   2 * This application is Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
   3 *      Doug Ledford <>
   4 *
   5 * mq_open_tests is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
   8 *
   9 * mq_open_tests is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
  13 *
  14 * For the full text of the license, see <>.
  15 *
  16 * mq_open_tests.c
  17 *   Tests the various situations that should either succeed or fail to
  18 *   open a posix message queue and then reports whether or not they
  19 *   did as they were supposed to.
  20 *
  21 */
  22#include <stdio.h>
  23#include <stdlib.h>
  24#include <unistd.h>
  25#include <fcntl.h>
  26#include <string.h>
  27#include <limits.h>
  28#include <errno.h>
  29#include <sys/types.h>
  30#include <sys/time.h>
  31#include <sys/resource.h>
  32#include <sys/stat.h>
  33#include <mqueue.h>
  34#include <error.h>
  36#include "../kselftest.h"
  38static char *usage =
  40"  %s path\n"
  42"       path    Path name of the message queue to create\n"
  44"       Note: this program must be run as root in order to enable all tests\n"
  47char *DEF_MSGS = "/proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_default";
  48char *DEF_MSGSIZE = "/proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msgsize_default";
  49char *MAX_MSGS = "/proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max";
  50char *MAX_MSGSIZE = "/proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msgsize_max";
  52int default_settings;
  53struct rlimit saved_limits, cur_limits;
  54int saved_def_msgs, saved_def_msgsize, saved_max_msgs, saved_max_msgsize;
  55int cur_def_msgs, cur_def_msgsize, cur_max_msgs, cur_max_msgsize;
  56FILE *def_msgs, *def_msgsize, *max_msgs, *max_msgsize;
  57char *queue_path;
  58char *default_queue_path = "/test1";
  59mqd_t queue = -1;
  61static inline void __set(FILE *stream, int value, char *err_msg);
  62void shutdown(int exit_val, char *err_cause, int line_no);
  63static inline int get(FILE *stream);
  64static inline void set(FILE *stream, int value);
  65static inline void getr(int type, struct rlimit *rlim);
  66static inline void setr(int type, struct rlimit *rlim);
  67void validate_current_settings();
  68static inline void test_queue(struct mq_attr *attr, struct mq_attr *result);
  69static inline int test_queue_fail(struct mq_attr *attr, struct mq_attr *result);
  71static inline void __set(FILE *stream, int value, char *err_msg)
  73        rewind(stream);
  74        if (fprintf(stream, "%d", value) < 0)
  75                perror(err_msg);
  79void shutdown(int exit_val, char *err_cause, int line_no)
  81        static int in_shutdown = 0;
  83        /* In case we get called recursively by a set() call below */
  84        if (in_shutdown++)
  85                return;
  87        if (seteuid(0) == -1)
  88                perror("seteuid() failed");
  90        if (queue != -1)
  91                if (mq_close(queue))
  92                        perror("mq_close() during shutdown");
  93        if (queue_path)
  94                /*
  95                 * Be silent if this fails, if we cleaned up already it's
  96                 * expected to fail
  97                 */
  98                mq_unlink(queue_path);
  99        if (default_settings) {
 100                if (saved_def_msgs)
 101                        __set(def_msgs, saved_def_msgs,
 102                              "failed to restore saved_def_msgs");
 103                if (saved_def_msgsize)
 104                        __set(def_msgsize, saved_def_msgsize,
 105                              "failed to restore saved_def_msgsize");
 106        }
 107        if (saved_max_msgs)
 108                __set(max_msgs, saved_max_msgs,
 109                      "failed to restore saved_max_msgs");
 110        if (saved_max_msgsize)
 111                __set(max_msgsize, saved_max_msgsize,
 112                      "failed to restore saved_max_msgsize");
 113        if (exit_val)
 114                error(exit_val, errno, "%s at %d", err_cause, line_no);
 115        exit(0);
 118static inline int get(FILE *stream)
 120        int value;
 121        rewind(stream);
 122        if (fscanf(stream, "%d", &value) != 1)
 123                shutdown(4, "Error reading /proc entry", __LINE__ - 1);
 124        return value;
 127static inline void set(FILE *stream, int value)
 129        int new_value;
 131        rewind(stream);
 132        if (fprintf(stream, "%d", value) < 0)
 133                return shutdown(5, "Failed writing to /proc file",
 134                                __LINE__ - 1);
 135        new_value = get(stream);
