   2 * RFC3927 ZeroConf IPv4 Link-Local addressing
   3 * (see <http://www.zeroconf.org/>)
   4 *
   5 * Copied from BusyBox - networking/zcip.c
   6 *
   7 * Copyright (C) 2003 by Arthur van Hoff (avh@strangeberry.com)
   8 * Copyright (C) 2004 by David Brownell
   9 * Copyright (C) 2010 by Joe Hershberger
  10 *
  11 * Licensed under the GPL v2 or later
  12 */
  14#include <common.h>
  15#include <net.h>
  16#include "arp.h"
  17#include "net_rand.h"
  19/* We don't need more than 32 bits of the counter */
  20#define MONOTONIC_MS() ((unsigned)get_timer(0) * (1000 / CONFIG_SYS_HZ))
  22enum {
  23/* */
  24        LINKLOCAL_ADDR = 0xa9fe0000,
  26        IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000,
  27        IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0x0000ffff,
  29/* protocol timeout parameters, specified in seconds */
  30        PROBE_WAIT = 1,
  31        PROBE_MIN = 1,
  32        PROBE_MAX = 2,
  33        PROBE_NUM = 3,
  34        MAX_CONFLICTS = 10,
  35        RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL = 60,
  36        ANNOUNCE_WAIT = 2,
  37        ANNOUNCE_NUM = 2,
  38        ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL = 2,
  39        DEFEND_INTERVAL = 10
  42/* States during the configuration process. */
  43static enum ll_state_t {
  44        PROBE = 0,
  45        RATE_LIMIT_PROBE,
  46        ANNOUNCE,
  47        MONITOR,
  48        DEFEND,
  49        DISABLED
  50} state = DISABLED;
  52static struct in_addr ip;
  53static int timeout_ms = -1;
  54static unsigned deadline_ms;
  55static unsigned conflicts;
  56static unsigned nprobes;
  57static unsigned nclaims;
  58static int ready;
  59static unsigned int seed;
  61static void link_local_timeout(void);
  64 * Pick a random link local IP address on 169.254/16, except that
  65 * the first and last 256 addresses are reserved.
  66 */
  67static struct in_addr pick(void)
  69        unsigned tmp;
  70        struct in_addr ip;
  72        do {
  73                tmp = rand_r(&seed) & IN_CLASSB_HOST;
  74        } while (tmp > (IN_CLASSB_HOST - 0x0200));
  75        ip.s_addr = htonl((LINKLOCAL_ADDR + 0x0100) + tmp);
  76        return ip;
  80 * Return milliseconds of random delay, up to "secs" seconds.
  81 */
  82static inline unsigned random_delay_ms(unsigned secs)
  84        return rand_r(&seed) % (secs * 1000);
  87static void configure_wait(void)
  89        if (timeout_ms == -1)
  90                return;
  92        /* poll, being ready to adjust current timeout */
  93        if (!timeout_ms)
  94                timeout_ms = random_delay_ms(PROBE_WAIT);
  96        /* set deadline_ms to the point in time when we timeout */
  97        deadline_ms = MONOTONIC_MS() + timeout_ms;
  99        debug_cond(DEBUG_DEV_PKT, "...wait %d %s nprobes=%u, nclaims=%u\n",
 100                   timeout_ms, eth_get_name(), nprobes, nclaims);
 102        net_set_timeout_handler(timeout_ms, link_local_timeout);
 105void link_local_start(void)
 107        ip = env_get_ip("llipaddr");
 108        if (ip.s_addr != 0 &&
 109            (ntohl(ip.s_addr) & IN_CLASSB_NET) != LINKLOCAL_ADDR) {
 110                puts("invalid link address");
 111                net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
 112                return;
 113        }
 114        net_netmask.s_addr = htonl(IN_CLASSB_NET);
 116        seed = seed_mac();
 117        if (ip.s_addr == 0)
 118                ip = pick();
 120        state = PROBE;
 121        timeout_ms = 0;
 122        conflicts = 0;
 123        nprobes = 0;
 124        nclaims = 0;
 125        ready = 0;
 127        configure_wait();
 130static void link_local_timeout(void)
 132        switch (state) {
 133        case PROBE:
 134                /* timeouts in the PROBE state mean no conflicting ARP packets
 135                   have been received, so we can progress through the states */
 136                if (nprobes < PROBE_NUM) {
 137                        struct in_addr zero_ip = {.s_addr = 0};
 139                        nprobes++;
 140                        debug_cond(DEBUG_LL_STATE, "probe/%u %s@%pI4\n",
 141                                   nprobes, eth_get_name(), &ip);
 142                        arp_raw_request(zero_ip, net_null_ethaddr, ip);
 143                        timeout_ms = PROBE_MIN * 1000;
 144                        timeout_ms += random_delay_ms(PROBE_MAX - PROBE_MIN);
 145                } else {
 146                        /* Switch to announce state */
