
 563 * @skb: skb currently being transmitted, only set for the last buffer
 564 *       of the frame
 565 * @mapping: DMA address of the skb's fragment buffer
 566 * @size: size of the DMA mapped buffer
 567 * @mapped_as_page: true when buffer was mapped with skb_frag_dma_map(),
 568 *                  false when buffer was mapped with dma_map_single()
 569 */
 570struct macb_tx_skb {
 571        struct sk_buff          *skb;
 572        dma_addr_t              mapping;
 573        size_t                  size;
 574        bool                    mapped_as_page;
 577/* Hardware-collected statistics. Used when updating the network
 578 * device stats by a periodic timer.
 579 */
 580struct macb_stats {
 581        u32     rx_pause_frames;
 582        u32     tx_ok;
 583        u32     tx_single_cols;
 584        u32     tx_multiple_cols;
 585        u32     rx_ok;
 586        u32     rx_fcs_errors;
 587        u32     rx_align_errors;
 588        u32     tx_deferred;
 589        u32     tx_late_cols;
 590        u32     tx_excessive_cols;
 591        u32     tx_underruns;
 592        u32     tx_carrier_errors;
 593        u32     rx_resource_errors;
 594        u32     rx_overruns;
 595        u32     rx_symbol_errors;
 596        u32     rx_oversize_pkts;
 597        u32     rx_jabbers;
 598        u32     rx_undersize_pkts;
 599        u32     sqe_test_errors;
 600        u32     rx_length_mismatch;
 601        u32     tx_pause_frames;
 604struct gem_stats {
 605        u32     tx_octets_31_0;
 606        u32     tx_octets_47_32;
 607        u32     tx_frames;
 608        u32     tx_broadcast_frames;
 609        u32     tx_multicast_frames;
 610        u32     tx_pause_frames;
 611        u32     tx_64_byte_frames;
 612        u32     tx_65_127_byte_frames;
 613        u32     tx_128_255_byte_frames;
 614        u32     tx_256_511_byte_frames;
 615        u32     tx_512_1023_byte_frames;
 616        u32     tx_1024_1518_byte_frames;
 617        u32     tx_greater_than_1518_byte_frames;
 618        u32     tx_underrun;
 619        u32     tx_single_collision_frames;
 620        u32     tx_multiple_collision_frames;
 621        u32     tx_excessive_collisions;
 622        u32     tx_late_collisions;
 623        u32     tx_deferred_frames;
 624        u32     tx_carrier_sense_errors;
 625        u32     rx_octets_31_0;
 626        u32     rx_octets_47_32;
 627        u32     rx_frames;
 628        u32     rx_broadcast_frames;
 629        u32     rx_multicast_frames;
 630        u32     rx_pause_frames;
 631        u32     rx_64_byte_frames;
 632        u32     rx_65_127_byte_frames;
 633        u32     rx_128_255_byte_frames;
 634        u32     rx_256_511_byte_frames;
 635        u32     rx_512_1023_byte_frames;
 636        u32     rx_1024_1518_byte_frames;
 637        u32     rx_greater_than_1518_byte_frames;
 638        u32     rx_undersized_frames;
 639        u32     rx_oversize_frames;
 640        u32     rx_jabbers;
 641        u32     rx_frame_check_sequence_errors;
 642        u32     rx_length_field_frame_errors;
 643        u32     rx_symbol_errors;
 644        u32     rx_alignment_errors;
 645        u32     rx_resource_errors;
 646        u32     rx_overruns;
 647        u32     rx_ip_header_checksum_errors;
 648        u32     rx_tcp_checksum_errors;
 649        u32     rx_udp_checksum_errors;
 652/* Describes the name and offset of an individual statistic register, as
 653 * returned by `ethtool -S`. Also describes which net_device_stats statistics
 654 * this register should contribute to.