 136        if (new_value != value)
 137                return shutdown(5, "We didn't get what we wrote to /proc back",
 138                                __LINE__ - 1);
 141static inline void getr(int type, struct rlimit *rlim)
 143        if (getrlimit(type, rlim))
 144                shutdown(6, "getrlimit()", __LINE__ - 1);
 147static inline void setr(int type, struct rlimit *rlim)
 149        if (setrlimit(type, rlim))
 150                shutdown(7, "setrlimit()", __LINE__ - 1);
 153void validate_current_settings()
 155        int rlim_needed;
 157        if (cur_limits.rlim_cur < 4096) {
 158                printf("Current rlimit value for POSIX message queue bytes is "
 159                       "unreasonably low,\nincreasing.\n\n");
 160                cur_limits.rlim_cur = 8192;
 161                cur_limits.rlim_max = 16384;
 162                setr(RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE, &cur_limits);
 163        }
 165        if (default_settings) {
 166                rlim_needed = (cur_def_msgs + 1) * (cur_def_msgsize + 1 +
 167                                                    2 * sizeof(void *));
 168                if (rlim_needed > cur_limits.rlim_cur) {
 169                        printf("Temporarily lowering default queue parameters "
 170                               "to something that will work\n"
 171                               "with the current rlimit values.\n\n");
 172                        set(def_msgs, 10);
 173                        cur_def_msgs = 10;
 174                        set(def_msgsize, 128);
 175                        cur_def_msgsize = 128;
 176                }
 177        } else {
 178                rlim_needed = (cur_max_msgs + 1) * (cur_max_msgsize + 1 +
 179                                                    2 * sizeof(void *));
 180                if (rlim_needed > cur_limits.rlim_cur) {
 181                        printf("Temporarily lowering maximum queue parameters "
 182                               "to something that will work\n"
 183                               "with the current rlimit values in case this is "
 184                               "a kernel that ties the default\n"
 185                               "queue parameters to the maximum queue "
 186                               "parameters.\n\n");
 187                        set(max_msgs, 10);
 188                        cur_max_msgs = 10;
 189                        set(max_msgsize, 128);
 190                        cur_max_msgsize = 128;
 191                }
 192        }
 196 * test_queue - Test opening a queue, shutdown if we fail.  This should
 197 * only be called in situations that should never fail.  We clean up
 198 * after ourselves and return the queue attributes in *result.
 199 */
 200static inline void test_queue(struct mq_attr *attr, struct mq_attr *result)
 202        int flags = O_RDWR | O_EXCL | O_CREAT;
 203        int perms = DEFFILEMODE;
 205        if ((queue = mq_open(queue_path, flags, perms, attr)) == -1)
 206                shutdown(1, "mq_open()", __LINE__);
 207        if (mq_getattr(queue, result))
 208                shutdown(1, "mq_getattr()", __LINE__);
 209        if (mq_close(queue))
 210                shutdown(1, "mq_close()", __LINE__);
 211        queue = -1;
 212        if (mq_unlink(queue_path))
 213                shutdown(1, "mq_unlink()", __LINE__);
 217 * Same as test_queue above, but failure is not fatal.
 218 * Returns:
 219 * 0 - Failed to create a queue
 220 * 1 - Created a queue, attributes in *result
 221 */
 222static inline int test_queue_fail(struct mq_attr *attr, struct mq_attr *result)
 224        int flags = O_RDWR | O_EXCL | O_CREAT;
 225        int perms = DEFFILEMODE;
 227        if ((queue = mq_open(queue_path, flags, perms, attr)) == -1)
 228                return 0;
 229        if (mq_getattr(queue, result))
 230                shutdown(1, "mq_getattr()", __LINE__);
 231        if (mq_close(queue))
 232                shutdown(1, "mq_close()", __LINE__);
 233        queue = -1;
 234        if (mq_unlink(queue_path))
 235                shutdown(1, "mq_unlink()", __LINE__);
 236        return 1;
 239int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 241        struct mq_attr attr, result;
 243        if (argc != 2) {
 244                printf("Using Default queue path - %s\n", default_queue_path);
 245                queue_path = default_queue_path;
 246        } else {
 248        /*
 249         * Although we can create a msg queue with a non-absolute path name,
 250         * unlink will fail.  So, if the name doesn't start with a /, add one
 251         * when we save it.
