   2        This is part of rtl8187 OpenSource driver.
   3        Copyright (C) Andrea Merello 2004-2005  <>
   4        Released under the terms of GPL (General Public Licence)
   6        Parts of this driver are based on the GPL part of the
   7        official Realtek driver.
   8        Parts of this driver are based on the rtl8180 driver skeleton
   9        from Patric Schenke & Andres Salomon.
  10        Parts of this driver are based on the Intel Pro Wireless
  11        2100 GPL driver.
  13        We want to thank the Authors of those projects
  14        and the Ndiswrapper project Authors.
  17/* Mariusz Matuszek added full registers definition with Realtek's name */
  19/* this file contains register definitions for the rtl8187 MAC controller */
  20#ifndef R8192_HW
  21#define R8192_HW
  23typedef enum _VERSION_819xU{
  24        VERSION_819xU_A, // A-cut
  25        VERSION_819xU_B, // B-cut
  26        VERSION_819xU_C,// C-cut
  27} VERSION_819xU, *PVERSION_819xU;
  28//added for different RF type
  29typedef enum _RT_RF_TYPE_DEF
  31        RF_1T2R = 0,
  32        RF_2T4R,
  34        RF_819X_MAX_TYPE
  38typedef enum _BaseBand_Config_Type{
  39        BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG = 0,                    //Radio Path A
  40        BaseBand_Config_AGC_TAB = 1,                    //Radio Path B
  41}BaseBand_Config_Type, *PBaseBand_Config_Type;
  42#define RTL8187_REQT_READ       0xc0
  43#define RTL8187_REQT_WRITE      0x40
  44#define RTL8187_REQ_GET_REGS    0x05
  45#define RTL8187_REQ_SET_REGS    0x05
  47#define MAX_TX_URB 5
  48#define MAX_RX_URB 16
  50#define R8180_MAX_RETRY 255
  51//#define MAX_RX_NORMAL_URB 3
  52//#define MAX_RX_COMMAND_URB 2
  53#define RX_URB_SIZE 9100
  55#define BB_ANTATTEN_CHAN14      0x0c
  56#define BB_ANTENNA_B 0x40
  58#define BB_HOST_BANG            BIT(30)
  59#define BB_HOST_BANG_EN         BIT(2)
  60#define BB_HOST_BANG_CLK        BIT(1)
  61#define BB_HOST_BANG_RW         BIT(3)
  62#define BB_HOST_BANG_DATA        1
  64//#if (RTL819X_FPGA_VER & RTL819X_FPGA_VIVI_070920)
  65#define AFR                     0x010
  66#define AFR_CardBEn             BIT(0)
  67#define AFR_CLKRUN_SEL          BIT(1)
  68#define AFR_FuncRegEn           BIT(2)
  69#define RTL8190_EEPROM_ID       0x8129
  70#define EEPROM_VID              0x02
  71#define EEPROM_PID              0x04
  72#define EEPROM_NODE_ADDRESS_BYTE_0      0x0C
  74#define EEPROM_TxPowerDiff      0x1F
  75#define EEPROM_ThermalMeter     0x20
  76#define EEPROM_PwDiff           0x21    //0x21
  77#define EEPROM_CrystalCap       0x22    //0x22
  79#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_CCK    0x23    //0x23
  80#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_OFDM_24G       0x24    //0x24~0x26
  81#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_CCK_V1         0x29    //0x29~0x2B
  82#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_OFDM_24G_V1    0x2C    //0x2C~0x2E
  83#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex_Ver            0x27    //0x27
  85#define EEPROM_Default_TxPowerDiff              0x0
  86#define EEPROM_Default_ThermalMeter             0x7
  87#define EEPROM_Default_PwDiff                   0x4
  88#define EEPROM_Default_CrystalCap               0x5
  89#define EEPROM_Default_TxPower                  0x1010
  90#define EEPROM_Customer_ID                      0x7B    //0x7B:CustomerID
  91#define EEPROM_ChannelPlan                      0x16    //0x7C
  92#define EEPROM_IC_VER                           0x7d    //0x7D
  93#define EEPROM_CRC                              0x7e    //0x7E~0x7F
  95#define EEPROM_CID_DEFAULT                      0x0
  96#define EEPROM_CID_CAMEO                                0x1
  97#define EEPROM_CID_RUNTOP                               0x2
  98#define EEPROM_CID_Senao                                0x3
  99#define EEPROM_CID_TOSHIBA                              0x4     // Toshiba setting, Merge by Jacken, 2008/01/31
 100#define EEPROM_CID_NetCore                              0x5
