   1ChangeLog for the UTS Global 3270-support patch
   3Sep 2002:       Get bootup colors right on 3270 console
   4        * In tubttybld.c, substantially revise ESC processing so that
   5          ESC sequences (especially coloring ones) and the strings
   6          they affect work as right as 3270 can get them.  Also, set
   7          screen height to omit the two rows used for input area, in
   8          tty3270_open() in tubtty.c.
  10Sep 2002:       Dynamically get 3270 input buffer
  11        * Oversize 3270 screen widths may exceed GEOM_MAXINPLEN columns,
  12          so get input-area buffer dynamically when sizing the device in
  13          tubmakemin() in tuball.c (if it's the console) or tty3270_open()
  14          in tubtty.c (if needed).  Change tubp->tty_input to be a
  15          pointer rather than an array, in tubio.h.
  17Sep 2002:       Fix tubfs kmalloc()s
  18        * Do read and write lengths correctly in fs3270_read()
  19          and fs3270_write(), while never asking kmalloc()
  20          for more than 0x800 bytes.  Affects tubfs.c and tubio.h.
  22Sep 2002:       Recognize 3270 control unit type 3174
  23        * Recognize control-unit type 0x3174 as well as 0x327?.
  24          The IBM 2047 device emulates a 3174 control unit.
  25          Modularize control-unit recognition in tuball.c by
  26          adding and invoking new tub3270_is_ours().
  28Apr 2002:       Fix 3270 console reboot loop
  29        * (Belated log entry) Fixed reboot loop if 3270 console,
  30          in tubtty.c:ttu3270_bh().
  32Feb 6, 2001:
  33        * This changelog is new
  34        * tub3270 now supports 3270 console:
  35                Specify y for CONFIG_3270 and y for CONFIG_3270_CONSOLE.
  36                Support for 3215 will not appear if 3270 console support
  37                is chosen.
  38                NOTE:  The default is 3270 console support, NOT 3215.
  39        * the components are remodularized: added source modules are
  40          tubttybld.c and tubttyscl.c, for screen-building code and
  41          scroll-timeout code.
  42        * tub3270 source for this (2.4.0) version is #ifdeffed to
  43          build with both 2.4.0 and
  44        * color support and minimal other ESC-sequence support is added.