 252         */
 253                if (*argv[1] == '/')
 254                        queue_path = strdup(argv[1]);
 255                else {
 256                        queue_path = malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 2);
 257                        if (!queue_path) {
 258                                perror("malloc()");
 259                                exit(1);
 260                        }
 261                        queue_path[0] = '/';
 262                        queue_path[1] = 0;
 263                        strcat(queue_path, argv[1]);
 264                }
 265        }
 267        if (getuid() != 0)
 268                ksft_exit_skip("Not running as root, but almost all tests "
 269                        "require root in order to modify\nsystem settings.  "
 270                        "Exiting.\n");
 272        /* Find out what files there are for us to make tweaks in */
 273        def_msgs = fopen(DEF_MSGS, "r+");
 274        def_msgsize = fopen(DEF_MSGSIZE, "r+");
 275        max_msgs = fopen(MAX_MSGS, "r+");
 276        max_msgsize = fopen(MAX_MSGSIZE, "r+");
 278        if (!max_msgs)
 279                shutdown(2, "Failed to open msg_max", __LINE__);
 280        if (!max_msgsize)
 281                shutdown(2, "Failed to open msgsize_max", __LINE__);
 282        if (def_msgs || def_msgsize)
 283                default_settings = 1;
 285        /* Load up the current system values for everything we can */
 286        getr(RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE, &saved_limits);
 287        cur_limits = saved_limits;
 288        if (default_settings) {
 289                saved_def_msgs = cur_def_msgs = get(def_msgs);
 290                saved_def_msgsize = cur_def_msgsize = get(def_msgsize);
 291        }
 292        saved_max_msgs = cur_max_msgs = get(max_msgs);
 293        saved_max_msgsize = cur_max_msgsize = get(max_msgsize);
 295        /* Tell the user our initial state */
 296        printf("\nInitial system state:\n");
 297        printf("\tUsing queue path:\t\t%s\n", queue_path);
 298        printf("\tRLIMIT_MSGQUEUE(soft):\t\t%ld\n",
 299                (long) saved_limits.rlim_cur);
 300        printf("\tRLIMIT_MSGQUEUE(hard):\t\t%ld\n",
 301                (long) saved_limits.rlim_max);
 302        printf("\tMaximum Message Size:\t\t%d\n", saved_max_msgsize);
 303        printf("\tMaximum Queue Size:\t\t%d\n", saved_max_msgs);
 304        if (default_settings) {
 305                printf("\tDefault Message Size:\t\t%d\n", saved_def_msgsize);
 306                printf("\tDefault Queue Size:\t\t%d\n", saved_def_msgs);
 307        } else {
 308                printf("\tDefault Message Size:\t\tNot Supported\n");
 309                printf("\tDefault Queue Size:\t\tNot Supported\n");
 310        }
 311        printf("\n");
 313        validate_current_settings();
 315        printf("Adjusted system state for testing:\n");
 316        printf("\tRLIMIT_MSGQUEUE(soft):\t\t%ld\n", (long) cur_limits.rlim_cur);
 317        printf("\tRLIMIT_MSGQUEUE(hard):\t\t%ld\n", (long) cur_limits.rlim_max);
 318        printf("\tMaximum Message Size:\t\t%d\n", cur_max_msgsize);
 319        printf("\tMaximum Queue Size:\t\t%d\n", cur_max_msgs);
 320        if (default_settings) {
 321                printf("\tDefault Message Size:\t\t%d\n", cur_def_msgsize);
 322                printf("\tDefault Queue Size:\t\t%d\n", cur_def_msgs);
 323        }
 325        printf("\n\nTest series 1, behavior when no attr struct "
 326               "passed to mq_open:\n");
 327        if (!default_settings) {
 328                test_queue(NULL, &result);
 329                printf("Given sane system settings, mq_open without an attr "
 330                       "struct succeeds:\tPASS\n");
 331                if (result.mq_maxmsg != cur_max_msgs ||
 332                    result.mq_msgsize != cur_max_msgsize) {
 333                        printf("Kernel does not support setting the default "
 334                               "mq attributes,\nbut also doesn't tie the "
 335                               "defaults to the maximums:\t\t\tPASS\n");
 336                } else {
 337                        set(max_msgs, ++cur_max_msgs);
 338                        set(max_msgsize, ++cur_max_msgsize);
 339                        test_queue(NULL, &result);
 340                        if (result.mq_maxmsg == cur_max_msgs &&