 147                        state = ANNOUNCE;
 148                        nclaims = 0;
 149                        debug_cond(DEBUG_LL_STATE, "announce/%u %s@%pI4\n",
 150                                   nclaims, eth_get_name(), &ip);
 151                        arp_raw_request(ip, net_ethaddr, ip);
 152                        timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000;
 153                }
 154                break;
 155        case RATE_LIMIT_PROBE:
 156                /* timeouts in the RATE_LIMIT_PROBE state mean no conflicting
 157                   ARP packets have been received, so we can move immediately
 158                   to the announce state */
 159                state = ANNOUNCE;
 160                nclaims = 0;
 161                debug_cond(DEBUG_LL_STATE, "announce/%u %s@%pI4\n",
 162                           nclaims, eth_get_name(), &ip);
 163                arp_raw_request(ip, net_ethaddr, ip);
 164                timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000;
 165                break;
 166        case ANNOUNCE:
 167                /* timeouts in the ANNOUNCE state mean no conflicting ARP
 168                   packets have been received, so we can progress through
 169                   the states */
 170                if (nclaims < ANNOUNCE_NUM) {
 171                        nclaims++;
 172                        debug_cond(DEBUG_LL_STATE, "announce/%u %s@%pI4\n",
 173                                   nclaims, eth_get_name(), &ip);
 174                        arp_raw_request(ip, net_ethaddr, ip);
 175                        timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000;
 176                } else {
 177                        /* Switch to monitor state */
 178                        state = MONITOR;
 179                        printf("Successfully assigned %pI4\n", &ip);
 180                        net_copy_ip(&net_ip, &ip);
 181                        ready = 1;
 182                        conflicts = 0;
 183                        timeout_ms = -1;
 184                        /* Never timeout in the monitor state */
 185                        net_set_timeout_handler(0, NULL);
 187                        /* NOTE: all other exit paths should deconfig ... */
 188                        net_set_state(NETLOOP_SUCCESS);
 189                        return;
 190                }
 191                break;
 192        case DEFEND:
 193                /* We won!  No ARP replies, so just go back to monitor */
 194                state = MONITOR;
 195                timeout_ms = -1;
 196                conflicts = 0;
 197                break;
 198        default:
 199                /* Invalid, should never happen.  Restart the whole protocol */
 200                state = PROBE;
 201                ip = pick();
 202                timeout_ms = 0;
 203                nprobes = 0;
 204                nclaims = 0;
 205                break;
 206        }
 207        configure_wait();
 210void link_local_receive_arp(struct arp_hdr *arp, int len)
 212        int source_ip_conflict;
 213        int target_ip_conflict;
 214        struct in_addr null_ip = {.s_addr = 0};
 216        if (state == DISABLED)
 217                return;
 219        /* We need to adjust the timeout in case we didn't receive a
 220           conflicting packet. */
 221        if (timeout_ms > 0) {
 222                unsigned diff = deadline_ms - MONOTONIC_MS();
 223                if ((int)(diff) < 0) {
 224                        /* Current time is greater than the expected timeout
 225                           time. This should never happen */
 226                        debug_cond(DEBUG_LL_STATE,
 227                                   "missed an expected timeout\n");
 228                        timeout_ms = 0;
 229                } else {
 230                        debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "adjusting timeout\n");
 231                        timeout_ms = diff | 1; /* never 0 */
 232                }
 233        }
 234#if 0
 235 /* XXX Don't bother with ethernet link just yet */
 236        if ((fds[0].revents & POLLIN) == 0) {
 237                if (fds[0].revents & POLLERR) {
 238                        /*
 239                         * FIXME: links routinely go down;
 240                         */
 241                        bb_error_msg("iface %s is down", eth_get_name());
 242                        if (ready)
 243                                run(argv, "deconfig", &ip);
