   2 * several functions that help interpret ARC instructions
   3 * used for unaligned accesses, kprobes and kgdb
   4 *
   5 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2007-2010, 2011-2012 Synopsys, Inc. (
   6 *
   7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
   9 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  10 */
  12#include <linux/types.h>
  13#include <linux/kprobes.h>
  14#include <linux/slab.h>
  15#include <linux/uaccess.h>
  16#include <asm/disasm.h>
  18#if defined(CONFIG_KGDB) || defined(CONFIG_ARC_EMUL_UNALIGNED) || \
  19        defined(CONFIG_KPROBES)
  21/* disasm_instr: Analyses instruction at addr, stores
  22 * findings in *state
  23 */
  24void __kprobes disasm_instr(unsigned long addr, struct disasm_state *state,
  25        int userspace, struct pt_regs *regs, struct callee_regs *cregs)
  27        int fieldA = 0;
  28        int fieldC = 0, fieldCisReg = 0;
  29        uint16_t word1 = 0, word0 = 0;
  30        int subopcode, is_linked, op_format;
  31        uint16_t *ins_ptr;
  32        uint16_t ins_buf[4];
  33        int bytes_not_copied = 0;
  35        memset(state, 0, sizeof(struct disasm_state));
  37        /* This fetches the upper part of the 32 bit instruction
  38         * in both the cases of Little Endian or Big Endian configurations. */
  39        if (userspace) {
  40                bytes_not_copied = copy_from_user(ins_buf,
  41                                                (const void __user *) addr, 8);
  42                if (bytes_not_copied > 6)
  43                        goto fault;
  44                ins_ptr = ins_buf;
  45        } else {
  46                ins_ptr = (uint16_t *) addr;
  47        }
  49        word1 = *((uint16_t *)addr);
  51        state->major_opcode = (word1 >> 11) & 0x1F;
  53        /* Check if the instruction is 32 bit or 16 bit instruction */
  54        if (state->major_opcode < 0x0B) {
  55                if (bytes_not_copied > 4)
  56                        goto fault;
  57                state->instr_len = 4;
  58                word0 = *((uint16_t *)(addr+2));
  59                state->words[0] = (word1 << 16) | word0;
  60        } else {
  61                state->instr_len = 2;
  62                state->words[0] = word1;
  63        }
  65        /* Read the second word in case of limm */
  66        word1 = *((uint16_t *)(addr + state->instr_len));
  67        word0 = *((uint16_t *)(addr + state->instr_len + 2));
  68        state->words[1] = (word1 << 16) | word0;
  70        switch (state->major_opcode) {
  71        case op_Bcc:
  72                state->is_branch = 1;
  74                /* unconditional branch s25, conditional branch s21 */
  75                fieldA = (IS_BIT(state->words[0], 16)) ?
  76                        FIELD_s25(state->words[0]) :
  77                        FIELD_s21(state->words[0]);
  79                state->delay_slot = IS_BIT(state->words[0], 5);
  80                state->target = fieldA + (addr & ~0x3);
  81                state->flow = direct_jump;
  82                break;
  84        case op_BLcc:
  85                if (IS_BIT(state->words[0], 16)) {
  86                        /* Branch and Link*/
  87                        /* unconditional branch s25, conditional branch s21 */
  88                        fieldA = (IS_BIT(state->words[0], 17)) ?
