   2 * Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates
   3 *
   4 * SPDX-License-Identifier:     GPL-2.0
   5 */
   7#ifndef _DDR3_TRAINING_IP_FLOW_H_
   8#define _DDR3_TRAINING_IP_FLOW_H_
  10#include "ddr3_training_ip.h"
  11#include "ddr3_training_ip_pbs.h"
  13#define MRS0_CMD                        0x3
  14#define MRS1_CMD                        0x4
  15#define MRS2_CMD                        0x8
  16#define MRS3_CMD                        0x9
  19 * Definitions of INTERFACE registers
  20 */
  22#define READ_BUFFER_SELECT              0x14a4
  25 * Definitions of PHY registers
  26 */
  28#define KILLER_PATTERN_LENGTH           32
  29#define EXT_ACCESS_BURST_LENGTH         8
  31#define IS_ACTIVE(if_mask , if_id) \
  32        ((if_mask) & (1 << (if_id)))
  33#define VALIDATE_ACTIVE(mask, id)               \
  34        {                                       \
  35        if (IS_ACTIVE(mask, id) == 0)           \
  36                continue;                       \
  37        }
  40        (ddr3_get_topology_map()->num_of_bus_per_interface)
  42#define DDR3_IS_ECC_PUP3_MODE(if_mask) \
  43        (((if_mask) == 0xb) ? 1 : 0)
  44#define DDR3_IS_ECC_PUP4_MODE(if_mask) \
  45        (((((if_mask) & 0x10) == 0)) ? 0 : 1)
  46#define DDR3_IS_16BIT_DRAM_MODE(mask) \
  47        (((((mask) & 0x4) == 0)) ? 1 : 0)
  49#define MEGA                            1000000
  50#define BUS_WIDTH_IN_BITS               8
  53 * DFX address Space
  54 * Table 2: DFX address space
  55 * Address Bits   Value   Description
  56 * [31 : 20]   0x? DFX base address bases PCIe mapping
  57 * [19 : 15]   0...Number_of_client-1   Client Index inside pipe.
  58 *             See also Table 1 Multi_cast = 29 Broadcast = 28
  59 * [14 : 13]   2'b01   Access to Client Internal Register
  60 * [12 : 0]   Client Internal Register offset   See related Client Registers
  61 * [14 : 13]   2'b00   Access to Ram Wrappers Internal Register
  62 * [12 : 6]   0 Number_of_rams-1   Ram Index inside Client
  63 * [5 : 0]   Ram Wrapper Internal Register offset   See related Ram Wrappers
  64 * Registers
  65 */
  67/* nsec */
  68#define  TREFI_LOW                              7800
  69#define  TREFI_HIGH                             3900
  71#define  TR2R_VALUE_REG                         0x180
  72#define  TR2R_MASK_REG                          0x180
  73#define  TRFC_MASK_REG                          0x7f
  74#define  TR2W_MASK_REG                          0x600
  75#define  TW2W_HIGH_VALUE_REG                    0x1800
  76#define  TW2W_HIGH_MASK_REG                     0xf800
  77#define  TRFC_HIGH_VALUE_REG                    0x20000
  78#define  TRFC_HIGH_MASK_REG                     0x70000
  79#define  TR2R_HIGH_VALUE_REG                    0x0
  80#define  TR2R_HIGH_MASK_REG                     0x380000
  81#define  TMOD_VALUE_REG                         0x16000000
  82#define  TMOD_MASK_REG                          0x1e000000
  83#define  T_VALUE_REG                            0x40000000
  84#define  T_MASK_REG                             0xc0000000
  85#define  AUTO_ZQC_TIMING                        15384
  86#define  WRITE_XBAR_PORT1                       0xc03f8077
  87#define  READ_XBAR_PORT1                        0xc03f8073
  88#define  DISABLE_DDR_TUNING_DATA                0x02294285
  89#define  ENABLE_DDR_TUNING_DATA                 0x12294285
  91#define ODPG_TRAINING_STATUS_REG                0x18488
  92#define ODPG_TRAINING_TRIGGER_REG               0x1030
  93#define ODPG_STATUS_DONE_REG                    0x16fc
  94#define ODPG_ENABLE_REG                         0x186d4
  95#define ODPG_ENABLE_OFFS                        0