 244                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
 245                }
 246                continue;
 247        }
 250        debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "%s recv arp type=%d, op=%d,\n",
 251                   eth_get_name(), ntohs(arp->ar_pro),
 252                   ntohs(arp->ar_op));
 253        debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "\tsource=%pM %pI4\n",
 254                   &arp->ar_sha,
 255                   &arp->ar_spa);
 256        debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "\ttarget=%pM %pI4\n",
 257                   &arp->ar_tha,
 258                   &arp->ar_tpa);
 260        if (arp->ar_op != htons(ARPOP_REQUEST) &&
 261            arp->ar_op != htons(ARPOP_REPLY)) {
 262                configure_wait();
 263                return;
 264        }
 266        source_ip_conflict = 0;
 267        target_ip_conflict = 0;
 269        if (memcmp(&arp->ar_spa, &ip, ARP_PLEN) == 0 &&
 270            memcmp(&arp->ar_sha, net_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN) != 0)
 271                source_ip_conflict = 1;
 273        /*
 274         * According to RFC 3927, section 2.2.1:
 275         * Check if packet is an ARP probe by checking for a null source IP
 276         * then check that target IP is equal to ours and source hw addr
 277         * is not equal to ours. This condition should cause a conflict only
 278         * during probe.
 279         */
 280        if (arp->ar_op == htons(ARPOP_REQUEST) &&
 281            memcmp(&arp->ar_spa, &null_ip, ARP_PLEN) == 0 &&
 282            memcmp(&arp->ar_tpa, &ip, ARP_PLEN) == 0 &&
 283            memcmp(&arp->ar_sha, net_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN) != 0) {
 284                target_ip_conflict = 1;
 285        }
 287        debug_cond(DEBUG_NET_PKT,
 288                   "state = %d, source ip conflict = %d, target ip conflict = "
 289                   "%d\n", state, source_ip_conflict, target_ip_conflict);
 290        switch (state) {
 291        case PROBE:
 292        case ANNOUNCE:
 293                /* When probing or announcing, check for source IP conflicts
 294                   and other hosts doing ARP probes (target IP conflicts). */
 295                if (source_ip_conflict || target_ip_conflict) {
 296                        conflicts++;
 297                        state = PROBE;
 298                        if (conflicts >= MAX_CONFLICTS) {
 299                                debug("%s ratelimit\n", eth_get_name());
 300                                timeout_ms = RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL * 1000;
 301                                state = RATE_LIMIT_PROBE;
 302                        }
 304                        /* restart the whole protocol */
 305                        ip = pick();
 306                        timeout_ms = 0;
 307                        nprobes = 0;
 308                        nclaims = 0;
 309                }
 310                break;
 311        case MONITOR:
 312                /* If a conflict, we try to defend with a single ARP probe */
 313                if (source_ip_conflict) {
 314                        debug("monitor conflict -- defending\n");
 315                        state = DEFEND;
 316                        timeout_ms = DEFEND_INTERVAL * 1000;
 317                        arp_raw_request(ip, net_ethaddr, ip);
 318                }
 319                break;
 320        case DEFEND:
 321                /* Well, we tried.  Start over (on conflict) */
 322                if (source_ip_conflict) {
 323                        state = PROBE;
 324                        debug("defend conflict -- starting over\n");
 325                        ready = 0;
 326                        net_ip.s_addr = 0;
 328                        /* restart the whole protocol */
 329                        ip = pick();
 330                        timeout_ms = 0;
 331                        nprobes = 0;
 332                        nclaims = 0;
 333                }
 334                break;
 335        default:
 336                /* Invalid, should never happen.  Restart the whole protocol */
 337                debug("invalid state -- starting over\n");
 338                state = PROBE;
 339                ip = pick();
 340                timeout_ms = 0;
 341                nprobes = 0;
 342                nclaims = 0;
 343                break;
 344        }
 345        configure_wait();