   1/* Local definitions for the decNumber C Library.
   2   Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   3   Contributed by IBM Corporation.  Author Mike Cowlishaw.
   5   This file is part of GCC.
   7   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
   8   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
   9   Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
  10   version.
  12   In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License,
  13   the Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link
  14   the compiled version of this file into combinations with other
  15   programs, and to distribute those combinations without any
  16   restriction coming from the use of this file.  (The General Public
  17   License restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they
  18   cover modification of the file, and distribution when not linked
  19   into a combine executable.)
  21   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
  22   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  23   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  24   for more details.
  26   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  27   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
  28   Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
  29   02110-1301, USA.  */
  31/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  32/* decNumber package local type, tuning, and macro definitions        */
  33/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  34/* This header file is included by all modules in the decNumber       */
  35/* library, and contains local type definitions, tuning parameters,   */
  36/* etc.  It should not need to be used by application programs.       */
  37/* decNumber.h or one of decDouble (etc.) must be included first.     */
  38/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  40#if !defined(DECNUMBERLOC)
  41  #define DECNUMBERLOC
  42  #define DECVERSION    "decNumber 3.53" /* Package Version [16 max.] */
  43  #define DECNLAUTHOR   "Mike Cowlishaw"              /* Who to blame */
  45  #include "libdecnumber/dconfig.h"
  47  /* Conditional code flag -- set this to match hardware platform     */
  48  /* 1=little-endian, 0=big-endian                                    */
  50  #define DECLITEND 0
  51  #else
  52  #define DECLITEND 1
  53  #endif
  55  /* Conditional code flag -- set this to 1 for best performance      */
  56  #define DECUSE64  1         /* 1=use int64s, 0=int32 & smaller only */
  58  /* Conditional check flags -- set these to 0 for best performance   */
  59  #define DECCHECK  0         /* 1 to enable robust checking          */
  60  #define DECALLOC  0         /* 1 to enable memory accounting        */
  61  #define DECTRACE  0         /* 1 to trace certain internals, etc.   */
  63  /* Tuning parameter for decNumber (arbitrary precision) module      */
  64  #define DECBUFFER 36        /* Size basis for local buffers.  This  */
  65                              /* should be a common maximum precision */
  66                              /* rounded up to a multiple of 4; must  */
  67                              /* be zero or positive.                 */
  69  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
  70  /* Definitions for all modules (general-purpose)                    */
  71  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
  73  /* Local names for common types -- for safety, decNumber modules do */
  74  /* not use int or long directly.                                    */
  75  #define Flag   uint8_t
  76  #define Byte   int8_t
  77  #define uByte  uint8_t
  78  #define Short  int16_t
  79  #define uShort uint16_t
  80  #define Int    int32_t
  81  #define uInt   uint32_t
  82  #define Unit   decNumberUnit
  83  #if DECUSE64
  84  #define Long   int64_t
  85  #define uLong  uint64_t
  86  #endif
  88  /* Development-use definitions                                      */
  89  typedef long int LI;        /* for printf arguments only            */
  90  #define DECNOINT  0         /* 1 to check no internal use of 'int'  */
  91  #if DECNOINT
  92    /* if these interfere with your C includes, do not set DECNOINT   */
  93    #define  int ?            /* enable to ensure that plain C 'int'  */
  94    #define  long ??          /* .. or 'long' types are not used      */
  95  #endif
  97  /* Shared lookup tables                                             */
  98  extern const uByte  DECSTICKYTAB[10]; /* re-round digits if sticky  */
  99  extern const uLong  DECPOWERS[19];    /* powers of ten table        */
 100  /* The following are included from decDPD.h                         */
 101  extern const uShort DPD2BIN[1024];    /* DPD -> 0-999               */