 341                            result.mq_msgsize == cur_max_msgsize)
 342                                printf("Kernel does not support setting the "
 343                                       "default mq attributes and\n"
 344                                       "also ties system wide defaults to "
 345                                       "the system wide maximums:\t\t"
 346                                       "FAIL\n");
 347                        else
 348                                printf("Kernel does not support setting the "
 349                                       "default mq attributes,\n"
 350                                       "but also doesn't tie the defaults to "
 351                                       "the maximums:\t\t\tPASS\n");
 352                }
 353        } else {
 354                printf("Kernel supports setting defaults separately from "
 355                       "maximums:\t\tPASS\n");
 356                /*
 357                 * While we are here, go ahead and test that the kernel
 358                 * properly follows the default settings
 359                 */
 360                test_queue(NULL, &result);
 361                printf("Given sane values, mq_open without an attr struct "
 362                       "succeeds:\t\tPASS\n");
 363                if (result.mq_maxmsg != cur_def_msgs ||
 364                    result.mq_msgsize != cur_def_msgsize)
 365                        printf("Kernel supports setting defaults, but does "
 366                               "not actually honor them:\tFAIL\n\n");
 367                else {
 368                        set(def_msgs, ++cur_def_msgs);
 369                        set(def_msgsize, ++cur_def_msgsize);
 370                        /* In case max was the same as the default */
 371                        set(max_msgs, ++cur_max_msgs);
 372                        set(max_msgsize, ++cur_max_msgsize);
 373                        test_queue(NULL, &result);
 374                        if (result.mq_maxmsg != cur_def_msgs ||
 375                            result.mq_msgsize != cur_def_msgsize)
 376                                printf("Kernel supports setting defaults, but "
 377                                       "does not actually honor them:\t"
 378                                       "FAIL\n");
 379                        else
 380                                printf("Kernel properly honors default setting "
 381                                       "knobs:\t\t\t\tPASS\n");
 382                }
 383                set(def_msgs, cur_max_msgs + 1);
 384                cur_def_msgs = cur_max_msgs + 1;
 385                set(def_msgsize, cur_max_msgsize + 1);
 386                cur_def_msgsize = cur_max_msgsize + 1;
 387                if (cur_def_msgs * (cur_def_msgsize + 2 * sizeof(void *)) >=
 388                    cur_limits.rlim_cur) {
 389                        cur_limits.rlim_cur = (cur_def_msgs + 2) *
 390                                (cur_def_msgsize + 2 * sizeof(void *));
 391                        cur_limits.rlim_max = 2 * cur_limits.rlim_cur;
 392                        setr(RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE, &cur_limits);
 393                }
 394                if (test_queue_fail(NULL, &result)) {
 395                        if (result.mq_maxmsg == cur_max_msgs &&
 396                            result.mq_msgsize == cur_max_msgsize)
 397                                printf("Kernel properly limits default values "
 398                                       "to lesser of default/max:\t\tPASS\n");
 399                        else
 400                                printf("Kernel does not properly set default "
 401                                       "queue parameters when\ndefaults > "
 402                                       "max:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFAIL\n");
 403                } else
 404                        printf("Kernel fails to open mq because defaults are "
 405                               "greater than maximums:\tFAIL\n");
 406                set(def_msgs, --cur_def_msgs);
 407                set(def_msgsize, --cur_def_msgsize);
 408                cur_limits.rlim_cur = cur_limits.rlim_max = cur_def_msgs *
 409                        cur_def_msgsize;
 410                setr(RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE, &cur_limits);
 411                if (test_queue_fail(NULL, &result))