  96#define ODPG_DISABLE_OFFS                       8
  98#define ODPG_TRAINING_CONTROL_REG               0x1034
  99#define ODPG_OBJ1_OPCODE_REG                    0x103c
 100#define ODPG_OBJ1_ITER_CNT_REG                  0x10b4
 101#define CALIB_OBJ_PRFA_REG                      0x10c4
 102#define ODPG_WRITE_LEVELING_DONE_CNTR_REG       0x10f8
 103#define ODPG_WRITE_READ_MODE_ENABLE_REG         0x10fc
 104#define TRAINING_OPCODE_1_REG                   0x10b4
 105#define SDRAM_CONFIGURATION_REG                 0x1400
 106#define DDR_CONTROL_LOW_REG                     0x1404
 107#define SDRAM_TIMING_LOW_REG                    0x1408
 108#define SDRAM_TIMING_HIGH_REG                   0x140c
 109#define SDRAM_ACCESS_CONTROL_REG                0x1410
 110#define SDRAM_OPEN_PAGE_CONTROL_REG             0x1414
 111#define SDRAM_OPERATION_REG                     0x1418
 112#define DUNIT_CONTROL_HIGH_REG                  0x1424
 113#define ODT_TIMING_LOW                          0x1428
 114#define DDR_TIMING_REG                          0x142c
 115#define ODT_TIMING_HI_REG                       0x147c
 116#define SDRAM_INIT_CONTROL_REG                  0x1480
 117#define SDRAM_ODT_CONTROL_HIGH_REG              0x1498
 118#define DUNIT_ODT_CONTROL_REG                   0x149c
 119#define READ_BUFFER_SELECT_REG                  0x14a4
 120#define DUNIT_MMASK_REG                         0x14b0
 121#define CALIB_MACHINE_CTRL_REG                  0x14cc
 122#define DRAM_DLL_TIMING_REG                     0x14e0
 123#define DRAM_ZQ_INIT_TIMIMG_REG                 0x14e4
 124#define DRAM_ZQ_TIMING_REG                      0x14e8
 125#define DFS_REG                                 0x1528
 126#define READ_DATA_SAMPLE_DELAY                  0x1538
 127#define READ_DATA_READY_DELAY                   0x153c
 128#define TRAINING_REG                            0x15b0
 129#define TRAINING_SW_1_REG                       0x15b4
 130#define TRAINING_SW_2_REG                       0x15b8
 131#define TRAINING_PATTERN_BASE_ADDRESS_REG       0x15bc
 132#define TRAINING_DBG_1_REG                      0x15c0
 133#define TRAINING_DBG_2_REG                      0x15c4
 134#define TRAINING_DBG_3_REG                      0x15c8
 135#define RANK_CTRL_REG                           0x15e0
 136#define TIMING_REG                              0x15e4
 137#define DRAM_PHY_CONFIGURATION                  0x15ec
 138#define MR0_REG                                 0x15d0
 139#define MR1_REG                                 0x15d4
 140#define MR2_REG                                 0x15d8
 141#define MR3_REG                                 0x15dc
 142#define TIMING_REG                              0x15e4
 143#define ODPG_CTRL_CONTROL_REG                   0x1600
 144#define ODPG_DATA_CONTROL_REG                   0x1630
 145#define ODPG_PATTERN_ADDR_OFFSET_REG            0x1638
 146#define ODPG_DATA_BUF_SIZE_REG                  0x163c
 147#define PHY_LOCK_STATUS_REG                     0x1674
 148#define PHY_REG_FILE_ACCESS                     0x16a0
 149#define TRAINING_WRITE_LEVELING_REG             0x16ac
 150#define ODPG_PATTERN_ADDR_REG                   0x16b0
 151#define ODPG_PATTERN_DATA_HI_REG                0x16b4
 152#define ODPG_PATTERN_DATA_LOW_REG               0x16b8
 153#define ODPG_BIST_LAST_FAIL_ADDR_REG            0x16bc
 154#define ODPG_BIST_DATA_ERROR_COUNTER_REG        0x16c0
 155#define ODPG_BIST_FAILED_DATA_HI_REG            0x16c4
 156#define ODPG_BIST_FAILED_DATA_LOW_REG           0x16c8
 157#define ODPG_WRITE_DATA_ERROR_REG               0x16cc
 158#define CS_ENABLE_REG                           0x16d8
 159#define WR_LEVELING_DQS_PATTERN_REG             0x16dc
