   1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
   2#ifndef __USBAUDIO_CARD_H
   3#define __USBAUDIO_CARD_H
   5#define MAX_NR_RATES    1024
   6#define MAX_PACKS       6               /* per URB */
   7#define MAX_PACKS_HS    (MAX_PACKS * 8) /* in high speed mode */
   8#define MAX_URBS        12
   9#define SYNC_URBS       4       /* always four urbs for sync */
  10#define MAX_QUEUE       18      /* try not to exceed this queue length, in ms */
  12struct audioformat {
  13        struct list_head list;
  14        u64 formats;                    /* ALSA format bits */
  15        unsigned int channels;          /* # channels */
  16        unsigned int fmt_type;          /* USB audio format type (1-3) */
  17        unsigned int fmt_bits;          /* number of significant bits */
  18        unsigned int frame_size;        /* samples per frame for non-audio */
  19        unsigned char iface;            /* interface number */
  20        unsigned char altsetting;       /* corresponding alternate setting */
  21        unsigned char ep_idx;           /* endpoint array index */
  22        unsigned char altset_idx;       /* array index of altenate setting */
  23        unsigned char attributes;       /* corresponding attributes of cs endpoint */
  24        unsigned char endpoint;         /* endpoint */
  25        unsigned char ep_attr;          /* endpoint attributes */
  26        bool implicit_fb;               /* implicit feedback endpoint */
  27        unsigned char sync_ep;          /* sync endpoint number */
  28        unsigned char sync_iface;       /* sync EP interface */
  29        unsigned char sync_altsetting;  /* sync EP alternate setting */
  30        unsigned char sync_ep_idx;      /* sync EP array index */
  31        unsigned char datainterval;     /* log_2 of data packet interval */
  32        unsigned char protocol;         /* UAC_VERSION_1/2/3 */
  33        unsigned int maxpacksize;       /* max. packet size */
  34        unsigned int rates;             /* rate bitmasks */
  35        unsigned int rate_min, rate_max;        /* min/max rates */
  36        unsigned int nr_rates;          /* number of rate table entries */
  37        unsigned int *rate_table;       /* rate table */
  38        unsigned char clock;            /* associated clock */
  39        struct snd_pcm_chmap_elem *chmap; /* (optional) channel map */
  40        bool dsd_dop;                   /* add DOP headers in case of DSD samples */
  41        bool dsd_bitrev;                /* reverse the bits of each DSD sample */
  42        bool dsd_raw;                   /* altsetting is raw DSD */
  45struct snd_usb_substream;
  46struct snd_usb_iface_ref;
  47struct snd_usb_endpoint;
  48struct snd_usb_power_domain;
  50struct snd_urb_ctx {
  51        struct urb *urb;
  52        unsigned int buffer_size;       /* size of data buffer, if data URB */
  53        struct snd_usb_substream *subs;
  54        struct snd_usb_endpoint *ep;
  55        int index;      /* index for urb array */
  56        int packets;    /* number of packets per urb */
  57        int packet_size[MAX_PACKS_HS]; /* size of packets for next submission */
  58        struct list_head ready_list;
  61struct snd_usb_endpoint {
  62        struct snd_usb_audio *chip;
  63        struct snd_usb_iface_ref *iface_ref;
  65        int opened;             /* open refcount; protect with chip->mutex */
  66        atomic_t running;       /* running status */
  67        int ep_num;             /* the referenced endpoint number */
  68        int type;               /* SND_USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_* */
  70        unsigned char iface;            /* interface number */
  71        unsigned char altsetting;       /* corresponding alternate setting */
  72        unsigned char ep_idx;           /* endpoint array index */
  74        unsigned long flags;    /* running bit flags */
  76        void (*prepare_data_urb) (struct snd_usb_substream *subs,
  77                                  struct urb *urb);
  78        void (*retire_data_urb) (struct snd_usb_substream *subs,
  79                                 struct urb *urb);
  81        struct snd_usb_substream *data_subs;
  82        struct snd_usb_endpoint *sync_source;
  83        struct snd_usb_endpoint *sync_sink;
  85        struct snd_urb_ctx urb[MAX_URBS];
  87        struct snd_usb_packet_info {
  88                uint32_t packet_size[MAX_PACKS_HS];
  89                int packets;
  90        } next_packet[MAX_URBS];
  91        unsigned int next_packet_head;  /* ring buffer offset to read */
  92        unsigned int next_packet_queued; /* queued items in the ring buffer */
  93        struct list_head ready_playback_urbs; /* playback URB FIFO for implicit fb */
  95        unsigned int nurbs;             /* # urbs */
  96        unsigned long active_mask;      /* bitmask of active urbs */
  97        unsigned long unlink_mask;      /* bitmask of unlinked urbs */
  98        char *syncbuf;                  /* sync buffer for all sync URBs */
  99        dma_addr_t sync_dma;            /* DMA address of syncbuf */