 102  extern const uShort BIN2DPD[1000];    /* 0-999 -> DPD               */
 103  extern const uInt   DPD2BINK[1024];   /* DPD -> 0-999000            */
 104  extern const uInt   DPD2BINM[1024];   /* DPD -> 0-999000000         */
 105  extern const uByte  DPD2BCD8[4096];   /* DPD -> ddd + len           */
 106  extern const uByte  BIN2BCD8[4000];   /* 0-999 -> ddd + len         */
 107  extern const uShort BCD2DPD[2458];    /* 0-0x999 -> DPD (0x999=2457)*/
 109  /* LONGMUL32HI -- set w=(u*v)>>32, where w, u, and v are uInts      */
 110  /* (that is, sets w to be the high-order word of the 64-bit result; */
 111  /* the low-order word is simply u*v.)                               */
 112  /* This version is derived from Knuth via Hacker's Delight;         */
 113  /* it seems to optimize better than some others tried               */
 114  #define LONGMUL32HI(w, u, v) {             \
 115    uInt u0, u1, v0, v1, w0, w1, w2, t;      \
 116    u0=u & 0xffff; u1=u>>16;                 \
 117    v0=v & 0xffff; v1=v>>16;                 \
 118    w0=u0*v0;                                \
 119    t=u1*v0 + (w0>>16);                      \
 120    w1=t & 0xffff; w2=t>>16;                 \
 121    w1=u0*v1 + w1;                           \
 122    (w)=u1*v1 + w2 + (w1>>16);}
 124  /* ROUNDUP -- round an integer up to a multiple of n                */
 125  #define ROUNDUP(i, n) ((((i)+(n)-1)/n)*n)
 127  /* ROUNDDOWN -- round an integer down to a multiple of n            */
 128  #define ROUNDDOWN(i, n) (((i)/n)*n)
 129  #define ROUNDDOWN4(i)   ((i)&~3)      /* special for n=4            */
 131  /* References to multi-byte sequences under different sizes         */
 132  /* Refer to a uInt from four bytes starting at a char* or uByte*,   */
 133  /* etc.                                                             */
 134  #define UINTAT(b)   (*((uInt   *)(b)))
 135  #define USHORTAT(b) (*((uShort *)(b)))
 136  #define UBYTEAT(b)  (*((uByte  *)(b)))
 138  /* X10 and X100 -- multiply integer i by 10 or 100                  */
 139  /* [shifts are usually faster than multiply; could be conditional]  */
 140  #define X10(i)  (((i)<<1)+((i)<<3))
 141  #define X100(i) (((i)<<2)+((i)<<5)+((i)<<6))
 143  /* MAXI and MINI -- general max & min (not in ANSI) for integers    */
 144  #define MAXI(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(y):(x))
 145  #define MINI(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(y):(x))
 147  /* Useful constants                                                 */
 148  #define BILLION      1000000000            /* 10**9                 */
 149  /* CHARMASK: 0x30303030 for ASCII/UTF8; 0xF0F0F0F0 for EBCDIC       */
 150  #define CHARMASK ((((((((uInt)'0')<<8)+'0')<<8)+'0')<<8)+'0')
 153  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
 154  /* Definitions for arbitrary-precision modules (only valid after    */
 155  /* decNumber.h has been included)                                   */
 156  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
 158  /* Limits and constants                                             */
 159  #define DECNUMMAXP 999999999  /* maximum precision code can handle  */
 160  #define DECNUMMAXE 999999999  /* maximum adjusted exponent ditto    */
 161  #define DECNUMMINE -999999999 /* minimum adjusted exponent ditto    */
 163    #error Maximum digits mismatch
 164  #endif
 166    #error Maximum exponent mismatch
 167  #endif
 169    #error Minimum exponent mismatch
 170  #endif
 172  /* Set DECDPUNMAX -- the maximum integer that fits in DECDPUN       */
 173  /* digits, and D2UTABLE -- the initializer for the D2U table        */
 174  #if   DECDPUN==1
 175    #define DECDPUNMAX 9
 176    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,  \
 177                      18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, \
 178                      33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47, \
 179                      48,49}
 180  #elif DECDPUN==2
 181    #define DECDPUNMAX 99
 182    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,  \
 183                      11,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16,16,17,17,18, \
 184                      18,19,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,23,24,24,25}
 185  #elif DECDPUN==3
 186    #define DECDPUNMAX 999
 187    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,  \
 188                      8,8,8,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,11,12,12,12,13,13, \
 189                      13,14,14,14,15,15,15,16,16,16,17}
 190  #elif DECDPUN==4
 191    #define DECDPUNMAX 9999
 192    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,  \
 193                      6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,11, \
