   1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
   3 * LCD controller Memory Map
   4 *
   5 * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
   6 * TsiChung Liew (Tsi-Chung.Liew@freescale.com)
   7 */
   9#ifndef __LCDC_H__
  10#define __LCDC_H__
  12/* LCD module registers */
  13typedef struct lcd_ctrl {
  14        u32 ssar;               /* 0x00 Screen Start Address Register */
  15        u32 sr;                 /* 0x04 LCD Size Register */
  16        u32 vpw;                /* 0x08 Virtual Page Width Register */
  17        u32 cpr;                /* 0x0C Cursor Position Register */
  18        u32 cwhb;               /* 0x10 Cursor Width Height and Blink Register */
  19        u32 ccmr;               /* 0x14 Color Cursor Mapping Register */
  20        u32 pcr;                /* 0x18 Panel Configuration Register */
  21        u32 hcr;                /* 0x1C Horizontal Configuration Register */
  22        u32 vcr;                /* 0x20 Vertical Configuration Register */
  23        u32 por;                /* 0x24 Panning Offset Register */
  24        u32 scr;                /* 0x28 Sharp Configuration Register */
  25        u32 pccr;               /* 0x2C PWM Contrast Control Register */
  26        u32 dcr;                /* 0x30 DMA Control Register */
  27        u32 rmcr;               /* 0x34 Refresh Mode Control Register */
  28        u32 icr;                /* 0x38 Refresh Mode Control Register */
  29        u32 ier;                /* 0x3C Interrupt Enable Register */
  30        u32 isr;                /* 0x40 Interrupt Status Register */
  31        u32 res[4];
  32        u32 gwsar;              /* 0x50 Graphic Window Start Address Register */
  33        u32 gwsr;               /* 0x54 Graphic Window Size Register */
  34        u32 gwvpw;              /* 0x58 Graphic Window Virtual Page Width Register */
  35        u32 gwpor;              /* 0x5C Graphic Window Panning Offset Register */
  36        u32 gwpr;               /* 0x60 Graphic Window Position Register */
  37        u32 gwcr;               /* 0x64 Graphic Window Control Register */
  38        u32 gwdcr;              /* 0x68 Graphic Window DMA Control Register */
  39} lcd_t;
  41typedef struct lcdbg_ctrl {
  42        u32 bglut[255];
  43} lcdbg_t;
  45typedef struct lcdgw_ctrl {
  46        u32 gwlut[255];
  47} lcdgw_t;
  49/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LSSAR */
  50#define LCDC_SSAR_SSA(x)                (((x)&0x3FFFFFFF)<<2)
  52/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LSR */
  53#define LCDC_SR_XMAX(x)                 (((x)&0x0000003F)<<20)
  54#define LCDC_SR_YMAX(x)                 ((x)&0x000003FF)
  56/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LVPWR */
  57#define LCDC_VPWR_VPW(x)                (((x)&0x000003FF)
  59/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LCPR */
  60#define LCDC_CPR_CC(x)                  (((x)&0x00000003)<<30)
  61#define LCDC_CPR_CC_AND                 (0xC0000000)
  62#define LCDC_CPR_CC_XOR                 (0x80000000)
  63#define LCDC_CPR_CC_OR                  (0x40000000)
  64#define LCDC_CPR_CC_TRANSPARENT         (0x00000000)
  65#define LCDC_CPR_OP                     (0x10000000)
  66#define LCDC_CPR_CXP(x)                 (((x)&0x000003FF)<<16)
  67#define LCDC_CPR_CYP(x)                 ((x)&0x000003FF)
  69/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LCWHBR */
  70#define LCDC_CWHBR_BK_EN                (0x80000000)
  71#define LCDC_CWHBR_CW(x)                (((x)&0x0000001F)<<24)
  72#define LCDC_CWHBR_CH(x)                (((x)&0x0000001F)<<16)
  73#define LCDC_CWHBR_BD(x)                ((x)&0x000000FF)
  75/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LCCMR */
  76#define LCDC_CCMR_CUR_COL_R(x)          (((x)&0x0000003F)<<12)
  77#define LCDC_CCMR_CUR_COL_G(x)          (((x)&0x0000003F)<<6)
  78#define LCDC_CCMR_CUR_COL_B(x)          ((x)&0x0000003F)
  80/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LPCR */
  81#define LCDC_PCR_PANEL_TYPE(x)          (((x)&0x00000003)<<30)
  82#define LCDC_PCR_MODE_TFT               (0xC0000000)
  83#define LCDC_PCR_MODE_CSTN              (0x40000000)
  84#define LCDC_PCR_MODE_MONOCHROME        (0x00000000)
  85#define LCDC_PCR_TFT                    (0x80000000)
  86#define LCDC_PCR_COLOR                  (0x40000000)
  87#define LCDC_PCR_PBSIZ(x)               (((x)&0x00000003)<<28)
  88#define LCDC_PCR_PBSIZ_8                (0x30000000)
  89#define LCDC_PCR_PBSIZ_4                (0x20000000)
  90#define LCDC_PCR_PBSIZ_2                (0x10000000)
  91#define LCDC_PCR_PBSIZ_1                (0x00000000)
  92#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX(x)                (((x)&0x00000007)<<25)
  93#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX_18bpp             (0x0C000000)
  94#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX_16bpp             (0x0A000000)
  95#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX_12bpp             (0x08000000)
  96#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX_8bpp              (0x06000000)
  97#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX_4bpp              (0x04000000)