  89                                (FIELD_s25(state->words[0]) & ~0x3) :
  90                                FIELD_s21(state->words[0]);
  92                        state->flow = direct_call;
  93                } else {
  94                        /*Branch On Compare */
  95                        fieldA = FIELD_s9(state->words[0]) & ~0x3;
  96                        state->flow = direct_jump;
  97                }
  99                state->delay_slot = IS_BIT(state->words[0], 5);
 100                state->target = fieldA + (addr & ~0x3);
 101                state->is_branch = 1;
 102                break;
 104        case op_LD:  /* LD<zz> a,[b,s9] */
 105                state->write = 0;
 106                state->di = BITS(state->words[0], 11, 11);
 107                if (state->di)
 108                        break;
 109                state->x = BITS(state->words[0], 6, 6);
 110                state->zz = BITS(state->words[0], 7, 8);
 111                state->aa = BITS(state->words[0], 9, 10);
 112                state->wb_reg = FIELD_B(state->words[0]);
 113                if (state->wb_reg == REG_LIMM) {
 114                        state->instr_len += 4;
 115                        state->aa = 0;
 116                        state->src1 = state->words[1];
 117                } else {
 118                        state->src1 = get_reg(state->wb_reg, regs, cregs);
 119                }
 120                state->src2 = FIELD_s9(state->words[0]);
 121                state->dest = FIELD_A(state->words[0]);
 122                state->pref = (state->dest == REG_LIMM);
 123                break;
 125        case op_ST:
 126                state->write = 1;
 127                state->di = BITS(state->words[0], 5, 5);
 128                if (state->di)
 129                        break;
 130                state->aa = BITS(state->words[0], 3, 4);
 131                state->zz = BITS(state->words[0], 1, 2);
 132                state->src1 = FIELD_C(state->words[0]);
 133                if (state->src1 == REG_LIMM) {
 134                        state->instr_len += 4;
 135                        state->src1 = state->words[1];
 136                } else {
 137                        state->src1 = get_reg(state->src1, regs, cregs);
 138                }
 139                state->wb_reg = FIELD_B(state->words[0]);
 140                if (state->wb_reg == REG_LIMM) {
 141                        state->aa = 0;
 142                        state->instr_len += 4;
 143                        state->src2 = state->words[1];
 144                } else {
 145                        state->src2 = get_reg(state->wb_reg, regs, cregs);
 146                }
 147                state->src3 = FIELD_s9(state->words[0]);
 148                break;
 150        case op_MAJOR_4:
 151                subopcode = MINOR_OPCODE(state->words[0]);
 152                switch (subopcode) {
 153                case 32:        /* Jcc */
 154                case 33:        /* Jcc.D */
 155                case 34:        /* JLcc */
 156                case 35:        /* JLcc.D */
 157                        is_linked = 0;
 159                        if (subopcode == 33 || subopcode == 35)
 160                                state->delay_slot = 1;
 162                        if (subopcode == 34 || subopcode == 35)
 163                                is_linked = 1;
 165                        fieldCisReg = 0;
 166                        op_format = BITS(state->words[0], 22, 23);
 167                        if (op_format == 0 || ((op_format == 3) &&
 168                                (!IS_BIT(state->words[0], 5)))) {
 169                                fieldC = FIELD_C(state->words[0]);
 171                                if (fieldC == REG_LIMM) {
 172                                        fieldC = state->words[1];
 173                                        state->instr_len += 4;
 174                                } else {
 175                                        fieldCisReg = 1;
 176                                }
 177                        } else if (op_format == 1 || ((op_format == 3)
 178                                && (IS_BIT(state->words[0], 5)))) {
 179                                fieldC = FIELD_C(state->words[0]);
 180                        } else  {
 181                                /* op_format == 2 */
 182                                fieldC = FIELD_s12(state->words[0]);
 183                        }
 185                        if (!fieldCisReg) {
 186                                state->target = fieldC;
 187                                state->flow = is_linked ?
 188                                        direct_call : direct_jump;
 189                        } else {
 190                                state->target = get_reg(fieldC, regs, cregs);
 191                                state->flow = is_linked ?