 194                      11,11,11,12,12,12,12,13}
 195  #elif DECDPUN==5
 196    #define DECDPUNMAX 99999
 197    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,  \
 198                      5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,  \
 199                      9,9,10,10,10,10}
 200  #elif DECDPUN==6
 201    #define DECDPUNMAX 999999
 202    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,  \
 203                      4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,  \
 204                      8,8,8,8,8,9}
 205  #elif DECDPUN==7
 206    #define DECDPUNMAX 9999999
 207    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,  \
 208                      4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,  \
 209                      7,7,7,7,7,7}
 210  #elif DECDPUN==8
 211    #define DECDPUNMAX 99999999
 212    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,  \
 213                      3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,  \
 214                      6,6,6,6,6,7}
 215  #elif DECDPUN==9
 216    #define DECDPUNMAX 999999999
 217    #define D2UTABLE {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,  \
 218                      3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,  \
 219                      5,5,6,6,6,6}
 220  #elif defined(DECDPUN)
 221    #error DECDPUN must be in the range 1-9
 222  #endif
 224  /* ----- Shared data (in decNumber.c) ----- */
 225  /* Public lookup table used by the D2U macro (see below)            */
 226  #define DECMAXD2U 49
 227  extern const uByte d2utable[DECMAXD2U+1];
 229  /* ----- Macros ----- */
 230  /* ISZERO -- return true if decNumber dn is a zero                  */
 231  /* [performance-critical in some situations]                        */
 232  #define ISZERO(dn) decNumberIsZero(dn)     /* now just a local name */
 234  /* D2U -- return the number of Units needed to hold d digits        */
 235  /* (runtime version, with table lookaside for small d)              */
 236  #if DECDPUN==8
 237    #define D2U(d) ((unsigned)((d)<=DECMAXD2U?d2utable[d]:((d)+7)>>3))
 238  #elif DECDPUN==4
 239    #define D2U(d) ((unsigned)((d)<=DECMAXD2U?d2utable[d]:((d)+3)>>2))
 240  #else
 241    #define D2U(d) ((d)<=DECMAXD2U?d2utable[d]:((d)+DECDPUN-1)/DECDPUN)
 242  #endif
 243  /* SD2U -- static D2U macro (for compile-time calculation)          */
 244  #define SD2U(d) (((d)+DECDPUN-1)/DECDPUN)
 246  /* MSUDIGITS -- returns digits in msu, from digits, calculated      */
 247  /* using D2U                                                        */
 248  #define MSUDIGITS(d) ((d)-(D2U(d)-1)*DECDPUN)
 250  /* D2N -- return the number of decNumber structs that would be      */
 251  /* needed to contain that number of digits (and the initial         */
 252  /* decNumber struct) safely.  Note that one Unit is included in the */
 253  /* initial structure.  Used for allocating space that is aligned on */
 254  /* a decNumber struct boundary. */
 255  #define D2N(d) \
 256    ((((SD2U(d)-1)*sizeof(Unit))+sizeof(decNumber)*2-1)/sizeof(decNumber))
 258  /* TODIGIT -- macro to remove the leading digit from the unsigned   */
 259  /* integer u at column cut (counting from the right, LSD=0) and     */
 260  /* place it as an ASCII character into the character pointed to by  */
 261  /* c.  Note that cut must be <= 9, and the maximum value for u is   */
 262  /* 2,000,000,000 (as is needed for negative exponents of            */
 263  /* subnormals).  The unsigned integer pow is used as a temporary    */
 264  /* variable. */
 265  #define TODIGIT(u, cut, c, pow) {       \
 266    *(c)='0';                             \
 267    pow=DECPOWERS[cut]*2;                 \
 268    if ((u)>pow) {                        \
 269      pow*=4;                             \
 270      if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=8;}  \
 271      pow/=2;                             \
 272      if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=4;}  \
 273      pow/=2;                             \
 274      }                                   \
 275    if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=2;}    \
 276    pow/=2;                               \
 277    if ((u)>=pow) {(u)-=pow; *(c)+=1;}    \
 278    }
 280  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
 281  /* Definitions for fixed-precision modules (only valid after        */
 282  /* decSingle.h, decDouble.h, or decQuad.h has been included)        */
 283  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
 285  /* bcdnum -- a structure describing a format-independent finite     */
 286  /* number, whose coefficient is a string of bcd8 uBytes             */
 287  typedef struct {