 101#define EEPROM_CID_Nettronix                    0x6
 102#define EEPROM_CID_Pronet                               0x7
 103#define EEPROM_CID_DLINK                                0x8
 105#define AC_PARAM_TXOP_LIMIT_OFFSET      16
 106#define AC_PARAM_ECW_MAX_OFFSET         12
 107#define AC_PARAM_ECW_MIN_OFFSET         8
 108#define AC_PARAM_AIFS_OFFSET            0
 111enum _RTL8192Usb_HW {
 113        PCIF                    = 0x009, // PCI Function Register 0x0009h~0x000bh
 114#define BB_GLOBAL_RESET_BIT     0x1
 115        BB_GLOBAL_RESET         = 0x020, // BasebandGlobal Reset Register
 116        BSSIDR                  = 0x02E, // BSSID Register
 117        CMDR                    = 0x037, // Command register
 118#define CR_RST                  0x10
 119#define CR_RE                   0x08
 120#define CR_TE                   0x04
 121#define CR_MulRW                0x01
 122        SIFS                    = 0x03E, // SIFS register
 123        TCR                     = 0x040, // Transmit Configuration Register
 125#define TCR_MXDMA_2048          7
 126#define TCR_LRL_OFFSET          0
 127#define TCR_SRL_OFFSET          8
 128#define TCR_MXDMA_OFFSET        21
 129#define TCR_SAT                 BIT(24) // Enable Rate depedent ack timeout timer
 130        RCR                     = 0x044, // Receive Configuration Register
 131#define MAC_FILTER_MASK (BIT(0) | BIT(1) | BIT(2) | BIT(3) | BIT(5) | \
 132                         BIT(12) | BIT(18) | BIT(19) | BIT(20) | BIT(21) | \
 133                         BIT(22) | BIT(23))
 134#define RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_MASK (BIT(13) | BIT(14) | BIT(15))
 136#define RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_128 3
 137#define RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_256 4
 138#define RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_512 5
 139#define RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD_1024 6
 141#define MAX_RX_DMA_MASK         (BIT(8) | BIT(9) | BIT(10))
 142#define RCR_MXDMA_OFFSET        8
 143#define RCR_FIFO_OFFSET         13
 144#define RCR_ONLYERLPKT          BIT(31)                 // Early Receiving based on Packet Size.
 145#define RCR_ENCS2               BIT(30)                 // Enable Carrier Sense Detection Method 2
 146#define RCR_ENCS1               BIT(29)                 // Enable Carrier Sense Detection Method 1
 147#define RCR_ENMBID              BIT(27)                 // Enable Multiple BssId.
 148#define RCR_ACKTXBW             (BIT(24) | BIT(25))     // TXBW Setting of ACK frames
 149#define RCR_CBSSID              BIT(23)                 // Accept BSSID match packet
 150#define RCR_APWRMGT             BIT(22)                 // Accept power management packet
 151#define RCR_ADD3                BIT(21)                 // Accept address 3 match packet
 152#define RCR_AMF                 BIT(20)                 // Accept management type frame
 153#define RCR_ACF                 BIT(19)                 // Accept control type frame
 154#define RCR_ADF                 BIT(18)                 // Accept data type frame
 155#define RCR_RXFTH               BIT(13)                 // Rx FIFO Threshold
 156#define RCR_AICV                BIT(12)                 // Accept ICV error packet
 157#define RCR_ACRC32              BIT(5)                  // Accept CRC32 error packet
 158#define RCR_AB                  BIT(3)                  // Accept broadcast packet
 159#define RCR_AM                  BIT(2)                  // Accept multicast packet
 160#define RCR_APM                 BIT(1)                  // Accept physical match packet
 161#define RCR_AAP                 BIT(0)                  // Accept all unicast packet
 162        SLOT_TIME               = 0x049, // Slot Time Register
 163        ACK_TIMEOUT             = 0x04c, // Ack Timeout Register
 164        PIFS_TIME               = 0x04d, // PIFS time
 165        USTIME                  = 0x04e, // Microsecond Tuning Register, Sets the microsecond time unit used by MAC clock.