 192                                        indirect_call : indirect_jump;
 193                        }
 194                        state->is_branch = 1;
 195                        break;
 197                case 40:        /* LPcc */
 198                        if (BITS(state->words[0], 22, 23) == 3) {
 199                                /* Conditional LPcc u7 */
 200                                fieldC = FIELD_C(state->words[0]);
 202                                fieldC = fieldC << 1;
 203                                fieldC += (addr & ~0x03);
 204                                state->is_branch = 1;
 205                                state->flow = direct_jump;
 206                                state->target = fieldC;
 207                        }
 208                        /* For Unconditional lp, next pc is the fall through
 209                         * which is updated */
 210                        break;
 212                case 48 ... 55: /* LD a,[b,c] */
 213                        state->di = BITS(state->words[0], 15, 15);
 214                        if (state->di)
 215                                break;
 216                        state->x = BITS(state->words[0], 16, 16);
 217                        state->zz = BITS(state->words[0], 17, 18);
 218                        state->aa = BITS(state->words[0], 22, 23);
 219                        state->wb_reg = FIELD_B(state->words[0]);
 220                        if (state->wb_reg == REG_LIMM) {
 221                                state->instr_len += 4;
 222                                state->src1 = state->words[1];
 223                        } else {
 224                                state->src1 = get_reg(state->wb_reg, regs,
 225                                                cregs);
 226                        }
 227                        state->src2 = FIELD_C(state->words[0]);
 228                        if (state->src2 == REG_LIMM) {
 229                                state->instr_len += 4;
 230                                state->src2 = state->words[1];
 231                        } else {
 232                                state->src2 = get_reg(state->src2, regs,
 233                                        cregs);
 234                        }
 235                        state->dest = FIELD_A(state->words[0]);
 236                        if (state->dest == REG_LIMM)
 237                                state->pref = 1;
 238                        break;
 240                case 10:        /* MOV */
 241                        /* still need to check for limm to extract instr len */
 242                        /* MOV is special case because it only takes 2 args */
 243                        switch (BITS(state->words[0], 22, 23)) {
 244                        case 0: /* OP a,b,c */
 245                                if (FIELD_C(state->words[0]) == REG_LIMM)
 246                                        state->instr_len += 4;
 247                                break;
 248                        case 1: /* OP a,b,u6 */
 249                                break;
 250                        case 2: /* OP b,b,s12 */
 251                                break;
 252                        case 3: /* b,b,c/u6 */
 253                                if ((!IS_BIT(state->words[0], 5)) &&
 254                                    (FIELD_C(state->words[0]) == REG_LIMM))
 255                                        state->instr_len += 4;
 256                                break;
 257                        }
 258                        break;
 261                default:
 262                        /* Not a Load, Jump or Loop instruction */
 263                        /* still need to check for limm to extract instr len */
 264                        switch (BITS(state->words[0], 22, 23)) {
 265                        case 0: /* OP a,b,c */
 266                                if ((FIELD_B(state->words[0]) == REG_LIMM) ||
 267                                    (FIELD_C(state->words[0]) == REG_LIMM))
 268                                        state->instr_len += 4;
 269                                break;
 270                        case 1: /* OP a,b,u6 */
 271                                break;
 272                        case 2: /* OP b,b,s12 */
 273                                break;
 274                        case 3: /* b,b,c/u6 */
 275                                if ((!IS_BIT(state->words[0], 5)) &&
 276                                   ((FIELD_B(state->words[0]) == REG_LIMM) ||
 277                                    (FIELD_C(state->words[0]) == REG_LIMM)))
 278                                        state->instr_len += 4;
 279                                break;
 280                        }
 281                        break;
 282                }
 283                break;
 285        /* 16 Bit Instructions */
 286        case op_LD_ADD: /* LD_S|LDB_S|LDW_S a,[b,c] */
 287                state->zz = BITS(state->words[0], 3, 4);
 288                state->src1 = get_reg(FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 289                state->src2 = get_reg(FIELD_S_C(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 290                state->dest = FIELD_S_A(state->words[0]);
 291                break;
 293        case op_ADD_MOV_CMP:
 294                /* check for limm, ignore mov_s h,b (== mov_s 0,b) */
 295                if ((BITS(state->words[0], 3, 4) < 3) &&
 296                    (FIELD_S_H(state->words[0]) == REG_LIMM))
 297                        state->instr_len += 4;
 298                break;
 300        case op_S:
 301                subopcode = BITS(state->words[0], 5, 7);
 302                switch (subopcode) {
 303                case 0: /* j_s */
 304                case 1: /* j_s.d */
 305                case 2: /* jl_s */
 306                case 3: /* jl_s.d */
 307                        state->target = get_reg(FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]),
 308                                                regs, cregs);
 309                        state->delay_slot = subopcode & 1;
 310                        state->flow = (subopcode >= 2) ?