 288    uByte   *msd;             /* -> most significant digit            */
 289    uByte   *lsd;             /* -> least ditto                       */
 290    uInt     sign;            /* 0=positive, DECFLOAT_Sign=negative   */
 291    Int      exponent;        /* Unadjusted signed exponent (q), or   */
 292                              /* DECFLOAT_NaN etc. for a special      */
 293    } bcdnum;
 295  /* Test if exponent or bcdnum exponent must be a special, etc.      */
 296  #define EXPISSPECIAL(exp) ((exp)>=DECFLOAT_MinSp)
 297  #define EXPISINF(exp) (exp==DECFLOAT_Inf)
 298  #define EXPISNAN(exp) (exp==DECFLOAT_qNaN || exp==DECFLOAT_sNaN)
 299  #define NUMISSPECIAL(num) (EXPISSPECIAL((num)->exponent))
 301  /* Refer to a 32-bit word or byte in a decFloat (df) by big-endian  */
 302  /* (array) notation (the 0 word or byte contains the sign bit),     */
 303  /* automatically adjusting for endianness; similarly address a word */
 304  /* in the next-wider format (decFloatWider, or dfw)                 */
 305  #define DECWORDS  (DECBYTES/4)
 306  #define DECWWORDS (DECWBYTES/4)
 307  #if DECLITEND
 308    #define DFWORD(df, off) ((df)->words[DECWORDS-1-(off)])
 309    #define DFBYTE(df, off) ((df)->bytes[DECBYTES-1-(off)])
 310    #define DFWWORD(dfw, off) ((dfw)->words[DECWWORDS-1-(off)])
 311  #else
 312    #define DFWORD(df, off) ((df)->words[off])
 313    #define DFBYTE(df, off) ((df)->bytes[off])
 314    #define DFWWORD(dfw, off) ((dfw)->words[off])
 315  #endif
 317  /* Tests for sign or specials, directly on DECFLOATs                */
 318  #define DFISSIGNED(df)   (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x80000000)
 319  #define DFISSPECIAL(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x78000000)==0x78000000)
 320  #define DFISINF(df)     ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7c000000)==0x78000000)
 321  #define DFISNAN(df)     ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7c000000)==0x7c000000)
 322  #define DFISQNAN(df)    ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7e000000)==0x7c000000)
 323  #define DFISSNAN(df)    ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7e000000)==0x7e000000)
 325  /* Shared lookup tables                                             */
 326  extern const uInt   DECCOMBMSD[64];   /* Combination field -> MSD   */
 327  extern const uInt   DECCOMBFROM[48];  /* exp+msd -> Combination     */
 329  /* Private generic (utility) routine                                */
 331    extern void decShowNum(const bcdnum *, const char *);
 332  #endif
 334  /* Format-dependent macros and constants                            */
 335  #if defined(DECPMAX)
 337    /* Useful constants                                               */
 338    #define DECPMAX9  (ROUNDUP(DECPMAX, 9)/9)  /* 'Pmax' in 10**9s    */
 339    /* Top words for a zero                                           */
 340    #define SINGLEZERO   0x22500000
 341    #define DOUBLEZERO   0x22380000
 342    #define QUADZERO     0x22080000
 343    /* [ZEROWORD is defined to be one of these in the DFISZERO macro] */
 345    /* Format-dependent common tests:                                 */
 346    /*   DFISZERO   -- test for (any) zero                            */
 347    /*   DFISCCZERO -- test for coefficient continuation being zero   */
 348    /*   DFISCC01   -- test for coefficient contains only 0s and 1s   */
 349    /*   DFISINT    -- test for finite and exponent q=0               */
 350    /*   DFISUINT01 -- test for sign=0, finite, exponent q=0, and     */
 351    /*                 MSD=0 or 1                                     */
 352    /*   ZEROWORD is also defined here.                               */
 353    /* In DFISZERO the first test checks the least-significant word   */
 354    /* (most likely to be non-zero); the penultimate tests MSD and    */
 355    /* DPDs in the signword, and the final test excludes specials and */
 356    /* MSD>7.  DFISINT similarly has to allow for the two forms of    */
 357    /* MSD codes.  DFISUINT01 only has to allow for one form of MSD   */
 358    /* code.                                                          */
 359    #if DECPMAX==7
 360      #define ZEROWORD SINGLEZERO
 361      /* [test macros not needed except for Zero]                     */
 362      #define DFISZERO(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x1c0fffff)==0         \
 363                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x60000000)!=0x60000000)
 364    #elif DECPMAX==16
 365      #define ZEROWORD DOUBLEZERO
 366      #define DFISZERO(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
 367                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x1c03ffff)==0         \