 166        EDCAPARA_BE             = 0x050, // EDCA Parameter of AC BE
 167        EDCAPARA_BK             = 0x054, // EDCA Parameter of AC BK
 168        EDCAPARA_VO             = 0x058, // EDCA Parameter of AC VO
 169        EDCAPARA_VI             = 0x05C, // EDCA Parameter of AC VI
 170        RFPC                    = 0x05F, // Rx FIFO Packet Count
 171        CWRR                    = 0x060, // Contention Window Report Register
 172        BCN_TCFG                = 0x062, // Beacon Time Configuration
 173#define BCN_TCFG_CW_SHIFT               8
 174#define BCN_TCFG_IFS                    0
 175        BCN_INTERVAL            = 0x070, // Beacon Interval (TU)
 176        ATIMWND                 = 0x072, // ATIM Window Size (TU)
 177        BCN_DRV_EARLY_INT       = 0x074, // Driver Early Interrupt Time (TU). Time to send interrupt to notify to change beacon content before TBTT
 178        BCN_DMATIME             = 0x076, // Beacon DMA and ATIM interrupt time (US). Indicates the time before TBTT to perform beacon queue DMA
 179        BCN_ERR_THRESH          = 0x078, // Beacon Error Threshold
 180        RWCAM                   = 0x0A0, //IN 8190 Data Sheet is called CAMcmd
 181        WCAMI                   = 0x0A4, // Software write CAM input content
 182        RCAMO                   = 0x0A8, // Software read/write CAM config
 183        SECR                    = 0x0B0, //Security Configuration Register
 184#define SCR_TxUseDK             BIT(0)                  //Force Tx Use Default Key
 185#define SCR_RxUseDK             BIT(1)                  //Force Rx Use Default Key
 186#define SCR_TxEncEnable         BIT(2)                  //Enable Tx Encryption
 187#define SCR_RxDecEnable         BIT(3)                  //Enable Rx Decryption
 188#define SCR_SKByA2              BIT(4)                  //Search kEY BY A2
 189#define SCR_NoSKMC              BIT(5)                  //No Key Search for Multicast
 190#define SCR_UseDK               0x01
 191#define SCR_TxSecEnable         0x02
 192#define SCR_RxSecEnable         0x04
 193        TPPoll                  = 0x0fd, // Transmit priority polling register
 194        PSR                     = 0x0ff, // Page Select Register
 195#define CPU_CCK_LOOPBACK        0x00030000
 196#define CPU_GEN_SYSTEM_RESET    0x00000001
 197#define CPU_GEN_FIRMWARE_RESET  0x00000008
 198#define CPU_GEN_BOOT_RDY        0x00000010
 199#define CPU_GEN_FIRM_RDY        0x00000020
 200#define CPU_GEN_PUT_CODE_OK     0x00000080
 201#define CPU_GEN_BB_RST          0x00000100
 202#define CPU_GEN_PWR_STB_CPU     0x00000004
 203#define CPU_GEN_NO_LOOPBACK_MSK 0xFFF8FFFF              // Set bit18,17,16 to 0. Set bit19
 204#define CPU_GEN_NO_LOOPBACK_SET 0x00080000              // Set BIT19 to 1
 207//       8190 CPU General Register              (offset 0x100, 4 byte)
 209#define CPU_CCK_LOOPBACK        0x00030000
 210#define CPU_GEN_SYSTEM_RESET    0x00000001
 211#define CPU_GEN_FIRMWARE_RESET  0x00000008
 212#define CPU_GEN_BOOT_RDY        0x00000010
 213#define CPU_GEN_FIRM_RDY        0x00000020
 214#define CPU_GEN_PUT_CODE_OK     0x00000080
 215#define CPU_GEN_BB_RST          0x00000100
 216#define CPU_GEN_PWR_STB_CPU     0x00000004
 217#define CPU_GEN_NO_LOOPBACK_MSK 0xFFF8FFFF // Set bit18,17,16 to 0. Set bit19
 218#define CPU_GEN_NO_LOOPBACK_SET 0x00080000 // Set BIT19 to 1
 219        CPU_GEN                 = 0x100, // CPU Reset Register
 220        LED1Cfg                 =               0x154,// LED1 Configuration Register