 311                                direct_call : indirect_jump;
 312                        break;
 313                case 7:
 314                        switch (BITS(state->words[0], 8, 10)) {
 315                        case 4: /* jeq_s [blink] */
 316                        case 5: /* jne_s [blink] */
 317                        case 6: /* j_s [blink] */
 318                        case 7: /* j_s.d [blink] */
 319                                state->delay_slot = (subopcode == 7);
 320                                state->flow = indirect_jump;
 321                                state->target = get_reg(31, regs, cregs);
 322                        default:
 323                                break;
 324                        }
 325                default:
 326                        break;
 327                }
 328                break;
 330        case op_LD_S:   /* LD_S c, [b, u7] */
 331                state->src1 = get_reg(FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 332                state->src2 = FIELD_S_u7(state->words[0]);
 333                state->dest = FIELD_S_C(state->words[0]);
 334                break;
 336        case op_LDB_S:
 337        case op_STB_S:
 338                /* no further handling required as byte accesses should not
 339                 * cause an unaligned access exception */
 340                state->zz = 1;
 341                break;
 343        case op_LDWX_S: /* LDWX_S c, [b, u6] */
 344                state->x = 1;
 345                /* intentional fall-through */
 347        case op_LDW_S:  /* LDW_S c, [b, u6] */
 348                state->zz = 2;
 349                state->src1 = get_reg(FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 350                state->src2 = FIELD_S_u6(state->words[0]);
 351                state->dest = FIELD_S_C(state->words[0]);
 352                break;
 354        case op_ST_S:   /* ST_S c, [b, u7] */
 355                state->write = 1;
 356                state->src1 = get_reg(FIELD_S_C(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 357                state->src2 = get_reg(FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 358                state->src3 = FIELD_S_u7(state->words[0]);
 359                break;
 361        case op_STW_S:  /* STW_S c,[b,u6] */
 362                state->write = 1;
 363                state->zz = 2;
 364                state->src1 = get_reg(FIELD_S_C(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 365                state->src2 = get_reg(FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]), regs, cregs);
 366                state->src3 = FIELD_S_u6(state->words[0]);
 367                break;
 369        case op_SP:     /* LD_S|LDB_S b,[sp,u7], ST_S|STB_S b,[sp,u7] */
 370                /* note: we are ignoring possibility of:
 371                 * ADD_S, SUB_S, PUSH_S, POP_S as these should not
 372                 * cause unaliged exception anyway */
 373                state->write = BITS(state->words[0], 6, 6);
 374                state->zz = BITS(state->words[0], 5, 5);
 375                if (state->zz)
 376                        break;  /* byte accesses should not come here */
 377                if (!state->write) {
 378                        state->src1 = get_reg(28, regs, cregs);
 379                        state->src2 = FIELD_S_u7(state->words[0]);
 380                        state->dest = FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]);
 381                } else {
 382                        state->src1 = get_reg(FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]), regs,
 383                                        cregs);
 384                        state->src2 = get_reg(28, regs, cregs);
 385                        state->src3 = FIELD_S_u7(state->words[0]);
 386                }
 387                break;
 389        case op_GP:     /* LD_S|LDB_S|LDW_S r0,[gp,s11/s9/s10] */
 390                /* note: ADD_S r0, gp, s11 is ignored */
 391                state->zz = BITS(state->words[0], 9, 10);
 392                state->src1 = get_reg(26, regs, cregs);
 393                state->src2 = state->zz ? FIELD_S_s10(state->words[0]) :
 394                        FIELD_S_s11(state->words[0]);
 395                state->dest = 0;
 396                break;
 398        case op_Pcl:    /* LD_S b,[pcl,u10] */
 399                state->src1 = regs->ret & ~3;
 400                state->src2 = FIELD_S_u10(state->words[0]);
 401                state->dest = FIELD_S_B(state->words[0]);
 402                break;
 404        case op_BR_S:
 405                state->target = FIELD_S_s8(state->words[0]) + (addr & ~0x03);
 406                state->flow = direct_jump;
 407                state->is_branch = 1;
 408                break;
 410        case op_B_S:
 411                fieldA = (BITS(state->words[0], 9, 10) == 3) ?