 655 */
 656struct gem_statistic {
 657        char stat_string[ETH_GSTRING_LEN];
 658        int offset;
 659        u32 stat_bits;
 662/* Bitfield defs for net_device_stat statistics */
 663#define GEM_NDS_RXERR_OFFSET            0
 664#define GEM_NDS_RXLENERR_OFFSET         1
 665#define GEM_NDS_RXOVERERR_OFFSET        2
 666#define GEM_NDS_RXCRCERR_OFFSET         3
 667#define GEM_NDS_RXFRAMEERR_OFFSET       4
 668#define GEM_NDS_RXFIFOERR_OFFSET        5
 669#define GEM_NDS_TXERR_OFFSET            6
 672#define GEM_NDS_TXFIFOERR_OFFSET        9
 673#define GEM_NDS_COLLISIONS_OFFSET       10
 675#define GEM_STAT_TITLE(name, title) GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(name, title, 0)
 676#define GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(name, title, bits) {        \
 677        .stat_string = title,                           \
 678        .offset = GEM_##name,                           \
 679        .stat_bits = bits                               \
 682/* list of gem statistic registers. The names MUST match the
 683 * corresponding GEM_* definitions.
 684 */
 685static const struct gem_statistic gem_statistics[] = {
 686        GEM_STAT_TITLE(OCTTXL, "tx_octets"), /* OCTTXH combined with OCTTXL */
 687        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TXCNT, "tx_frames"),
 688        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TXBCCNT, "tx_broadcast_frames"),
 689        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TXMCCNT, "tx_multicast_frames"),
 690        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TXPAUSECNT, "tx_pause_frames"),
 691        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TX64CNT, "tx_64_byte_frames"),
 692        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TX65CNT, "tx_65_127_byte_frames"),
 693        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TX128CNT, "tx_128_255_byte_frames"),
 694        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TX256CNT, "tx_256_511_byte_frames"),
 695        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TX512CNT, "tx_512_1023_byte_frames"),
 696        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TX1024CNT, "tx_1024_1518_byte_frames"),
 697        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TX1519CNT, "tx_greater_than_1518_byte_frames"),
 698        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(TXURUNCNT, "tx_underrun",
 699                            GEM_BIT(NDS_TXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_TXFIFOERR)),
 700        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(SNGLCOLLCNT, "tx_single_collision_frames",
 701                            GEM_BIT(NDS_TXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_COLLISIONS)),
 702        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(MULTICOLLCNT, "tx_multiple_collision_frames",
 703                            GEM_BIT(NDS_TXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_COLLISIONS)),
 704        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(EXCESSCOLLCNT, "tx_excessive_collisions",
 705                            GEM_BIT(NDS_TXERR)|
 706                            GEM_BIT(NDS_TXABORTEDERR)|
 707                            GEM_BIT(NDS_COLLISIONS)),
 708        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(LATECOLLCNT, "tx_late_collisions",
 709                            GEM_BIT(NDS_TXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_COLLISIONS)),
 710        GEM_STAT_TITLE(TXDEFERCNT, "tx_deferred_frames"),
 711        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(TXCSENSECNT, "tx_carrier_sense_errors",
 712                            GEM_BIT(NDS_TXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_COLLISIONS)),
 713        GEM_STAT_TITLE(OCTRXL, "rx_octets"), /* OCTRXH combined with OCTRXL */
 714        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RXCNT, "rx_frames"),
 715        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RXBROADCNT, "rx_broadcast_frames"),
 716        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RXMULTICNT, "rx_multicast_frames"),
 717        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RXPAUSECNT, "rx_pause_frames"),
 718        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RX64CNT, "rx_64_byte_frames"),
 719        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RX65CNT, "rx_65_127_byte_frames"),
 720        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RX128CNT, "rx_128_255_byte_frames"),
 721        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RX256CNT, "rx_256_511_byte_frames"),
 722        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RX512CNT, "rx_512_1023_byte_frames"),
 723        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RX1024CNT, "rx_1024_1518_byte_frames"),
 724        GEM_STAT_TITLE(RX1519CNT, "rx_greater_than_1518_byte_frames"),
 725        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXUNDRCNT, "rx_undersized_frames",
 726                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXLENERR)),
 727        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXOVRCNT, "rx_oversize_frames",
 728                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXLENERR)),
 729        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXJABCNT, "rx_jabbers",