 368                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x60000000)!=0x60000000))
 369      #define DFISINT(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x63fc0000)==0x22380000  \
 370                         ||(DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7bfc0000)==0x6a380000)
 371      #define DFISUINT01(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0xfbfc0000)==0x22380000)
 372      #define DFISCCZERO(df) (DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
 373                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x0003ffff)==0)
 374      #define DFISCC01(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 0)&~0xfffc9124)==0        \
 375                          && (DFWORD(df, 1)&~0x49124491)==0)
 376    #elif DECPMAX==34
 377      #define ZEROWORD QUADZERO
 378      #define DFISZERO(df)  ((DFWORD(df, 3)==0                     \
 379                          &&  DFWORD(df, 2)==0                     \
 380                          &&  DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
 381                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x1c003fff)==0         \
 382                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x60000000)!=0x60000000))
 383      #define DFISINT(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0x63ffc000)==0x22080000  \
 384                         ||(DFWORD(df, 0)&0x7bffc000)==0x6a080000)
 385      #define DFISUINT01(df) ((DFWORD(df, 0)&0xfbffc000)==0x22080000)
 386      #define DFISCCZERO(df) (DFWORD(df, 3)==0                     \
 387                          &&  DFWORD(df, 2)==0                     \
 388                          &&  DFWORD(df, 1)==0                     \
 389                          && (DFWORD(df, 0)&0x00003fff)==0)
 391      #define DFISCC01(df)   ((DFWORD(df, 0)&~0xffffc912)==0       \
 392                          &&  (DFWORD(df, 1)&~0x44912449)==0       \
 393                          &&  (DFWORD(df, 2)&~0x12449124)==0       \
 394                          &&  (DFWORD(df, 3)&~0x49124491)==0)
 395    #endif
 397    /* Macros to test if a certain 10 bits of a uInt or pair of uInts */
 398    /* are a canonical declet [higher or lower bits are ignored].     */
 399    /* declet is at offset 0 (from the right) in a uInt:              */
 400    #define CANONDPD(dpd) (((dpd)&0x300)==0 || ((dpd)&0x6e)!=0x6e)
 401    /* declet is at offset k (a multiple of 2) in a uInt:             */
 402    #define CANONDPDOFF(dpd, k) (((dpd)&(0x300<<(k)))==0            \
 403      || ((dpd)&(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))!=(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))
 404    /* declet is at offset k (a multiple of 2) in a pair of uInts:    */
 405    /* [the top 2 bits will always be in the more-significant uInt]   */
 406    #define CANONDPDTWO(hi, lo, k) (((hi)&(0x300>>(32-(k))))==0     \
 407      || ((hi)&(0x6e>>(32-(k))))!=(0x6e>>(32-(k)))                  \
 408      || ((lo)&(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))!=(((uInt)0x6e)<<(k)))
 410    /* Macro to test whether a full-length (length DECPMAX) BCD8      */
 411    /* coefficient is zero                                            */
 412    /* test just the LSWord first, then the remainder                 */
 413    #if DECPMAX==7
 414      #define ISCOEFFZERO(u) (UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-4)==0              \
 415        && UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-7)==0)
 416    #elif DECPMAX==16
 417      #define ISCOEFFZERO(u) (UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-4)==0              \
 418        && (UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-8)+UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-12)            \
 419           +UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-16))==0)
 420    #elif DECPMAX==34
 421      #define ISCOEFFZERO(u) (UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-4)==0              \
 422        && (UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-8) +UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-12)           \
 423           +UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-16)+UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-20)           \
 424           +UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-24)+UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-28)           \
 425           +UINTAT((u)+DECPMAX-32)+USHORTAT((u)+DECPMAX-34))==0)
 426    #endif
 428    /* Macros and masks for the exponent continuation field and MSD   */
 429    /* Get the exponent continuation from a decFloat *df as an Int    */
 430    #define GETECON(df) ((Int)((DFWORD((df), 0)&0x03ffffff)>>(32-6-DECECONL)))