 221        LED0Cfg                 =               0x155,// LED0 Configuration Register
 223        AcmAvg                  = 0x170, // ACM Average Period Register
 224        AcmHwCtrl               = 0x171, // ACM Hardware Control Register
 227////       8190 AcmHwCtrl bits                                    (offset 0x171, 1 byte)
 230#define AcmHw_HwEn              BIT(0)
 231#define AcmHw_BeqEn             BIT(1)
 232#define AcmHw_ViqEn             BIT(2)
 233#define AcmHw_VoqEn             BIT(3)
 234#define AcmHw_BeqStatus         BIT(4)
 235#define AcmHw_ViqStatus         BIT(5)
 236#define AcmHw_VoqStatus         BIT(6)
 238        AcmFwCtrl               = 0x172, // ACM Firmware Control Register
 239        AES_11N_FIX             = 0x173,
 240        VOAdmTime               = 0x174, // VO Queue Admitted Time Register
 241        VIAdmTime               = 0x178, // VI Queue Admitted Time Register
 242        BEAdmTime               = 0x17C, // BE Queue Admitted Time Register
 243        RQPN1                   = 0x180, // Reserved Queue Page Number , Vo Vi, Be, Bk
 244        RQPN2                   = 0x184, // Reserved Queue Page Number, HCCA, Cmd, Mgnt, High
 245        RQPN3                   = 0x188, // Reserved Queue Page Number, Bcn, Public,
 246//      QPRR                    = 0x1E0, // Queue Page Report per TID
 247        QPNR                    = 0x1D0, //0x1F0, // Queue Packet Number report per TID
 248        BQDA                    = 0x200, // Beacon Queue Descriptor Address
 249        HQDA                    = 0x204, // High Priority Queue Descriptor Address
 250        CQDA                    = 0x208, // Command Queue Descriptor Address
 251        MQDA                    = 0x20C, // Management Queue Descriptor Address
 252        HCCAQDA                 = 0x210, // HCCA Queue Descriptor Address
 253        VOQDA                   = 0x214, // VO Queue Descriptor Address
 254        VIQDA                   = 0x218, // VI Queue Descriptor Address
 255        BEQDA                   = 0x21C, // BE Queue Descriptor Address
 256        BKQDA                   = 0x220, // BK Queue Descriptor Address
 257        RCQDA                   = 0x224, // Receive command Queue Descriptor Address
 258        RDQDA                   = 0x228, // Receive Queue Descriptor Start Address
 260        MAR0                    = 0x240, // Multicast filter.
 261        MAR4                    = 0x244,
 263        CCX_PERIOD              = 0x250, // CCX Measurement Period Register, in unit of TU.
 264        CLM_RESULT              = 0x251, // CCA Busy fraction register.
 265        NHM_PERIOD              = 0x252, // NHM Measurement Period register, in unit of TU.
 267        NHM_THRESHOLD0          = 0x253, // Noise Histogram Meashorement0.
 268        NHM_THRESHOLD1          = 0x254, // Noise Histogram Meashorement1.
 269        NHM_THRESHOLD2          = 0x255, // Noise Histogram Meashorement2.
 270        NHM_THRESHOLD3          = 0x256, // Noise Histogram Meashorement3.
 271        NHM_THRESHOLD4          = 0x257, // Noise Histogram Meashorement4.
 272        NHM_THRESHOLD5          = 0x258, // Noise Histogram Meashorement5.
 273        NHM_THRESHOLD6          = 0x259, // Noise Histogram Meashorement6
 275        MCTRL                   = 0x25A, // Measurement Control
 277        NHM_RPI_COUNTER0        = 0x264, // Noise Histogram RPI counter0, the fraction of signal strength < NHM_THRESHOLD0.
