   2 *
   3 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
   4 *
   5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
   7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8 *
   9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
  12 * more details.
  13 *
  14 ******************************************************************************/
  15/*  The following is for 8723B 2Ant BT Co-exist definition */
  16#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_FTP                BIT7
  17#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_A2DP               BIT6
  18#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_HID                BIT5
  19#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_SCO_BUSY           BIT4
  20#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_ACL_BUSY           BIT3
  21#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_INQ_PAGE           BIT2
  22#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_SCO_ESCO           BIT1
  23#define BT_INFO_8723B_2ANT_B_CONNECTION         BIT0
  25#define         BTC_RSSI_COEX_THRESH_TOL_8723B_2ANT             2
  27typedef enum _BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT {
  28        BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT_WIFI_FW        = 0x0,
  29        BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT_BT_RSP         = 0x1,
  30        BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT_BT_ACTIVE_SEND = 0x2,
  31        BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT_MAX
  32} BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT, *PBT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT;
  34typedef enum _BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS {
  35        BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_CONNECTED_IDLE = 0x0,
  36        BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE     = 0x1,
  37        BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS_INQ_PAGE           = 0x2,
  38        BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS_ACL_BUSY           = 0x3,
  39        BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS_SCO_BUSY           = 0x4,
  40        BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS_ACL_SCO_BUSY       = 0x5,
  41        BT_8723B_2ANT_BT_STATUS_MAX
  44typedef enum _BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO {
  45        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_UNDEFINED       = 0x0,
  46        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO             = 0x1,
  47        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID             = 0x2,
  48        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP            = 0x3,
  49        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP_PANHS      = 0x4,
  50        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR          = 0x5,
  51        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS           = 0x6,
  52        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP     = 0x7,
  53        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID      = 0x8,
  54        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR = 0x9,
  55        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP        = 0xa,
  56        BT_8723B_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_MAX             = 0xb,
  59typedef struct _COEX_DM_8723B_2ANT {
  60        /*  fw mechanism */
  61        u8 preBtDecPwrLvl;
  62        u8 curBtDecPwrLvl;
  63        u8 preFwDacSwingLvl;
  64        u8 curFwDacSwingLvl;
  65        bool bCurIgnoreWlanAct;
  66        bool bPreIgnoreWlanAct;
  67        u8 prePsTdma;
  68        u8 curPsTdma;
  69        u8 psTdmaPara[5];
  70        u8 psTdmaDuAdjType;
  71        bool bResetTdmaAdjust;
  72        bool bAutoTdmaAdjust;
  73        bool bPrePsTdmaOn;
  74        bool bCurPsTdmaOn;
  75        bool bPreBtAutoReport;
  76        bool bCurBtAutoReport;
  78        /*  sw mechanism */
  79        bool bPreRfRxLpfShrink;
  80        bool bCurRfRxLpfShrink;
  81        u32 btRf0x1eBackup;
  82        bool bPreLowPenaltyRa;
  83        bool bCurLowPenaltyRa;
  84        bool bPreDacSwingOn;
  85        u32  preDacSwingLvl;
  86        bool bCurDacSwingOn;
  87        u32  curDacSwingLvl;
  88        bool bPreAdcBackOff;
  89        bool bCurAdcBackOff;
  90        bool bPreAgcTableEn;
  91        bool bCurAgcTableEn;
  92        u32 preVal0x6c0;
  93        u32 curVal0x6c0;
  94        u32 preVal0x6c4;
  95        u32 curVal0x6c4;
  96        u32 preVal0x6c8;
  97        u32 curVal0x6c8;
  98        u8 preVal0x6cc;
  99        u8 curVal0x6cc;
 100        bool bLimitedDig;
 102        /*  algorithm related */
 103        u8 preAlgorithm;
 104        u8 curAlgorithm;
 105        u8 btStatus;
 106        u8 wifiChnlInfo[3];
 108        bool bNeedRecover0x948;
 109        u32 backup0x948;
 110} COEX_DM_8723B_2ANT, *PCOEX_DM_8723B_2ANT;
 112typedef struct _COEX_STA_8723B_2ANT {
 113        bool bBtLinkExist;
 114        bool bScoExist;
 115        bool bA2dpExist;
 116        bool bHidExist;
 117        bool bPanExist;
 119        bool bUnderLps;
 120        bool bUnderIps;
 121        u32 highPriorityTx;
 122        u32 highPriorityRx;
 123        u32 lowPriorityTx;
 124        u32 lowPriorityRx;
 125        u8 btRssi;
 126        bool bBtTxRxMask;
 127        u8 preBtRssiState;
 128        u8 preWifiRssiState[4];
 129        bool bC2hBtInfoReqSent;
 130        u8 btInfoC2h[BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT_MAX][10];
 131        u32 btInfoC2hCnt[BT_INFO_SRC_8723B_2ANT_MAX];
 132        bool bC2hBtInquiryPage;
 133        u8 btRetryCnt;
 134        u8 btInfoExt;
 135} COEX_STA_8723B_2ANT, *PCOEX_STA_8723B_2ANT;
 137/*  */
 138/*  The following is interface which will notify coex module. */
 139/*  */
 140void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_PowerOnSetting(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist);
 141void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_InitHwConfig(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, bool bWifiOnly);
 142void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_InitCoexDm(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist);
 143void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_IpsNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 type);
 144void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_LpsNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 type);
 145void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_ScanNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 type);
 146void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_ConnectNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 type);
 147void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_MediaStatusNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 type);
 148void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_SpecialPacketNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 type);
 149void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_BtInfoNotify(
 150        PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 *tmpBuf, u8 length
 152void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_HaltNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist);
 153void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_PnpNotify(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist, u8 pnpState);
 154void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_Periodical(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist);
 155void EXhalbtc8723b2ant_DisplayCoexInfo(PBTC_COEXIST pBtCoexist);