 412                        FIELD_S_s7(state->words[0]) :
 413                        FIELD_S_s10(state->words[0]);
 414                state->target = fieldA + (addr & ~0x03);
 415                state->flow = direct_jump;
 416                state->is_branch = 1;
 417                break;
 419        case op_BL_S:
 420                state->target = FIELD_S_s13(state->words[0]) + (addr & ~0x03);
 421                state->flow = direct_call;
 422                state->is_branch = 1;
 423                break;
 425        default:
 426                break;
 427        }
 429        if (bytes_not_copied <= (8 - state->instr_len))
 430                return;
 432fault:  state->fault = 1;
 435long __kprobes get_reg(int reg, struct pt_regs *regs,
 436                       struct callee_regs *cregs)
 438        long *p;
 440        if (reg <= 12) {
 441                p = &regs->r0;
 442                return p[-reg];
 443        }
 445        if (cregs && (reg <= 25)) {
 446                p = &cregs->r13;
 447                return p[13-reg];
 448        }
 450        if (reg == 26)
 451                return regs->r26;
 452        if (reg == 27)
 453                return regs->fp;
 454        if (reg == 28)
 455                return regs->sp;
 456        if (reg == 31)
 457                return regs->blink;
 459        return 0;
 462void __kprobes set_reg(int reg, long val, struct pt_regs *regs,
 463                struct callee_regs *cregs)
 465        long *p;
 467        switch (reg) {
 468        case 0 ... 12:
 469                p = &regs->r0;
 470                p[-reg] = val;
 471                break;
 472        case 13 ... 25:
 473                if (cregs) {
 474                        p = &cregs->r13;
 475                        p[13-reg] = val;
 476                }
 477                break;
 478        case 26:
 479                regs->r26 = val;
 480                break;
 481        case 27:
 482                regs->fp = val;
 483                break;
 484        case 28:
 485                regs->sp = val;
 486                break;
 487        case 31:
 488                regs->blink = val;
 489                break;
 490        default:
 491                break;
 492        }
 496 * Disassembles the insn at @pc and sets @next_pc to next PC (which could be
 497 * @pc +2/4/6 (ARCompact ISA allows free intermixing of 16/32 bit insns).
 498 *
 499 * If @pc is a branch
 500 *      -@tgt_if_br is set to branch target.
 501 *      -If branch has delay slot, @next_pc updated with actual next PC.
 502 */
 503int __kprobes disasm_next_pc(unsigned long pc, struct pt_regs *regs,
 504                             struct callee_regs *cregs,
 505                             unsigned long *next_pc, unsigned long *tgt_if_br)
 507        struct disasm_state instr;
 509        memset(&instr, 0, sizeof(struct disasm_state));
 510        disasm_instr(pc, &instr, 0, regs, cregs);
 512        *next_pc = pc + instr.instr_len;
 514        /* Instruction with possible two targets branch, jump and loop */
 515        if (instr.is_branch)
 516                *tgt_if_br =;
 518        /* For the instructions with delay slots, the fall through is the
 519         * instruction following the instruction in delay slot.
 520         */
 521         if (instr.delay_slot) {
 522                struct disasm_state instr_d;
 524                disasm_instr(*next_pc, &instr_d, 0, regs, cregs);
 526                *next_pc += instr_d.instr_len;
 527         }
 529         /* Zero Overhead Loop - end of the loop */
 530        if (!(regs->status32 & STATUS32_L) && (*next_pc == regs->lp_end)
 531                && (regs->lp_count > 1)) {
 532                *next_pc = regs->lp_start;
 533        }
 535        return instr.is_branch;