 278        NHM_RPI_COUNTER1        = 0x265, // Noise Histogram RPI counter1, the fraction of signal strength in (NHM_THRESHOLD0, NHM_THRESHOLD1].
 279        NHM_RPI_COUNTER2        = 0x266, // Noise Histogram RPI counter2, the fraction of signal strength in (NHM_THRESHOLD1, NHM_THRESHOLD2].
 280        NHM_RPI_COUNTER3        = 0x267, // Noise Histogram RPI counter3, the fraction of signal strength in (NHM_THRESHOLD2, NHM_THRESHOLD3].
 281        NHM_RPI_COUNTER4        = 0x268, // Noise Histogram RPI counter4, the fraction of signal strength in (NHM_THRESHOLD3, NHM_THRESHOLD4].
 282        NHM_RPI_COUNTER5        = 0x269, // Noise Histogram RPI counter5, the fraction of signal strength in (NHM_THRESHOLD4, NHM_THRESHOLD5].
 283        NHM_RPI_COUNTER6        = 0x26A, // Noise Histogram RPI counter6, the fraction of signal strength in (NHM_THRESHOLD5, NHM_THRESHOLD6].
 284        NHM_RPI_COUNTER7        = 0x26B, // Noise Histogram RPI counter7, the fraction of signal strength in (NHM_THRESHOLD6, NHM_THRESHOLD7].
 285#define BW_OPMODE_11J                   BIT(0)
 286#define BW_OPMODE_5G                    BIT(1)
 287#define BW_OPMODE_20MHZ                 BIT(2)
 288        BW_OPMODE               = 0x300, // Bandwidth operation mode
 289        MSR                     = 0x303, // Media Status register
 290#define MSR_LINK_MASK      (BIT(0)|BIT(1))
 291#define MSR_LINK_MANAGED   2
 292#define MSR_LINK_NONE      0
 293#define MSR_LINK_SHIFT     0
 294#define MSR_LINK_ADHOC     1
 295#define MSR_LINK_MASTER    3
 296#define MSR_LINK_ENEDCA    BIT(4)
 297        RETRY_LIMIT             = 0x304, // Retry Limit [15:8]-short, [7:0]-long
 300        TSFR                    = 0x308,
 301        RRSR                    = 0x310, // Response Rate Set
 302#define RRSR_RSC_OFFSET                 21
 303#define RRSR_SHORT_OFFSET                       23
 304#define RRSR_RSC_DUPLICATE                      0x600000
 305#define RRSR_RSC_LOWSUBCHNL             0x400000
 306#define RRSR_RSC_UPSUBCHANL             0x200000
 307#define RRSR_SHORT                                      0x800000
 308#define RRSR_1M                                         BIT(0)
 309#define RRSR_2M                                         BIT(1)
 310#define RRSR_5_5M                                       BIT(2)
 311#define RRSR_11M                                        BIT(3)
 312#define RRSR_6M                                         BIT(4)
 313#define RRSR_9M                                         BIT(5)
 314#define RRSR_12M                                        BIT(6)
 315#define RRSR_18M                                        BIT(7)
 316#define RRSR_24M                                        BIT(8)
 317#define RRSR_36M                                        BIT(9)
 318#define RRSR_48M                                        BIT(10)
 319#define RRSR_54M                                        BIT(11)
 320#define RRSR_MCS0                                       BIT(12)
 321#define RRSR_MCS1                                       BIT(13)
 322#define RRSR_MCS2                                       BIT(14)
 323#define RRSR_MCS3                                       BIT(15)
 324#define RRSR_MCS4                                       BIT(16)
 325#define RRSR_MCS5                                       BIT(17)
 326#define RRSR_MCS6                                       BIT(18)
 327#define RRSR_MCS7                                       BIT(19)
 328#define BRSR_AckShortPmb                        BIT(23)         // CCK ACK: use Short Preamble or not.