 161#define ODPG_BIST_DONE                          0x186d4
 162#define ODPG_BIST_DONE_BIT_OFFS                 0
 163#define ODPG_BIST_DONE_BIT_VALUE                0
 165#define RESULT_CONTROL_BYTE_PUP_0_REG           0x1830
 166#define RESULT_CONTROL_BYTE_PUP_1_REG           0x1834
 167#define RESULT_CONTROL_BYTE_PUP_2_REG           0x1838
 168#define RESULT_CONTROL_BYTE_PUP_3_REG           0x183c
 169#define RESULT_CONTROL_BYTE_PUP_4_REG           0x18b0
 171#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_0_REG          0x18b4
 172#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_1_REG          0x18b8
 173#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_2_REG          0x18bc
 174#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_3_REG          0x18c0
 175#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_4_REG          0x18c4
 176#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_5_REG          0x18c8
 177#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_6_REG          0x18cc
 178#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_0_BIT_7_REG          0x18f0
 179#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_0_REG          0x18f4
 180#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_1_REG          0x18f8
 181#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_2_REG          0x18fc
 182#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_3_REG          0x1930
 183#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_4_REG          0x1934
 184#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_5_REG          0x1938
 185#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_6_REG          0x193c
 186#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_1_BIT_7_REG          0x19b0
 187#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_0_REG          0x19b4
 188#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_1_REG          0x19b8
 189#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_2_REG          0x19bc
 190#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_3_REG          0x19c0
 191#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_4_REG          0x19c4
 192#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_5_REG          0x19c8
 193#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_6_REG          0x19cc
 194#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_2_BIT_7_REG          0x19f0
 195#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_0_REG          0x19f4
 196#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_1_REG          0x19f8
 197#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_2_REG          0x19fc
 198#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_3_REG          0x1a30
 199#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_4_REG          0x1a34
 200#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_5_REG          0x1a38
 201#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_6_REG          0x1a3c
 202#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_3_BIT_7_REG          0x1ab0
 203#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_0_REG          0x1ab4
 204#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_1_REG          0x1ab8
 205#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_2_REG          0x1abc
 206#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_3_REG          0x1ac0
 207#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_4_REG          0x1ac4
 208#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_5_REG          0x1ac8
 209#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_6_REG          0x1acc
 210#define RESULT_CONTROL_PUP_4_BIT_7_REG          0x1af0