 412                        printf("Kernel creates queue even though defaults "
 413                               "would exceed\nrlimit setting:"
 414                               "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFAIL\n");
 415                else
 416                        printf("Kernel properly fails to create queue when "
 417                               "defaults would\nexceed rlimit:"
 418                               "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPASS\n");
 419        }
 421        /*
 422         * Test #2 - open with an attr struct that exceeds rlimit
 423         */
 424        printf("\n\nTest series 2, behavior when attr struct is "
 425               "passed to mq_open:\n");
 426        cur_max_msgs = 32;
 427        cur_max_msgsize = cur_limits.rlim_max >> 4;
 428        set(max_msgs, cur_max_msgs);
 429        set(max_msgsize, cur_max_msgsize);
 430        attr.mq_maxmsg = cur_max_msgs;
 431        attr.mq_msgsize = cur_max_msgsize;
 432        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 433                printf("Queue open in excess of rlimit max when euid = 0 "
 434                       "succeeded:\t\tFAIL\n");
 435        else
 436                printf("Queue open in excess of rlimit max when euid = 0 "
 437                       "failed:\t\tPASS\n");
 438        attr.mq_maxmsg = cur_max_msgs + 1;
 439        attr.mq_msgsize = 10;
 440        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 441                printf("Queue open with mq_maxmsg > limit when euid = 0 "
 442                       "succeeded:\t\tPASS\n");
 443        else
 444                printf("Queue open with mq_maxmsg > limit when euid = 0 "
 445                       "failed:\t\tFAIL\n");
 446        attr.mq_maxmsg = 1;
 447        attr.mq_msgsize = cur_max_msgsize + 1;
 448        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 449                printf("Queue open with mq_msgsize > limit when euid = 0 "
 450                       "succeeded:\t\tPASS\n");
 451        else
 452                printf("Queue open with mq_msgsize > limit when euid = 0 "
 453                       "failed:\t\tFAIL\n");
 454        attr.mq_maxmsg = 65536;
 455        attr.mq_msgsize = 65536;
 456        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 457                printf("Queue open with total size > 2GB when euid = 0 "
 458                       "succeeded:\t\tFAIL\n");
 459        else
 460                printf("Queue open with total size > 2GB when euid = 0 "
 461                       "failed:\t\t\tPASS\n");
 463        if (seteuid(99) == -1) {
 464                perror("seteuid() failed");
 465                exit(1);
 466        }
 468        attr.mq_maxmsg = cur_max_msgs;
 469        attr.mq_msgsize = cur_max_msgsize;
 470        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 471                printf("Queue open in excess of rlimit max when euid = 99 "
 472                       "succeeded:\t\tFAIL\n");
 473        else
 474                printf("Queue open in excess of rlimit max when euid = 99 "
 475                       "failed:\t\tPASS\n");
 476        attr.mq_maxmsg = cur_max_msgs + 1;
 477        attr.mq_msgsize = 10;
 478        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 479                printf("Queue open with mq_maxmsg > limit when euid = 99 "
 480                       "succeeded:\t\tFAIL\n");
 481        else
 482                printf("Queue open with mq_maxmsg > limit when euid = 99 "
 483                       "failed:\t\tPASS\n");
 484        attr.mq_maxmsg = 1;
 485        attr.mq_msgsize = cur_max_msgsize + 1;
 486        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 487                printf("Queue open with mq_msgsize > limit when euid = 99 "
 488                       "succeeded:\t\tFAIL\n");
 489        else
 490                printf("Queue open with mq_msgsize > limit when euid = 99 "
 491                       "failed:\t\tPASS\n");
 492        attr.mq_maxmsg = 65536;
 493        attr.mq_msgsize = 65536;
 494        if (test_queue_fail(&attr, &result))
 495                printf("Queue open with total size > 2GB when euid = 99 "
 496                       "succeeded:\t\tFAIL\n");
 497        else
 498                printf("Queue open with total size > 2GB when euid = 99 "
 499                       "failed:\t\t\tPASS\n");
 501        shutdown(0,"",0);