 101        unsigned int pipe;              /* the data i/o pipe */
 102        unsigned int packsize[2];       /* small/large packet sizes in samples */
 103        unsigned int sample_rem;        /* remainder from division fs/pps */
 104        unsigned int sample_accum;      /* sample accumulator */
 105        unsigned int pps;               /* packets per second */
 106        unsigned int freqn;             /* nominal sampling rate in fs/fps in Q16.16 format */
 107        unsigned int freqm;             /* momentary sampling rate in fs/fps in Q16.16 format */
 108        int        freqshift;           /* how much to shift the feedback value to get Q16.16 */
 109        unsigned int freqmax;           /* maximum sampling rate, used for buffer management */
 110        unsigned int phase;             /* phase accumulator */
 111        unsigned int maxpacksize;       /* max packet size in bytes */
 112        unsigned int maxframesize;      /* max packet size in frames */
 113        unsigned int max_urb_frames;    /* max URB size in frames */
 114        unsigned int curpacksize;       /* current packet size in bytes (for capture) */
 115        unsigned int curframesize;      /* current packet size in frames (for capture) */
 116        unsigned int syncmaxsize;       /* sync endpoint packet size */
 117        unsigned int fill_max:1;        /* fill max packet size always */
 118        unsigned int tenor_fb_quirk:1;  /* corrupted feedback data */
 119        unsigned int datainterval;      /* log_2 of data packet interval */
 120        unsigned int syncinterval;      /* P for adaptive mode, 0 otherwise */
 121        unsigned char silence_value;
 122        unsigned int stride;
 123        int skip_packets;               /* quirks for devices to ignore the first n packets
 124                                           in a stream */
 125        bool implicit_fb_sync;          /* syncs with implicit feedback */
 126        bool need_setup;                /* (re-)need for configure? */
 128        /* for hw constraints */
 129        const struct audioformat *cur_audiofmt;
 130        unsigned int cur_rate;
 131        snd_pcm_format_t cur_format;
 132        unsigned int cur_channels;
 133        unsigned int cur_frame_bytes;
 134        unsigned int cur_period_frames;
 135        unsigned int cur_period_bytes;
 136        unsigned int cur_buffer_periods;
 138        spinlock_t lock;
 139        struct list_head list;
 142struct media_ctl;
 144struct snd_usb_substream {
 145        struct snd_usb_stream *stream;
 146        struct usb_device *dev;
 147        struct snd_pcm_substream *pcm_substream;
 148        int direction;  /* playback or capture */
 149        int endpoint;   /* assigned endpoint */
 150        const struct audioformat *cur_audiofmt; /* current audioformat pointer (for hw_params callback) */
 151        struct snd_usb_power_domain *str_pd;    /* UAC3 Power Domain for streaming path */
 152        unsigned int channels_max;      /* max channels in the all audiofmts */
 153        unsigned int txfr_quirk:1;      /* allow sub-frame alignment */
 154        unsigned int tx_length_quirk:1; /* add length specifier to transfers */
 155        unsigned int fmt_type;          /* USB audio format type (1-3) */
 156        unsigned int pkt_offset_adj;    /* Bytes to drop from beginning of packets (for non-compliant devices) */
 157        unsigned int stream_offset_adj; /* Bytes to drop from beginning of stream (for non-compliant devices) */
 159        unsigned int running: 1;        /* running status */
 161        unsigned int hwptr_done;        /* processed byte position in the buffer */
 162        unsigned int transfer_done;             /* processed frames since last period update */
 163        unsigned int frame_limit;       /* limits number of packets in URB */
 165        /* data and sync endpoints for this stream */
 166        unsigned int ep_num;            /* the endpoint number */
 167        struct snd_usb_endpoint *data_endpoint;
 168        struct snd_usb_endpoint *sync_endpoint;
 169        unsigned long flags;
 170        unsigned int speed;             /* USB_SPEED_XXX */
 172        u64 formats;                    /* format bitmasks (all or'ed) */
 173        unsigned int num_formats;               /* number of supported audio formats (list) */
 174        struct list_head fmt_list;      /* format list */
 175        spinlock_t lock;
 177        int last_frame_number;          /* stored frame number */
 178        int last_delay;                 /* stored delay */
 180        struct {
 181                int marker;
 182                int channel;
 183                int byte_idx;
 184        } dsd_dop;
 186        bool trigger_tstamp_pending_update; /* trigger timestamp being updated from initial estimate */
 187        struct media_ctl *media_ctl;
 190struct snd_usb_stream {
 191        struct snd_usb_audio *chip;
 192        struct snd_pcm *pcm;
 193        int pcm_index;
 194        unsigned int fmt_type;          /* USB audio format type (1-3) */
 195        struct snd_usb_substream substream[2];
 196        struct list_head list;
 199#endif /* __USBAUDIO_CARD_H */