  98#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX_2bpp              (0x02000000)
  99#define LCDC_PCR_BPIX_1bpp              (0x00000000)
 100#define LCDC_PCR_PIXPOL                 (0x01000000)
 101#define LCDC_PCR_FLM                    (0x00800000)
 102#define LCDC_PCR_LPPOL                  (0x00400000)
 103#define LCDC_PCR_CLKPOL                 (0x00200000)
 104#define LCDC_PCR_OEPOL                  (0x00100000)
 105#define LCDC_PCR_SCLKIDLE               (0x00080000)
 106#define LCDC_PCR_ENDSEL                 (0x00040000)
 107#define LCDC_PCR_SWAP_SEL               (0x00020000)
 108#define LCDC_PCR_REV_VS                 (0x00010000)
 109#define LCDC_PCR_ACDSEL                 (0x00008000)
 110#define LCDC_PCR_ACD(x)                 (((x)&0x0000007F)<<8)
 111#define LCDC_PCR_SCLKSEL                (0x00000080)
 112#define LCDC_PCR_SHARP                  (0x00000040)
 113#define LCDC_PCR_PCD(x)                 ((x)&0x0000003F)
 115/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LHCR */
 116#define LCDC_HCR_H_WIDTH(x)             (((x)&0x0000003F)<<26)
 117#define LCDC_HCR_H_WAIT_1(x)            (((x)&0x000000FF)<<8)
 118#define LCDC_HCR_H_WAIT_2(x)            ((x)&0x000000FF)
 120/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LVCR */
 121#define LCDC_VCR_V_WIDTH(x)             (((x)&0x0000003F)<<26)
 122#define LCDC_VCR_V_WAIT_1(x)            (((x)&0x000000FF)<<8)
 123#define LCDC_VCR_V_WAIT_2(x)            ((x)&0x000000FF)
 125/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_SCR */
 126#define LCDC_SCR_PS_R_DELAY(x)          (((x)&0x0000003F) << 26)
 127#define LCDC_SCR_CLS_R_DELAY(x)         (((x)&0x000000FF) << 16)
 128#define LCDC_SCR_RTG_DELAY(x)           (((x)&0x0000000F) << 8)
 129#define LCDC_SCR_GRAY2(x)               (((x)&0x0000000F) << 4)
 130#define LCDC_SCR_GRAY1(x)               ((x)&&0x0000000F)
 132/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LPCCR */
 133#define LCDC_PCCR_CLS_HI_WID(x)         (((x)&0x000001FF)<<16)
 134#define LCDC_PCCR_LDMSK                 (0x00008000)
 135#define LCDC_PCCR_SCR(x)                (((x)&0x00000003)<<9)
 136#define LCDC_PCCR_SCR_LCDCLK            (0x00000400)
 137#define LCDC_PCCR_SCR_PIXCLK            (0x00000200)
 138#define LCDC_PCCR_SCR_LNPULSE           (0x00000000)
 139#define LCDC_PCCR_CC_EN                 (0x00000100)
 140#define LCDC_PCCR_PW(x)                 ((x)&0x000000FF)
 142/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LDCR */
 143#define LCDC_DCR_BURST                  (0x80000000)
 144#define LCDC_DCR_HM(x)                  (((x)&0x0000001F)<<16)
 145#define LCDC_DCR_TM(x)                  ((x)&0x0000001F)
 147/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LRMCR */
 148#define LCDC_RMCR_SEL_REF               (0x00000001)
 150/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LICR */
 151#define LCDC_ICR_GW_INT_CON             (0x00000010)
 152#define LCDC_ICR_INTSYN                 (0x00000004)
 153#define LCDC_ICR_INTCON                 (0x00000001)
 155/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LIER */
 156#define LCDC_IER_GW_UDR                 (0x00000080)
 157#define LCDC_IER_GW_ERR                 (0x00000040)
 158#define LCDC_IER_GW_EOF                 (0x00000020)
 159#define LCDC_IER_GW_BOF                 (0x00000010)
 160#define LCDC_IER_UDR                    (0x00000008)
 161#define LCDC_IER_ERR                    (0x00000004)
 162#define LCDC_IER_EOF                    (0x00000002)
 163#define LCDC_IER_BOF                    (0x00000001)
 165/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LGWSAR */
 166#define LCDC_GWSAR_GWSA(x)              (((x)&0x3FFFFFFF)<<2)
 168/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LGWSR */
 169#define LCDC_GWSR_GWW(x)                (((x)&0x0000003F)<<20)
 170#define LCDC_GWSR_GWH(x)                ((x)&0x000003FF)
 172/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LGWVPWR */
 173#define LCDC_GWVPWR_GWVPW(x)            ((x)&0x000003FF)
 175/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LGWPOR */
 176#define LCDC_GWPOR_GWPO(x)              ((x)&0x0000001F)
 178/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LGWPR */
 179#define LCDC_GWPR_GWXP(x)               (((x)&0x000003FF)<<16)
 180#define LCDC_GWPR_GWYP(x)               ((x)&0x000003FF)
 182/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LGWCR */
 183#define LCDC_GWCR_GWAV(x)               (((x)&0x000000FF)<<24)
 184#define LCDC_GWCR_GWCKE                 (0x00800000)
 185#define LCDC_LGWCR_GWE                  (0x00400000)
 186#define LCDC_LGWCR_GW_RVS               (0x00200000)
 187#define LCDC_LGWCR_GWCKR(x)             (((x)&0x0000003F)<<12)
 188#define LCDC_LGWCR_GWCKG(x)             (((x)&0x0000003F)<<6)
 189#define LCDC_LGWCR_GWCKB(x)             ((x)&0x0000003F)
 191/* Bit definitions and macros for LCDC_LGWDCR */
 192#define LCDC_LGWDCR_GWBT                (0x80000000)
 193#define LCDC_LGWDCR_GWHM(x)             (((x)&0x0000001F)<<16)
 194#define LCDC_LGWDCR_GWTM(x)             ((x)&0x0000001F)
 196#endif                          /* __LCDC_H__ */