 431    /* Ditto, from the next-wider format                              */
 432    #define GETWECON(df) ((Int)((DFWWORD((df), 0)&0x03ffffff)>>(32-6-DECWECONL)))
 433    /* Get the biased exponent similarly                              */
 434    #define GETEXP(df)  ((Int)(DECCOMBEXP[DFWORD((df), 0)>>26]+GETECON(df)))
 435    /* Get the unbiased exponent similarly                            */
 436    #define GETEXPUN(df) ((Int)GETEXP(df)-DECBIAS)
 437    /* Get the MSD similarly (as uInt)                                */
 438    #define GETMSD(df)   (DECCOMBMSD[DFWORD((df), 0)>>26])
 440    /* Compile-time computes of the exponent continuation field masks */
 441    /* full exponent continuation field:                              */
 442    #define ECONMASK ((0x03ffffff>>(32-6-DECECONL))<<(32-6-DECECONL))
 443    /* same, not including its first digit (the qNaN/sNaN selector):  */
 444    #define ECONNANMASK ((0x01ffffff>>(32-6-DECECONL))<<(32-6-DECECONL))
 446    /* Macros to decode the coefficient in a finite decFloat *df into */
 447    /* a BCD string (uByte *bcdin) of length DECPMAX uBytes           */
 449    /* In-line sequence to convert 10 bits at right end of uInt dpd   */
 450    /* to three BCD8 digits starting at uByte u.  Note that an extra  */
 451    /* byte is written to the right of the three digits because this  */
 452    /* moves four at a time for speed; the alternative macro moves    */
 453    /* exactly three bytes                                            */
 454    #define dpd2bcd8(u, dpd) {                           \
 455      UINTAT(u)=UINTAT(&DPD2BCD8[((dpd)&0x3ff)*4]);}
 457    #define dpd2bcd83(u, dpd) {                          \
 458      *(u)=DPD2BCD8[((dpd)&0x3ff)*4];                    \
 459      *(u+1)=DPD2BCD8[((dpd)&0x3ff)*4+1];                \
 460      *(u+2)=DPD2BCD8[((dpd)&0x3ff)*4+2];}
 462    /* Decode the declets.  After extracting each one, it is decoded  */
 463    /* to BCD8 using a table lookup (also used for variable-length    */
 464    /* decode).  Each DPD decode is 3 bytes BCD8 plus a one-byte      */
 465    /* length which is not used, here).  Fixed-length 4-byte moves    */
 466    /* are fast, however, almost everywhere, and so are used except   */
 467    /* for the final three bytes (to avoid overrun).  The code below  */
 468    /* is 36 instructions for Doubles and about 70 for Quads, even    */
 469    /* on IA32.                                                       */
 471    /* Two macros are defined for each format:                        */
 472    /*   GETCOEFF extracts the coefficient of the current format      */
 473    /*   GETWCOEFF extracts the coefficient of the next-wider format. */
 474    /* The latter is a copy of the next-wider GETCOEFF using DFWWORD. */
 476    #if DECPMAX==7
 477    #define GETCOEFF(df, bcd) {                          \
 478      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                         \
 479      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
 480      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>10);                       \
 481      dpd2bcd83(bcd+4, sourhi);}
 482    #define GETWCOEFF(df, bcd) {                         \
 483      uInt sourhi=DFWWORD(df, 0);                        \
 484      uInt sourlo=DFWWORD(df, 1);                        \
 485      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
 486      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>8);                        \
 487      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, (sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30));       \
 488      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourlo>>20);                       \
 489      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourlo>>10);                      \
 490      dpd2bcd83(bcd+13, sourlo);}
 492    #elif DECPMAX==16
 493    #define GETCOEFF(df, bcd) {                          \
 494      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                         \
 495      uInt sourlo=DFWORD(df, 1);                         \
 496      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
 497      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>8);                        \
 498      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, (sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30));       \
 499      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourlo>>20);                       \
 500      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourlo>>10);                      \
 501      dpd2bcd83(bcd+13, sourlo);}
 502    #define GETWCOEFF(df, bcd) {                         \
 503      uInt sourhi=DFWWORD(df, 0);                        \
 504      uInt sourmh=DFWWORD(df, 1);                        \