 730                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXLENERR)),
 731        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXFCSCNT, "rx_frame_check_sequence_errors",
 732                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXCRCERR)),
 733        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXLENGTHCNT, "rx_length_field_frame_errors",
 734                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)),
 735        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXSYMBCNT, "rx_symbol_errors",
 736                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXFRAMEERR)),
 737        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXALIGNCNT, "rx_alignment_errors",
 738                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXOVERERR)),
 739        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXRESERRCNT, "rx_resource_errors",
 740                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXOVERERR)),
 741        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXORCNT, "rx_overruns",
 742                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)|GEM_BIT(NDS_RXFIFOERR)),
 743        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXIPCCNT, "rx_ip_header_checksum_errors",
 744                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)),
 745        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXTCPCCNT, "rx_tcp_checksum_errors",
 746                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)),
 747        GEM_STAT_TITLE_BITS(RXUDPCCNT, "rx_udp_checksum_errors",
 748                            GEM_BIT(NDS_RXERR)),
 751#define GEM_STATS_LEN ARRAY_SIZE(gem_statistics)
 753struct macb;
 755struct macb_or_gem_ops {
 756        int     (*mog_alloc_rx_buffers)(struct macb *bp);
 757        void    (*mog_free_rx_buffers)(struct macb *bp);
 758        void    (*mog_init_rings)(struct macb *bp);
 759        int     (*mog_rx)(struct macb *bp, int budget);
 762struct macb_config {
 763        u32                     caps;
 764        unsigned int            dma_burst_length;
 765        int     (*clk_init)(struct platform_device *pdev, struct clk **pclk,
 766                            struct clk **hclk, struct clk **tx_clk);
 767        int     (*init)(struct platform_device *pdev);
 768        int     jumbo_max_len;
 771struct macb_queue {
 772        struct macb             *bp;
 773        int                     irq;
 775        unsigned int            ISR;
 776        unsigned int            IER;
 777        unsigned int            IDR;
 778        unsigned int            IMR;
 779        unsigned int            TBQP;
 781        unsigned int            tx_head, tx_tail;
 782        struct macb_dma_desc    *tx_ring;
 783        struct macb_tx_skb      *tx_skb;
 784        dma_addr_t              tx_ring_dma;
 785        struct work_struct      tx_error_task;
 788struct macb {
 789        void __iomem            *regs;
 790        bool                    native_io;
 792        /* hardware IO accessors */
 793        u32     (*macb_reg_readl)(struct macb *bp, int offset);
 794        void    (*macb_reg_writel)(struct macb *bp, int offset, u32 value);
 796        unsigned int            rx_tail;
 797        unsigned int            rx_prepared_head;
 798        struct macb_dma_desc    *rx_ring;
 799        struct sk_buff          **rx_skbuff;
 800        void                    *rx_buffers;
 801        size_t                  rx_buffer_size;
 803        unsigned int            num_queues;
 804        unsigned int            queue_mask;
 805        struct macb_queue       queues[MACB_MAX_QUEUES];
 807        spinlock_t              lock;
 808        struct platform_device  *pdev;
 809        struct clk              *pclk;
 810        struct clk              *hclk;
 811        struct clk              *tx_clk;
 812        struct net_device       *dev;
 813        struct napi_struct      napi;
 814        struct net_device_stats stats;
 815        union {
 816                struct macb_stats       macb;
 817                struct gem_stats        gem;
 818        }                       hw_stats;
 820        dma_addr_t              rx_ring_dma;
 821        dma_addr_t              rx_buffers_dma;
 823        struct macb_or_gem_ops  macbgem_ops;
 825        struct mii_bus          *mii_bus;
 826        int                     link;
 827        int                     speed;
 828        int                     duplex;
 830        u32                     caps;
 831        unsigned int            dma_burst_length;
 833        phy_interface_t         phy_interface;
 834        struct gpio_desc        *reset_gpio;
 836        /* AT91RM9200 transmit */
 837        struct sk_buff *skb;                    /* holds skb until xmit interrupt completes */
 838        dma_addr_t skb_physaddr;                /* phys addr from pci_map_single */
 839        int skb_length;                         /* saved skb length for pci_unmap_single */
 840        unsigned int            max_tx_length;
 842        u64                     ethtool_stats[GEM_STATS_LEN];
 844        unsigned int            rx_frm_len_mask;
 845        unsigned int            jumbo_max_len;
 847        u32                     wol;
 850static inline bool macb_is_gem(struct macb *bp)
 852        return !!(bp->caps & MACB_CAPS_MACB_IS_GEM);
 855#endif /* _MACB_H */