 329        RATR0                   = 0x320, // Rate Adaptive Table register1
 330        UFWP                    = 0x318,
 331        DRIVER_RSSI             = 0x32c,                                        // Driver tell Firmware current RSSI
 333//       8190 Rate Adaptive Table Register      (offset 0x320, 4 byte)
 336#define RATR_1M                 0x00000001
 337#define RATR_2M                 0x00000002
 338#define RATR_55M                0x00000004
 339#define RATR_11M                0x00000008
 341#define RATR_6M                 0x00000010
 342#define RATR_9M                 0x00000020
 343#define RATR_12M                0x00000040
 344#define RATR_18M                0x00000080
 345#define RATR_24M                0x00000100
 346#define RATR_36M                0x00000200
 347#define RATR_48M                0x00000400
 348#define RATR_54M                0x00000800
 349//MCS 1 Spatial Stream
 350#define RATR_MCS0               0x00001000
 351#define RATR_MCS1               0x00002000
 352#define RATR_MCS2               0x00004000
 353#define RATR_MCS3               0x00008000
 354#define RATR_MCS4               0x00010000
 355#define RATR_MCS5               0x00020000
 356#define RATR_MCS6               0x00040000
 357#define RATR_MCS7               0x00080000
 358//MCS 2 Spatial Stream
 359#define RATR_MCS8               0x00100000
 360#define RATR_MCS9               0x00200000
 361#define RATR_MCS10              0x00400000
 362#define RATR_MCS11              0x00800000
 363#define RATR_MCS12              0x01000000
 364#define RATR_MCS13              0x02000000
 365#define RATR_MCS14              0x04000000
 366#define RATR_MCS15              0x08000000
 367// ALL CCK Rate
 368#define RATE_ALL_CCK            RATR_1M|RATR_2M|RATR_55M|RATR_11M
 369#define RATE_ALL_OFDM_AG        RATR_6M|RATR_9M|RATR_12M|RATR_18M|RATR_24M\
 370                                                        |RATR_36M|RATR_48M|RATR_54M
 372                                                        RATR_MCS4|RATR_MCS5|RATR_MCS6|RATR_MCS7
 373#define RATE_ALL_OFDM_2SS       RATR_MCS8|RATR_MCS9     |RATR_MCS10|RATR_MCS11| \
 374                                                        RATR_MCS12|RATR_MCS13|RATR_MCS14|RATR_MCS15
 376        MCS_TXAGC               = 0x340, // MCS AGC
 377        CCK_TXAGC               = 0x348, // CCK AGC
 378//      ISR                     = 0x350, // Interrupt Status Register
 379//      IMR                     = 0x354, // Interrupt Mask Register
 380//      IMR_POLL                = 0x360,
 381        MacBlkCtrl              = 0x403, // Mac block on/off control register
 383        EPROM_CMD               = 0xfe58,
 384#define Cmd9346CR_9356SEL       BIT(4)
 388#define EPROM_CMD_CONFIG 0x3
 389#define EPROM_CMD_NORMAL 0
 390#define EPROM_CMD_LOAD 1
 391#define EPROM_CMD_PROGRAM 2
 392#define EPROM_CS_BIT BIT(3)
 393#define EPROM_CK_BIT BIT(2)
 394#define EPROM_W_BIT  BIT(1)
 395#define EPROM_R_BIT  BIT(0)
 397        MAC0                    = 0x000,
 398        MAC1                    = 0x001,
 399        MAC2                    = 0x002,
 400        MAC3                    = 0x003,
 401        MAC4                    = 0x004,
 402        MAC5                    = 0x005,
 406//       818xB AnaParm & AnaParm2 Register
 408//#define ANAPARM_ASIC_ON    0x45090658
 409//#define ANAPARM2_ASIC_ON   0x727f3f52
 410#define GPI 0x108
 411#define GPO 0x109
 412#define GPE 0x10a