 505      uInt sourml=DFWWORD(df, 2);                        \
 506      uInt sourlo=DFWWORD(df, 3);                        \
 507      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
 508      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>4);                        \
 509      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, ((sourhi)<<6) | (sourmh>>26));     \
 510      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourmh>>16);                       \
 511      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourmh>>6);                       \
 512      dpd2bcd8(bcd+13, ((sourmh)<<4) | (sourml>>28));    \
 513      dpd2bcd8(bcd+16, sourml>>18);                      \
 514      dpd2bcd8(bcd+19, sourml>>8);                       \
 515      dpd2bcd8(bcd+22, ((sourml)<<2) | (sourlo>>30));    \
 516      dpd2bcd8(bcd+25, sourlo>>20);                      \
 517      dpd2bcd8(bcd+28, sourlo>>10);                      \
 518      dpd2bcd83(bcd+31, sourlo);}
 520    #elif DECPMAX==34
 521    #define GETCOEFF(df, bcd) {                          \
 522      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                         \
 523      uInt sourmh=DFWORD(df, 1);                         \
 524      uInt sourml=DFWORD(df, 2);                         \
 525      uInt sourlo=DFWORD(df, 3);                         \
 526      *(bcd)=(uByte)DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];              \
 527      dpd2bcd8(bcd+1, sourhi>>4);                        \
 528      dpd2bcd8(bcd+4, ((sourhi)<<6) | (sourmh>>26));     \
 529      dpd2bcd8(bcd+7, sourmh>>16);                       \
 530      dpd2bcd8(bcd+10, sourmh>>6);                       \
 531      dpd2bcd8(bcd+13, ((sourmh)<<4) | (sourml>>28));    \
 532      dpd2bcd8(bcd+16, sourml>>18);                      \
 533      dpd2bcd8(bcd+19, sourml>>8);                       \
 534      dpd2bcd8(bcd+22, ((sourml)<<2) | (sourlo>>30));    \
 535      dpd2bcd8(bcd+25, sourlo>>20);                      \
 536      dpd2bcd8(bcd+28, sourlo>>10);                      \
 537      dpd2bcd83(bcd+31, sourlo);}
 539      #define GETWCOEFF(df, bcd) {??} /* [should never be used]       */
 540    #endif
 542    /* Macros to decode the coefficient in a finite decFloat *df into */
 543    /* a base-billion uInt array, with the least-significant          */
 544    /* 0-999999999 'digit' at offset 0.                               */
 546    /* Decode the declets.  After extracting each one, it is decoded  */
 547    /* to binary using a table lookup.  Three tables are used; one    */
 548    /* the usual DPD to binary, the other two pre-multiplied by 1000  */
 549    /* and 1000000 to avoid multiplication during decode.  These      */
 550    /* tables can also be used for multiplying up the MSD as the DPD  */
 551    /* code for 0 through 9 is the identity.                          */
 552    #define DPD2BIN0 DPD2BIN         /* for prettier code             */
 554    #if DECPMAX==7
 555    #define GETCOEFFBILL(df, buf) {                           \
 556      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                              \
 557      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN0[sourhi&0x3ff]                         \
 558              +DPD2BINK[(sourhi>>10)&0x3ff]                   \
 559              +DPD2BINM[DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26]];}
 561    #elif DECPMAX==16
 562    #define GETCOEFFBILL(df, buf) {                           \
 563      uInt sourhi, sourlo;                                    \
 564      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
 565      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN0[sourlo&0x3ff]                         \
 566              +DPD2BINK[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff]                   \
 567              +DPD2BINM[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                  \
 568      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
 569      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN0[((sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff]   \
 570              +DPD2BINK[(sourhi>>8)&0x3ff]                    \
 571              +DPD2BINM[DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26]];}
 573    #elif DECPMAX==34
 574    #define GETCOEFFBILL(df, buf) {                           \
 575      uInt sourhi, sourmh, sourml, sourlo;                    \
 576      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 3);                                   \
 577      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN0[sourlo&0x3ff]                         \
 578              +DPD2BINK[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff]                   \