 212#define WL_PHY_REG                              0x0
 213#define WRITE_CENTRALIZATION_PHY_REG            0x1
 214#define RL_PHY_REG                              0x2
 215#define READ_CENTRALIZATION_PHY_REG             0x3
 216#define PBS_RX_PHY_REG                          0x50
 217#define PBS_TX_PHY_REG                          0x10
 218#define PHY_CONTROL_PHY_REG                     0x90
 219#define BW_PHY_REG                              0x92
 220#define RATE_PHY_REG                            0x94
 221#define CMOS_CONFIG_PHY_REG                     0xa2
 222#define PAD_ZRI_CALIB_PHY_REG                   0xa4
 223#define PAD_ODT_CALIB_PHY_REG                   0xa6
 224#define PAD_CONFIG_PHY_REG                      0xa8
 225#define PAD_PRE_DISABLE_PHY_REG                 0xa9
 226#define TEST_ADLL_REG                           0xbf
 227#define CSN_IOB_VREF_REG(cs)                    (0xdb + (cs * 12))
 228#define CSN_IO_BASE_VREF_REG(cs)                (0xd0 + (cs * 12))
 230#define RESULT_DB_PHY_REG_ADDR                  0xc0
 231#define RESULT_DB_PHY_REG_RX_OFFSET             5
 232#define RESULT_DB_PHY_REG_TX_OFFSET             0
 234/* TBD - for NP5 use only CS 0 */
 235#define PHY_WRITE_DELAY(cs)                     WL_PHY_REG
 236/*( ( _cs_ == 0 ) ? 0x0 : 0x4 )*/
 237/* TBD - for NP5 use only CS 0 */
 238#define PHY_READ_DELAY(cs)                      RL_PHY_REG
 240#define DDR0_ADDR_1                             0xf8258
 241#define DDR0_ADDR_2                             0xf8254
 242#define DDR1_ADDR_1                             0xf8270
 243#define DDR1_ADDR_2                             0xf8270
 244#define DDR2_ADDR_1                             0xf825c
 245#define DDR2_ADDR_2                             0xf825c
 246#define DDR3_ADDR_1                             0xf8264
 247#define DDR3_ADDR_2                             0xf8260
 248#define DDR4_ADDR_1                             0xf8274
 249#define DDR4_ADDR_2                             0xf8274
 251#define GENERAL_PURPOSE_RESERVED0_REG           0x182e0
 253#define GET_BLOCK_ID_MAX_FREQ(dev_num, block_id)        800000
 254#define CS0_RD_LVL_REF_DLY_OFFS                 0
 255#define CS0_RD_LVL_REF_DLY_LEN                  0
 256#define CS0_RD_LVL_PH_SEL_OFFS                  0
 257#define CS0_RD_LVL_PH_SEL_LEN                   0
 259#define CS_REGISTER_ADDR_OFFSET                 4
 262#define MAX_POLLING_ITERATIONS                  100000
 264#define PHASE_REG_OFFSET                        32
 265#define NUM_BYTES_IN_BURST                      31
 266#define NUM_OF_CS                               4
 267#define CS_REG_VALUE(cs_num)                    (cs_mask_reg[cs_num])
 268#define ADLL_LENGTH                             32
 270struct write_supp_result {
 271        enum hws_wl_supp stage;
 272        int is_pup_fail;
 275struct page_element {
 276        enum hws_page_size page_size_8bit;
 277        /* page size in 8 bits bus width */
 278        enum hws_page_size page_size_16bit;
 279        /* page size in 16 bits bus width */
 280        u32 ui_page_mask;
 281        /* Mask used in register */
 284int ddr3_tip_write_leveling_static_config(u32 dev_num, u32 if_id,
 285                                          enum hws_ddr_freq frequency,
 286                                          u32 *round_trip_delay_arr);
 287int ddr3_tip_read_leveling_static_config(u32 dev_num, u32 if_id,
 288                                         enum hws_ddr_freq frequency,
 289                                         u32 *total_round_trip_delay_arr);
 290int ddr3_tip_if_write(u32 dev_num, enum hws_access_type interface_access,
 291                      u32 if_id, u32 reg_addr, u32 data_value, u32 mask);