 579              +DPD2BINM[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                  \
 580      sourml=DFWORD(df, 2);                                   \
 581      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN0[((sourml<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff]   \
 582              +DPD2BINK[(sourml>>8)&0x3ff]                    \
 583              +DPD2BINM[(sourml>>18)&0x3ff];                  \
 584      sourmh=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
 585      (buf)[2]=DPD2BIN0[((sourmh<<4) | (sourml>>28))&0x3ff]   \
 586              +DPD2BINK[(sourmh>>6)&0x3ff]                    \
 587              +DPD2BINM[(sourmh>>16)&0x3ff];                  \
 588      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
 589      (buf)[3]=DPD2BIN0[((sourhi<<6) | (sourmh>>26))&0x3ff]   \
 590              +DPD2BINK[(sourhi>>4)&0x3ff]                    \
 591              +DPD2BINM[DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26]];}
 593    #endif
 595    /* Macros to decode the coefficient in a finite decFloat *df into */
 596    /* a base-thousand uInt array, with the least-significant 0-999   */
 597    /* 'digit' at offset 0.                                           */
 599    /* Decode the declets.  After extracting each one, it is decoded  */
 600    /* to binary using a table lookup.                                */
 601    #if DECPMAX==7
 602    #define GETCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
 603      uInt sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                              \
 604      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN[sourhi&0x3ff];                         \
 605      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>10)&0x3ff];                   \
 606      (buf)[2]=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
 608    #elif DECPMAX==16
 609    #define GETCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
 610      uInt sourhi, sourlo;                                    \
 611      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
 612      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN[sourlo&0x3ff];                         \
 613      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff];                   \
 614      (buf)[2]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                   \
 615      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
 616      (buf)[3]=DPD2BIN[((sourhi<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff];   \
 617      (buf)[4]=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>8)&0x3ff];                    \
 618      (buf)[5]=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
 620    #elif DECPMAX==34
 621    #define GETCOEFFTHOU(df, buf) {                           \
 622      uInt sourhi, sourmh, sourml, sourlo;                    \
 623      sourlo=DFWORD(df, 3);                                   \
 624      (buf)[0]=DPD2BIN[sourlo&0x3ff];                         \
 625      (buf)[1]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>10)&0x3ff];                   \
 626      (buf)[2]=DPD2BIN[(sourlo>>20)&0x3ff];                   \
 627      sourml=DFWORD(df, 2);                                   \
 628      (buf)[3]=DPD2BIN[((sourml<<2) | (sourlo>>30))&0x3ff];   \
 629      (buf)[4]=DPD2BIN[(sourml>>8)&0x3ff];                    \
 630      (buf)[5]=DPD2BIN[(sourml>>18)&0x3ff];                   \
 631      sourmh=DFWORD(df, 1);                                   \
 632      (buf)[6]=DPD2BIN[((sourmh<<4) | (sourml>>28))&0x3ff];   \
 633      (buf)[7]=DPD2BIN[(sourmh>>6)&0x3ff];                    \
 634      (buf)[8]=DPD2BIN[(sourmh>>16)&0x3ff];                   \
 635      sourhi=DFWORD(df, 0);                                   \
 636      (buf)[9]=DPD2BIN[((sourhi<<6) | (sourmh>>26))&0x3ff];   \
 637      (buf)[10]=DPD2BIN[(sourhi>>4)&0x3ff];                   \
 638      (buf)[11]=DECCOMBMSD[sourhi>>26];}
 640    #endif
 642    /* Set a decFloat to the maximum positive finite number (Nmax)    */
 643    #if DECPMAX==7
 644    #define DFSETNMAX(df)            \
 645      {DFWORD(df, 0)=0x77f3fcff;}
 646    #elif DECPMAX==16
 647    #define DFSETNMAX(df)            \
 648      {DFWORD(df, 0)=0x77fcff3f;     \
 649       DFWORD(df, 1)=0xcff3fcff;}
 650    #elif DECPMAX==34
 651    #define DFSETNMAX(df)            \
 652      {DFWORD(df, 0)=0x77ffcff3;     \
 653       DFWORD(df, 1)=0xfcff3fcf;     \
 654       DFWORD(df, 2)=0xf3fcff3f;     \
 655       DFWORD(df, 3)=0xcff3fcff;}
 656    #endif
 658  /* [end of format-dependent macros and constants]                   */
 659  #endif
 662  #error decNumberLocal included more than once