 292int ddr3_tip_if_polling(u32 dev_num, enum hws_access_type access_type,
 293                        u32 if_id, u32 exp_value, u32 mask, u32 offset,
 294                        u32 poll_tries);
 295int ddr3_tip_if_read(u32 dev_num, enum hws_access_type interface_access,
 296                     u32 if_id, u32 reg_addr, u32 *data, u32 mask);
 297int ddr3_tip_bus_read_modify_write(u32 dev_num,
 298                                   enum hws_access_type access_type,
 299                                   u32 if_id, u32 phy_id,
 300                                   enum hws_ddr_phy phy_type,
 301                                   u32 reg_addr, u32 data_value, u32 reg_mask);
 302int ddr3_tip_bus_read(u32 dev_num, u32 if_id, enum hws_access_type phy_access,
 303                      u32 phy_id, enum hws_ddr_phy phy_type, u32 reg_addr,
 304                      u32 *data);
 305int ddr3_tip_bus_write(u32 dev_num, enum hws_access_type e_interface_access,
 306                       u32 if_id, enum hws_access_type e_phy_access, u32 phy_id,
 307                       enum hws_ddr_phy e_phy_type, u32 reg_addr,
 308                       u32 data_value);
 309int ddr3_tip_freq_set(u32 dev_num, enum hws_access_type e_access, u32 if_id,
 310                      enum hws_ddr_freq memory_freq);
 311int ddr3_tip_adjust_dqs(u32 dev_num);
 312int ddr3_tip_init_controller(u32 dev_num);
 313int ddr3_tip_ext_read(u32 dev_num, u32 if_id, u32 reg_addr,
 314                      u32 num_of_bursts, u32 *addr);
 315int ddr3_tip_ext_write(u32 dev_num, u32 if_id, u32 reg_addr,
 316                       u32 num_of_bursts, u32 *addr);
 317int ddr3_tip_dynamic_read_leveling(u32 dev_num, u32 ui_freq);
 318int ddr3_tip_legacy_dynamic_read_leveling(u32 dev_num);
 319int ddr3_tip_dynamic_per_bit_read_leveling(u32 dev_num, u32 ui_freq);
 320int ddr3_tip_legacy_dynamic_write_leveling(u32 dev_num);
 321int ddr3_tip_dynamic_write_leveling(u32 dev_num);
 322int ddr3_tip_dynamic_write_leveling_supp(u32 dev_num);
 323int ddr3_tip_static_init_controller(u32 dev_num);
 324int ddr3_tip_configure_phy(u32 dev_num);
 325int ddr3_tip_load_pattern_to_odpg(u32 dev_num, enum hws_access_type access_type,
 326                                  u32 if_id, enum hws_pattern pattern,
 327                                  u32 load_addr);
 328int ddr3_tip_load_pattern_to_mem(u32 dev_num, enum hws_pattern e_pattern);
 329int ddr3_tip_configure_odpg(u32 dev_num, enum hws_access_type access_type,
 330                            u32 if_id, enum hws_dir direction, u32 tx_phases,
 331                            u32 tx_burst_size, u32 rx_phases,
 332                            u32 delay_between_burst, u32 rd_mode, u32 cs_num,
 333                            u32 addr_stress_jump, u32 single_pattern);
 334int ddr3_tip_set_atr(u32 dev_num, u32 flag_id, u32 value);
 335int ddr3_tip_write_mrs_cmd(u32 dev_num, u32 *cs_mask_arr, u32 cmd, u32 data,
 336                           u32 mask);
 337int ddr3_tip_write_cs_result(u32 dev_num, u32 offset);
 338int ddr3_tip_get_first_active_if(u8 dev_num, u32 interface_mask, u32 *if_id);
 339int ddr3_tip_reset_fifo_ptr(u32 dev_num);
 340int read_pup_value(int pup_values[MAX_INTERFACE_NUM * MAX_BUS_NUM],
 341                   int reg_addr, u32 mask);
 342int read_adll_value(u32 pup_values[MAX_INTERFACE_NUM * MAX_BUS_NUM],
 343                    int reg_addr, u32 mask);
 344int write_adll_value(u32 pup_values[MAX_INTERFACE_NUM * MAX_BUS_NUM],
 345                     int reg_addr);
 346int ddr3_tip_tune_training_params(u32 dev_num,
 347                                  struct tune_train_params *params);
 349#endif /* _DDR3_TRAINING_IP_FLOW_H_ */